
Jun 6, 2017
I liked the game more when everything could be explained using the laws of physics...

But it is true that it has become more difficult lately, because if it wasn't an error on the part of the author, we are leaving the OP power level and heading more towards ridiculous power level. And as I said, if their durability was really at the level that some people here are trying to claim it is, then to kill lvl 5, you would probably need destroy a good chunk of our planet.
Laws of physics only work when you know what they are, and the game's premise is that there are eldritch monsters of unknown origin, probably from some other universe, who obey unknown principles of physics or reality doing things beyond uor comprehension. What do you want the author to do, give you a detailed scientific breakdown for everything?


Jun 6, 2017
I feel like you're all just ignoring how ridiculously durable would superhumans have to be to be able to survive direct nuke hit. We are talking about an absolutely ridiculous level. The fights wouldn't even make sense, since two lvl 5s wouldn't even be able to scratch each other. Or worse. To be able to damage each other, the attacks would have to be so powerful that their fight would destroy our planet.

For example, teleportation into the sun was a proven way to kill Superhumans.
The temperature of the sun surface is 5 500 °C.
Starting temperature at the epicenter of a nuclear explosion is 29 999 726,9 °C
Do you understand how ridiculously great their durability would have to be?
Magma is only 700 - 1 200°C
I guess you must think Superhuman lvl 5 can normally bathe in magma and drink it.
And I'm not even talking about the force of kinetic energy that would tear everything to pieces.

I can understand that something the size of a mountain can survive nuke.
But something about human size? Superhumans are durable but not THAT durable.

The problem with your logic is that we have real world examples that contradict it. We have evidence of craft of unknown origin flying around our atmosphere that do not obey known physics, and are documented to ignore their surroundings. For example, the tik tak ufo incident in which the craft were observed completely ignoring any semblance of fluid dynamics or aerodynamics as they conducted insane impossible start/stop/change directions maneuvers/extreme accelerations through air and water as if those mediums did not even affect them. Others in ufo communities have long speculated that these craft operate by warping space time around them, and their bases are located underwater deep inside solid rock which they pass right through by simply warping the space time around themselves (meaning no visible or detectable access hatches anywhere).

now imagine these eldritch abominations with reality-defying powers being able to do similar things. Would they be affected by superheated gas or pressure waves? no. They'd simply pass right through or around them from our perspective. You are applying classic physics improperly. From the perspective of beings that can defy reality, temperature and forces are irrelevant. Be they 10 degrees or 5500 degrees, its all the same shit.


Active Member
Aug 19, 2022
Laws of physics only work when you know what they are, and the game's premise is that there are eldritch monsters of unknown origin, probably from some other universe, who obey unknown principles of physics or reality doing things beyond uor comprehension. What do you want the author to do, give you a detailed scientific breakdown for everything?
Even in reality, there are a lot of things that we don't comprehend like time or a lot of quantum concepts. We can't even phantom what an explosion of a nova, supernova, or even hypernova entails or how massive it really is.
In fiction we can play with these concepts with some basic math and physics and expand and fantasize about that.
Quote from the book Physics and Literature:
" Rather than describing the natural world “as it is”, physical science weaves some key observations into a convincing and memorable narrative. It is not within its power to explain reality, but it can fictionalize it and thus make it understandable, sometimes even predictable. Due to the presence of internal and external constraints, physical theories are much more akin to myths - i.e., fiction created by many authors over an extended period of time - than to ordinary fiction. The mythical character of a theory does not diminish its scientific validity; quite the contrary. Convincing myths are not easily found and better observations demand better myths. The mythical content of the theory is not some extraneous content that we introduce for the sake of popularization, but an essential part of the science itself. "
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Active Member
Apr 18, 2020
I assumed all those (and most) girls in this game just wear eye make up:BootyTime: did I miss somewhere that it isnt just makeup? Demi has actual weird/"creepy" eyes iirc


Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
I liked the game more when everything could be explained using the laws of physics...

But it is true that it has become more difficult lately, because if it wasn't an error on the part of the author, we are leaving the OP power level and heading more towards ridiculous power level. And as I said, if their durability was really at the level that some people here are trying to claim it is, then to kill lvl 5, you would probably need destroy a good chunk of our planet.
You are assuming that
A. all surviveability comes from durability
B. that durability can only be overcome by brute force.
both assumptions are wrong.

They are not converting magic energy into mundane kinetic energy that packs more energy than 100 nukes. that would be preposterous.

Rather, their attacks remain magical, and its magical properties overcome the magical defenses.
With magic nullifying magic non explosively.

Also, destroying the planet is entirely on the table.
But is prevented by the higher ups which include time travellers, precogs, and masters of space (which include pocket dimensions, banishment, etc).
One of the top aces is a teleporter girl, who is fighting the mutated ring thing.

During their fight you are bleeding out between different alt dimensions and eventually a pocket world is destroyed.
And she can teleport you into deep space if you become too much trouble.
If a fight looks like it will crack the earth then they will teleport that monster to a black hole instead.
Laws of physics only work when you know what they are, and the game's premise is that there are eldritch monsters of unknown origin, probably from some other universe, who obey unknown principles of physics or reality doing things beyond uor comprehension. What do you want the author to do, give you a detailed scientific breakdown for everything?
That guy is wrong. but your reply to him is also wrong.
The exact details of the laws of physics are irrelevant.
If "giant monster A" requires "more than 100 nukes to the face" to kill and then goku flies over and kamehamehas it with "powerlevel of more than 100 nukes" then his blast will be doing immense collateral damage like 100 nukes blowing up.
This is not "physics", it is simply the actions described in the story.

