RPGM - Succum Brewery [v0.3.8b] [LimeJuiceGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    well what more can i say , great progression, great story, great concept, litteraly one of a kind as there aren't many bartinding games with those groping and and the rest of the mehcanincs, keep up the work
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fucking great corruption/mind control story, with trigger words and everything. In addition, well-realized characters, a compelling story, and well-drawn scenes. Very slow burn up to now, though, and it does take some effort to not go bankrupt, so keep that in mind if you want to pick this up. I'd definitely recommend it if you like hypnosis or mind control.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Replayed this again to catch up with the latest updates. My opinion about this game is still the same as my opinion when I first played it - it has good potential.

    The art is good, the voice acting is great, and the corruption is slow, albeit a bit too fast at times but at least it has the 'hypnotism' aspect going for it. I would love to see more of this game, but they really need to streamline the mini games... I played this from start to finish for more or less 6 hours straight, but I could have completed it for less than half the time IF I COULD JUST SKIP THE FUCKING MINIGAMES. The minigames were fun in the beginning, but after 6 hours of unskippable mini-games I just wanted the game to end.

    6/10 for now, will probably leave to cook again and come back after a year or so... or at least until the next update.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    The art is mid at best, the scenes are also mid. I found progression in this game confusing and lacking any indication wherever you will get a new scene or not and what you have to do for it.

    Minigames are kinda bad, overall it is hard to enjoy this game. Something about gameflow is wrong, and scenes could have been massively improved, along with a gallery and quest log options.

    I don't think it's a good corruption game either, heroine gets brainwashed by a robot, but that is most of the corruption, there is no tension, suspense, no gradual fall, she just becomes a whore after procedures.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a fun bartending corruption game. The cgs are unique, and convey a nice quality to the active story, which is a true highlight, with the AI steadily "training" our beautiful and charming bar maid into a much less inhibited person. The side characters add a lot of humor to the mix as well. Over all a fun little romp of a game, if you don't mind a large amount of grinding. The pouring mini game does get very tiresome.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It could be partially subjective, but didn't enjoy game that much. The main problem is boring and unengaging main loop: basically you are forced to click same button over and over to survive and get enough credits to progress every morning, which was extremely tiresome.

    I like idea of slow-burn corruption, that's why I'm here, but after first 2-3 weeks progress gets way too slow and content way too sparse for such repetitive gameplay. Content itself is fine, but mostly it can be found in other corruption games. I liked idea with AI a lot though, it's well written and makes perfect sense - rarity for a porn game. Manipulation and gaslighting are there, but not to a degree it's often described in recommendations, MC enters this route quite proactively.

    Not a huge fun of this art stile, but art on itself is good for the most part. Also, some scenes are voiced. Overall, if you are into corruption, finished most other corruption games here and don't mind to repeat same action again and again, you can spend an evening playing this.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Incredibly average. I've been keeping my eye on this game for a while now. Was playing it every so often and supporting the dev there for a while. But this just isn't going anywhere for me.

    The corruption is really slow burn, and there's not really enough content yet to make the time you sink into it worth it. Unless you're into teasing and mild stuff.

    It's repetitive. Playing a mini game is the main gameplay loop, besides the small stuff you have to do in between.

    The art is pretty inconsistent, as others below me has said. Which, isn't much of a problem, but it's off putting. Also breaks immersion for me since it's distracting.

    This game is just really overrated. Maybe when it's completed, it'll be different. But I don't make reviews based on "what ifs".

    I give it two stars because the writing is pretty good. The dev definitely deserves praise for that alone.

    If you're still feeling like playing, I probably would give it a shot until you get bored, then just unlock the scenes. That would probably make the better usage out of your time.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly a really good (but not great) game, especially when you consider the quality of the art even though it is inconsistent.

    The art is nice in that it's not the same overused anime slop that plagues RPGM games, but it has a lot of inconsistencies throughout the game.

    As for the gameplay itself, it is extremely grindy and tedious, taking what should have been an occasional minigame and turning it into the primary feature of the game.
    The time it takes to get to the new content after reaching each stage does not reflect how long you have to play to get to that content.
    Like, you'll play for over an hour to go from running the bar to finally showing a hint of cleavage.

    Good art, terrible game balance.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is overrated.

    Art is inconsistent, some pin-ups are great while others are badly drawn. All dicks are drawn badly, pussy anatomy is also off. Set design is great.

    Gameplay is not fun at all, particularly the bartending whiskey pouring. Waitressing is fun, however both game modes get highly repetitive. The management system of ordering and brewing is also tedious more often than not.

    Writing is great, Chud's are hilarious at times.

    Story is very well done, esp the premise behind the AI.

    In closing, this game has potential but is ultimately held back by inconsistent art, tedious gameplay and mechanics and atrocious pacing. If it weren't for "cheat chicken" I wouldn't have continued playing.

    The biggest issue with this game is the terrible pacing. It is super grindy and takes too long for things to happen.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game, very hot premise with damn good art!

    Uniquely entertaining dialogue and even dialogue names that had me busting my gut laughing even more than I was busting my nuts.

