Unity - Completed - Summon & Fusion [Final] [Philosophy]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    At its core, this is actually a decent little tower defense game. Too bad it has really awful balancing and a game breaking bug.

    It's fun to balance out when to combine girls to free up space and when you can get away with a bunch of low level girls because you want their effects to proc a lot. The random post-wave bonuses add a good amount of variety to each play. You have a decent number of interesting abilities. The gacha mechanic is well-tuned so you get new characters and upgrades at a rate that feels like you earned them but isn't frustrating. The way the game evolves as you get more and more tools to accelerate your economy is cool.

    Too bad some of the bosses have absolute bullshit abilities that will just end the game for you 80% of the time. Too bad there's one unit that's a hundred times better than any other once you upgrade her (the green-haired sheep girl that gets money on hit). Too bad upgrading your characters too much breaks the upgrade menu so you can't unlock anymore scenes. Too bad the porn is just "raise this character to level 5 for a scene" instead of being integrated with the actual gameplay. Too bad you can't actually see half the text in the English mode.

    Still, for all its horrible flaws I actually enjoyed this a decent amount. More balancing, bug fixes, and getting rid of the conceit of being a porn game and this would be a pretty good tower defense game.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    2 star because the gameplay was somewhat fun, but retard design ruin everything.

    You can combine 2 same tower to upgrade it, but for some reason it lose every buff on it.(There is a SSR tower which ability is gain +1% attack speed and damage everytime you combine a tower, and since it get reset everytime you upgrade the tower itself it is far worst than a normal tower)

    Boss is retarded, the game random what boss you will be facing at 10,20...etc There is boss which is harmless (dash small distance every 5 second) and then there is boss which delete one of your tower every 5 second, literally unplayable.

    First you gonna play the game to earn gold, about 100 gold per round in the game. Then you spent 999 gold to do one gacha to either get a new girl, or 10 shard when getting a same girl.
    Then you spent 40 shard to lvl up any girl to lv 5, then you get the porn, which is a still image with only background music and some bland dialog.