Unity - Completed - Summer Clover [v1.11] [Connection]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game! All scenes were great, gameplay was fair, not having a time limit allowed me to take my time and enjoy it. Would play again for the scenes which were very well animated! 4.8/5

    If there's one thing I would fix it'd be the end credits scenes... If you're hoping to get all endings you will have to sit through a 3-4 minute end credits scene that, as far as I could tell, couldn't be skipped. And I was a bit disappointed there wasn't a prize scene for getting everything (again unless I missed it).
    A scene with multiple women would've been a nice topper for getting everything.

    I also did hit some sort of freeze when cleaning Shizuko's (Or was it Shizuku?) house. Happened twice but the auto save kept me from getting frustrated.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    you can tell work was put into this.
    while some gameplay aspect like leveling your skills in cooking, talking etc are just time dumps and interaction elements are kinda shallow.

    the real meat/fun is in the girls and the sex scenes.
    girls are nothing new in terms of troupes but well fleshed out and lovable.

    the scenes are pretty damn good.

    the models are top tier.

    voice acting is really good, imo.

    it's a slow burn but a QUALITY slow burn.

    bought it on steam to support the dev. need more of this.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a rare gem, 5 out of 5 stars.
    It has every character traits you could ask for
    (Except for Yandere or NTR)
    If you wanna enjoy a lovely, sweet love story with a smidge of harem.
    Why not give it a shot?(No pun intended)

    [+ Pros]
    + Top notch animations
    Every H scenes in the game are all animated & voiced.
    Even includes different angles, clothing, X-Ray vision.
    + Top notch voice acting
    Every voice actor has done a fantastic job.
    Not the cheesy kind or AI simulated, it's the real deal.
    Some might find the word censoring annoying,
    yet that's the regulation within the VA agency,
    ordered under the laws of government.
    + No NTR bullshit
    + No excessive mini games

    [- Cons]
    - Translations
    The language options except for Chinese(Both) or Japanese,
    are not very accurate/decent.
    They should hire someone with better experience
    if they wanna go global.
    - A bit grindy
    You won't feel this at early games,
    but once you reach the medium~end game, it start to manifest.
    Some of the collectable, heroines' clothing, special events,
    would require more stamina & action points to search.
    However, it could be solved with this mod I created.
    Which could be found right here. :)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I have never posted a review in my life but Gerrardbro2's review below me was just so bad I had to do it. Ignoring the blatant racism at the end of his review, almost everything he said is wrong.

    None of the art in this game seems AI-generated, a lot of them are well-animated and interactable, which is just impossible with AI right now.

    The fact that he said that there is "no sex outside of the usual shit tier story" just tells me that he hasn't played the game for more than ten minutes because there are literally options to do that very thing whenever you want by the time you reach the first week.

    This game is pretty good. It's not perfect, but it's nowhere near as bad as Gerrardbro2 is saying. Do this forum a favor and report his review. Calling the devs "chinks" and "retarded" just because you weren't able to beat your meat immediately upon booting the game just shows how limited your attention span is.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    My Disappointment is Immeasurable, and My Day is Ruined

    This is the title I would give to this review. When I started playing this game, I expected the typical anime clichés that we all know and like: not-too-serious, heart-warming situations with some steamy action.

    To be honest, most of the game will probably provide the player with just that. But unfortunately, I won't find out because the first erotic scene in this game is rape.

    Is it my fault for not checking the tags? Yes.

    However, if we're eating the thousandth, unremarkable bar of chocolate, do we not have the right to be disgusted if it turns out to be stuffed with fish paste? Even if this possibility is considered in the composition, printed in tiny text?

    I don't know.

    Anyway, this one scene was so out of place for me, so random and unnecessary, that I'm not going to finish this game.

    Maybe I'm taking it too seriously. It's just a silly hentai game. But I wouldn't be able to continue this story knowing that the protagonist I'm playing was literally drugged and raped, and the game expects me to act as if it were completely normal.

    If this is what the game expects from me, let it be a game in which rape and femdom are the main themes, or at least a sub-route that I can choose or not.

    I don't want to experience rape in a silly and light romance hentai game.

