Unity - Completed - Summon Of Asmodeus [PinkPeach]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Very cool looking but felt like it lacked in the gameplay. Super nice visuals, love em. For me it felt a bit clunky to play and it took away from the enjoyment. It gets 5 stars for how it looks. 2 for how it plays and 3 for the content it has. Worth a spin, you might enjoy it more than i did.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Very average game... It had a lot of potential at the start but went down the hill with some uneventful platforming and uninspiring bgms. You will fight the same enemies throughout the whole game, i've said enough lol. The music they chose sounds like music you put in an advert... They could've put some castlevania styled bgms in there (would've fit perfectly in this game but they didn't). Some platforms you have to jump onto move verrrrrry slowly. The succubus offers you to drink a potion at the start to make the game easier but it is not necessary (the game is easy without it). When you finish the game, you'll get a lame ending and they'll transport you back to the main menu (i'm just saving you some time). The gallery is not fully unlocked even after finishing the game... The artstyle is the only redeemable thing in this game. Not the worst game i've played but i wouldn't recommend.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    1. 伟大的 2D 图形和酷的背景
    2. 卡斯尔瓦尼亚般的 2D 滚动 ACT

    1. 故事明智, 请不要期望太多

    在我玩过的所有 2D 滚动 ACT 中, 这一个有惊人的图形, 大多数背景对象都画得很好, 只是为了, 你奇怪的给信用。

    像大多数 H 游戏一样, 情节真的不是一个卖点, 除非你希望它是一个 Aaa 标题。这个游戏没有涵盖太多的多样性的恋物癖,所以如果你只是寻找一些好的东西FAPING,这是一个游戏,你可以玩(对不起,你不能玩一方面为这一个)。
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Neo Nocturne

    1. Great 2D graphics and cool background
    2. Castlevania-like 2D scroll ACT

    1. Story wise, please don't expect too much

    Honest Opinion:
    Of all the 2D scroll ACT I have played, this one has stunning graphics, most of the background objects are nicely drawn, just for that, you odd to give credit.

    Like most H-games, plot is really not a selling point unless you want it to be a AAA title. This game doesn't cover much diversity on fetishes, so if you are simply looking for something good for FAPPING, this is one game you can fap with (sorry, you can't play on one hand for this one).
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Lets start with the real stuff, the scenes are good but nothing special with a nice variety. For it's length (around 1 hour) it has a good amount. It has animated and voiced CG scenes. The art is pretty good and the MC is hot. The down side is that the sprites in the gallery aren't voiced yet in the game they are (CGs don't have this problem). To unlock H.scenes you need to lose.

    Gameplay, pretty fun. Range and mele attacks, magic and dodge. The bad side of this is that the character run pretty slow, but with the dash is not a mayor issue.

    Fun and short game with fap material, pretty nice imo.