VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Sunshine Love [Ch. 3 v1.01i Extras] [MrDots Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm not going to bore you with a big review of this game. I'm going to focus only on what I don't like, which is not much, because I love it... so far.
    The "only" thing I don't like is the presence of children as love interests. As I said I love this game and I would give it 5 stars as it's in my top list of favorites along with no more than 10 others.
    So yeah, my rating is based on the presence of children as LIs and because they annoy me as hell.
    You might ask: Three stars for a game you love? Yes. Punishment for saying children that look no older than 14yo, at most, are 18, 19 or 20. Not much else I can do besides exposing and underrate it.

    Thank you and good luck.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    mr dots best work so far. The characters are diverse and well written and there's already so much content and it seems to be less than halfway done. The writing is obviously good or the characters wouldn't be so amazing. They all have their own unique voice and style. That said i think a lot of the humor falls flat but i just blame it on the protagonist being unfunny :p

    This VN introduces some game-like elements which are infinitely shallow, but i like them. They're nice :) And I really like the structure of the story. Feels like it has defined arcs which is very fun.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Ok this is one of those games where i cannot wait for the updates, and once they come i end of blasting through it in one sitting and then left waiting again, but this is by far one my top list of games. Other Mr Dots game are also in my top list he is a talented creator, Melody is awesome, i played that a few times through, this will be another one that will be played many times.

    Awesome music, models are amazing, animations are great, but i fear than my MC will end up with nobody because he is such a dick going around shagging them all he is going to get caught soon and have his dick chopped off by one of them.

    Please keep the updates coming and thanks so much for many many hours of fun playing this.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Ch2 .06.1

    Game really is better then the last time i played

    Renders are good
    Sex scenes could be better with some girls
    There was a emotional scene in the story I see not much devs dare to put in
    No bugs
    Story is good not perfect
    Renders are good
    I love how the game has some character renders from the dev his other two games
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it is currently the best game from Mr. Dots. DMD become more and more annoying with every update it get. Here we have a good written story...well quit unlikely to the RL. But I have fun and I love the characters.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Valeforish really hits it right on the head.

    Very weak story with characters that feels very far removed from how anything human would speak or interact.

    While the renders are of high quality, the characters all look alike sharing facial expressions and body form, this coupled with the art style that oozes "plastic fantastic" results in making the characters feel even more inhuman.

    Hopefully this won't be another marathon game like their first work, and they will move on to something better in a not too far flung future.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with more to it than sex. You feel for the characters, and you want to help them succeed. Can name a couple of the characters yourself, and choose your own name as well, which is always fun. The story is realistic in comparison to some of the others you often see in these types of games. All around good game with lots of good contents so far, and much more to come!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. A bit of a slow burn at first and the MC is a little easy to manipulate, but the setting and renders are gorgeous, and the animations are top notch like we expected from Mr Dots, i really love that he understands that boobs are supposed to bounce while having sex.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing Game. Best female character (The Sis).
    I love this game and the main female character too. She is the best character in this game or any other game. I would love if the developer will add more and more scenes of her.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    i like it tbh. some people may not enjoy this game because it's somewhat lengthy (personally i didn't even notice it until i see some comments pointed it out). but i've always enjoyed reading in general, not just from visual novel games, but any kind of novels (online or printed). i actually think the long writings tell the story better. it makes the characters less shallow if that makes sense, because we get to know how they feel in certain situations or about certain decisions, how their thought process looks like, etc.

    weirdly enough i'm more invested in the issue with the hotel (how MC and his sister is gonna make it successful, how they're gonna deal with the enemy trying to steal the hotel, etc.) rather than the relationship between MC and each girl lol. it's a good story, simple but still good nonetheless. hell i'll consider paying for it once the game is fully finished and is released on patreon (actually no i'll definitely buy it). i've always kept a list of which game is worth buying in the future once it's completed and which one is not, and this game certainly fits in the former category.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    A game that is dressed up with the faux image of quality.

