VN - Ren'Py - Superhuman [v0.991] [WeirdWorld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed - 0.71

    Art - 3/5
    But hold on! Remember that 3/5 is average. Technically it's slightly above average but I digress. The art quality varies quite a bit and generally improves as the game goes on. The character portraits and some action art look a bit rough on the edges, but it's already impressive that it even has illustrated action sequences. Really, it gets quite impressive as it goes on. The dev leans heavily into the goth aesthetic and big ol' head sized titties but if that's what floats your boat there's plenty of it. Sure, I'd love it if there were more images per sex scene, some animations, or even a second pass for character portraits, but those are all very expensive and what's already in the game is perfectly functional.

    Gameplay - 2/5
    At the end of the day, it is a VN and VNs fundamentally restrict gameplay. That being said, the bad ends are easy to rewind and move past. I cannot say for certain whether or not your choices really affect the story, but I know that there are some scenes that I missed on my first playthrough due to my decisions made early on. There are key decision points along the story that point to having significant impact on the story in the future, but time will tell if that pans out.

    Characters - 5/5
    A rare breed of game to have a compelling cast and a likable MC. Your choices absolutely matter to his characterization, and he acts rationally and is relatable throughout the events of the game. The female cast is obviously critical to a H visual novel, and I was pleasantly surprised that there were interesting male characters and non-romantic female characters available as well. While not all of the characters have had their time in the spotlight yet, most get some backstory and attention at one point or another. While I was ambivalent on a few, there were none that I found to be "objectively dislikable." I know that's an oxymoron, but I cannot think of a better phrase to describe some of the grating archetypes that too often pop up in games like this.

    Story - 5/5
    Surprisingly good? Not at all what I was expecting on the tin or even after the first fifteen minutes of playing. There's a few mysteries afoot, some relationship drama, superhero struggles, and even some good ol' fashion class struggle. It's great! Really - well done! My only complaints were two very minor ones - the ability to pursue multiple storylines simultaneously can be a little disjointing. Tiffany and Alice both seem like plotlines of the MC getting in over his head with the wrong crowd out of necessity, for example, but they start at relatively the same time and (so far) in complete isolation. There was a point where I had to decide whether or not to ally with one of them and there was no mention of the fact that, at the end of the day, I would probably be in a better situation if I chose the other girl. The other, minor gripe was that the Evolution during the big showdown was a bit of an ass-pull. Just personal taste, but it felt kinda... anime? Lol. I can excuse it since it was somewhat telegraphed, but still. Deus ex machina and all that.

    Sex - 4/5
    I need more. In all seriousness though, I hope there's plenty of opportunity for some hard dicking in the future, but I kinda wish there'd been more littered throughout the current content. For the dev's reference, I basically did nothing but train before the Frat Party event, then I did Emily's content + the Gym, then trained some more and then binged all of Alice's content. Only after that did I go back and do the cheer content etc. I was concerned I would lock myself out of certain opportunities if I didn't go all-in on power from the start, but it ended giving me a bit of whiplash between long periods of serious story stuff. Between the early conversations with Ella and the clashes with Jared, I did feel somewhat pressured to play this way.
    I think either giving the player more time to explore the daily events or giving a specific, highlighted option to progress "main" storylines would alleviate the issue if it's deemed necessary to do so.
    As far as what is there, it's good. Sometimes great! I like the vanilla content, but I'm fine to lean into the bizarre more too, in the future. As much as I dislike Ella, I cannot deny that the opportunity for kinky mischief is at an absolute maximum between two Superhumans.

