
Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
I couldn't disagree more. I think that's much too charitable of a way of looking at her. She might not be evil, but she doesn't exactly have any positive traits either. She's exceedingly selfish and gives no thought to others. That's how she ended up involved in criminal plots. Not caring how it affected others.

It's not just the blow up with Chrys. By her own words she was a bitch to Harper in the very previous scene. That's two interactions in a row with people she should be showing her ''new side'' to that she fucked up.

She's being treated with extreme kid's gloves. Everything that she is being asked to do is purely in her best interest. Not the team's, not societies, not justice. This is the very generous alternative to the prison she deserves. It's purely for her benefit and she's still resisting at every step. Not exactly the image of someone that's accepted all the wrong she's done and is ready to make up for it.

How can you say she's turned over a new leaf when she still hasn't done or said a single good thing for anybody else's benefit or consideration?
We don't know any of her traits at all. The entire time she's been in human form before this update she's been in a kitty hangover. We know nothing about how she is as a person in normal circumstances. I don't think she was overly selfish. Certainly no more than any of the other LIs have been. Harper wanted to give up being a hero just because she couldn't stand the attention. In other words give up helping people and saving lives just because it's a hassle to her.

She only knew she was being a bitch to Harper in retrospect. She wasn't deliberately cruel to Harper the way she was to Chrys. How she treated Chrys was an active choice. How she treated Harper wasn't great but it was born of ignorance from not thinking things through and putting things together. It's a matter of context.


She doesn't know she's actively dying and that the extreme exercise plan she's on is intended to help keep her alive. You can't judge her for her reaction to her medical treatment that she doesn't know she's getting for the medical condition she doesn't know she has. Yea the work outs and diet supplement are in her best interest, but she doesn't know that, as far as she's concerned she just being forced to do it all pretty much out of spite. Of course she's reluctant and resisting. Do you think she's resisting for the fun of it and that she's so hard core she's trying to let her body kill her?

And what "justice" do you think she deserves? She can't be turned over to the cops or the hero association because that would tip off the bad guys. Even if she was, there's no guarantee they'd bother to invest resources into researching a cure for her. So chances are, even if turning her over wouldn't endanger the rescue of Queen Unbreakable, it'd likely be a death sentence. She hasn't done anything to deserve death. Especially not a slow painful one like what awaits her if a cure isn't found. Also, rehabilitation is far better justice than simple incarceration.

As for turning over a new leaf and doing good deeds? What opportunities has get gotten? She pretty much confined to her room for most of the time she's been in a human form. Only sneaking out to get food etc. now she's out and about for her forced health course. Yea she fucked up with Chrys, and that needs to be fixed. But I find it unreasonable to expect acts of kindness from her towards people who are still, in effect strangers to her and vice versa. Mutual trust and lack of hostility needs to start being built up before anything else.
Jun 4, 2022
I couldn't disagree more. I think that's much too charitable of a way of looking at her. She might not be evil, but she doesn't exactly have any positive traits either. She's exceedingly selfish and gives no thought to others. That's how she ended up involved in criminal plots. Not caring how it affected others.

It's not just the blow up with Chrys. By her own words she was a bitch to Harper in the very previous scene. That's two interactions in a row with people she should be showing her ''new side'' to that she fucked up.

She's being treated with extreme kid's gloves. Everything that she is being asked to do is purely in her best interest. Not the team's, not societies, not justice. This is a very generous alternative to the prison she deserves. It's purely for her benefit and she's still resisting at every step. Not exactly the image of someone that's accepted all the wrong she's done and is ready to make up for it.

How can you say she's turned over a new leaf when she still hasn't done or said a single good thing for anybody else's benefit or consideration?
To reach a point of forgiveness and understanding among the others, first we have to see how far away from that she really is. It's one thing to be told a person is selfish, but another to see that behaviour. Remember, she doesn't know how bad a condition she is in. The MC has a saviour complex and trying to do right by everyone, whether that's a good thing or not.
We, as a viewer, need to see Felicity at her worst before things change for the better. IMO, the blow up with Chrys is not the lowest point. But it will act as a catalyst for her behaviour to change for the better.

