RPGM - Succum Brewery [v0.3.5] [LimeJuiceGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I really appreciate the writing of this game, more than anything else. I think Catherine is written in a really sexy way. She's resistant to change, but she's never miserable or conflicted to the point where what she's going through feels too dark or twisted.

    The art is very good, and the gameplay is fine (getting better with each release). When I played early on, there wasn't much to do in the bartending section of the game, and it played out exactly the same each time if you knew what you were doing.

    I think the closest comparison is the bar minigame in Karryn's, and while it's not quite that fleshed out yet, I can see it getting to that point.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It's awesome, story and dialogue are the highlights and the CGs are quite good. Shaping up to be a great game all round with quite a bit to do. Took me just under 8 hours for all the content so far and there's plenty more to come.

    The music is definitely high quality too, hopefully we'll also be getting more of that :)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    TLDR; S tier writing with a game that almost makes you not care that it's RPGM.

    The dev is clearly not only a native English speaker, but an excellent story teller, two things you are lucky to get one of on the site. I know this is a super tired sentiment but I would gladly play this or any of this dev's work in the form of a VN.

    That being said, I totally respect the dev's effort to make this experience into an interactive game. They use the clunky RPGM engine in refreshingly creative ways. They're clearly willing to experiment, and have already made adjustments to the game's balance and loop based on player feedback. Incredibly promising to see.

    Biggest criticism I could give would be centered around the balance of the game, mainly the bottleneck in progressing the story that is the protag's "corruption level". There are a number of conspicuously invisible stats and variables, such as the corruption and arousal, that can make the player feel "stuck". Luckily these seem to be acknowledged by the dev, in that they provide a supported cheat ability to skip the grind until the game is appropriately paced and balanced.

    Keep it up LimeJuice! I'll be following you closely from now on :)
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The dev has clearly played tons of hypno games, taken the best aspects of them, and fused them into a witty and captivating masterpiece.

    The story is coherent and amusing. The characters are plausible. The gameplay loop is challenging enough that I got stuck a bit, not not so challenging that I grew frustrated and quit.

    It feels very well balanced (before you get toward end of content, its still in development), keeping that next level ero scene just beyond your grasp for just long enough. Edging at its finest.

    The game was so fun, I basically stopped fapping many times to actually just *play the game*. But it was still hot af.

    This game has a professional feel to it, I cannot wait for it to be completed!

    Other S tier attributes:
    * Extremely high quality art
    * Female narration
    * Excellent music (beyond standard RPGM)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like this one - some controls are wonky with the upgrades, but other than that, great game. I usually prefer games that focus on more than one girl, but this one has personality and has caught herself in an interesting predicament.

    The bar "battle" is a very welcome alteration from the usual RPGM battles.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple but solid gameplay is elevated by by wonderful art coupled with writing and story telling which is far beyond average for this type of game. Already enough content to last several hours in version 0.2.8. To be strongly recommended!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The early version of this game is truly amazing, featuring excellent pacing and some sizzling scenes that perfectly complement the chosen graphic style. I'm eagerly looking forward to the next versions. Keep up the fantastic work!
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Lucker # 1

    Amazing for an early version, great pacing and hot scenes for the chosen graphic style. Looking forward to next versions. Love the development of the diffrent characters, not just the two main characters.
  9. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3134271

    This game has a lot to offer.

    You play as a down-on-her-luck lady in a cyberpunk dystopia, stranded on a roof when her cyber-cab fare runs out mid-flight. She stumbles upon an A.I. named IO, whose sole directive is to run a successful enterprise of any kind with a human partner. It's revealed early on that IO shuts down when his partner leaves, resetting to factory settings and effectively "dying". The two decide to run a bar and the story chronicles the developing relationship between human woman and artificial intelligence.

    First off, the writing is actually really good. Shockingly so. Each character is vibrant and distinct. IO's development as he learns about human love, attraction and biology proceeds organically, his motivation of staying "alive" naturally interlocks with his desire to run a business as well as please his human partner so they're convinced to stay leads to some interesting conflicts and friction in the story. I was actually hooked when 9 times outta 10 I slap that skip button before the prolouge ends.

    The art is very good as well, the sexy cyberpunk pseudo-anime being lovingly rendered, expressive and colorful.

    The downside, unfortunately, is a big one. This is a jerry-rigged RPGMaker game, and it shows. The bartending minigame is an inventive use of the RPG Maker battle framework, but it's clunky because there's only so much that can be done with this engine. I honestly put the game down when more in depth mechanics were introduced, grafted onto RPGMaker, such as brewing beer remotely via drone usage. This is one of the few times I wished the thing I was playing was a visual novel so I didn't have to put up with the janky gameplay.

    This entire thing feels a bit clunky, to be honest. There's next to no exploration, so moving around the gameworld is a bit redundant and tedious. Honestly a menu system of locations/characters to talk to would be way better, with the few rudimentary cutscenes simply being illustrated slideshows (which would let us see more of the pretty art).

