
Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2022
Im gonna be honest, the roadmap is kinda useless at this point, like many mention they are not following it, every update is always something left aside, updates so far are always half done, if this latest update changelog is real, its sad and just a warning that more updates like that will happen on which you will see bare minimum, im still wondering where is the 80-90% tech update is, if they were working on if for 2-3years.
Some of us called this when this pre pre pre pre tech update release was announced,theres no way DC releases everything back in less than one year,is going to take more years for the full tech update release.
Surprise surprise,we were right once again:cautious:
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Feb 4, 2017
/thread tbh

Oh i know you can read and telling the truth isn't being a coward and shit talking
Look who isn't ignoring me after all. ;)

And last time I checked, I've also spoken the blunt facts about how all this is going. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it any less of the truth, kiddo. And guess what, your kvetching isn't gonna change anything. :LUL:
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