    It's a shame because the game looks really good, and I would love to see more of Kazumi. I give this game a 2/5, although it probably objectively deserves a 3/5 or even a 4/5.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty high quality art and gameplay for a vanilla harem game. Grinding isn't that bad once you figure it out. Minor issues with translations and an unnecessary drugging of the MC. Characters are all adults - all of the women are actually older than MC - which has always been one of my biggest complaints about these games.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Beer girl best girl. Amazing art, built in guide; takes an afternoon to beat. Beer girl best girl. Starts out a bit slow but once you get the hang of it it's super easy and the H-scenes are wonderful. Beer girl best girl.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    pretty good so far, I just wish we had more choice when it comes to who we interact with first. It's a very linear game for the most part, you get to choose some things, I just wish there was more. The game is fantastic otherwise.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Really nice game. I liked the setting, the girls and the animation.
    Maybe it is a little too slow, sometime you have to play a lot of minutes just to reach the day where you can proceed with the story.
    without the special item that give you the power to change the date it would be very very slow.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Really good and chill game, could have easily been a 5 Stars. But there are some grind lategame that make it a little annoying.

    Overall, you can see the devs really tried on this game. The UI is nice, the music soothing, and the scenes (in live2D) are amazing. So much that you kind of want more, always.

    What I really like are the variations put into the scenes. If you take the bra off, boobs will fall off. If you speed up, you'll see their butt bouncing... It's small things, really, but few devs do it, so props when it's due.

    All the 4 Characters are likeable and different. The only downside is that aside from their face and hairs, their bodies are kind of similar.... It would have been cool to have a small breasted girl somewhere.

    There are some CG aswell, but it's not H. No matters, they're really beautiful and help immersion while reading the story.

    As for the story... it's fun, light-hearted, but nothing to write home about. It's serviceable, and that's enough.

    The mechanics of the games are easy enough. When you understand that you can upgrade you Stamina in the mountain, you'll never have troubles. Keep your Stamina above 15 early game, don't forget to go to the Church during the afternoon to boost your moral, and it'll be easy.
    Do missions if you want to earn money.

    What I didn't like was the grind "late game". At some point, the story and some girls event only happen on Sunday. So you need to skip the whole week to advance. And it takes some time, enough to be annoyed by it.

    I was very excited to see you could unlock multiple costumes aswell, and I was eager to see the previous sex scenes with new outfits and variations... But that's not happening...
    Costumes are only for when you talk with the girls. As soon as you go into a sex scene, they'll wear their usual outfit for that scene. Very disappointed, a missed opportunity.

    The Shower/Church scenes are a small disappointment aswell, could have been better

    The game's great, but misses some hits here and there, and that's why I think 4 Stars is well deserved !
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Its such a fun, cute litte game. The gameplay loop is engaging without being overly complex, and the story and artstyle are wonderful. Maybe not the best alone time material, but better than so much of the slop we see being rated as top shelf
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Pomf Oniichan

    Honestly, a great game.
    Nothing mind-blowing or makes me question my life, but for an h-game with a direction and a purpose, this was really well executed. Fluid animations, likeable characters, purposeful gameplay, good amount of scenes.

    My only nitpick is that the money-lovepoints quickly becomes obsolete and cleaning is not at all stressful... which is probably fine, considering the fact that this game is meant to be simple.

    Seamless, otherwise.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I am in love with this game! Everything from the artwork to the story to the gameplay seems so well done that I can't even believe it. A bunch of scenes that open up as you progress are very well done. And what surprises me is that the weight of the game is 5GB and the content feels like it's all 15GB
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    old chicken

    Excellent 2dcg animations. Story is wholesome and good enough for vanilla enjoyers. Fully voiced and sound effects are a plus. harem games should all aspire to be like this.
    Pro-tip: use a save editor to cheat money to avoid too much grind.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3246265

    Fantastic animation and everything I needed except that it was grindy especially if you didn't find the optimal items. Really appreciated the hints that gave you the conditions rather than being completely lost.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Another win from the makers of "Happiness Double Room."

    The story is decent, gameplay loop is easy and provides a few hours of gameplay to complete everything. The voice acting and character designs are really great. The actual sex scenes are pretty good but it has a lot less interaction that we had in "Happiness Double Room."
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    A Good Game, But Not Without Flaws
    The story premise is decent and fits the usual H-Games format with 3+1 heroines. Some of the heroine intros are interesting, but they become the MC's "slaves" too quickly. Each heroine's personality should be kept to make the experience more diverse. Also, several scenes are repetitive across all heroines, making the progression, especially in the mid-to-end game, feel monotonous and repetitive.

