
HTML - Abandoned - Student X-Change Program [v1.15.01] [JonesI]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    by far one of the best erotica games I have played ever - and that's a statement of wild proportions. The story(s) are fun and clever and playful, the themes are hot and horny, the images are well matched to the text, the unpredictability is very pleasant. Wish it wasn't dead. 10/10
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    + Quite good freedom of choice, on which the further story depends.
    + Very hot events, excellent text.
    + There are good bad endings.
    + A lot depends on perks and initial choices, so the game can be replayed many times to find all the events and endings.
    + The simplest possible technical implementation, just for those who love old-school games of the 2010s.

    - Unfortunately, the game is abandoned and is unlikely to ever be finished.

    Overall: I love this game, although today 50% of players will definitely not like it.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I didn't *love* this game, but I can why see others would, if that makes sense.

    It manages to have many distinct paths and choices, while at the same time feeling a bit constricted.

    You pick a body type, pick a roomie, fuck as many people as possible, get a designed ending based on who you fucked, repeat.

    Sometimes you're rail-roaded into having sex, which I didn't like. I always want as much control over my character as possible. Especially in corruption games. I wanna' be able to have a say in how fast the slutification occures.

    And, that isn't very consistent here.

    This is a fun transformation game, but you'll probably get bored after a few playthroughs.

  4. 4.00 star(s)


    More a 3.5/5 or less for real TF fans I guess ...

    If you want to have a game that handles the problems and discomfort of transformation, this is not for you. The MC and everybody around is accepting the tf.

    The game is more about an female MC that found her tru self than a male MC put into a female body.

    I had a lot of fun with the game tbh - more than expected.

    It has several different branches and already some endings.

    Sometimes I think there is a lack of choice in some situations and you have to keep going (e.g. visiting the uncle - sure you can go back, but there is no game choice to avoid that stuff when you visit him - but you can avoid going there).

    There are some logic issues with (I think) exotic choice combinations - I had runs where (e.g) a relationship with Peter is coming out of nowhere.

    imho some endings are a bit rushed - especially the "Prince" ending. Such a fun path, but I think there is a lot of potential when visiting the parents. Oh - and there I found it strange that the father doesnt mention anything, bc in that run I had a run in with him in the strip club and had to leave ... and later that wasnt a topic anymore.

    But I guess bugfixing this might be a pita :D

    All in all - a fun game. :)
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    I'd really rate this around 2.5/5 but it's not an option. Personally, the whole appeal of transformation is the corruption and uncomfortable feelings associated with being the opposite sex. So when I played this, I felt it was extremely underwhelming. The parents just accepted the situation as if it was just a normal thing. The player had no conflicting feelings about it - Even seemed excited about sex with men. And through the college setting you're either given a choice between slut or no content. The other choices will affect other encounters - Like one guy is into that dick in cage stuff, which means any interaction with your brother involves that stuff too.

    Okay so just to clean up that wall of text, it felt like things were just happening without getting into the mindset of a guy in that situation. It's kind of an interesting premise, but there was too little to roleplay with. I'll give it more time, but I don't expect my stance to change much
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    very porn focused, but there are many different paths to take and many endings. I would say the only real downside is the long wait between updates. though the author did say they would be looking to do smaller content drops more frequently moving forwards.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    While there is promise, you are led into unavoidable encounters that while presents as being the MCs choice, are counter to all previous choices made up to that point

    In my case, I continuously chose f/f encounters and twice affirmed an attraction to women only. Only to then have several scenes where they ONLY paths available led to "consensual" m/f encounters (actually, m/m/f for the first one, WTF?)

    Enforced Heteronormativity for the Loss.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't really understand the good rating.
    You can summarize the "game" with a continue button.
    90% of your actions are clicking on the only available choice.
    Story is not my style and I was kinda bored.
    Your choices in the beginning are not really important.

    It's a written story advertised as a game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 1.14.03

    As a game : 0/5
    As a playable story: 5/5
    As fap material: 10/5

    • Wide and deep
    • Has a back button
    • A lot of 'choices' have unknowable outcomes
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    TheBat89 kinda did a perfect review for this game.

    I will add that at first I thought it was a typical m2f "oh I'm always forced to get dicked" kind of game. And it was, at first. I managed to take minimal dickings and find the lesbian content though, and enjoyed it more for it. Something about dodging cock the author totally intends for you to get speared by and finding the alternative option makes these games fun for me.


    I gave it a 4/5 because in an aroused state of mind, it was enjoyable and kept me clicking.

    Would be a 3/5 otherwise, because I recognize the effort that went into the paths even though it wasn't the best story.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    O Captain My Captain

    (Last version played: 1.14.03)
    One of my favorite HTML games in this site. Lots of options in character creation and the very first steps that shape (but not lock) your destiny. Very dinamic, it doesn´t stop for dialogues, it just goes fast as life goes on, letting the player chose a path (or not, maybe your first decisions force you to go one way). Gameplays always feel short, but it's extremely replayable (I still haven't found all the endings). Sadly it has not been updated in a while, it's hella funny.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a flawless game the writing is fantastic and the game is very repayable.
    the only complaint i have is that the game is not longer because i cannot wait for more.
    i hope this game is updated soon because i cannot wait for more content
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game with meaningful choices.
    Depending on choices, you might end up being forced to pick from a more limited set of choices sometimes and I find it fits the game.
    Replayability is great I had played this game multiple times.
    Only in a very few odd cases, I liked to play female lead this is one of them.