She hasn't so much as turned over a new leaf, as much as begun to realise that she can turn. The MC is showing that to her and committing to helping her (and she is at least showing signs of committing to doing what needs to be done)


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
This is a typical case of players wanting their MC to act as they'd like, instead of how the dev has built those characters. No matter how we feel about it, as random_throwaway points out this MC is not going to give up on helping her (not only because, in his own words, he couldn't even abandon a stray cat out in the streets, but because this very same cat saved his life a couple of times). Also, Felicity needs her own character development arc, and all these 'negative' traits must be exposed because she needs to acknowledge her shortcomings before starting her 'redemption' path. So I'd say that players realizing she's acting as a selfish and immature spoiled brat who might not really deserve all the help she's getting is perfectly on point with what the dev tried to convey here.


Feb 22, 2020
To reach a point of forgiveness and understanding among the others, first we have to see how far away from that she really is. It's one thing to be told a person is selfish, but another to see that behaviour. Remember, she doesn't know how bad a condition she is in. The MC has a saviour complex and trying to do right by everyone, whether that's a good thing or not.
We, as a viewer, need to see Felicity at her worst before things change for the better. IMO, the blow up with Chrys is not the lowest point. But it will act as a catalyst for her behaviour to change for the better.

She hasn't so much as turned over a new leaf, as much as begun to realise that she can turn. The MC is showing that to her and committing to helping her (and she is at least showing signs of committing to doing what needs to be done)
I would argue that we got the ''how far away she is from that'' part by all the stuff she did prior to joining our team. The how she got here is a story of her greedily wanting powers and stupidly but knowingly partnering up with bad guys to get them. As a former mole and glaring security weakness to our whole operation, we can't really afford to ''feel her out''. If we have any concerns about her, she should be locked up and confined.

The second chance started as soon as we decided we were gonna rehabilitate her. She owes us! I don't really understand what's driving her resistance. How she can be anything but grateful for how much grace the MC and the rest of the team are showing her. When a judge is deciding a criminal's sentence, they don't just look at the crime. They try and determine if the person is contrite or remorseful. If they truly understand the wrongs they've done. Someone who is remorseful would be embracing this opportunity as a second chance they probably don't deserve but absolutely won't let go to waste. She wouldn't be kicking and screaming along the way.
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Jun 4, 2022
I would argue that we got the ''how far away she is from that'' part by all the stuff she did prior to joining our team. The how she got here is a story of her greedily wanting powers and stupidly but knowingly partnering up with bad guys to get them. As a former mole and glaring security weakness to our whole operation, we can't really afford to ''feel her out''. If we have any concerns about her, she should be locked up and confined.

The second chance started as soon as we decided we were gonna rehabilitate her. She owes us! I don't really understand what's driving her resistance. How she can be anything but grateful for how much grace the MC and the rest of the team are showing her. When a judge is deciding a criminal's sentence, they don't just look at the crime. They try and determine if the person is contrite or remorseful. If they truly understand the wrongs they've done. Someone who is remorseful would be embracing this opportunity as a second chance they probably don't deserve but absolutely won't let go to waste. She wouldn't be kicking and screaming along the way.
My rebuttal to that is that you're not seeing her how the MC sees her; you have no personal attachment to the characters. For the wrongs she has committed, does that cement her as a bad person? No, it just means she did bad things. Throughout the game so far, we have seen a side from each person that goes against who they are perceived as, and that is due to spending time to learn and understand them. Think of it like personal therapy: each girl has had many one-on-one opportunities with the MC, which has meant the relationship and history has grown at a steady rate. MC and Felicity however started more like an informal speedrun - Felicity knew MC, but not personally.

For you to say that "she owes us" is ignorant of the MC's personality. Everyone in the Academy, excluding Felicity for now, is both selfish and selfless - to do good for others, but not blindingly so. Felicity is still thinking of just herself, but the interaction with the girls this update has shown that is being challanged. And when it comes, some will argue that she changed too quickly. Think about how much in-universe time has elapsed since Felicity was caught out, to the end of the latest update. Months? Weeks? Days? How quickly can we assume it takes for her to 'revert' to her human behaviours (of which we have little knowledge of) after being the MC's cat for so long?

