
Dec 29, 2019
First post!

First off, this game has masterful merging of magical, lighthearted, and cartoony content and irreverent humor with actual serious issues, so props to that. The game is occasionally gut-wrenchingly sad, and most of the time hilarious and fun, with varying degrees of sexy thrown in, which makes the sadder moments all the more palpable. I just wanted to hold Eve so bad when she started crying about the park incident and debt, because I felt so bad for her!

Now, onto some suggestions and issues, with spoilers avoided where possible. I am running with NTMod and the IC patch, but no other mods. I've done a quick scan through this thread but didn't search with a fine-toothed comb, so my apologies if anything here has already been mentioned.

1) There's a problem with Mia's storyline (overlapping with Eve's storyline?) where you cannot watch Mia at the parlor. Other than incidental progress through the first couple scenes in the other character and teacher storylines, I pursued Eve's storyline to full completion in the tracker right away, where she always spawns in her bedroom and where Grace and Odette have their new respective relationships, but did not allow the MC to be unfaithful to her. At the same time, the farthest I had progressed Mia's story was to the nightly study sessions. When I decided finally to start following Mia's storyline further, when you take Mia to the parlor on Saturday morning, the scene plays and the goal tracker correctly updates that I should watch her. However, this advances the clock, so Odette is simply sitting in the seat and Grace is no longer available for dialogue until the next Saturday morning.

2) When you are running the MC-sub Jenny storyline (haven't tried the MC-dom one) and she tries to drag you off to the mall, Grace bumps into you. This storyline should probably be updated with a dialog condition if Grace already knows you from the Eve storyline -- something as simple as Grace using her smiling face and saying "Hi MC", the MC using his neutral or uncomfortable face and saying "Hi Grace", Jenny acting disgusted and saying "You two know each other?", Grace answering in the affirmative and the MC starting to explain how they know each other, and Jenny simply interrupting with a dismissive "Ugh". (Since you never actually admit what you're at the mall for, Grace wouldn't see this as a betrayal of Eve regardless of your relationship progress with her.)

There are a couple other crossover inconsistencies like this -- for instance, when Debbie and Diane have wine together late at night to discuss the MC's evident attraction to Debbie, but the MC already has progressed Diane's relationship past the barn-raising, Diane and Debbie still act as though Diane is coming over to the house only rarely rather than every evening. The Diane/Debbie pool scene likewise talks about Diane lacking sex even when that's certainly not the case anymore, and she acts as though she knows nothing about the MC's assets, which is likewise definitely not the case -- a simple parenthetical acknowledgement like "(She's buying it!)" would be more than enough. I'd sooner see Diane pretending to ask Debbie to start describing it in more detail just to tease her. She also mentions she needs to get back home after the pool scene, too, which again is completely wrong at this level of progression. Since she can't exactly run off home anymore, after grabbing the towels she could just say she's going to go play in the Rumps' hot tub and tease Debbie to come along (Debbie'd just giggle and say "Are you crazy?" before continuing with the "where all the crazy went" line).

The Bissette/Roxxy storyline crossover problem exists, too, where the MC gets middling levels of affection from Roxxy halfway through the Roxxy storyline and she switches straight back to reacting to him as a virginal loser in the Bissette storyline.

3) I'm guessing some of this stuff will come with the dating features, given Cupid and all (already bought the kitty plushie thinking that I'd need it for Eve, but evidently that hasn't been fleshed out yet), but MC never even really dated Eve at any point; they developed a relationship in a very organic and real way, but once MC sleeps with Eve for the first time, there's nothing else and the MC pretty much has to content himself with no other interactivity with her than sex, which gets pretty old pretty fast and drives MC to cheat on her. Especially, Eve should encounter the kitten somehow; Eve is such a catgirl in more ways than one, it'd be brilliant for her to visit the MC's room and absolutely gush over the kitten. It'd be a crying shame for her story to end just with sex; these girls and women are realistic enough that they really need to have personalities beyond being conquests. =)

4) Jenny's diary uses the non-IC patch titles for Debbie, referring to her name rather than her title, which is rather disrespectful and out-of-character for her. It seems like Jenny in spite of her defiance and mention of "gravy train" really wants to prove herself to Debbie, and is fearful of Debbie's reaction to discovering her secret even though Debbie obviously wouldn't hurt a fly -- which means either some missing plot elements for Debbie's stricter side, or Jenny's love for her.

