VN - Ren'Py - STWA: Unbroken [Pt. 7] [STWAdev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game kicks ass!

    As an MMA fan, it's so awesome to see something related to the sport in a VN. You can tell the Dev is a fan, as well, as they nail the details of the positions. The writing is where this game really shines. Some of the most enjoyable, and realistically written characters you'll find in any adult game.

    The renders are great, the character's designs are all unique. No cookie-cutter honey select models to be seen. And the choices are aplenty. The MC is a badass without seeming contrived, but he's also a really good dude. Just an overall joy to play as. Honestly, not a bad thing to say about this one.

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    • Strong individual character writing and leadup.
    • Plot moves at a fair pace.
    • Sexual advances don't feel out of place or rushed in the wrong ways.
    • Character interactions have weight behind 'em.
    • Good visual diversity.
    • Story is well-articulated.
    • Main character is decently interesting and complex.

    • Missing that harem tag
    • Could use some mood music, even with the mod helping.

    I'm enjoying what I've got so far. Strong contender for one of the better VNs on the market, though shorter than I'd like for four chap ters. Given this seems more dating sim than harem, there is a bit of uncertainty as to how the cards come tumbling down with my mixed approach to the choices in the game, but instead of dreading it by being baited, I'm rather anticipating and looking forward to it, given the quality of the writing here.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    awesoem game the character models are amazing incredibly detailed and each of them stunning and attractive, the writing for each character actually feels like real people, great game overall keep it up!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I am totally in love with this game. It does something right that not many games on this site do: the writing. I actually come back for the story with this game. While the sex scenes are nothing to write home about, they are made enjoyable because they are with characters that are well written and seem to actually have a personality (also the renders are nice).
    All the girls are different, but I like every one of them. The romance paths are slow and believable, no pouncing on MCs dick because they saw him shower once.
    Play this, you won't be disappointed
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed: Pt. 4

    I wasn't familiar with this dev and downloaded Unbroken on a whim, and to say that I was pleasantly surprised is quite the understatement. The writing here is miles better than that of every other game I played, and yes that includes a lot of the most popular titles and fan favourites.

    This dev gets something that 99% of others don't: the need for romance/eroticism and the importance of the written words on screen. Let's face it, the overwhelming majority of WEGs are usually nothing more than glorified collections of porn CGs, where not much care is given to the "novel" side of the whole Visual Novel thing, and the usually clichè ridden story's only purpose is that of directing the player from one dull sex scene to the next. This isn't the case here. The story is interesting for sure, but what really sets Unbroken apart is its lovely cast of characters, from the obviously damaged MC trying to find his place in the world, to the diverse cast of potential LIs who gravitate around him and their different and endearing personalities. I especially appreciate how genuine the dialogues and banter between the cast feel, and the fact that the author knows not to superimpose his own interests or opinions over the characters, which is something that for whatever reason a lot of devs like to do (i.e. an overabundance of obscure movie references or, god forbid, "memes"). Also, choices seem to matter a whole lot, so you're free to choose which girl(s) you want to pursue and which others to straight up reject, and let me tell you, considering this isn't tagged as a harem game and there will most likely be consequences down the road, those choices can be quite difficult to make.

    The downside of Unbroken being a "slow burn done right" kind of game, is that it ultimately has to deliver on the smut, which has to be on par with the high expectations set by the writing, or at the very least not seem like an afterthought. There is little sexual content to be seen so far and, like others have mentioned before me, it's not really up to snuff so far. This is the only aspect where this game stands to improve, and if it does it will be nothing short of outstanding.

    P.S.: As always, I'll wait for the game to be completed to give it the full 5* should that be the case.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    SERIOUSLY... HOW!?! How did it take me this long to find and try this amazing title..
    The characters are incredible both in writing and design.. (minus the ring girl her face seemed a bit off)
    I never played the Author so i was coming into this without that prior experience, HOWEVER as of writing this its currently downloading too..
    I'm from the UK too so it was a surprise when i saw that this was actually UK based and with references to towns and citys i know well.. usually its seems that almost all VNs are asia or stateside based, so this was a welcome change of scenery..
    I LOVED the use of the MMA assets from daz and so on for this title.. the way the scenes were set out and rendered felt authentic and while i was hoping for some crowd noise and music during those early scenes it wasnt a deal breaker.. just would have been so much better with it..
    I hope the dev keeps progressing with this title as its rare i'm THIS hooked from a few mins of reading and cant wait for more in the future..
    Thanx for a truly enjoyable and unique read for once
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything in this game is great.
    The characters, the writing, the story, the renders.
    I already liked "The Writer" and thought that had a compelling story and beautiful characters, but Unbroken exceeds that game by far.

