Summer Vacation! Scrambled [ ILLGAMES ] サマバケ!すくらんぶる

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    after playing for almost a month, it's definitely a decent game, the only cons that bothers me are the ai interruptions, the relationship progress, the whole map only having 7 areas excluding the private ones, part time jobs, stats that i don't see any point in having as of now, and males not having voices, i like the more modern character maker, some dialogues that the ai rarely uses, the yandere thing but no flowers and cuffs unfortunately.
    3p is possible but such a hassle to accomplish.
    i suggest you wait a few more months, wait for more updates before diving in, as of right now the game is barebones, quite literally despite the few mods that are working as of now
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Here goes the downward spiral of Illus...Illgames sorry...

    So the pro is
    -Models look good.

    The cons, and they are many...
    -Gameplay is beyond limited
    -Dialogues are a complete joke "Hey,what do you think about *enter subject"
    "I agree/I disagree" that's it.
    -Progress is slooooooooow
    -Nothing to do except talk to people, and with those dialogues, needless to say, you've seen all the game in about 10 minutes
    -Sex scenes are just characters floating with a blurred background

    There's absolutely no redeeming quality on this game whatsoever.
    There's not even a studio mode so forget about our goated devs doing anything with it.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A perspective game and meaningful discussion. It will be very interesting to watch how the game develops. I hope modding will be full-fledged, and talented programmers will bypass the restrictions. Well, and, of course, we are waiting for interesting mods.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Disappointing and keeps the illusion games cycle going.

    Despite the fan fare from Artificial Academy 2 fans, if you look at this game as purely a supposed top tier H game its a let down.

    Limited H positions, not able to interact (like in Koikatsu) and remove of spanking/bdsm leaves this game feeling like a shell.

    Interestingly the so called gameplay is just clicking on dialogues to increase % until you you get to a sex scene.

    Anyone who liked Koikatsu Sunshine (such as my self) will be left wondering if illusion will ever recreate that game with the shiny new graphics they have these days.

    Oh and modding is again very limited so dont expect 1:1 characters from different anime's etc. At this point in time its just generic waifus.

    3/5 - Nice graphics, the rest is just a empty shell.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Finally gave it a try and I would say the first 3 hours are promising.

    + stock game runs smoothly. no loading
    + smooth transition, faster actions (recall the Room girl sluggish characters), no obvious clipping/stuck characters
    + female charas are more spontaneous, unlike an inanimate object in previous releases
    + personally kinda like this anime style
    + more varieties of SLG activities. Lots of Quality of life improvements (e.g., automatically switch camera after main character moves)
    + better UI
    + character server doesn't ban non-Japan IP and just works

    - still an illusion SLG and hence lots of repetitive actions and unrewarding choices
    - small number of starting characters
    - lack of social interactions between characters
    - low number of maps. Hopefully they will expand it in DLC

    Overall best illusion *game* after Artificial Academy 2 so far. Play style is mediocore (but acceptable, compared to previous products :( ). With a modern art style I'm buying it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Highly recommended, try to remember AA2, however, although this one includes better maps, I feel that something is still missing (maybe where it takes place during the holidays), in the old game there was a rating system and clubs. Maybe they will include everything else in DLC, but as it is currently, it is 100% worth it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    -Good game compared to the usual Illusion/Illgames formula.
    -But they really need to tone down the talk interruption rate, in AA2 a character cannot interrupt you more than once in the same room until they leave that room & it's not always 100% they will do it.
    -Also locations are quite few, there is nowhere to go for privacy
    -But am looking forward to game updates
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is running on an updated engine with not so bad character creator, but other than that this is a downgrade in every possible way compared to Artificial Academy 2. AI was butchered, characters limit is silly (12 or 24), very few locations, no interesting interactions.
    This is no logner Illusion cycle, this is a clear downward spiral

    EDIT: After playing some more, just out of boredom it turns out there are a few improvements here and there, and some interesting interactions. First impression on the AI still stands though, it is super chaotic and totally random.