The night that Debbie and MC consummate, too, refers to Debbie's non-IC name rather than her IC title.

There are also more than a few occurrences where the IC patch (which uses the phrase "Title Diane" for the character's name) still has characters who have a relationship with Diane use the wrong title, because they simply call her by that full name (relative to the MC) rather than the more appropriate title. Debbie, for instance, sometimes calls her that in spite of being her sister.

5) Pizza delivery is a bit too easy and profitable. All of the sex-for-pay side quests offer from $50 to $200 (and often with initial entry fees from $100 to $500), whereas the pizza delivery questline offers $240 a pop for an entry fee of $500. Gardening, too, offers a typical peak profit of $125. It could have something more like from Man of the House where the MC has to progress through levels to earn full pay, with more pizzas to deliver each time, different pizza varieties (and the need to be able to more quickly identify the pie slice on the house versus the full pizza on the hotbar), and an increased travel speed at higher levels (and an option to choose "take the easy delivery route" for players who'd rather not face a challenge). As it is, with no more interactivity than watching sloooowly moving buildings move past and clicking a mouse button over one of the three pizzas as you come up to the doorway, it's an utter cakewalk and pays for itself after just three sessions.

As a stretch goal, for an alternative (or also!) it could be something more like the series from the golden era of gaming, where your character has to steer around obstacles and accelerate or decelerate in addition to throwing, and time the clicks correctly according to the MC's current forward velocity so that the pizzas land on the porch and don't break the windows. (Still a side-scroller, though, since the full aesthetic switch would be far more difficult.)

As another stretch goal, a paper delivery route might be a good warmup side questline before doing the full Paperboy-style pizza deliveries, to get the player acquainted with the mechanics -- using the bolding style of the original game, for instance: before Tony's Pizzeria would hire you, they would require references, and they suggest you attend the work placement program from the local school, offered by none other than Principal Smith herself. $10 a paper, and 12 papers a route (roughly identical income to gardening).

6) One "exploit" I've found is that you can do a mulligan on gardening. Once the game starts, you can right-click to load the Renpy menu to refresh the field, until you have at least one mouse and a large number of pests, weeds, and bad vegetables. This is possible even within a half-second of completing the game before it auto-quits, so you can always ensure that you receive a full $125 of potential profit from the minigame just by re-rolling the field until it produces the optimal load (technically it's possible to earn up to $140, but that's incredibly rare). This is a vanishingly small cheat of such unimportance that it's not worth hacking Renpy out-of-character to prevent it from happening, but it can still be corrected easily in-character by eliminating the randomness of the payout and setting it to a desired amount. For instance, at a $100 payout, it would simply randomly generate three or four good vegetables, and then randomly spawn $25 (mouse), $20, $15, $10, and $5 items until $80, where it can only choose from $20, $15, $10, and $5 items; until $85 where it can only choose from $15/$10/$5 items; until $90 where it can only choose from $10/$5 items; or $95 where it can only choose a $5 item; and reiterate until the full $100 payout is reached.

7) When you already possess the Legs statuette with the last name inscribed on the base from the barn-raising, the MC should react a bit more strongly when one of the yokels gives his full name. The MC was saying, "Your middle name is X?" and my real person was saying, "His last name is Y?!"

8) Tony takes it in stride, but the MC really needs an option to say "never mind" to Tony before starting to place a pizza order (and having Maria vanish into the kitchen). I feel guilty every time I misclick on Tony instead of the pizza boxes. ;-)

9) For all of her being accused of being a mushmouth by Roxxy, and all of her admitted French-to-English transliteral grammar errors, Mme. Bissette has otherwise impeccable English pronunciation. It might be fun to give her a bit more accenting and Franglais -- "dem" and "dis" or "zem" and "zis" instead of "them" and "this", "zhust" instead of "just", "-eeng" instead of "-ing", "somezeeng" instead of "something", "vous" and "votre" instead of "you" and "your" (when she doesn't use the familiar "tu" anyway), using fewer contractions such as "do not" and "let us" instead of "don't" and "let's", etc. She also mentions "magnificent" at one point where a "magnifique" would far more perfectly suit her. ;-)

10) Reading Jenny's emails needs a "Mark as Unread" option.

11) You can take more than one copy of the book from Dexter (I doubt it's related to NTMod).

