RPGM - Succum Brewery [v0.3.5] [LimeJuiceGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It is really good.

    So a game in which you run a bar with a super AI. Sounds wierd but is nice.

    The corruption of the MC is beliavable,. The characters are well made. The visuals are incredible. The scene are hot, and the game managment system is fun and easy to understand.

    I am looking forward to the next updates, I would really like if you could employ Anica, Alexa, the Landlord and the other girl in the bar. Afterall there is a game over with Alexa, so yeah that would be really fucking nice.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this about two months ago and it was pretty good! I think the drink making system (done by robots in a back room) is pretty boring, but you can skip that and just be a bartender who is slowly corrupted. Very enjoyable game and I look forward to future updates!
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has incredible potential, if it ever actually gets gameplay.
    The art is wonderful, both in the pixelart of the environment and the illustrations for the sexy scenes.

    The cyberpunk setting is used well, it explains the constrained play area and continuously feeds into the plot with restrictions and solutions to problems. The dynamic between the AI and the MC is this weird dance of who is corrupting who. He clearly wants to have control over her and she wants to get sluttier, but they are both very coy about it so far. I like the writing in general, both between this duo and the interactions with the NPCs and chuds, no notes.
    The thing that's absolutely killing me though is the minigames. They are hardly games at all, since there is little reason to ever change something up.
    You start the bartending minigame by flirting, then you do the magic trick, grab a wallet and after that you serve drinks/tend the bar until the shift is over. There is never a moment where you actually have to do a choice, to commit to a tradeoff, and thus every repetition of the minigame feels the same and instantly get boring, even though I really like the random sexy interactions that can happen.
    Similarly the waitress minigame just consists of clicking the right drinks and then getting closer to the customers twice before just lingering.
    I might be missing something here, but I don't see why you would ever do something else, if you want to see some sexy scenes. You know, the reason why I'm playing this game in the first place.
    Imo there needs to be some sort of balancing of a meter/tradeoff required by the player. Maybe have the sexy interaction options like flirting increase the difficulty of the drink pouring, but increase the likelyhood of sexy interactions and have an option to counteract it, like the "Deep conversation" skill. Just something, anything to mixup the repetition.
    I can see this game becoming one of my favorites, if it adresses the minigame problem and adds some QoL features like bulk selling of wallets, bulk buying of ingredients etc..
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This review is for v0.3d

    This is a very good game with a simple premise, some nice jokes, and some even nicer tits.

    The only issues I have with this game are:
    • inconsistent art
    • slightly too long of play time
    When I say inconsistent art, I mean that the art in some scenes is absolutely phenomenal, 10/10 quality, but then art in other parts of the game is wildly different, almost as if it was drawn by a different person all together.
    Quality of the art aside, it is also inconsistent with some things such as the body proportions, for instance with some images depicting her as having absolutely massive melons, while others show the more standard/consistent proportions where she's still decently stacked, but nowhere near as massive.
    This is something that pops up throughout the entire game ranging from the thickness of her thighs to the size and shape of her nipples.
    If there were to be transformation based content where her body actually gets changed, then it would be fine, but the closest thing to transformation in this game is Chongo becoming Mecha Chongo.

    As for the slightly too long of runtime, it is exactly that.
    For the first 6 hours or so of the gameplay, everything is extremely tame, with nothing really kicking off until after multiple training sessions.
    This is an issue as the gameplay is extremely repetitive, with every day being the exact same routine of tending the bar, preparing drinks, and so on.
    While it doesn't change much in that regard even later on, you at least eventually get some sexy bits to look at...near the end of all training.

    If there was less of a padded runtime in the game with more consistent art, then I could easily give this 5 stars, but as is, it is a one and done situation with the first real sexual content not popping up until basically the end of current content, which takes way too many hours to get to without cheating.

    Good game, basically the waitressing minigame from Karryn's Prison turned into a full fledged game on its own, but just a bit too lengthy to be enjoyable with the current amount of H content.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    lmao man this game is hilarious. Do not skip text. 10/10 comedy gold here.

    cant wait for full release havent been this excited for a project.