    All in all, it's great. Well worth your time. If you're really against goth stuff, I will give you fair warning that it's extremely prevalent (but then just look at the preview images...) If you're only interested because of the mind control or futa tags, maybe don't bother. It's only in a few scenes so far. Other than that, go at it. I'm crossing my finger that the story doesn't jump the shark as the stakes get ever-higher, but otherwise I'm confident in giving this Superhuman a 5/5 rating.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Superhuman has a fantastic art style & engaging story. It sounds like the game has original music as well, the whole production value is impressive. This game strikes the perfect balance in my mind between the H-scenes and building enough connective tissue between those scenes to make them meaningful. If it looks like your kind of thing, it is.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Mind blowing. Probably my favorite game yet. The narrative is great and keeps you wanting more, the art is awesome, and the characters are well fleshed out in terms of personality and backstory. Can't wait for the next update! Would definitely recommend.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Great story, especially if you like manga or anime or the game "Prototype".
    Unique 2D art, which constantly improves, and a lot of drawn scenes.
    Various optional fetishes included such as gender bender, futanari, breast expansion.

    One of the best games on the site.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an excellent VN. Give it a try.

    It has lots of erotic content, engaging charaters, big tits, badass fights and a tension filled story to boot. The art is an acquired taste, but once you're used to it, it's great in capturing the dynamics of fights and accentuate the beauty of the female cast. There is easily over ~6h of content.

    This VN is like a battle anime, but better because it has sex and the main characters isn't a whiny little bitch. Another highlight for me was that the world feels alive, events happen without your influence and you're a part of the world, not the unnatural centrepoint of the universe just because you're the MC as in many other VNS.

    I think the weakest part of this VN is the beginning, since I dind't really understand what was going on and really didn't give a damn about most of the characters. So I had to replay the start to get what was happeing later on and properly invest in the side cast. And I still don't know what Amber and Liz are doing and why they get so many non sex scenes, I care more about all the cheerleaders and Tiffany.

    Also it would be nice to get a hint system. In the overworld menu, when the choice "spy on therapy" was available, I only clicked it once or twice before the story progressed past it and didn't get the other scenes, because I clicked on repeatables like shop or glory hole.

    What I wish for in future updates: More sex scenes where the MC usees his powers in with humans (zombie girl is fine but imo Jess would be into that), consensual or not depending on corruption. And if the duration of some of the sex scenes could be increased, muah chefs kiss that would be glorious. The dev clearly has the writing ability to make an engaging and captivating fight scene without using too many renders (vs Mutant Kenny for example. Finishing the guy off didnt take too many renders but was still a great experience). Maybe if the dev could put in some more dialogue, dirty talk, include the feelings/inner thoughts of the woman in the moment, reuse some renders but change facial expressions, etc. I'd love that but Superhuman is already outstanding as it is.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I ducked this one for the longest time because I thought the mega tits looked dumb.
    But, it's pretty good. It has decent writing with emotional weight, memorable characters and an interesting world.
    There is an actual game in this visual novel.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, updates are getting better and better. The world building here is amazing, story gets you hooked and craving for more. Art took some getting used to when it came to sex scenes, but it grew on me over time, scenes in newer updates are way hotter. Monster design and combat scenes were always great, conveying that grim adult superhero universe vibe, and they keep improving.

    Game is definitely worth checking out, and dev deserves recognition for consistent updates and amount of work put into this. Keep it up, you got real talent there! Wish you lots of support!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    <3 <3 <3 Fun adventure filled with interesting characters and a surprisingly compelling story that had me glued to the screen. Each chapter is better than the last, any you dont really know what is going to happen next. Cast is colorful and fun, and no one is "good" or "evil"- and i love it.

    Amber needs more love though. 9.5/10.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    If Tim Burton made adult VNs, he would probably make some shit like this.

    It's dark, gross, and weird.

    And I fucking love it.

    The art style is so cool, it almost reminds me of Teaching Feeling, but not quite?

    The world is wacky as hell, but in an awesome, bizzaro way.

    I can't even explain how charming this game is, just play it, fam.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Really a special game for me, highly enjoyable and props to the dev. The h scenes are nice and the right amount of them, the characters are relatable, enjoyable and entertaining, the story is the right amount of complex for a h game imo, doesn't feel linear but doesn't make your head spin or anything, the artstyle is unique and only getting better from what I have seen. Shounen level fight scenes with an interesting power system. Plenty of characters that feel "alive" and the world building is perhaps one of the most enjoyable aspects for me. Really good job from the dev.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Updated Review:

    I gotta say, Weird World is an excellent writer. Perhaps I'm a bit biased because I love everything about the universe he's built, but man is it great. So many little details that I don't even see in triple A games, let alone adult or indie. Let there be known, this is as of V0.921 with NO SPOILERS. Should you want an unedited version of this with noteable good points I mention in the game, look for my name on Page 215.