Put yourself in the MC's shoes, because that is who you're meant to be here.


Engaged Member
Oct 19, 2022
I don't really understand what's driving her resistance
Several people have offered viable explanations. At this point you're just reading what they've said and going "but nuh uh!" and then reiterating why you dislike her. Either onboard what you're receiving or drop it and move on...


Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
NO! Not more Felicity nonsense!

Everything is pulling teeth with her. She's such a selfish whiny turd!

If you insist on redeeming her, start making her more likeable. More contrite. More like someone that deserves forgiveness! She spent this whole update complaining about basic exercise and being a bitch to people she's wronged and that you care about.

There needs to be an element of her becoming good on her own initiative. If you have to guilt-trip and push and persuade her every step of the way, has she really turned over a new leaf or is barely obeying you just the path of least resistance for her?

Give us a reason to like her! It's not enough that we pity her circumstances.
All I am hearing is "bratty girl needs correction"


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
her feet are fine after 30 minutes of bare foot running on a rubber treadmill track ? neither of them picked it up ? :D


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
her feet are fine after 30 minutes of bare foot running on a rubber treadmill track ? neither of them picked it up ? :D
You know something that would be cool but also funny? If MCs power absorbing ability also actually allowed him to transfer the powers he has to other people.

All the tactical cuddling, not to mention all the sex, leading to all the girls having a mix of each others powers.

Would explain Felicity being so durable, she's gotten some of MC super durability from all their cuddling while she was cat


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
You know something that would be cool but also funny? If MCs power absorbing ability also actually allowed him to transfer the powers he has to other people.

All the tactical cuddling, not to mention all the sex, leading to all the girls having a mix of each others powers.

Would explain Felicity being so durable, she's gotten some of MC super durability from all their cuddling while she was cat
or maybe it could work like the opposite of the MC from origin story. if this MC cums inside or if she swallows, then the girl gets one of his powers... :D that would be funny.
blood could work too, but semen is more practical for an AVN world :devilish::sneaky:
though the funniest for an AVN would be that he could only transfer powers to girls he didn't fuck :ROFLMAO:

but her feet being fine makes it seems like she still has cat feet maybe. she prefers running bare feet like animals.
she also took Chrys' punch to the jaw without damage, and after the brawl she didn't seem to have any bruises at all.

in my playthrough, I petted the cat every chance I got. she has twice as many love points than the next girl because of that... :D


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
or maybe it could work like the opposite of the MC from origin story. if this MC cums inside or if she swallows, then the girl gets one of his powers... :D that would be funny.
blood could work too, but semen is more practical for an AVN world :devilish::sneaky:
though the funniest for an AVN would be that he could only transfer powers to girls he didn't fuck :ROFLMAO:

but her feet being fine makes it seems like she still has cat feet maybe. she prefers running bare feet like animals.
she also took Chrys' punch to the jaw without damage, and after the brawl she didn't seem to have any bruises at all.

in my playthrough, I petted the cat every chance I got. she has twice as many love points than the next girl because of that... :D
MC hasn't done anything sexual with Felicity yet, so it can't be sex or dna based. It nearly has to be the physical touch like how he copies other peoples powers. But it'd still be interesting if indeed he can share powers back to other people. The harem are going to become unstoppable if they all start having multiple powers, even if only MC can fully master all the powers he gets. Like Harper being able to reinforce her own powers with those of Reilly would be crazy. Reily being able to pass through solid matter would be literally unstoppable.

Preferring to be barefoot could be explained by lingering cat feelings/thoughts like when she felt uncomfortable in certain types of clothes and was sleeping under her bed.

But the fact that her feet were unharmed and not sore does indicate that she's more durable that the average person. Like normal people can get to that point, but it take time to toughen up your body like that. She hasn't been human long enough for her feet to toughen up like that.


Message Maestro
Nov 14, 2017
You know something that would be cool but also funny? If MCs power absorbing ability also actually allowed him to transfer the powers he has to other people.

All the tactical cuddling, not to mention all the sex, leading to all the girls having a mix of each others powers.

