What I like about this game is that it will offer you something familiar and then take it away... is there a fetish for this? What it does super well is remain true to its genre while also not falling into the typical expectations for an H-game. I'd rather not spoil anything so I'll forgo the details but I'm pretty confident if you play it you will see what I mean.
To list a few things I think make or break a game:
The narrative for the game kept me playing for more than just the H-scenes and it progresses in a way that is both unexpected and satisfying without cutting corners for the sake of the genre.
The gameplay with these types of games can sometimes annoy me when you have to lose to see the sex scene. While there is a fair bit of that in the game it also offers an alternative that I think is unique to the succubus genre. The plot revolves around this feature and allows being defeated to progress the story.
The sex scenes in themselves are well done and entertaining at the same time.
The art is consistent with a lot of Japanese style games with its own distinct style while also not doing anything uncanny or unrealistic.
I think what I enjoy most about this game is the odd mix between being dominated and the struggle to survive. Not that these flavors are uncommon for succubus games but they do not always play off each other as successfully as they do in Succubus Academia. The game goes as far as to offer three different personalities you can choose to play with when it comes to how you want to be dominated by succubi. This gives the game a lot of re-playability too which is not that common for H-games. After I finished the game a while back they released DLC which I plan on playing soon!
I was initially put off by the game's hook (die in a hopeless battle against succubi to maybe satisfy them enough to leave), but I found one of the few H games to have a really interesting story and world. I was worried it'd just be grimdark (or grimderp) fetish thing, but by the end I was genuinely hoping to learn about the world, and its characters.
I won't get too into the characters (mostly to avoid spoilers), but I'll quickly mention that despite them all obviously being aimed towards certain fetishes, I appreciate that they each had enough memorable moments to be more than just the fetishes they represent. Too many H-games have characters who are completely unmemorable aside from fitting into a certain archetype ("the nurse", "the honor student", etc). and SA avoids being one of those.
The gameplay is also pretty fantastic. It's one of the very, very few turn-based H games I've seen that have a combat system that is both unique and actually fun. I like originality, but 90% of the time I feel unique systems in the H-JRPG games just make the game worse because the developers were too focused on thematics. SA's system creates lots of thematic, interesting decisions throughout combat that still manage not to feel overwhelming.
Finally, I'll just mention that in terms of production quality, there's few H-RPGMaker games that can compare. The music, still images, character design and animation are all top-class for this kind of game.
This game is Awesome, if you know your succubus it'll throw you for a loop!
I do wish there is some in-game explanation on what each stand (Player or Enemy) has and tag-team mechanic that would been awesome!
it's clearly made with passion which scared me because usually such passion create a swan song that abruptly end a series, SQDT i hope you guys stay well
An excellent game with addicting mechanics and fluid animations. Succubus Academia has an impressive level of quality and polish. I particularly enjoyed the gallery where the developers spent the time to not only offer an abundance of customization, but also incorporate it in the story of the game rather than it being a separate menu. This is definitely my favorite game in the genre.
Highly Recommended to those who are looking to play and looking to "play". I don't wanna spoil too much. The concept is unique, the battle system is phenomenal, the gameplay depth is deep enough not too deep. And the beautiful art and great scenes.
Only complain is that there is a patch in this thread somewhere that needs to installed so that you will not crash in NG+, honestly uploader's fault. So if you are running into the same issue you can search patch to find the file.
Also the longer you play the laggier the game get, I think it is due to the engine this game is built on, not much of the developer's fault. Would recommend to save and hit "F5" to fast reset the game.
But honestly my complaints are overshadowed by everything great about this game. 10/10 would play again.
Graphics: 10/10. Quite a variety of images and animations and frankly, just play the game and appreciate it all. I like how the guest characters bring their own style in, too.
Gameplay: 9/10. Ah... turn-based combat, my absolute hated. My bias aside, it is done well.
You "win" by satisfying your opponent by raising their mood to max. At the moment that happens, your character is bought to climax, no matter what, and you lose some HP, end of battle.... unless it's a boss fight.
Good news: you get the ability to "lock" enemies to prevent the battle from ending. This is useful if you want to end the combat in a specific way OR if you're trying to see all possible moves/dialogue. This includes normal fights as well as gallery fights.
Some fights, especially in the DLC, change their tactics as you get closer to winning.