    The story is dull, boring and written by someone who appears to have no idea how normal people actually talk to each other. If nothing else the game is worth trying to see how awkward the dialogue is. I cannot get over that!

    Renders are well produced, but not nice. They've been too harshly made, too edited. Every character looks fake and plastic, like a sex doll. Speaking of sex dolls, they all share identical expressions. Anyone that's tried this game will know what I mean when I say: "Thin lips and a perked eyebrow." The dev uses the same few expressions for every single character (including the male MC) and (partly) because of this every character blends into the others. That's without mentioning that almost all of the women share an almost identical face, with minor tweaks like freckles, eye colour, hair etc. But they're all the same! I can't believe a dev with this much experience is so lazy and uninspired.

    Oh, and for some reason there's a carbon-copy of the Dating My Daughter female lead. Not sure why, but whatever.

    The music is a playlist that just runs through the game. Nothing is tied to scenes or moods. Easily the weakest implementation of music I've seen in a game.

    The other tidbits like the "hotel progression" is a waste of time since it's automatic. Why make a popup about it if it'll happen without me doing anything? The donuts are nonsense.

    I can't believe this game follows after Melody. That game had its share of problems, including the dialogue, but at least the characters looked real, the behaved like normal enough people. Sunshine love has none of that.

    Truly one of the most disappointing games I've played on this site.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.0.7i....

    3 1/2 stars...


    The first thing that should be noted is that this game is a very slow burn. I was playing it for a couple of weeks and probably sunk in 30+ hours (no joke) and only had a handful of sex scenes. I like a slow burn as long as the story and characters are good. I’ll get to this in a minute.

    The writing is fine. Some spelling and grammar errors peppered throughout, but it reads fine. I liked the beginning where the characters start out as kids. It gave a bit of context and background to the overall situation and history of the characters. I like the world building, but a bit of the dialogue did seem repetitive and tedious.

    The lewd animations are well done. Some of the sounds could have been done better. The knocking on doors sound is rapid and repeats itself. It got annoying before too long. The kissing sound should have been more simplified instead of the long moaning kissing sound that’s used. Most of the other sounds are done well.

    The character models are hot. Mostly realistic bodies with various breast sizes. The scenery and backgrounds were all gorgeous. It’s a very pretty game.

    I didn’t like the Peeping Tom and Doughnut modes. I thought they were frivolous and a distraction. You can turn the Peeping Tom mode off, but it’s set to enabled by default so you have to disable it every time you start the game. You can’t turn the doughnuts off though. It’s easy to ignore them though since I’ve forgotten many times that I was supposed to look out for them. I understand the devs wanted to add some extras to the game, but I imagine there were other less intrusive ways to do it. This is all just my personal opinion. Some people may like these modes and that’s cool. I just found them distracting.

    Also, there is a mention of Danny Trejo and a minute later you see Victoria’s father and it’s a model of Danny Trejo. That made me cringe. The dev probably thought that was funny, but I thought it was cheap and cringe. There is also a running theme where all of the character’s fathers are dirtbags in one fashion or another. Sigh.

    The MC is a bit of a beta. He internally sighs to himself all the time giving you the impression that he’s constantly irritated at every situation or conversation he’s in, but then goes along with it anyway. It becomes rather tiresome before too long. At one point the sister tells the MC that they need to take a break from each other, and instead of becoming rightfully upset at her for treating him exactly the same way his girlfriend did, he just says “Oh okay”.

    He also seems a bit inept at times. A lot of the girls, especially Ashley and Trisha, try to seduce him throughout the game. It’s plain as day hat they are doing, but the MC monologues to himself wondering about intentions. Like a virgin whose never talked to a woman before.

    I’m not sure how much I like the sister. She brought the MC to the hotel under false pretenses, she suddenly disappears on the MC after the wedding for four days (which is something she hates her mother for doing to her before), and whenever the MC tells her something she always wonders to herself if he’s telling her the truth. It’s almost like the sister is bi-polar.