    The porn for those that wish to indulge is there, and might I say, at first I didn't really care for it. But as Weird World gets better and better in regards to everything, so does the porn. Whether that be art, dialogue, or how it plays out; there is a noticeable difference. And an a part I nearly forgot to mention, as far as I can recall, there are only 2 unavoidable sex scenes in the entire game. So if you just want to play the game for the sake of the storytelling, action, or concept, you can pretty much do that.

    The art is amazing, a lot of people don't take into account that hand drawn is good. It shows the love put into something, especially considering it's done by one person. And while it may not be for everyone, I think it fits the given genre of action and storytelling. Could you imagine action scenes or any uniquely identifiable characters portrayed by DAZ models? I don't think so.

    The action, my favorite point by far, and by god is it good, and it always gets better and better! I swear, going back and looking at the some of the first fights looks like child's play compared to the fights in this version, quite literally feeling like something straight out of a shonen manga. Whether it's seeing the weak try and fight the strong, or you as the MC trying grow to take on stronger opponents, it's a beautiful brutality that I just don't see from playable anime or action anything.

    The writing is probably the best part if I'm trying to be unbiased. As far as I'm concerned, it hasn't really changed in quality as far as the beginning to v0.921. I feel Weird World has always had a plan, and that plan is foreshadowed throughout the game constantly. Be it subtly hinted at in dialogue, or even being showed in dead ends; yeah, not just game over, but cool lore drops that you can actually miss if you don't fail. So far, I don't believe we've seen any plot holes, and that's pretty crazy considering how much mainstream subjects have that issue so prevalent with a full team of proofreaders and writers.

    The characters are interesting. I use that term because I've never really had one character that's been showcased that I didn't actually hate hearing or reading about. Even some of the less notable characters like a bully or egotistical asshole, while generic; aren't completely hateable, you understand why they are the way they are and that's fine. The main cast is always interesting, and has a lot of secrets or info that even now we just don't know about. They have a past, a middle, and a current that just makes them fun to read; no matter how much you don't care about said characters, the info is always there to delve into, rather than be jammed down your throat (i.e villain backstory cliche).

    The game genre, it's a choice based Visual Novel. That is very hard to do, no matter how big or small the company or person makes it. It's noticeable here, it's noticeable in triple A, not much you can do about it. But I gotta say, Weird World does a phenomenal job, considering it's just them. Entire teams of writers and developers struggle to find a basis of which they can make a linear story, without branching too far off from the choices that are made. If they did make every little choice mean something, you would have THE BIGGEST ANYTHING imaginable, in fact, it could be considered endless even. And that thought process is just not going to happen, you have to substitute it with either dead ends, like Weird World does, or little to no impact. Now what I do like about Weird World's work, is that most choices are dialogue based, meaning you get to shape your character, rather than change the story itself and elements you can't control. I would assume more choices will be given as we grow further into the story, while also sticking to a linear path. It's a good way to go about it, and Weird World seems to do their best in leveling the impact of choices, whether those choices will make any noticable paths in the future; who knows, up to them.

    These are 2 sidepoints to finish off this monologue:

    A. The music- it's royalty free, but it's not the over used dogma you hear in every single adult game. There was even one during a fight where I found myself jammin out while beating some ass! But what I really wanted to point out was that it fits, all of it fits. There was never really a time where I felt like I didn't like the music in the background for a given scenario. But that's all I wanted to comment on.

    B. The Main Character, I feel like he's just built to be you, maybe that's just me but the way he responds and acts regardless of how you're trying to play him just fits. He's nonchalant, neutral, and that's GREAT! One of my biggest pet peeves in SOME games, is that I have to follow a certain persona or choices don't really matter because this character would never do this; it's already been laid out. But with this MC you really get to shape him into an absolute fucking MONSTER or a passive and sweet gentle giant. It's crazy, and I love it for that.