Quick Summary of Requests (Not Yet Implemented):

Bug Fix: Do not advance the clock after entering the parlor during Mia's scene.
Continuity Fix: Grace should acknowledge the player when speaking to Jenny if the player has already been introduced by Eve.
Continuity Fix: During dialogue with Debbie, Diane should acknowledge that she is sleeping at the MC's house and no longer needs to "visit" if that is the case.
Continuity Fix: If Diane and the MC have already progressed to at least a somewhat physical relationship, Diane should feign innocence about the player rather than being genuinely innocent about the player during the Diane/Debbie pool scene.
Continuity Fix: Roxxy should remain embarrassed when reciting poetry, but be less condescending to the player if the player has already progressed in her own storyline.
Plot Feature: Catgirl + kitten = OMIGOD A KITTY! ♥♥♥
IC Patch Fix: Jenny should use Debbie's title rather than her name in her Diary.
IC Patch Fix: Numerous references to Diane should use the correct title when spoken by Debbie or Jenny.
Change: Pizza delivery pay should start out much lower, but increases depending on the number of successful deliveries. The number of pizzas to deliver on each route will increase as Tony's business improves.
Change/Add: Pizza delivery should have more pizza options, randomly chosen, requiring looking more carefully at the pizza choices and each house's order.
Stretch Goal: Pizza delivery will require careful timing of throws to avoid breaking windows, and dodging or jumping obstacles. Players may choose to take the easy delivery route if they'd prefer a simpler minigame.
Stretch Goal: Before allowing the player to deliver pizzas for higher pay, Tony should refer the player to the Principal to acquire a paper route. Pay is comparable to gardening. Good performance will give the player a (begrudging) reference from the Principal.
Exploit Fix: Gardening should produce consistent pay of $120 ($100?) for an optimal clear, rather than being random each time.
Continuity Feature: If the MC has already retrieved the Legs statuette, the MC will react to the last name when Clyde gives his full name.
Bug Fix: You should be able to cancel out of dialog with Tony without having to place and cancel a pizza order first.
Change: Mme. Bissette should use far more Franglais.
Plot Feature: If you have access to Jenny's e-mail, you should now be able to mark each e-mail as unread. Jenny is not an expert with computers, but may notice if her e-mails are being read.
Bug Fix: It should no longer be possible to collect multiple overdue books from Dexter.
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Jun 13, 2018
aight lads, it might sounds a little stupid for me to ask this, but I wanna clarify one thing in case anyone know the, I've been following this game for the last 3 years apparently now, and don't get me wrong, this game is an absolute masterpiece and I loved it....even though i'm not actually a patron whatsoever (might consider it), my question is just, how long will it take until it reach the endgame considering the storyline has been broadening so far since the start.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
my question is just, how long will it take until it reach the endgame considering the storyline has been broadening so far since the start.
Well, that probably depends on your definition of "the endgame". The main story about MC's dad will be part of the next two updates and should basically conclude by then, which would leave the "prom part" to be completed. That's going to take time. I made calculation quite some time ago based on DC's official roadmap and base on the time it took to release updates during the last 2 years. Accordingly it should likely take another 3 to 3,5 years until the basic game is done. After that there's of course quite a bit left that could be done (pregnancy sex, more scenes in general, small stories for some minor characters just like Consuela's now, etc.), which will probably get done at least partly, as long as enough patreons want it.

That said, the game will reach a point, where DC could technically finish it without breaking too many promises, so it may indeed be shorter, too. Which would be really sad, though.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2019
So is it not possible to get Grace pregnant after all? Everytime I tell her to keep the child she says No anyways and gets it taken care of... Am I missing something here?

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
First post!

First off, this game has masterful merging of magical, lighthearted, and cartoony content and irreverent humor with actual serious issues, so props to that. The game is occasionally gut-wrenchingly sad, and most of the time hilarious and fun, with varying degrees of sexy thrown in, which makes the sadder moments all the more palpable. I just wanted to hold Eve so bad when she started crying about the park incident and debt, because I felt so bad for her!

Now, onto some suggestions and issues, with spoilers avoided where possible. I am running with NTMod and the IC patch, but no other mods. I've done a quick scan through this thread but didn't search with a fine-toothed comb, so my apologies if anything here has already been mentioned.