    It manages to tell a story about redemption, loss, betrayal and other heavy topics, but it manages to do so in a hopeful, not depressing way, and that is a feat. This could be just another pretentious Emo-Shitfeast, instead, while sometimes a bit melodramatic, it manages to honestly convey these feelings and emotions.

    There isn't a single woman among the LIs that I don't like, and while there are trope-y touches here and there, but the characters are more than just one-dimensional. Except for maybe Serena, so far she doesn't even appear like a full LI, if she is dev needs to flesh her out massively in upcoming updates, because so far she is beyond bland compared to the other ladies.
    Who all have a backstory and a background and feel like fully-realized characters, not just cutout cardboards.
    All the girls look fantastic, but not two look alike. There are so many games where the women look like they are the same model, just with a different wig and different sized of breast implants. Not here.
    Not even the two gorgeous redheads look alike, and that is something.
    You have more sporty characters like Amrit and Kana, with nice, tight butts and perky breasts, but you also have a voluptuous goddess like Serena with milky, creamy skin and huge gorgeous assets.
    As for Viridiana, it is a feat to have scars that are at once so strong that you can't deny them, but at the same time don't change that the woman is gorgeous, and she is. And at the same time, she has a real face, again, not just a copy and paste of all these perfect rendered ladies.

    I can't wait to see what comes next, the highest recommendation.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Old Man Al

    Well, this is not something if you just want to have a quick fap. For that go elsewhere, even if the models are beautiful.
    That being said:
    The story is very interesting, as are the characters.
    Their different personalities are just awesomely done and there is not a single one I dislike. It is really hard to turn any of them down, gives me even a ping of guilt for most of them. Even more so because this is one of the VNs where you can read what is going on in their heads even when nothing is said, I just love this, the subtle changes in the mimic that makes them look so alive.

    I just ended chapter 4 and haven't slept with any of them until now - so I cannot really say anything about the sex scenes. But for me sex is the least important thing here. It is about story, characters, emotions, inner conflicts and this is extremly well done.

    So easily 5/5 for me it by the end of chapter 4.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I think its ironic that I am on a site like this looking for story/plot development that keeps me captivated while being able to enjoy the enticing girls presented within the story. I think what most games/movies/shows/etc. lack today is the ability to present something that feels realistic down too its core and I feel like this game represents something that I have desired within my own mindscape. This game is truly great and i's both unfortunate and a blessing that I am so invested because the wait time is killer!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked the setup of this VN. I already thought The Author was a nice game, but this one seems even better. The renders look well animated and the Story is quite nice and manages to transport emotions quite well which i really like in Vns. Cant wait to see some updates and where the plot is going. The MC is shaved, which i dont really like, but this one doesnt look too bad, you can still look at him ;) Each Girl is quite unique so you can really choose what you like and what you dont like and the choices you have to make really seem to have an impact which is another huge plus for me.
    So in conclusion, this is a game really worth trying and i cant wait to see where this goes
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game in every way.
    Interesting characters, a story that may seem simple but the author develops it in such a way that it becomes enjoyable, great scenes, plus if you already played the previous installment of this author, sure you will like more this VN. The only bad thing is that it lacks music
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    A great looking visual novel with a good story.

    • Excellent renders and visuals
    • Excellent character models
    • Good story
    • Good writing
    • Good character development
    • Likeable characters and MC
    • A good amount of choices for a visual novel that have real impact
    • Slow burn
    • Animations are primitive, rough, and robotic
    • Sex scenes are mostly with side characters through chapter 3
    • Sex scenes need to be more passionate and longer
    • Character models are a bit thick for my tastes - nearly all the females in the game have the same body type
    • Too many of the female characters in the game share the same personality type. The only real vulnerable character in the game is Vi. The rest of the female characters are the tough confident type.
    • The writing/dialog can get a bit boring at times. I found myself being tempted to use the skip button several times throughout the game.
    • Game badly needs music

    Overall, the game is a definite improvement over the author's first game 'The Author'.

    The game is definitely story based and story focused but there was enough lewd content to keep me satisfied (barely).