    That's all I had to say, I just wanted to share my thoughts on the subject to potentially share the memories with some fans like myself, or bring potential new blood into the discussion. Have a good one guys!~
  12. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    I debated even writing this review as I have mixed feelings on it but here we go.

    The game is excellent through the first half of it (up through the monster Kenny event). I was contemplating giving the game a 4 or 5 star review up until this point.

    After the monster Kenny event the game gets boring and repetitive. I stopped playing the game once the MC was interviewed on live TV at the news station. The game gets painfully slow with lots of boring conversations and minor events which take forever to go anywhere.

    As the game progresses, the breasts keep getting bigger and bigger until it becomes unattractive and silly. When breasts take up 50% of the girl's bodyweight there is a problem! I'm not a horny teen who gets off on this nonsense.

    Every time the MC starts developing a relationship in the game the brakes get pushed hard. Is there some reason why the author is holding onto the MC's virginity like a sacred artifact? The MC only has blowjobs, handjobs, and titjobs throughout the game. It is pathetic. The MC doesn't have meaningful sex with ANY of the main female characters in the game. The only vaginal penetration scenes are dream sex which I hate in games.

    The author failed to keep me interested after the monster Kenny event. It got too boring and repetitive. I lost my desire to continue which is never a good sign. The game pace was far too slow and character development and progression was at a snails pace. Too much fluff with not enough substance to keep me interested. It is a shame since I thought the first half of the game was excellent.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A game I didn't expect to like at first but that has turned out to be quite great. Great story paired with a quite unique art-style.

    Rated as of Version: "v.0.67"

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    I don't usually play hand drawn games but I figured I'd give this one a try because it looked quite interesting and that turned out to be a quite rewarding choice indeed.
    Plot wise this game is one of the best I've played lately, Writing is good and you don't feel as if you are just clicking through a ton of pointless conversations.
    The different characters are quite well developed, though of course whether you find them attractive or not may vary depending on how fond you are of the art-style itself.
    You will get some choices in this game and some dead ends as well which means that choosing wisely will indeed be important. However there is no significant pathing as in some other games, the basic storyline will remain pretty similar.
    Honestly, if you are intrigued, you should definitely give this one a try.
    I wish lots of luck to the dev with the further development.

    Gameplay: 3.7/5 | Art: 4.5/5 | Story: 5/5 | Writing: 4.5/5
    OVERALL: 4.6
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for Version 0.67

    I have been playing this Game for a while, i replaid it 3 times from the beginning, so now i think i can write a Review.

    At the end i write little summary if you don't want to read everything.

    First and foremost, this game stands out, for positive reasons. At first glance the Art is different, i played a couple games from f95 but none that had Art like Superhuman. Than it stands out for the Story, it is dark and brutal at times but also funny, interesting and sometimes even intriguing.

    I am not going to lie, the reason i started playing the Game were those beautyful pair of breasts you see when opening the Page of the Game, but after playing, i discovered alot more positives.

    Gameplay: Your typical Ren'py Game, you get to make different choices at some points that do influence what happens in the future. If youmake the wrong choice, you could even get an early Death screen.
    You also need atleast 2 playthroughs to see all the available scenes.
    No grind, no useless running around or annoying jobs to do to get money, very direct and easy. No negatives here.

    Art: This is for most probably the most important aspect, the Art stands out. It has a mix of Goth and Bimbo style. But don't worry, the girls are not plastic from top to bottom, butyou will see Bimbosize Breasts.
    I really loved the darker style, i have been on f95 for a while now and like many others, i keep seeing the same Models over and over. So when i finally saw unique characters, unique Artstyle, i was more then ready to try it out and boy did i enjoy it.
    There are some Characters wich have some flaws like the Hips being too "Bonny" but i can overlook it because overall everything looks very good.

    This game also has superpowers and i think that the "special effects" are also very well drawn.