1) There's a problem with Mia's storyline (overlapping with Eve's storyline?) where you cannot watch Mia at the parlor. Other than incidental progress through the first couple scenes in the other character and teacher storylines, I pursued Eve's storyline to full completion in the tracker right away, where she always spawns in her bedroom and where Grace and Odette have their new respective relationships, but did not allow the MC to be unfaithful to her. At the same time, the farthest I had progressed Mia's story was to the nightly study sessions. When I decided finally to start following Mia's storyline further, when you take Mia to the parlor on Saturday morning, the scene plays and the goal tracker correctly updates that I should watch her. However, this advances the clock, so Odette is simply sitting in the seat and Grace is no longer available for dialogue until the next Saturday morning.

2) When you are running the MC-sub Jenny storyline (haven't tried the MC-dom one) and she tries to drag you off to the mall, Grace bumps into you. This storyline should probably be updated with a dialog condition if Grace already knows you from the Eve storyline -- something as simple as Grace using her smiling face and saying "Hi MC", the MC using his neutral or uncomfortable face and saying "Hi Grace", Jenny acting disgusted and saying "You two know each other?", Grace answering in the affirmative and the MC starting to explain how they know each other, and Jenny simply interrupting with a dismissive "Ugh". (Since you never actually admit what you're at the mall for, Grace wouldn't see this as a betrayal of Eve regardless of your relationship progress with her.)

There are a couple other crossover inconsistencies like this -- for instance, when Debbie and Diane have wine together late at night to discuss the MC's evident attraction to Debbie, but the MC already has progressed Diane's relationship past the barn-raising, Diane and Debbie still act as though Diane is coming over to the house only rarely rather than every evening. The Diane/Debbie pool scene likewise talks about Diane lacking sex even when that's certainly not the case anymore, and she acts as though she knows nothing about the MC's assets, which is likewise definitely not the case -- a simple parenthetical acknowledgement like "(She's buying it!)" would be more than enough. I'd sooner see Diane pretending to ask Debbie to start describing it in more detail just to tease her. She also mentions she needs to get back home after the pool scene, too, which again is completely wrong at this level of progression. Since she can't exactly run off home anymore, after grabbing the towels she could just say she's going to go play in the Rumps' hot tub and tease Debbie to come along (Debbie'd just giggle and say "Are you crazy?" before continuing with the "where all the crazy went" line).

The Bissette/Roxxy storyline crossover problem exists, too, where the MC gets middling levels of affection from Roxxy halfway through the Roxxy storyline and she switches straight back to reacting to him as a virginal loser in the Bissette storyline.

3) I'm guessing some of this stuff will come with the dating features, given Cupid and all (already bought the kitty plushie thinking that I'd need it for Eve, but evidently that hasn't been fleshed out yet), but MC never even really dated Eve at any point; they developed a relationship in a very organic and real way, but once MC sleeps with Eve for the first time, there's nothing else and the MC pretty much has to content himself with no other interactivity with her than sex, which gets pretty old pretty fast and drives MC to cheat on her. Especially, Eve should encounter the kitten somehow; Eve is such a catgirl in more ways than one, it'd be brilliant for her to visit the MC's room and absolutely gush over the kitten. It'd be a crying shame for her story to end just with sex; these girls and women are realistic enough that they really need to have personalities beyond being conquests. =)

4) Jenny's diary uses the non-IC patch titles for Debbie, referring to her name rather than her title, which is rather disrespectful and out-of-character for her. It seems like Jenny in spite of her defiance and mention of "gravy train" really wants to prove herself to Debbie, and is fearful of Debbie's reaction to discovering her secret even though Debbie obviously wouldn't hurt a fly -- which means either some missing plot elements for Debbie's stricter side, or Jenny's love for her.

The night that Debbie and MC consummate, too, refers to Debbie's non-IC name rather than her IC title.

There are also more than a few occurrences where the IC patch (which uses the phrase "Title Diane" for the character's name) still has characters who have a relationship with Diane use the wrong title, because they simply call her by that full name (relative to the MC) rather than the more appropriate title. Debbie, for instance, sometimes calls her that in spite of being her sister.

