Just making a point, not because of pregnancy, but what comes AFTERWhy do you care so much?
The same thing why someone likes footjobs or pissing, it's something that "turns them on", you can't explain that, and pregnancy turns on a lot of people.
I personally like pregnancy, but i don't care if someone likes something else that i don't as long it's not forced.
If you don't want it just either 1)don't play it 2)avoid it
It's not that hard.
"I don't like this so i think it should be removed"
Glad you're not making this game, if a fetish you liked was removed from a game because it was deemed "stupid" wouldn't you complain?
I'd bet you would.
as long there's no NTR and have control over the content that appears in this game all is fine.
OK, let's add preg in a game. How will that end?
1) Like ICStor alternate endings, where basically you don't see anything, just a few slides at the end
2) A baby simulator ? How would that work ? Is it OK to have a small child in such a game? I never saw that here in ANY game, but hey, maybe that's the new trend I missed.
Just asking, if someone who enjoys preg can answer me, no judging, no nothing, but how would you add preg in this game and where it will lead ? For me, it's a dead end, something that the dev can do when he finishes the game, I don't see anything else that could work.
And finally, you're lecturing me and judging me and still, you close your big talk with: "as long as there's no NTR". Now this is the biggest irony if I ever saw one.
So something like an alternate ending and some scenes, but never up until the "end" of the pregnancy. Could work, but I hope it would be just avoidable.And no, of course it's not going to go as far as being a babysitting simulator, stop being silly. It's supposed to take place in a single summer/semester.