    Now the Sex. There are alot of Sex scenes, sadly no animations, everything is made with single renders. This is for me the point that turns this Game a 4 Star Game instead of a 5 Star. At the End of the Day, this is a Porn site, this Games are Adult Games. The Sex scenes are still enjoyable for me because, i repeat myself, the Artstyle is great, but Sex just looks much, much better when the Characters are moving.

    Story: Another Game that stands out for it's story.
    I don't want to spoil anything, so i'm just going to tell you that a really interesting story awaits you. You won't find many Games on f95 that bother to build some solid Story with solid characters, this game does and for the most part, it gets it right. Some Characters still need to be fleshed out more, but overall, very good job by the Dev. When a new Update comes out, i am happy, not just because there is more Sex, but also more Story, that says everything.

    Other: Something that makes this Game more lively is the Music, my god the Music fits, you have good BGM on the fight scenes, sex scenes, everyday scenes and it just fits, makes the game so much more enjoyable.
    There is also a Gallery to rewatch the Scenes, so, another positive.
    Sadly no Android version, but you can play the Game fine with Joiplay.

    TL;DR: With an easy, no grind and straightforward Gameplay, unique looking, interesting Characters and World, a solid Story with choices that matter more or less, WeirdWorld (the DEV) built a very entertaining Game that will satisfy alot of Players for sure. This is not a "Quick fap" Game, but one that also tries to tell a good story packed with action, mystery and a bit of humor and fitting Music to give it the extra touch.
    This would be a straight 5 Star Game, but what makes me give it 4 Stars, are the Sex scenes, while they are very well drawn and still very enjoyable, they are made out of still images, no animations. But still, i would recommend this Game to anyone out there. 4/5 Stars.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Do yourself a favor and play this game.

    I know it looks weird as fuck and the graphics may create a sort of creepy first impression but I assure you, that the game is not half as dark as it looks.

    It's a dark fantasy alright (think Tokyo Ghoul and such), but there's humor in there and really decent writing. There are likable characters and the MC is actually fun to play as.

    Not to mention there are hours of quality content already in the game.

    Is the game full of sexy renders? Nope, not really. Yes, it is. Renders have been regularly replaced and now not only writing is hot.
    Is it a fun game you should give a chance => definitely.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is excellent, didn't know much going in, thought the drawings looked strange, but really happy I gave it a chance as it turned out to be one of my favourite games. It has a constant feeling of progression, the characters are great, the drawings turned out to be some of my favourite and the porn side is excellent with some really good choices
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid Game

    At first I wasn't sure about playing but after playing it...

    Good characters, good art, thicc chicks and thicc dudes with thicc dicks just the way I like it. Most sex scenes are optional if you're not into something and most of all...the story is pretty damn good.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Once you get past the wonky art, the story is very engaging-- Plus the art grows on you after a while. The writing is very good and does a deft job of developing the central mystery of the setting. The girls are all pretty likeable, and some of the fetishes explored are really crazy and rarely explored.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Very interesting game. The concept is unique, it reminds of prototype and the experience itself is fun. The main character is not a blank canvas. The world building is good. The sex scenes where there is movement should be a loop since they feel a little short.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It's been a while since I've given a 5 star. Definitely deserved.

    I enjoy some super powers if done well. This is done pretty well.

    H Stuff: 4.5/5
    Only complaint there is the scenes tend to be short. They're great otherwise.

    H Frequency: 3/5
    While there is a decent amount of H stuff, I found droughts of it here and there.

    Characters: 4/5
    I really enjoy the variety of characters. They feel unique to themselves. Some do get kinda... left out though. Felt like I had some story paths that were just outright abandoned in favor of others.

    Story: 5/5
    I found this story to be one of the better ones on this site. Almost every game I end up skipping most of the dialogue as it can be guessed just by visual context and samey tropes.
    Not this one. I read like... 80% of it. Good writing, good setting, and enough mystery to make me want to read on.

    Enjoyment: 5/5
    I loved the H stuff. All of it. I wouldn't mind it getting a bit darker but it's just dark enough, occasionally.
    What I really liked though was the story. I typically skip half the story people have in these games due to it being dull back and forth pointless dialogue. There is some of that in this of course, it's hard not to have that. But it had very little.

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