5) Pizza delivery is a bit too easy and profitable. All of the sex-for-pay side quests offer from $50 to $200 (and often with initial entry fees from $100 to $500), whereas the pizza delivery questline offers $240 a pop for an entry fee of $500. Gardening, too, offers a typical peak profit of $125. It could have something more like from Man of the House where the MC has to progress through levels to earn full pay, with more pizzas to deliver each time, different pizza varieties (and the need to be able to more quickly identify the pie slice on the house versus the full pizza on the hotbar), and an increased travel speed at higher levels (and an option to choose "take the easy delivery route" for players who'd rather not face a challenge). As it is, with no more interactivity than watching sloooowly moving buildings move past and clicking a mouse button over one of the three pizzas as you come up to the doorway, it's an utter cakewalk and pays for itself after just three sessions.

As a stretch goal, for an alternative (or also!) it could be something more like the series from the golden era of gaming, where your character has to steer around obstacles and accelerate or decelerate in addition to throwing, and time the clicks correctly according to the MC's current forward velocity so that the pizzas land on the porch and don't break the windows. (Still a side-scroller, though, since the full aesthetic switch would be far more difficult.)

As another stretch goal, a paper delivery route might be a good warmup side questline before doing the full Paperboy-style pizza deliveries, to get the player acquainted with the mechanics -- using the bolding style of the original game, for instance: before Tony's Pizzeria would hire you, they would require references, and they suggest you attend the work placement program from the local school, offered by none other than Principal Smith herself. $10 a paper, and 12 papers a route (roughly identical income to gardening).

6) One "exploit" I've found is that you can do a mulligan on gardening. Once the game starts, you can right-click to load the Renpy menu to refresh the field, until you have at least one mouse and a large number of pests, weeds, and bad vegetables. This is possible even within a half-second of completing the game before it auto-quits, so you can always ensure that you receive a full $125 of potential profit from the minigame just by re-rolling the field until it produces the optimal load (technically it's possible to earn up to $140, but that's incredibly rare). This is a vanishingly small cheat of such unimportance that it's not worth hacking Renpy out-of-character to prevent it from happening, but it can still be corrected easily in-character by eliminating the randomness of the payout and setting it to a desired amount. For instance, at a $100 payout, it would simply randomly generate three or four good vegetables, and then randomly spawn $25 (mouse), $20, $15, $10, and $5 items until $80, where it can only choose from $20, $15, $10, and $5 items; until $85 where it can only choose from $15/$10/$5 items; until $90 where it can only choose from $10/$5 items; or $95 where it can only choose a $5 item; and reiterate until the full $100 payout is reached.

7) When you already possess the Legs statuette with the last name inscribed on the base from the barn-raising, the MC should react a bit more strongly when one of the yokels gives his full name. The MC was saying, "Your middle name is X?" and my real person was saying, "His last name is Y?!"

8) Tony takes it in stride, but the MC really needs an option to say "never mind" to Tony before starting to place a pizza order (and having Maria vanish into the kitchen). I feel guilty every time I misclick on Tony instead of the pizza boxes. ;-)

9) For all of her being accused of being a mushmouth by Roxxy, and all of her admitted French-to-English transliteral grammar errors, Mme. Bissette has otherwise impeccable English pronunciation. It might be fun to give her a bit more accenting and Franglais -- "dem" and "dis" or "zem" and "zis" instead of "them" and "this", "zhust" instead of "just", "-eeng" instead of "-ing", "somezeeng" instead of "something", "vous" and "votre" instead of "you" and "your" (when she doesn't use the familiar "tu" anyway), using fewer contractions such as "do not" and "let us" instead of "don't" and "let's", etc. She also mentions "magnificent" at one point where a "magnifique" would far more perfectly suit her. ;-)

10) Reading Jenny's emails needs a "Mark as Unread" option.

11) You can take more than one copy of the book from Dexter (I doubt it's related to NTMod).

Quick Summary of Requests (Not Yet Implemented):

