I could write a detailed, elaborate review for this game. I could. Unfortunately, this damn game has SO much grind, nonsense fillers, and exhausting activities, that I do not find myself capable of going into much detail. For this reason, I am going to write a long, yet general overview of my experience with this game. Enjoy.
Let us just start with the positive sides. Animations? Great. Wonderful, even. Writing? The developers are consistently trying into making it Deadpool-esque, fourth-wall-breaking parody. Did they succeed? Well, it's not fantastic, but it didn't make me cringe or anything, so the dialogues themselves are decently okay.
The overall plot is well-thought, with the characters being sympathetic, the main villain charismatic, and you do want to know what happens next, or spend more time with the girls. Which there are eight, each with her own side quest, dialogues, reactions to the main plot events, stuff like that. Mass Effect if it was porn.
The girls are… well, I cannot say that they are written badly. It's just that all of them, except for a few, have personality archetypes based on varying degrees of whoreness. Milf whore who likes big monster dicks, demon pirate whore, porn actress whore, dwarf-esque warrior whore, big mommy warrior whore, catgirl lesbian whore, etc. There is a singular nice girl, who begins as a villain, then joins the team, and a somewhat nice hacker girl. So, if you're into whorish character whose entire personality is to fuck, fuck, fuck, then great! If not, then you are going to feel grossed out, uncomfortable, and regret wasting your time. But they are all pretty hot, at least. Didn't make it better for me.
Animation are great. Voice acting is top-notch, actually took me aback to hear such quality. Sexual scenes are… well, some of them are great. Some are meh. A lot of them involve disgusting xenoporn, futas, comedically large cocks, whatever. Really, some scenes here are so damn gross that urgh. If your tastes are more on the vanilla side of things, then immediate skip. Seriously, believe me. Most of the scenes aren't part of the plot, as they are just a collection of scenes you can grind for, but the ones that are a part of the story can be pleasant. Anyway, nothing to complain about here.
And that's it. Yup, that's all. Gameplay is so atrocious that it should be outlawed on Earth and Moon. And I mean LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF IT. Space battles? Games from the literal eighties did it better. X-Com wannabe ground battles? Ban whoever designed this. No, no, the developers even made such simple things like giving gifts to the girls, or buying collectibles in a shop, or moving around the map, or anything else, unbearable. Not kidding. Whoever was responsible for gameplay aspects, or game design as a whole, should be thrown to the big dicked monsters. Permanently.
With that said, you will spend dozens of hours of your precious life repeating the same tiresome two gameplay loops over, and over, and over again. Now, of course, there is an option to skip it, called “Victory Protocol”. But surprise-surprise, you have to die three times to activate it. Think it's going to help? In space battles, you will have to waste about three minutes on a single level. And ground battles can't really be skipped this way, because dying there takes a million years, about as much as to win them. Ugh.
The ending is abrupt and with a hint for sequel, I imagine. So, is it worth playing? If you have a lot of time to waste, and don't mind grinding for many, many hours, to see a bit of a decent plot and nice female characters? Yeah, go ahead. Personally, I regret the time I wasted on this, and would've been very angry if I valued my time in any way or capacity. Why am I writing this? God, I am so tired…
5/10 on a good day.