    Tags need to be updated though!
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this game because I like the basic concept, the TF genre, and seemingly having a lot of choices throughout a game is always nice. Unfortunately, there are a few problems that kept me from really loving this one.

    The biggest problem is that the way the game handles choices, routes, and what content you see is often nonsensical. Far too many times I came upon content I was either forced into or out of for no reason I could discern... only to then look it up and find out that because I talked to character A instead of character B 20 choices ago I was forced into content X, even though it had nothing to do with character A or B. Basically, the logic behind what choice leads to what content is often obfuscated from the player. For some people this probably adds to replay value, for me, though, trying to figure out the correct sequence of choices to find the content I want is generally more frustrating than it is enjoyable.

    Secondly, there's the sex scenes themselves. The leading issue with the scenes is that their quality is inconsistent -- some are short stories while others aren't much more than "and then you had sex." Further compounding on this problem is that the game itself often feels like little more than a series of disconnected sex scenes; rarely are sex scenes in service to any sort of story or specific character, instead a lot of them aren't much more than "then you went to a party, had sex with strangers, and came back to your room." Lastly, the game doesn't do much with the TF angle most of the time -- even in the beginning you go from being a newly transformed female into someone who'll willingly participate in gangbangs within about the span of ten minutes.

    Finally, there's the images. It's your typical real porn stuff -- pretty much you either like the use of real porn or you don't. I do. My problem with this game's implementation of it is that there's not even an attempt at consistency in which porn stars represents the characters. At the start of the game you get to craft your character to an extent but rarely does it seem to effect which images you get. Rather than selecting a few porn stars to represent each body type the developer instead seems to largely just use whatever they have at hand when creating the scene.

    Overall, if what you're looking for is just sex then you'll probably like this game. It has a ton of scenes and the writing is in actual English rather than having been machine translated or done by someone with a poor grasp of the language. If you're looking for anything else then you'll probably be disappointed. There's not much gameplay to speak of, there's no real story or fun characters to keep you interested, and even as a CYOA I wouldn't recommend it due to the amount of times I couldn't figure out why I couldn't take a certain action or why I was locked into a certain route.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The game contains enjoyable gameplay which is fun to explore with different paths, endings, and choices which carry consequences to the character. I believe it is a game for those who enjoy story rich plots and the fetishes it contains. I hope the game continues to grow with time.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I hope my review is clear enough for you to try this game:
    I've tried a lot of HTML games, and so far THIS one is my favorite
    + It's not really a sandbox (I never knew what to do in html sandbox games, then I'm getting bored, quit game and never back to it)
    + Freedom! freedom! freedom! That game let You Choose Your Own Path - I don't know what to write here, It's just choices well made.
    + Unique narrative/writing style
    + less boring details, more action (but not too much rush there). It's not easy to explain so just check it yourself.
    +excellent choice of porn images
    - I was really surprised with sudden end (to be continue..) after first year of school. But it's probably because there's a lot of different paths and it takes time for Developer to make them.

    Why you should try this game? = Because it is not boring like most text based games.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoy it rather than “critical” rating. A.k.A more of a personal enjoyment gamelist entry as marker

    +interesting concept
    +fair amount scenes
    +plenty of images
    +plenty of “routes”, thus letting you to replay few times

    -”Off” kinks/fetish wise a bit for me
    -very sudden ends and feels very repeating choices’wise
    -not much happeing in the big picture
    To sum it up. It interesting game concept’wise. Even though I couldn’t really get into it as much as I would like to. Simply because the kinks were kinda “miss” for me. Also I felt that even though there were choices, they somehow felt nearly same in every route. Which make replaying kinda tedious and skip-worthy. But in the end it’s not a bad “game”. A little interesting story-book with images.

  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A very unique HTML game thanks to the original source by xChangeFan. I find my self traveling back to this game more often than I would have imagine. The best part in my humble opinion is the character creation. If this was a game I payed money for, I would wish, that it has even more impact on the following story line (just because I like such thinks...) but it already feels impact full the way it is. Really well done and sorry for my potato english.
  19. R
    2.00 star(s)


    This game doesn't have a whole lot of "content" in it that I would call exciting or interesting. Sure, this game is a CYOA type game which I expected would make it a little "reigned in" in how you play it, but the game jumps from scene to scene and moment to moment with such little interaction that I hardly feel like I'm even the one having the adventure here.

    The game tries to just give you quick, two-sentence explanations of each scene but those consist of "x is a good lover and makes you orgasm." That is so bland and dull I almost read over it!

    The game is little more than just a series of soft-core and hard-core porn shots strung together with a few different clicks and really doesn't try to create a story, make it a game, or make it engaging at all. If all you want to do is click a few "options" (most of which seem to have very little effect on the outcome) and see some pics of dicks and boobs then go ahead, but the game is not very engaging at all.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Even though TF games aren't normally my thing, I found that I really enjoyed this game. There's a lot of various choices and differing story paths based on the choices you make, which leads to a fair bit of replayability even though the basic story structure is the same each time - make your character, get your flaws, get your roomates, get a job, go to classes and then decide if you're a good student or a whore, then go spend time with family during break.

    Now with that basic story out of the way, as I said there's actually a lot of different things that can happen inside the story, which are pretty great. There are one or two typos and slightly strangely worded bits, but over all I think it's really well done.