Bug Fix:
Do not advance the clock after entering the parlor during Mia's scene.
Continuity Fix: Grace should acknowledge the player when speaking to Jenny if the player has already been introduced by Eve.
Continuity Fix: During dialogue with Debbie, Diane should acknowledge that she is sleeping at the MC's house and no longer needs to "visit" if that is the case.
Continuity Fix: If Diane and the MC have already progressed to at least a somewhat physical relationship, Diane should feign innocence about the player rather than being genuinely innocent about the player during the Diane/Debbie pool scene.
Continuity Fix: Roxxy should remain embarrassed when reciting poetry, but be less condescending to the player if the player has already progressed in her own storyline.
Plot Feature: Catgirl + kitten = OMIGOD A KITTY! ♥♥♥
IC Patch Fix: Jenny should use Debbie's title rather than her name in her Diary.
IC Patch Fix: Numerous references to Diane should use the correct title when spoken by Debbie or Jenny.
Change: Pizza delivery pay should start out much lower, but increases depending on the number of successful deliveries. The number of pizzas to deliver on each route will increase as Tony's business improves.
Change/Add: Pizza delivery should have more pizza options, randomly chosen, requiring looking more carefully at the pizza choices and each house's order.
Stretch Goal: Pizza delivery will require careful timing of throws to avoid breaking windows, and dodging or jumping obstacles. Players may choose to take the easy delivery route if they'd prefer a simpler minigame.
Stretch Goal: Before allowing the player to deliver pizzas for higher pay, Tony should refer the player to the Principal to acquire a paper route. Pay is comparable to gardening. Good performance will give the player a (begrudging) reference from the Principal.
Exploit Fix: Gardening should produce consistent pay of $120 ($100?) for an optimal clear, rather than being random each time.
Continuity Feature: If the MC has already retrieved the Legs statuette, the MC will react to the last name when Clyde gives his full name.
Bug Fix: You should be able to cancel out of dialog with Tony without having to place and cancel a pizza order first.
Change: Mme. Bissette should use far more Franglais.
Plot Feature: If you have access to Jenny's e-mail, you should now be able to mark each e-mail as unread. Jenny is not an expert with computers, but may notice if her e-mails are being read.
Bug Fix: It should no longer be possible to collect multiple overdue books from Dexter.
Firstly, I find it very good that instead of the usual ranting in this forum, you are actually expressing positive critics and solution proposals. However, your post is too long to read in detail, really.

If you have bugs, you should attach a savegame here so that people can reproduce and check.

For the cross-overs: As far as I know, DC is well aware of those issues, but he will only fix them when the game is in it's final states. Otherwise, all effort will most likely be lost again when a new update comes out.

I thought I already fixed that Dexter bug with my mod. Again, please attach a savegame if possible.


Feb 12, 2018
now this game pissed me off completely I will finish everything
only the dejzi path remains

I read the record and reset the whole game from the beginning

fix this mistake because it's not funny at all

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
now this game pissed me off completely I will finish everything
only the dejzi path remains

I read the record and reset the whole game from the beginning

fix this mistake because it's not funny at all
Now with this precise and complete error description I am sure your problem will be fixed in no time...
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Engaged Member
Respected User
Sep 26, 2018
It may be a dumb/lazy question, but is there a simple way to easily get gif from the animations of this game other than using "gif" in the search for this thread?? (I mean did a gentle soul put them all in one post for instance??)
simple question is no because they don't use gif images as renpy doesn't support gif format they are using webm format (video) for their animations


"I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time."
Sep 20, 2017
So is it not possible to get Grace pregnant after all? Everytime I tell her to keep the child she says No anyways and gets it taken care of... Am I missing something here?
You need very high charisma (9 or 10) if I remember correctly


May 30, 2019
Where can I find the 3rd stack of magazines for the collage in art class? I've got a stack from the teachers lounge and a stack from the cafeteria but I can't find the last one. Also is it possible to find the cemetery? I've got the decoding book from the library and I got the death records from the hospital but don't know where the cemetery is to look for the next clue.


Engaged Member
Respected User
Sep 26, 2018
Where can I find the 3rd stack of magazines for the collage in art class? I've got a stack from the teachers lounge and a stack from the cafeteria but I can't find the last one. Also is it possible to find the cemetery? I've got the decoding book from the library and I got the death records from the hospital but don't know where the cemetery is to look for the next clue.
at the basketball court

go to your aunts place there hole in her fence near the shed


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2017
New building drawed by DC I wonder what could it be
p.s. If there's a problem if I post DC's pictures here i'll not post them anymore


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2017
New building drawed by DC I wonder what could it be
p.s. If there's a problem if I post DC's pictures here i'll not post them anymore
It may be good use spoilers for those who don't want to see them.

To answer your question, it's going to be an apartment building for minor characters who can't get a real house on the map. So in case for example Tony/Maria, Cpt. Terry, etc. ever need a flat/room for some kind of quest, they'll get an apartment in that building.


May 30, 2019
I have the quest to talk to Erik about who to invite to the party in his basement but I don't have any options when talking to him at home or school to talk about that. Also is there a use for the broken statue? He said the name seems familiar but that's all I've saw so far.