    Ashley is the sister’s mother. The situation after the initial “early years” part is the result of her leaving the MC’s father. I wasn’t sure how much I would like her at first, but I start to warm to her when she finally explained the situation and the circumstances surrounding her leaving the nine years earlier.

    The rest of the characters I liked for the most part. I liked the idea of a rival business owner that you had to deal with constantly causing trouble.

    I'm seen other reviews mention the slow updates. I sincerely hope this game is completed.

    I would say give this game a try. Especially if you don’t mind a slow burn.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    In general, everything is good, the animations are pleasant, although not the best.
    The characters are also quite good, although I did not like many of the girls externally. But after going through version 0.07 I decided to finish there.
    I can’t say exactly why, but the game didn’t catch me at all. I didn’t even find a certain girl for whom I would like to play further, well, maybe only Ashley, but this is because I have a fetish for mothers :3
    Nevertheless, for some reason this was not enough for me. Actually, that's why I'm drop this project.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I’ve played in a very long time and certainly in my top five. I love everything from how each character is unique and has their own story and personality that is not just the same used cliche that many games use. The story is phenomenal and makes you want to read every line of dialogue.
    You really love the characters and find yourself wanting to help them rather then just see the lewd scenes. This is not a quick spank game as each plot and character is highly developed. I love Tara the most o must say :)
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    There is much to praise in "Sunshine Love." The art and renders are well done, the animations are minimal, but fluid, and the broad story is compelling enough. Unfortunately, the game suffers from many small flaws, which make my final review 3 stars instead of 4 or even 5.

    The biggest flaw is the poor dialogue. Characters spend a lot of time talking about things completely superfluous to the story or themselves. When talking about relationships, their feelings for each other, or anything substantive to the plot, it tends to be very juvenile.

    This brings me to the second flaw, which is that the MC and several other characters act like adolescents. For example, in version 7 the MC finally has an opportunity to have sex with his "friend's" mom or aunt, depending on which path you chose. Despite having made out a few times and seeing her naked, the MC still has an internal monologue asking if she has lewd intentions. Of course she does, you nitwit!

    On the plus side, I really enjoy the dialogue that happens during the lewd scenes. The MC is not a sadist (I know it's a kink some people like, but I hate games with an MC who talks to his sexual partners like a serial killer) and the back and forth is good ol' fashioned dirty talk.

    I also don't get the "tasks" the game provides regarding the hotel. The game throws up these big splashy graphics whenever a new task is added to our checklist, but given that the MC later completes them automatically, I get no satisfaction or feeling of accomplishment from it. It seems that the dev wants players to feel like they're making progress in something without having free roams or sandbox-type events, but it doesn't work, at least not for me.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    too much meaningless dialogue, not enough action, very few actions and very far between. The only decent thing is the graphics and the motions, as few as there are. I couldn't find myself enjoying this the majority of the time.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Scrooge McDuck II

    A breath of fresh air in a time where most of what devs push out these days is an absolute mess. I've missed following a project like this and being able to get excited for, and look forward to, every new update. It's rare I find it this hard to choose a "main" love interest to pursue - a testament to just how great these characters are. Anyone that hasn't at least given SL a try yet really ought to.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Paco Merte

    Amazing renders, amazing display, amazing system and amazing multiple characters.
    Everything looks as good as It seems and it's one of the most valuable games in this genre. You have different kinds of lyfestyles: religious girl, milfs, youngers... and dialogues with a good plot.

  19. 5.00 star(s)


    love the game, love the story line. It's also very interesting how the DEV involves other games of his into this story. Melody was obvious but DMD very subtle. Beautiful characters, from cute, sexy to and attractive slutty. Can't wait for updates.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Game pretty good so far but I would have liked another kind of MC. The dude is a bit boring and every main characters seems a bit too perfect. I think a hung and ripped/stud like MC with a tougher personality would have been better, a MC that brings more contrast with the female characters without being a fuckboy or an asshole.