Fan Art STWA: Unbroken: Fan Art and Assets


Jan 11, 2022
Hello everyone. I've been searching the forum and I haven't found any fan art threads for this awesome visual novel. I've finally decided to create one to share all the assets I can find.
Any fan who wants to participate and contribute is welcome and their username will be posted in the main comment along with their contribution.
In my case, I love Elspeth and I will post all the information I can get about this character. So far, I've only been able to find these assets:

Assets Elspeth:




First attempt.
Els first attempt.jpg

I think this would be the base skin to create Elspeth, but I'm not 100% sure.

Second attempt
Els 2.jpg
Returning to this project again, I can confirm the combination of these two assets:

However, the head morphology is still the same as the previous one:

If not this, the rounded head shape is quite similar
Finally, the eye color is not the right one, I haven't found it yet but for now this color can work. It belongs to this model:

At the moment I have not found a suitable morphology and colors for the eyebrows. I will continue investigating.

I decided to continue researching the character of Elspeth and the assets and morphs used to create her.
This is my third attempt. I did the render quickly because I didn't have time. Please ignore the marks on the forehead and the error in the eyelashes.

Els 6.jpg

After this attempt I was able to confirm a new asset:

The eyebrows are extracted from this character. After a lot of searching I haven't found anything that comes close to the eyebrows of the original character, so I can be 99.9% sure that these are them. It's also possible that the body morphology of this character was used, I'm not sure about that but it's a similar body, obviously with modifications and breast augmentation.
Finally, I found this character as a base for the head morphology:

I can't be 100% sure that this character was used in the original Elspeth, it just seemed appropriate because the resemblance is obvious, the character offers the option of purple nails and, finally, the creator has already used other resources from this developer for "The author", his previous project. ( ).
Nothing more for the moment. As for observations, I dare say that it has been a great step forward in being able to mold the original Elspeth. The next step will be to find the eye color, something that seems difficult to find because it can be completely random and look for another character to combine the head morphology with, since I am still not satisfied with the result.
Finally, I would simply like to say that anyone willing to collaborate in this research, any type of contribution will be welcome and appreciated.
I wouldn't like to finish without first asking if at any point the thread has discussed the increase in quality of Elspeth's character from one chapter to the next. Apart from the fact that visually she looks better to the point that Elspeth doesn't need to wear eye makeup in most scenes when she always did before. The Riza for Aiko 8 skin has also been added later. I'll illustrate it visually:



Nothing else to say. Greetings to everyone. When I can, I'll update this thread with this info.
Oh, I forgot, this girl, in case anyone is interested:
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