    Keeping my eyes on this one! 10/10
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice game, one the few worth it RPGM games. The art is 100/100 very hot stuff and is a very interesting corruption story (Is really corruption? More like some introspective submision or something). The interaction between the IA and the protagonist or with the rest of the cast are very interesting. Sadly the minigames are mostly basic and in the case of brewing just to boring but I get it, the engine is not the best for that.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I really don't understand the high reviews.

    Similar game play can be found in a test for brain lesions; press the button when a red dot appears, can you recall 4 pieces of information? As for the management side of things you pretty much just buy the upgrades as soon as they appear, it's more progression then management. Buying ingredients is just busywork too.

    The world building is internally inconsistent and invasive, it's inconsistent because in a world dominated by scifi mega corporations there are still small businesses. and the little guy (chuds) can still get digital currency even though their economy is comprised of stealing. Really the chuds are just an elaborate soyjak of all the people the author hates or thinks he's better than. Like the fact that they have no beds and live in the sewer but also play D&D. This would be less of an issue if the same tired tropes didn't appear underneath vital information after every single action you take in the "game", wearing the joke(?) extremely thin.

    The author seems to go out of their way to make every character nebulous or unlikable. The main character is an idiot who patronizes people for sexual attention, the shop keeper is a murderous bandit, the mechanics are ambiguous and the corporate overlord is a bitch. There needs to be good guys, or at least some personality to make me want to actually listen to what they have to say.

    I'm giving two stars because the scenes are pretty hot and the voice actor did a good job, I recommend just unlocking the scenes.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    as of v0.3.5. If you are looking for a slow burn corruption game, this is the best option on this site. the pacing is perfect, the art is phenomenal, the core game play loop is just the right level of grind to feel rewarding. the voice acting feels unnecessary but it doesn't take away from the experience.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    I have no idea how this has such high reviews. After playing it I can easily say there is nowhere near enough content and it is just far too slow burn. It has been out for at least half a year since I've been seeing it pop up constantly but even at .3.5 we have the first penetration scene. Power to you if you like mind control, I myself love corruption as a fetish but god man this game needs to SLAM that accelerator right now. The art and concept are decent, it just needs content.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    We need more games like this, where the job gameplay is so heavily fleshed out and intertwines with the sex. It also really helps that the dev is consistent and reliable with updates.
    Even after SB is finished I'm definitely keeping an eye up on the team for their future endeavors.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Good title with some flaws. That's my review's title ^^

    For the corruption, that's a pretty good game.

    The concept is a copycat of another game well known.

    The goods:

    - The first thing that comes to mind is training! The scenes are erotic as hell with the nicest voice over i heard in a game.
    - The corruption is well made and i know what i talk about :p
    - The main character stills. No animation unfortunately. She is sexy and hot :D
    - The story is very nice for a game about corruption and that's refreshing!
    - The core gameplay is very fun aka bar shifts. As the first original game showed us this gameplay is fun and erotic no name but you all know it for something about a prison ^^
    - Side characters are nice but no really erotic scenes with them :( a shame.

    The bad:
    - Very long and grindy. Grindy as the core mechanic is dense and very often a chore. Seriously the brewing drinks mechanic is flawed and uninteresting part of the game. I didn't enjoyed this part of the game. I used the cheats as it deserves no time waste at all.
    - Hopefully that's not those bum NTR game so the NPC are correct but the cyborg are all over the top with their pigs dick...
    - The story and the worldbuilding is so particular that you need time to adjust to the terms and the signification of those. Chud? what is that?
    - No animation, too much repetitions no variance there's a lack of content according to my tastes.

    Here you are, a solid game that could be perfect but it isn't for 3 main reasons.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple, yet fun and hits all the bases just right. Played a lot of bartending games, but this one is exactly what I secretly wished to see. Brewing and drink mechanics are a bit too simple at times, but this is fine, in the end, it's a great game which has some room for improvement, and it keeps me engaged.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Stellar corruption progression, definitely up there as a contender for bearer of the gold standard for this sort of debauchery. Art suitable and really quite enticing, but again, the pacing and payoff is what makes Succum Brewery stand out.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, if you give this game less than 4 stars there's something wrong with you.

    Yeah, the gameplay gets a little bit grindy but even then, it has a unique style and also keep in mind that when it comes to RPGM the grind is inevitable. Luckily there are in-game cheats so you can get and advantage or unlock ANYTHING you want, so there's no excuse.

    I had a spectacular time playing this game and for me it has to be one of THE BEST games i've played in this site, up there with summer memories, and i can't wait for more content.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I gotta say, it makes for a great wank. Really charming game with even more charming art. Like my Pa always said, all a man really needs is a good drink and good women. This certainly plays into that. There might be a bit of discourse in the discussion thread, but I leave this review in hopes to cheer the creator on in spite that. There are minor things that can be improved on, such as maybe revisiting the old art and touching it up a little to be more consistent. Despite that, good game to sink a few hours and a few cranks too. Cheers, and I'm looking forward to future developments!