With all that said, there are things that kinda break the combat and make it trivial, even on the hardest difficulty:
As for the plot, like 8/10, but for a porn/hentai game, 10/10. Not a masterpiece, but significantly above whatever passes for "average" and it is involved at all times. I like the idea of "you're the one playing the game. Pay attention and figure things out" in my video games, but admittedly, not in my porn/hentai games. Still, I enjoyed it in this game, so there's that.
The Characters are 10/10. Succubi aren't human and they have messed up logic. This game delivers on that. In fact, the player character even has options to want/enjoy getting drained - including the entire "obey" stance in combat. If I have any problem is that I feel the game just barely doesn't stick the landing.
I also wanna say that this game cheats by having guest characters, who are mostly fleshed out from their own source, but these guests are not shells of their actual selves, as far as I know. They behave appropriately.
It's a great h-game. You should play it. It's all animated. Constant horny material and fun to play. Interesting premise. Only downside is certain fights caused RPGM to choke a little and lag. Do not sleep on this game.
The game is bugged and broken. Good luck getting this shit to run without it bricking your save.
I had this game bookmarked for around a year and holy shit I had been sleeping on this game for too long. On the outside it looks like a pretty basic kill the succubi rpgm game, but I was not prepared for the rollercoaster of emotions this game would give me.
Gameplay: The gameplay is pretty simple honestly, its just make the succubus satisfied by inputting commands. If you input one command like beg it has a chance to combo into a stronger skill which when used will add a bar to this meter. The higher the bars the more damage you can unleash with like your ultimate. There's some other skills with Pufkus, but its really just like "Use this skill to take less damage from the big attack the enemy is gonna do next turn". This may sound like me being negative, but really I had no problems with the combat and found it mildly fun.
The music though is what sets this game apart. HOLY SHIT this games music is so fucking good. Literally the only porn game music I would listen to outside of playing it besides Artificial Academy 2. This shit is honestly on like Persona and Danganronpa levels of good. The composer had no reason to go so damn hard bro.
Story: I don't really want to spoil the story, but the gist of it is you go about as your character to find the succubus that is meant for him. You fight that succubus, satisfy her, and you die, but she disappears. This pretty much repeats until the end of the game. Again I don't want to say too much about the story as its pretty good for porn game standards.
Final Score:
This game is like an easy 10/10. Its games like these that make me realize, "Oh, porn games aren't just a completely oversaturated and terrible market. If you look hard enough, there are actual games out there with passion put into them. Its not the just the same fucking repeated boring ass rpgm game with no effort put into it. Its not some boring ass 3d visual novel that will get abandoned in 2 years. Its something actually good that can compete with industry standard games." Seriously, I highly recommend this game. Its a bit long as I think I clocked in a final time of about 20 hours, but its well worth it. If you are thinking of playing any porn game on this site I beg of you please choose this one instead of some unoriginal, half-baked garbage.
This game has fantastic art and animated very well, some of the best I've seen! The combat is fun and there's a good amount of secrets too. I feel that you would be doing yourself a disservice if you don't get the true ending either, it has a pretty great story! All in all I absolutely love this game and it's story!!! Highly recommend!
This one is a bit tricky for me to review. As a game this is actually pretty good. Most times in these defeat focused games I just end up downloading a save to see the scenes and move on. This game breaks that trend by combining the sex scenes with the fight to make for a unique experience that keeps you engaged. This is especially handy because at the end of the day it's just the usual turn based combat, but the near constant titillation keeps the combat from getting boring. The story isn't that bad either for what kind of game this is.
The reason I said that this game is hard to review is because everything I said is good also serves as a double edged sword, so while as a game it's fine but as an adult game it has issues. Having the fights all be sex scenes with nice art is fine at first, but the sheer amount of nudity you see starts to numb you to what your seeing. Combine that with the fact that your going to be doing a lot of fights over and over again with ctrl held down and speed at max the get through the grind. At a certain point it didn't even really feel erotic anymore because I got too used to non stop sex scenes. The other issue is the fetishes of this game are really one note. If your things isn't being sex murdered by succubi then your not going to get a lot out of this. Even the minor fights you win you still get drained once.
That's why I decided to give this 4 stars. Because the things that detract from the game are mostly because I wasn't the target demographic. I can't give it 5 starts though because any hentai game that makes me bored of the scenes I am watching wont get full marks, even if it is one of the few games I completed.
The Art is great and animated with loads of scenes, a bit difficult in some areas but the story and characters are well done and fleshed out. Definitely up there with other high quality H-games and worth a try.
It is a very fun rpg game. The art is amazing and I enjoy how the sex is part of the game.
