VN - Unity - Completed - Student Council Leader Auriel [Final] [Magic Drug]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    GG. Good game. Trying to show some support if the Dev decides to make another game on the NTR(Netori) sub-genre. I think it is fairly unpopular/unknown in the general scheme of game variety in the Metaverse and requires greater attention. That's why I applaud the Dev as one of the heroes of the new gen of conceptual renaissance for the most humble of gentleman. Nay to the cucks, yay to the Sigma progenitors.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Review of version 1.13


    Only 8 scenes (short but decent art) and poor gameplay. Don’t bother, just download the save.

    The premise of the game is that you are a student council president and you kidnap a member of the student council and then have 30 days to train her.


    The gameplay is divided into two phases: information and item gathering during the day, and training during the night. Each day starts with you getting some money and then you have some hours to spend before you need to go home. You can visit 6 different locations where you can either talk to people or buy items. There's also a gambling game to get more money. Going to different locations and gambling advances time by a bunch. Time is also slowly advancing all the time (like when you are talking or shopping). I didn’t find it to be a problem since there isn’t much to do. Talking to people lets you figure out what the girl you captured likes, so you can buy the items that increase her stats the most. You can also open a drug shop through talking and some new characters to talk to. Through talking you gain "keywords" that you can use on different people for more information, though mostly just on the captive girl. The idea is nice but there aren’t enough people/items/keywords to make it interesting. Most of the items the captive likes are cheap so you can just try most of them on her before you gain the info. Most of the time I just bought the best items and went home since there was nothing new to do.

    The gambling portion has two different minigames. Some kind of poker minigame that I didn’t understand, and in the other there is a deck of cards where one is shown and you have to guess if the next card is higher, lower or the same value. Winning isn’t too hard but you don’t win back your original bet, instead your bet is multiplied by 1.2 for higher/lower and 4 for “same”. After a win you can double-up and if you win you get the multiplier again (so 1.44 and so on). If you lose, you lose the original bet and the multiplier. It is such a scam. It also bugs out sometimes and you lose money and advance time, but you don’t get to play the minigame. You also get more than enough money each day, so there is no need to waste your time on it.

    The training part is an utter disappointment. After the first phase is done, you get taken to a menu where you can train her, save, or sleep to the next day (yes, you can only save here). In the training menu you see a static image of her face as well as her stats: training, addiction, like, and satiety. To advance the game you need to get “training” and “like” to specific values while keeping satiety from going to 0. Addiction raises from using drugs, but I never got it to level 1 since it reset each day. As for actual actions you can take, you can talk to her once a day for slight increase in “training” or “like”. She always gives the same response to same options no matter her progress (along the lines of, “she cried”, “she was embarrassed”, no scenes here). Besides talking, you can use keywords (nothing happens outside of her speaking a few sentences) and use items. Different items raise and lower the stats in various ways but nothing beyond that, no scenes. Same thing with the clothes you can buy and give her, no scenes or any other changes. After you reach a goal (for example training 1), you get a scene. There are 8 goals and thus 8 scenes. The sex acts you do in them escalate from light touching to fucking, so nothing special. The scenes are usually short and only have one image with slight variations (expression, arm/leg position etc.). The art, writing, and voice acting are decent, nothing special for a hentai game.

    The translation is an MTL, but it’s decent. It was understandable and most of the time didn’t bother me. Do note that the game doesn’t start in English so just click the menu buttons until you find options and then the language switcher.

    Ultimately the gameplay is too bad and takes too long for the scenes you get to be worth it. Just download the save and watch the scenes.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It's excellent at being the type of game it wants to be, a netori game with good art that really focuses heavily on the netori aspect.

    You play an oddly fitting handsome bastard MC instead of a traditional ugly bastard MC

    The translation is great, it's easy to forget this wasn't originally an english game.

    The only thing I'd say I didn't like about this game is the timer that marks how long you have before a day is up, at the very least the creator should've made it stop while you're in the middle of a conversation.

    I recommend using cheat engine to manipulate your amount of money, the daily timers make trying to figure out what your doing and getting it done the legit way very annoying, some might like the challenge I personally didn't if I could remove the daily timers I wouldn't mind the gameplay loop it looks nice but your forced to always rush everything. (Note for cheaters seeking to cheat, time freezes once the day is up and starts again at the start of a new day and values don't seem to change when you reload a save.)