    Read the game people, as a bonus the chortling will help mask the fapping noises for those seeking discretion.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    4/5 Story/Characters
    - The characters in the game are hot, though the faceless Chuds (which will fuck MC) are a bit too comical for my tastes. Some of the art is hot but some of the art needs some anatomy lessons. The other downside is you can do some events out of order in relation to MC's corruption, so it's a bit weird when she thinks about being a slut when you haven't slutted her yet.

    4/5 Gameplay
    - The gameplay loop is unique and different, though a tad grindy. If we could speed up the corruption or story progression if the player is good at the combat bartending minigame that could help. Otherwise, there's about 10 days of nothing happening which is very grindy.

    5/5 Porn
    - This game's best part is in the mind control part, which is VOICED! In English! Super amazing. I wish you could get to it faster, we're talking 2+ hours and 20-30 in game days of grinding to start ramping it up.

    Great game and concept so far though, will be keeping my eye on it. I think it can hit 5/5 with a bit less grinding in the first twenty days (especially if you are collecting reputation like mad) and if some of the art in the small throwaway scenes fixed up some anatomy believability.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    It's got fairly fun writing, if a few typos here and there, and a neat enough premise. The actual bar minigame starts to get tiring over all as it's just a disguised "press the button when the meters in in the green zone" minigame, but that isn't an issue in and of itself.

    It's the glacial pacing. A slowburn is fine. This is to the point of tedium and an actual job, which the game sasses in story at some point. With content currently up to 95 corruption and you get 1-3~ corruption a day without cheating, it takes a hot minute. What's worse is that while something happens every five, often times it's just a phone call. Plot progression. Then you're back to doing the same old stuff. The shoe doesn't truly, fully drop until around 85~.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A couple hours into ver. and the main narrative has been interesting so far. The bartending mini-game has some good bones to potentially be a pretty fun mechanic if further fleshed out. Definitely need to save often though as I keep encountering various bugs that prevent the dialogue boxes or menus to display properly so I get stuck and have to restart the client.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    A hidden gem. While we've all seen countless corruption games with the same old plots and scenes, this feels like a breath of fresh air. The characters are unique and interesting. While not initially my style I have grown to love the art style of this game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the only game where Im looking forward to every single update. This is a corruption/hypnosis driven game and for this genre to work, the writing has to be good. Thankfully, its very good.

    When I see other reviewers complain about pacing, remember that this game is in development. It makes zero sense for the developer to spend much energy on stuff like game balance or pacing when you dont even have all the moving pieces in the game.

    If you are a fan of the aforementioned genres, then you really should consider supporting this creator.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple but interesting visual style. Compelling corruption story that is rather slow-burn initially but seems to accelerate later on (compared to other games of this kind). I'm enjoying the game immensely and I have high hopes for this in the future
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.2.9.3b

    Temporary messy review due to the game not being finished.

    This game has massive potential and uses the RPGM engine in a creative way for the "battling" and the upgrade menu for instance which is nice in the pool of classic boring RPGM games.

    The corruption pacing is nice although when getting later in the game it feels like it's a bit too long to obtain more corruption leading to having to use the cheat chicken to skip some repetitive days of tending the bar.
    From what I understand the dev intends to fill in some blanks on top of adding more side and end content which sounds amazing so far.

    The LEWD part of the game so far does not have any actual sex scenes, I'm not sure if these are planned but the lewdest content atm are "toys" and blowjobs so I hope we can go a bit deeper in lewdness in future updates.

    Some voice acting is being added throughout the updates so that's pretty nice tho I wonder how much of the game will be voiced as it seems so far only the training sessions are intended to be voiced.

    The art is pretty nice tho I do wish there was more consistency on our heroine's boobas, especially with the nipples looking a little too flat/small at time. Otherwise the art is nice and the environment looks pretty good too.