ATM I finished hard normal once and I am struggling with prez on nightmare and aiming for a nightmare true ending.
- I played multiple different kinds of rpg. so far this is the only rpg game where i finished atleast once(Sorry blacksouls, I got softlock and lost my motivation) and isn't sexually motivated to complete it(any lose-sex/gallery-sex rpg games)
- Art is pretty nice to look and have animation loops. Apparently, mermaid boss can change her appearance via body preference talks with counsellor.
- Unlike lose-sex rpg games, this game's sex is a natural part of the game. The sex is the combat so you don't have to fight normal battle and then go the extra mile to find sex scenes or purposely lose mutiple times just to see sex scenes.
- The credit/new game+ transition is pretty good.
- Each map got their own minigames, which is fun for the first time and rewarding(Mystical items) when you clear then perfectly for the second time.
- I have multiple issues with the gameplays.
I first would like to say that I understand that the game is suppose to be unfairly hard against you, yet some of the mechanics pisses me off, which results in me hating the succubus's unfair gimmick:
- Skills are very, very limited:
^ You have three classes: Fear(High Atk), Hero(High Resist) and Slave (High Risk(Lose Lots of Health), High Reward(Extra High Atk)). You CAN'T Mix and Match so you are initially wasting your mementos grabbing skills from other classes that aren't your main class.
^ Each class tree is limited. You have one normal attack skill(Beg,Resist and follow her lead) per class, you have two combo skills per class(one/both increases the 'energy meter'), one finisher move per class('More energy meter, more dmg) and passive skills.
This meant that you can't experiment and you end up doing the same routine over and over again.
^ Insult skill is useless and hurts me since I rather have counter. If similar to despair where it increases the energy meter, then it would be useful.
^ I don't know how to use struggle and in a way, refuse.
^ I don't know what is aerosphere so the two skills related to that is useless to me
^ Investigate is useless since it doesn't tell you anything and half of its screen is a copy paste of the customer index.
^You can't change class mid battle MOST of the time as it resets your current energy meter.
- Succubus's attacks are confusing for me, which result in unfair result:
^ Normally, every turn they attack you, but once in a while they will throw u a -100% willpower debuff.
^ Normally, when a succubus raises her meter and when it is max, you should use Pyks' viels to tank the dmg, but occassionally, the succubus raises their meter by two so if the succubus has need only one bar left to max it, meant that they filled their bar and uses their high dmg skill on you under one turn.
^This might be personal but I tend to get confuse with temptation and pleasure attacks. One or maybe both attack does a status debuff attack and I have no idea how to prevent it(Maybe struggle but I don't know when to use struggle)
^ Their attacks could do high dmg which covers like 3,000 EP, which is more than half of my EP. While my 700+ Charm attack does the same amount of atk as at the beginning of the first succubus boss.
- Items:
^ There is only a one-three item limit per battle. Making using item COMPLETELY USELESS.
^ This results in Most of the items not being used or are useless and you overflowed with money.
-Leveling up and stats increase:
^U don't level up from exp. Exp gives you mementos(The only item to increase stats late game), ideal wax (useful until it reaches lvl 10) and empty keyhole (useful until it reaches lvl 3).
^The only way to increase your stats are mystical item. Both have a level limit(pink is lvl 10, blue is lvl 3) which means you have a shit time fighting bosses late game.
In conclusion, I kinda wish that the game has no armour lvl limit, no item use limit, charm doing more damage, you being able to see what kind of attack the succubus would do(E.g. she will deal 1000 EP this turn/she will debuff you this turn/Succubus would attack twice this turn) atleast with occult boy's investigate skill. You can mix-max skills atleast
I have a love-hate relationship with this game. I love and had fun playing it, but I hate the limits it places despite knowing its a femdom.
Karryn's prison does unfair domination rpg games better and rewards hardwork( I reached 4th flour while remaining a virgin).
ATM, because of this issues, I am starting to dislike the succubuses more and feel like insulting them for their shitty taunt and tatics.
Views on Domination: I guess another reason for me getting annoyed is probably my views on domination. In both male and female domination.
I view the dominator being the one who can naturally defeat the opponent/s easily via their own fighting skills.
Even in male rape, you don't see the male dom having some shitty skill to make the girl instantly and corrupt her.
Karryn's prison is a good fem dom as sadistic karryn beats groups of criminals everyday and increases her powers, and slut karryn defeats group of horny men via her own body and acts alone(excluding those drug skills in the skill tree)
Another nice femdom succubus game is succubus prison. They were already naturally beautiful and they don't use succubus skills(Taunting,handcuffs, amphrosiac bites, siren singing, 5 dupicates, memory entrapment etc) to defeat their men. They just have regular intercourse sex over and over again, which is why I don't get annoyed and despise the three succubuses.