    Honestly, this game would benefit from a rebuild in something else. It deserves better.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a really nice game so far, the animations are nice, its a corruption game and it never steers away from that. The brewing is possibly the least enjoyable part but even that isn't terrible as there isn't really a fail state that I have found for it yet.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Originality - 95%
    Renders - 90%
    Playability - 80%
    Performance - 100%
    Bugs free - 100%
    Animations - 20%
    Amount of content - 30 %

    Total - 73%

    Nice game with potential to be even better. Renders are very nice, unfortunately as of now, there isn't much of them. Only thing that I find infuriating is the part, where you need to brew the alcohol 'manually'. Why? I don't see any point in this other than to lose time doing nothing interesting at all.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    really great start to a WIP game. my only gripes i really have are:
    • the balance at the start of the game feels really hard to get the first 2-3 upgrades to the point that its kindof tedious and boring. wish it was a little easier but it smooths out fine after the bar stools
    • pre-selected menus. i hate when im pressing confirm to make the text appear faster/next dialogue and end up accidentally choosing an option. also kind of a gripe during bartending cuz sometimes i would end up pressing tend bar instead of what i wanted cuz i was pressing confirm so I ended up having to force myself to hold ctrl instead
    • the bartending gets a little repetitive and tedious but this might smooth out as the game is further developed and u get more options for variety but i guess we'll just have to wait and see
    • the upgrades for drinks felt like it was starting to bloat the menu because of all the diferent options. would rather just see linear upgrades for certain things unless theres a good reason for it to be different i.e. having a light beer and dark beer option whereas theres a good reason for 2 different shots options i.e. normal shot and body shots
    • the standing art for catherine. I like all the H art, it has a nice uniqueness to the artstyle but the standing art looks like either her neck is too long/big or her head is too small. Personally I would really want a slight revision or something.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Been enjoying it so far, excited to see how this project will fold out.

    The corruption feels gradual and organic, rather than most corruption games where the MC goes from pure to sexual deviant in five seconds.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice game. The scenes are nicely drawn, and the corruption is a slowburn which I think makes it much more enjoyable. Its a very solid game overall. I do think that the resource management of the game is weak as it doesnt really add much to the game other than being a thing that you have to do.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Yea this one is a winner. 10/10

    Original and unique plot, good writing, amazing graphics/visuals and neat game aspects.
    It's just the right amount of grind to reward and has a lot of cool features so far.
    The ONLY thing I think needs improving is the repetitiveness of the bartending tasks and perhaps some side quests.
    I really hope to see more updates of this, one of the best games I've played.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I love this game to death. Seriously. The concept is novel and the setting is great. The art is great too.

    BUT... the art is used very sparingly (which I can understand because they need to work with the budget they have) and more importantly, the gameplay/mini games are really starting to annoy me. It is basically, the same filler gameplay endlessly of tending the bar. After doing it 50 times, it really isn't very enjoyable anymore and the game gets super grindy.

    Let's see where it goes from here, but I feel it's at a tipping point right now.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    • Art 4/5 : animations would be nice but not necessary, some of the art used doesn't match the situation, i. e. when bar tending topless the graphic depicting Catherine's pussy being groped shows her still with her top on. Otherwise I really like the quality and direction of the art.
    • Story 4/5 : Story/dialogue is decent. The slow decent into corruption is good but the dialogue is sometimes confusing in reference to characters intent/motivations. I'm rating a 4 because most of the narrative setups and conclusions are good and the sexy scenes are well written, not too long and not too short.
    • Gameplay 3/5 : drags on sometimes but the concept is good and fun to play most of the time.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an awesome management game. It is more fun than most/any SFW games from the same genre. The story and world building are very good. The pacing is solid. The aesthetic is great. I don't really play rpgm games anymore but this is an exception because it isn't a walkathon.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    An Anon Anon

    While there's the odd spelling error, the game itself is a humorous, lewd, and simple time. I don't quite like the brewing mechanics, as I feel like they're unnessecary to the core loop of "Hot chick gets corrupted", but I enjoy the storyline and the developer clearly has a good time writing the jokes present in the game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Succum Brewery [v0.2.6a] review

    Ok so I'm only like 30 min in but I already know this is a clean 5/5 any day of the week.

    This is one of those rare cases where a fully competent author decides to make a lewd game.

    I'm not usually one to give a 5/5 score to something that doesn't have the lewd content up front and center but this will be the best exception I've ever made.

    I have reviewed a good bit over a hundred games by now here on f95 and only in a handful cases has the writng floored me like it did here.
    Hell, I'd go so far as to say that this is probably the best written game of them all. It sneaks humor and philosophy on you when you least expect it. There's mystery, there's corruption and there's a pressing need to pay the bills. It makes for a great story setting.
    Despite the setting being really weird, everything feels completely natural and it flows wonderfully.

    I have never ever said "came for the titties, stayed for the story", i'm just not that kind of guy, so this will be a first for me.

    The gameplay loop leaves something to be desired, and the RPGM engine is still shit, but I'll forgive all of these flaws, and then some. I just want to read more of these wonderful words.

    Warmly recommended if you can appreciate writing with nuance and an intelligent sense of humor.

    If your grasp on English isn't excellent then maybe some of it will go over your head, but for any native speaker this is a must try.

    Really looking forward to where this goes next.