VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Summer Pleasure [Final] [Deep Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I went as far as i could with this game before my nerves just flipped. Now, models are very cute, the story per se would even be ok, despite the zero amount of agency at least to the point i played through, the game is completed and i really wanted to play it...

    But then... The Narrator...

    The narrator is not only completely useless and out of place, it's an aggressive act of offensive time wasting.

    A player does not need for the narrator to tell him what's on the scene in front of him
    He doesn't need to read an essay on what the characters think or feel during every second of every scene. If you can't just convey it by the mannerism, use thoughts.
    He doesn't neet to see all possible brance of a situation enumerated before one is picked up, he could guess what else could have happened.

    And something about 80% of the game play is the Narrator telling useless text walls or the cam pointing at half a dozen detail of each girl, while she's already on the scene.

    Really... no. That's no direction nor storytelling. A chance wasted for an otherwise ok-ish game,
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Very average game with super simple story. Just watch renders, your choices don't matter. Repetitive screens. It's not bad but not good either. It's just 3 stars rated porn story and not a game. The visuals are on the same level as story - not bad but not good. Everything seems mediocre here.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for Summer Pleasure [Final]

    Overall: 3/5 - It's worth playing through, but just barely. Its main problem is that it's poorly balanced as visual novel. I.e., the balance between visuals and text is poor, because there is a lot of unnecessary internal dialogue and narration.

    Story: 3/5 - There's not a whole lot of story to this game. What exists is neither great nor terrible, but it's a reasonable setup for the sexy fun.

    Writing: 4/5 - The writing is good. Good English spelling, grammar, and style. There are a few mistakes, but not many and not enough to break immersion.

    Renders: 4/5 - The renders are mostly high quality, but there are a lot of artifacts and errors you can see if you look closely at them.

    Animations: 3/5 - Animations are infrequent. What's there are fairly smooth, but they also appear to be intentionally blurred sometimes.

    Sound: 3/5 - Some of the ambient sound effects (airport, outdoor scenes) were good. The music was below average, though.

    Gameplay: 2/5 - I like kinetic novels and visual novels with minimal choices and this game has maybe 20 choices. What I don't like is that the choices seem to be there just to make the player think there is a choice. They don't matter. The only thing they do is change 5 to 10 renders right after the choice. Unfortunately, the developer has disabled rollback after a choice is made, so players can't rollback and try a different choice to see the other renders, the player must remember to save the game.

    Content: 2/5 - This game is short. An average reader could get through it all in well under 2 hours.

    Bugs: 5/5 - I didn't encounter any bugs other than some render artifacts.

    Other things that were bad/weird/cringy/etc.:
    • The dialogue/narration during many of the lewd scenes doesn't match what's happening in the scene. There are many scenes where the dialogue progresses, but the renders are just different angles of the same shot. It's like the story was already written, and then the dev didn't finish posing the models to match the dialogue, and just rushed to get something to fill them in.
    • No gallery.
    • Can't change the MC's name.
    • Angelique is just ugly with that horse face and fake-looking lips.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for version: Final

    This will be a short review as I uninstalled it within a half hour.I have two major complaints and one minor one that led to this title striking out.

    My first major complaint is forced relationships with characters. You meet four women at the start of the story and the redhead, Susie, whom I affectionately refer to as Sideshow Bob's sister is the first one you have sex with. No ifs, ands or buts about it. I don’t mean "forced" like rape as the MC thoroughly enjoys himself. The dev does not give you the option to choose someone else. That's a huge turnoff for me.

    My second major complaint is the narrator. I don't need it to tell me what they're doing. I can see it. I also don't need it to say something like "She laughs as she says this" when a simple *laughs* after her sentence works just as well.

    My last complaint is the overuse of things like "hi hi hi" or "eh eh eh". I feel like I'm reading a forum post or MMO in-game chat when I see it.

    The renders are nice and apart from my second and third complaints, the grammar isn't bad. So, I'll give it 3* since it shows promise. It's just not for me.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    The only problem I have is that the narrator has more dialogue than all characters combined. The narration is pointless because its narrating things we can clearly see happening. Go write a book or something with all that useless dialogue.
    Pros: good renders and decent animations
    Cons: Take a guess IH IH IH