A maledom succubus game is A vampire of the oho forest You aren't the stronger individual, the female vampire is. Normally, you walking in a straight line through the forest will kill you immediately and you must use your wit. Sexually, in a normal situation, you will lose and she taunts you for that. Thus as the weaker one, you consume mushroom, to increase your dick and thus eventually dominating the dominator and making her submit.
^So I guess if you are the submissive/weaker one, I probably wouldn't mind the MC using cheap tactic, hard work, wit to overcome the dominator/stronger one and become the new dominator.
In the end, I think if you as an individual are annoyed by the dominator, then they aren't a good dominatior.
This game I think I put like 20 plus hours into. Lots of content. Extra unlocks. THE ART IS SOOOOO GOOD and the girls are super great. Story is kinda nifty the whole "blending of realities" was actually dope. It's a fap fest for sure.
I have a succubus fetish, so let's get that outta the way, lol.
As such, I have played nearly every succubus game on the site (and elsewhere). I would rate this as among the best ever.
This is a RPG Maker game, but it doesn't exactly play like the usual RPG or Find the Scene game. Each stage has different challenges and uses the engine in different and unique ways. In one stage your are solving mirror puzzles, in another your are sprinting and jumping over hurdles or dodging obstacles...each is a bit different.
The battle system is where this really shines. It is simple: 3 base stances (each with unique effects), stack combos and buffs to raise the succubus' pleasure meter while managing not to get drained. The enemies are all rather unique in both personality and in their tactics. It is very fun, and does require you to think. The only drawback is the higher difficulty levels don't seem to alter strategy much, simply buff the succubi stats. It would have been nice to see special movesets for nightmare mode.
The story is mysterious and hard to follow at first. The regular end can feel somewhat unsatisfying. This, however, is not a demerit. It makes you really want to see the true end, which fleshes out the story and is quite good. Pay attention to what is said or you may get confused (if you are , it's on you, not the author, cause it is written well enough).
This is going to be subjective of course. I'm not super into femdom, but this is all tasteful and extremely erotic. I was turned on by many of the characters and situations. Matching the character you use to the correct succubus really helps add to the eroticism. One critique is that fapping can make it hard to concentrate on the battle (or visa-versa) so take advantage of the pause button.
It is simple animation, but the are well done, and the art is quite good. Dialogue is also NOT over the top, so that really helps. The translation in the most recent version I played was also very good. The fact that the final boss's looks can be (somewhat) adjusted to fit your taste is also good. On that note, there is a wide variety of body types (outside of obese).
All-in-all, this is a game you should give a chance. It can take a while to complete it, depending on your skill. I played through in each difficulty (twice in normal to get both endings originally). I can't say I was ever got really bored.
I usually don't play the RPGM games but the high reviews in this thread made me give his a chance. It is a very good RPGM game with a good story and gameplay mixed with the sex scenes. I would recommend this as a quick play
One of those games worth playing more than fapping to. Seriously.
Don't get me wrong; the art is great, and I initially checked it out because I thought this was done by Nyuu, but you're not going to be spanking anything for a number of reasons -- primary of which is it's a battle fuck game, and you'll be too busy focusing on winning during the few times you do penetrative action.
It's honestly pretty stressful, but the gameplay is deep enough to suck you in if you even remotely enjoy RPGs.
Speaking of art, the game makes excellent use of RPGM assets to great aesthetic and thematic effects. The premise is that your school got transported to a dream world/different dimension, and the locations have been twisted and exaggerated; classrooms turned into a forest littered with desks and cabinets, track field turned into a canyon, the pool area turned into an undersea caver kinda thing... They really sell the atmosphere.
The game also never lets up the portrayal of succubi being monstrous creatures with decidedly inhuman morals; you are food who only get to live proportional to their amusement and there is no changing that.
I've seen so many try the surreal sexual horror direction, but the horror is usually cheesy and the sex never blends in. They also usually never have the balls to go all in. Meanwhile, this has blind footrace snakes and ladders -- except with penises for dice. Succubi cover your eyes, jack you off, and you have to move where your jizz lands. Also you're on a thin bridge.