Would explain Felicity being so durable, she's gotten some of MC super durability from all their cuddling while she was cat
they have more or less troubles handling their own powers so adding others powers would cause problems (luckily none of them don't fire lasers from their eyes or energy beams from their hands).


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
they have more or less troubles handling their own powers so adding others powers would cause problems (luckily none of them don't fire lasers from their eyes or energy beams from their hands).
I have not once ever said it would be safe :LOL::LOL::LOL:

I do think it'll happen, but probably very slowly. Or maybe only once they've already mastered their own powers.

Felicity has mastered her "parlor trick" power, and she seems to have acquired at least a durability power from somewhere.


Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
MC hasn't done anything sexual with Felicity yet, so it can't be sex or dna based. It nearly has to be the physical touch like how he copies other peoples powers. But it'd still be interesting if indeed he can share powers back to other people. The harem are going to become unstoppable if they all start having multiple powers, even if only MC can fully master all the powers he gets. Like Harper being able to reinforce her own powers with those of Reilly would be crazy. Reily being able to pass through solid matter would be literally unstoppable.

Preferring to be barefoot could be explained by lingering cat feelings/thoughts like when she felt uncomfortable in certain types of clothes and was sleeping under her bed.

But the fact that her feet were unharmed and not sore does indicate that she's more durable that the average person. Like normal people can get to that point, but it take time to toughen up your body like that. She hasn't been human long enough for her feet to toughen up like that.
I know he hasn't done anything sexual with her... didn't say it would be sex or dna based. only said it would be funny if it was, and fitting for an AVN.

when you say "Reilly", you mean "Riley" ?
anyone being able to phase would be literally unstoppable, that's the point of the power :D kidding.
Riley still needs to touch objects to apply her power, so phasing at the same time seems to conflict with that. she would need to master phasing even more than Chrys to be able to only phase only parts of her body. and she only has tactile telekinesis. it's limited to her actual strength, so pretty much the strength of a human that works out.

though invisibility and phasing at the same time would make for the ultimate spy. :)

what I found weird is that MC could use hard light at the start of the game, but now he cannot do it again. it could come in handy during tough fights. his grand father mastered the power, so it would not require much touching to have it at a decent level. and super strength + phasing + hard light is a killer combo. perfect defense and strong attack, you have hit your enemy while they can never hit you.
and why is his granddad the only person in the world with that power while other powers are held by multiple people ?


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
I know he hasn't done anything sexual with her... didn't say it would be sex or dna based. only said it would be funny if it was, and fitting for an AVN.

when you say "Reilly", you mean "Riley" ?
anyone being able to phase would be literally unstoppable, that's the point of the power :D kidding.
Riley still needs to touch objects to apply her power, so phasing at the same time seems to conflict with that. she would need to master phasing even more than Chrys to be able to only phase only parts of her body. and she only has tactile telekinesis. it's limited to her actual strength, so pretty much the strength of a human that works out.

though invisibility and phasing at the same time would make for the ultimate spy. :)

what I found weird is that MC could use hard light at the start of the game, but now he cannot do it again. it could come in handy during tough fights. his grand father mastered the power, so it would not require much touching to have it at a decent level. and super strength + phasing + hard light is a killer combo. perfect defense and strong attack, you have hit your enemy while they can never hit you.
and why is his granddad the only person in the world with that power while other powers are held by multiple people ?
Yea Riley.

Riley being able to phase would mean she could FLY through solid matter. I do recall her being able to fly using her power.

I though Riley was able to surpass her normal strength using her tactile telekinesis, that's partly how she's able to fly.

Chrys or Valentina having invisibility and phasing at the same time to become the ultimate spy is something I had been thinking about

MCs grandfather mastering his power only means that MC would copy the power faster, so he's still need more physical contact until he's completely copied it. It's just like with Queen Unbreakable, she's mastered her powers, but MC still needed continued contact to be able to copy her powers

I'd say there are probably more people with the hardlight powers, but if MCs grandfather was famous worldwide for using those powers, and those powers were already rare, I can see people being relutant in using those powers for good or ill lest they get negative attention because of Hardlight
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