Dec 14, 2019
I have the quest to talk to Erik about who to invite to the party in his basement but I don't have any options when talking to him at home or school to talk about that. Also is there a use for the broken statue? He said the name seems familiar but that's all I've saw so far.
you'll eventually collect 3 pieces of the statue and place it within the garden.


Dec 29, 2019
Firstly, I find it very good that instead of the usual ranting in this forum, you are actually expressing positive critics and solution proposals. However, your post is too long to read in detail, really.
It's a bit of an essay, yes, but given the typical game format on the boards I figured people might be more willing to have a longer read. Besides, I tend to take notes on truly exceptional games and post them all at once as feedback once I've reached a relative state of completion, rather than run through it incrementally and waste time and space as if the medium is Discord or IRC. =)

Plus there's a TL/DR summary which was even written to be TODO and release note friendly. ;-)

I did notice I forgot to mention something, though. I would have loved a meta joke about fitting the shovel in the MC's backpack, since it's very early on in the Diane story.

Diane (smiling): "Did you bring the shovel?"
MC (cheerful): "Yes, here it is!"
Diane (suspicious): "..."
Diane (laughing): "MC, how in the world did you fit that in your backpack?"
MC (confused): "I... don't know?"

If you have bugs, you should attach a savegame here so that people can reproduce and check.
I thought I already fixed that Dexter bug with my mod. Again, please attach a savegame if possible.
Can do!

Just to clarify, Dexter's book can be collected from his locker only after the overdue books quest is complete.

1) Quicksave 4 has all the books turned in. Note that it is not possible to collect the book from Dexter's locker.
2) Quicksave 5 is from a week later, with a couple more stories progressed. Note that it is now possible to collect the book again.

It's worth noting that there was a space conflict between Roxxy's shower scene and the Martinezes, which made collecting Martinez's book impossible because the MC had to train charisma to void the Roxxy scene before he was able to collect the Martinez book. I think that is unlikely to affect much, but then again, I was pretty much convinced it wasn't NTMod to blame. (I haven't run in debug mode, decompiled the game, or extracted any of the images since I don't like to do that until I've finished a relatively complete game without a gallery feature and want to see what possible images or scenes I've missed.)

srksrk 68

Forum Fanatic
Sep 17, 2018
It's a bit of an essay, yes, but given the typical game format on the boards I figured people might be more willing to have a longer read. Besides, I tend to take notes on truly exceptional games and post them all at once as feedback once I've reached a relative state of completion, rather than run through it incrementally and waste time and space as if the medium is Discord or IRC. =)

Plus there's a TL/DR summary which was even written to be TODO and release note friendly. ;-)

I did notice I forgot to mention something, though. I would have loved a meta joke about fitting the shovel in the MC's backpack, since it's very early on in the Diane story.

Diane (smiling): "Did you bring the shovel?"
MC (cheerful): "Yes, here it is!"
Diane (suspicious): "..."
Diane (laughing): "MC, how in the world did you fit that in your backpack?"
MC (confused): "I... don't know?"

Can do!

Just to clarify, Dexter's book can be collected from his locker only after the overdue books quest is complete.

1) Quicksave 4 has all the books turned in. Note that it is not possible to collect the book from Dexter's locker.
2) Quicksave 5 is from a week later, with a couple more stories progressed. Note that it is now possible to collect the book again.

It's worth noting that there was a space conflict between Roxxy's shower scene and the Martinezes, which made collecting Martinez's book impossible because the MC had to train charisma to void the Roxxy scene before he was able to collect the Martinez book. I think that is unlikely to affect much, but then again, I was pretty much convinced it wasn't NTMod to blame. (I haven't run in debug mode, decompiled the game, or extracted any of the images since I don't like to do that until I've finished a relatively complete game without a gallery feature and want to see what possible images or scenes I've missed.)
I cannot reproduce this, and I bet it's fixed with my mod as I wrote. There is a possibility in vanilla game to have the books quest finished, then meet dexter at the basketball court in the afternoon, triggering the quest again. In this case the book reappears in the locker.

I did not find any other place in the sources where the state resets to that point. So unless you can provide me with a save showing this happening with my mod installed and exactly how it's triggered, I can only assume you loaded a save that has been made with an affected game version, having visited Dexter again as described.
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