As for the story... well, this shit has deep lore. It's definitely not the typical excuse plot, and I think it requires knowledge of a game the same devs released a decade and a half ago. I say I think, because I definitely didn't understand it. What's in there is still entertaining enough, and you can take it as a typical "students sucked into a desperate survival situation" story. Except with far less surviving.
I don't usually review games, but this game is so well put together not just as porn but also as a game that it deserves some stars.
Writing - 4/5
Applause to the translators and to the story-writers. The story isn't mindblowing but there aren't many flaws. It's engaging enough to drive a playthrough and the side-stories between each character and the major succubi are fun enough.
The notorious succubi are kind of shoehorned in there but they're meant to be bonus content anyway.
Art - 4.5/5
The animations are great. The proportions and angles sometimes feel just a little bit off when looking at stills, but since the characters are in motion so frequently, it ends up reading as a stylistic choice more than anything.
Music 5/5
The music in this game is godly. This is the only game on F95Zone I'd go back and listen to the soundtrack without playing the game. It's a mix of fantasy and electronic, custom commissioned with a dedicated artist and not the typical royalty-free stuff.
Game Design 4.5/5
There are small puzzles throughout the game that are needed to access the notorious succubi. They're not difficult, but they require some thought
Clearing each area is also unique and has their own puzzles. You're able to clear the areas in any order, while the game will gradually increase its difficulty to match the areas cleared, which I find quite cool.
The combat system is unique and strategic, although of course thematically fighting here is the same as fucking. When you fight, you pick a move that has odds of increasing your stance gauge and chaining into other moves. Certain moves "pop" your stance gauge and do exponentially more damage based on how much you've built your stance thus far. However, you can't keep building stance indefinitely because if the enemy raises your MP too high, you lose all your stance + a big chunk of your health.
You can also use incense and other items that boost your stats for a certain amount of turns. There's a decent amount of strategic depth and decision making turn by turn and I haven't seen this kind of system elsewhere.
The true ending has lots of requirements, but unlike in other games these requirements can be inferred. The game provides you with enough hints to push you in the correct direction.
The only reason I knocked it down half a star is because the gameplay isn't compelling enough to make me want to play this again. But I enjoyed my first playthrough and it wasn't just cause of the sexy succubi waifus.
Kinks ???/???
This is a femdom game whose entire premise is that enemy succubi are trying to rape you.
There's snuff, but it's surprisingly wholesome snuff.
There's also someone who tries to eat you. I'm still not really sure if that's supposed to be kinky or supposed to be horror.
There's a surprising amount of drug use as well. It doesn't happen often but it happens enough that it makes me wonder about the kink(s) of the author.
5/5, I can see that a lot of work was put into this game and it paid off. Have my eye on their work in the future, whether it's porn or something in the mainstream.
This isn't a graphic novel with complex story elements, so let's break it down.
- It's an RPGM game, so most of the sprites and assets are the same stuff you've seen a hundred times.
- A few lines are still untranslated, but it's about 2% of lines and they're for unimportant, optional content.
- Progress can get a little grindy if you want to see all optional characters.
- The author has clever uses for RPGM elements. Those tacky assets and textures that often look out of place are now rightly out of place, the RPGM combat system is nicely used for succubus combat, and there are other similar nuances.
- Real succubi (they drain you until they kill you and you love them for it).
- Top tier smut. This game hits several kinks and gets graphic about it.
- Good pacing. You can avoid almost all repeated scenes and the story is fast paced.
While relatively simplistic, this game was addictive and enjoyable.
28 hours played, finished game once - hard mode with true ending, 90% of trophies.
Gameplay - 5/5
Fun combat sex gameplay. Hard mode is a bit over-tuned even for hard mode, but apparently an untranslated patch fixes that. Also, playing on hard mode is obviously asking for it.
Art - 4/5
Diverse and well drawn cast of characters. Unfortunately, some questionable visual character design choices, and animations look fairly stiff.
Porn - 5/5
Sex is happening pretty much all the time, and is written reasonably well. On hardmode won't necessarily feel like a nukige though, since it may take some time to see a fresh scene.
Music - 5/5
Nice, fresh tunes. You can see the effort.
Story, character, and world design - 5/5
Better than most non-VN porn games I've played. You can, again, see the effort.
i usually don't write reviews but this game really is an exception. although the game can be slightly difficult and unforgiving (you can lose and have to start everything over), overall it is extremely well done. there are certain unique technical elements i have yet to see implemented in any other rpgm games. the story is great, artwork is fantastic, and the gameplay constantly forces you to adapt and change strategies, unlike other h-game where gameplaycan be very repetitve.