    I'll give this a 8/10 for now, definitely has the potential to go to a 10/10 and will wait for more updates before coming back to it!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I played v0.2.8a, but forgot to review it at that time

    Fun little rpg maker game. Good art. Interesting premise. Well executed. A little lacking in content the last time i checked, but I'm keeping an eye on the project.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Seductive corruption at it's finest **chef's kiss**

    1. Writing is the show stealer!!! It's so witty at times and it moves the plot so well.
    2. Art is beautiful and H scenes are hot (mostly static).
    3. Has a decent amount of material (v. android with 10+ hours gameplay without cheat)
    4. Music is decent along with sound effects. Voice acting is hot and I need more!!
    5. Chuds are my fav!
    6. Simple game mechanics!! Not too much grind
    7. Builtin gallery, cheats, unlocker etc.
    1. Some kind of guide would be good. Like sometimes I was confused about how to trigger next event.
    2. Working bar can get repetitive so more fun games and more building exploration and character quests would be great.
    Verdict: Abso-fucking-lutely pick it up! I'm a proud hanholding, pat giving, hug seeking fucko that tries to avoid corruption and hypnosis genres cuz they come off way forced and make me question my morals. This game does it so well that it doesn't even feel like corruption or heavy theme rather it comes off very naturally.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game probably has the best depiction of corruption and hypnosis that i've ever witnessed, perhaps tied with 1 other game. The way Catherine naturally slips slowly, further and further into her training got me addicted to keep going and see how far I can push her. It's a pleasure watching her sink into doing more depraved acts for the chuds. The art is also really good, I especially like the uses of pink and purple colors to show lust, very well done. Even the minigame used to advance time, in this case running a bar, is actually kind of enjoyable. Whereas most games where this part is boring and takes you out of the experience, the bar minigame is pretty inoffensive and most importantly of all continues showing catherine's corruption and training take effect with chuds eventually groping her or kissing or etc, as well as Catherine making progressively more provocative faces during the whole minigame (special shoutouts to whoever added this small detail). I'm highly anticipating more from this game and the developer.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game matches up perfectly with all of my kinks, hypnosis, domination, exhibitionism etc. The characters are well written and the gameplay loop is engaging. The one issue I have with the game is that it takes a little too long for new content to show up so you end up having to repeat certain scenes over and over before the story progresses.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the perfect game! I will be waitind to continue, or even part 2 sometimes. Author really has a good skill, ad i hope that we will see more h-scenes with chuds and mutants in future. I love studying and hope that it will be a regular function of it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's almost perfect. Almost. The only thing I would like improved is more arts and lengthier scenes. I've spent an enitre evening playing this game, which felt great, since I don't remember the last time that happened. The slow (?) corruption was great, and so was the fact that the MC wasn't an absolute prude from the get-go. Side characters are... weird and the development takes weird turns at time (I though the game was gonna have different types of chums based on the first dialogues, but they all just mostly blended together soon enough. oh well.), but the game cycle is fun enough, at least if you adjust the corruption manually to hurry things along. The game is in development (and, in all fairness, may very well stay there forever, much like a lot of other projects), so the corruption cheat is a life saver.

    So yeah, more arts, more scenes, more dialogues. Some people argue that gameplay is boring and repetitive, but, just to rephrase what some character says in the game, "It's best not to ruin a good thing." There are multiple project that tried to spice things up and that backfired in the worst ways. So maybe keep gameplay the same with minor changes.

    Overall ATM: 8.5/10
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried it in beta and it was too good, innovative story and mechanics, support the work of this holy man!

    I tried it in beta and it was too good, innovative story and mechanics, support the work of this holy man!
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Desperately overrated game.

    It's well written and it eggs you on to keep playing but sadly the entire experience is ruined by it's shitty minigame.

    In order to get to the good stuff you have to play through literally the worst minigame I've ever played and it's unskippable. In the beginning it's not so bad but after your 10th time it really starts to become truly hateful. It's also the only way to actually progress the game as well which makes for a really grindy and braindead gameplay loop.

    I read it took someone 8 hours to complete the game... I guarantee you, 6 of those were spent in the minigame.

    There's a cheat menu, though it's completely useless because, as you can imagine, you're still forced to play the fucking minigame.

    The art is AI-generated and a bit disappointing too.

    If you enjoy manual labour you're going to love this game.