    The H-scene animations are very good and quite detailed (multi-view, accessories). One thing that stands out is the natural detailing of belly fat, which is rarely done well in other animations, I would say before it gets repetitive, the H-scene animation is what makes me stay longer (Despite I really hate the grind in this game).

    The story could be more personal for each heroine's arc. Some gameplay elements are repetitive (with the same scenes for each heroine) and force players to grind (you can't skip them, but they are needed for story progression). Some parts feel unfinished (cleanliness and cooking feel more like chores than cohesive parts of the game).

    They could also introduce more diverse heroine (for now mostly they are just big bust with similar height but different hair, their personality toward mid-game also cut down to be similar, so it felt it's just a skin rather than different heroine).

    My final score would be 7/10, but I won't give it as low as 6/10. Can easily 9/10 from H-scene animation alone, but lots of game element and pacing kills the experience.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game.
    5/5 animations. lots of position, and it has the one feature that i want from any H anime games out there, and that it actually shows you the entire body of the male instead of just the dick itself.

    5/5 story. some people might think that the transition is a little bit fast, but its very well justified by the characters personality. although a bit cliche, its good enough that it makes sense. the voice acting is also pretty good, one of the best actually.

    4/5 gameplay. a bit repetitive but its honestly just what you'd expect from a game such as this one. there's nothing else to do but work on getting your affection high enough to trigger some events, and for you to do that, they need you to work for it. the events are interesting and rewarding enough that your time is well spent.
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Illidan No Women 10000

    Hello! It's me Illidan and today i will rate this game. Honestly... I expected more, considering what ppl said in discussion. Anyway, i will rate this game by such categories : Translation, story, gameplay?, hscenes

    Let's start

    Translation 4.5/5 - I think i can rate it like 4.5? Well, i found some gender mistakes, also you can find some untranslated parts in settings iirc... But i think that's okay

    Story 3/5 - Eh... I really don't like story here and how these girls portrayed. All of them are way too... Meh? Blonde literally BJ you in the first her event, while white haired does footjob. The only one who doesn't do 18+ scene in first event is Kazumi, though it happens on second. Progressing further story, MC will have more wholesome and 18+ moments. But i question, what his employer would do, to such piece of garbage who touch his daughters? Though, i also dont understand how he have 3 daughters with different hair colors.... I wish we had more explanation on MC debt and his personality, but we are self insterts after all(we can nickname our MC), so we dont see such thing.

    Gameplay 2.5/5 - Well, there is not much gameplay tbh. I dont know why people use cheats and save editor when you can get around 100k cash in 10 minutes, by simply adventuring in the mountains. You get extra cash book asap and energy items and farm like that. Though... Well, it takes your time i guess? Anyway, this is basic date sim, which isnt difficult but can be annoying at times. Sometimes event markers dont appear, or you bug in such way that your game only shows black screen. In my case, my game stopped progressing after j*rking off or when i triggered 2 last events and on 2nd event, my game got black screen :mad:. As conclusion for this category, i will say that you dont need to expect something great from gameplay of this hgame.

    Hscenes 5/5 - Well, i cant say much. There is pretty well done animations, which you can rarely see in hgames. Though, some scenes have "screens" which shows simple up and down animation and etc, but it's optional.

    Conclusion 3.5/5 - It's hgame which i would recommend only for fapping and if you have time to clear this game. To clear this game asap, you need to spend around 1-2 hours or 30 +- minutes(skip all dialogues) . I really dont understand why people worship this dating sim. Maybe they played previous game of this dev.... Anyway, i need to finally clear again Balrd sky. *Checks laptop* What? Where is exe??? Fucking hell, anti virus again deleted Baldr Sky :cry:
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Literally one of the best games I've ever played hands down.
    The only regret I have is that I couldn't give a score higher than 5/5. This game easily provides 3 to 5+ hours of quality content. This is definitely going to my collection and I would not be surprised if this game gets 4.5+ stars with 30+ reviews.

    Literally awesome.