    I wish I could rate the game 4.5 stars because that would be more accurate. If the author spent more time on the lewd content and animations I probably would have rated it 5 stars.

    I do like the fact that the main characters aren't sluts and you have to work for everything you get. No pornstar logic is a huge plus in this game. No 'magic dick' story which is so common with games on this site. No 'all girls throwing themselves at the MC because he has a huge dick' theme. Thank you!

    The game is worthy of your attention and I recommend it!
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    [Pt. 3.1]

    Top G will need to give this one a replay to give a proper review. as it stands the Top G enjoyed this one, story was a bit of chore to get through at the start but the characters and models kept the G in play. Stay tuned hustlers the Top G will give this game the review it deserves.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent graphics paired with outstanding character-building and storytelling makes this one of my all time favourites. I must say that this one is definitely better than the previous one, and is on a trajectory to be one of the best.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice story - have already read "The Author" and liked that very much and this work is up to that same high standard. Looking forward to future installments. The back stories for all the NPCs and the MC are good and engaging.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this game without playing the first game in the series, and as good as that was, this is a marked improvement.

    Writing: I think the first thing to say is that this is well-written without any other qualification, not 'well-written for a game' or 'ugh, at least it didn't distract me from the porn.' So that's cool. The only real critique in that domain is the suspension of disbelief that everyone you spend any time talking to is rich/skilled/smart/otherwise special, which really isn't that jarring all things considered. It's certainly the best bit of ero-game writing I've come across. If you're absolutely against all things moody, this may not be for you, but it also clearly has an optimistic bent to it.

    Characters: They're believable and well-rounded in ways that sometimes defy expectations. The PC, for instance, is a bit of a twist on the classic "porn meathead" protagonist in that while he doesn't think of himself as being much more, it's clear that he does actually care about the people around him. Always appreciate not playing a psychopath. Personally, the LIs appeal to my tastes both aesthetically and in terms of personality, although Serena is pretty easily the weakest and least developed of the bunch.

    Visuals: about as polished as it gets. The lighting in particular is what separates it from The Author, which wasn't exactly a slouch itself.

    Pace: It's a bit of a slow burn, but for once it doesn't seem to be due to a complete lack of ability to edit. The strength of the writing in general definitely helps here, as it doesn't feel like it's dragging. If that factors in less for you, you may have a more difficult time with this one though.

    It's a little bit hard to say at this point, but what there is is pretty well done, although it's missing the tenderness and intimacy that comes from more developed character interplay. I thought The Author was pretty hot though, so benefit of the doubt to the dev.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The Author was a really good game that was made by the dev, if you haven't check it out, you're missing out on a really good story. While I do recommend the author other game this game is also fantastic, the story that it tell about PTSD is very sublime, if you wanted to try it out and haven't, I really recommend trying it out.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This title plays in the same universe as its predecessor and offers the same strengths, but builds on them to offer a much more refined experience. You could say there are two plots on display here. One is the MMA sports movie experience with the typical tropes of an upstarting athlete, or athletes in this case, dealing with the physical dangers of the sport, social and financial temptations and opponents that resort to all the tricks necessary to get ahead. The second narrative is that of the MC who has to navigate traumatic professional and personal experiences from the past and current relationships, offering an adult gaming experience while being mind- and respectful towards its protagonists. Personally, I just hope that the sports aspect of the game won't be left behind as the game progresses, since I really enjoy the conflicts that arise from it and the Rocky vibes that come with it: " [life] it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward "
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    It has great MC and great story. if you are into good story's then you will love this game. Game only has 3 chapters as of now (V3.1) but they are very good. Game has very interesting LIs, They will grow on you very fast... Also I like how you can develop MC. He can be horny dog asshole or Man of Men .

    Only complaint I have is that animations are very jenky. Anything else is 5/5
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    STWA: Unbroken pt 3

    Great game indeed, nice renders and story so far. Beautiful models too. In the future looking forward to nice romance routes. For now there is not that much Romance because MC isn't romantic he got some issues. Without a doubt redhead with freckles, Els is the best girl. Looking forward to more content of her. Want to know more about her back story. Pt 3 ended in a cliffhanger damn...

    + Great renders
    + Story
    + Beautiful models
    + Good writing

    Well one sad part for me is in each part I wish there was more content with Els. But sadly there isn't that much. Hoping next update will have more content about Els.

    This game is surely worth playing. Keep up the good work dev. Looking forward to next updates