BUT, that guy is you are replying to is wrong. Not because of your "physics don't matter" thing.
but because nowhere in the story does it say that they are tossing kamehamehas with more than 100 nukes worth of explosion. He is incorrectly assuming that level 5s are converting their magical attacks into kinetic energy or thermal energy attack that hit with a force greater than 100 nukes.
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Apr 4, 2020
I assumed all those (and most) girls in this game just wear eye make up:BootyTime: did I miss somewhere that it isnt just makeup? Demi has actual weird/"creepy" eyes iirc
It may have been a stylistic choice during the first release of game, but Ella's eyes have an explanation. MC's eyes probably have one as well (when his mother was killed by a monster) but is not revealed yet. All others are unexplained.
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Oct 6, 2020
Who thinks that MC wouldn't get a chance to handle Moon twins despite having the ability to defeat them both? Devana is literally harmless to him, and Evander can be simply overwhelmed with flesh explosions from electric eel organs. With MC's superior mobility girl is a 1 hit KO, and her brother's destruction/corrosion can be exhausted with gigantic flesh lumps with occasional mind attack if something goes wrong. With how bad they are outmatched, there's no chance WW will give us this scenario.
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Jan 16, 2024
Who thinks that MC wouldn't get a chance to handle Moon twins despite having the ability to defeat them both? Devana is literally harmless to him, and Evander can be simply overwhelmed with flesh explosions from electric eel organs. With MC's superior mobility girl is a 1 hit KO, and her brother's destruction/corrosion can be exhausted with gigantic flesh lumps with occasional mind attack if something goes wrong. With how bad they are outmatched, there's no chance WW will give us this scenario.
That's exactly what most people said when the update was over. I think WW wanted MC to have a trip down memory lane to get his mom's memories back into place while also upgrading his memory trait. I don't like how it was done, but as long as we get to humble the twins when we break free I'm fine.


Oct 6, 2020
That's exactly what most people said when the update was over. I think WW wanted MC to have a trip down memory lane to get his mom's memories back into place while also upgrading his memory trait. I don't like how it was done, but as long as we get to humble the twins when we break free I'm fine.
Nah, H.E.R.O. are outnumbered and outgunned, with Deryl out of commission and S class monster with 4 lvl Shen for support taking care of 2 lvl 5s. Twins are getting the pill. I'm 90% sure.


Engaged Member
Jul 13, 2018
Can someone tell me what the M:43 type monster was? Thanks.
Unknown at the moment. All we know is it's either an A Class Strength Eater or a monster like a Strength Eater. It has memory powers dealing with emotions, thoughts and other concepts that allow it to shapeshift. It's probably related to the 4th Apostle and MC's past with Syla in some way.

Best to wait until next update since this flashback will likely give the answer. If it's related to his mom's attack.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
BUT, that guy is you are replying to is wrong. Not because of your "physics don't matter" thing.
but because nowhere in the story does it say that they are tossing kamehamehas with more than 100 nukes worth of explosion. He is incorrectly assuming that level 5s are converting their magical attacks into kinetic energy or thermal energy attack that hit with a force greater than 100 nukes.
Actually, it kinda does, not everytime, but it's there. This is why people, including me, are interested in calculations and the consistency of WW's narration.
Bernhardt said that he applied "a little pressure". Pressure is a real concept, extreme pressure can create these effects, perhaps not exactly how they are shown, but somewhere in the general ballpark.

So Bernhardt in the Himavat scene is doing something that is measurable. Any kind of energy can be transformed to some other without any problems and Kinetic energy is the easiest to grasp and make comparisons without too much hassle. There really isn't any problem in thinking that Bernhardt is capable of generating energy equivalent to hundreds of nukes.

Of course, there are other factors at play. For example a surface detonation is not the same as a detonation near a structural weakness. Perhaps Bernhardt is capable of attacking the Himavat from within, and requiring less Energy to break it apart than a hundred of surface nuclear explosions. But I would never dismiss an idea/simulation that just assumes Bernhardt attack's energy is equivalent to "hundreds of nuclear explosions", at least not without a good reason which comes from inside the game.

There's also different kinds of phenomena that can be explained by just "pressure". Was it atmospheric pressure (as the weight of atmosphere?), surface pressure (as generally applying force over a certain area), liquid pressure etc ? It's all pressure, but it tells us something about the mechanics. We can assume that it was atmospheric because that's what his powers seem to be about.

And through this analysis, we can wonder what will happen if Bernhardt tries to fight in the vacuum of space? This is a question with a lot of merit. At some point, MC may need to fight Bernhardt, and taking advantage of mechanics like this may be the key to victory. Such a scenario is not far fetched in the least. So despite being magical, which I absolutely agree that they are, we don't have to toss everything out, as long as all the assumptions we make are based on the information that the narrator gives us.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Who thinks that MC wouldn't get a chance to handle Moon twins despite having the ability to defeat them both? Devana is literally harmless to him, and Evander can be simply overwhelmed with flesh explosions from electric eel organs. With MC's superior mobility girl is a 1 hit KO, and her brother's destruction/corrosion can be exhausted with gigantic flesh lumps with occasional mind attack if something goes wrong. With how bad they are outmatched, there's no chance WW will give us this scenario.
At this point we are treading in a bit of unknown territory. MC had too much trouble versus the Twins. Yes Devana can't really do much to him, but Evander can and a level 2 shouldn't have such an easy time going against a level 3.

I have talked about how this scene leaves me with a very bad aftertaste. A murderous (as stated) MC should have already killed Devana with a stray tail and slapped Evander with half the forest by the end, but instead he was on the defensive till Shen got bored and decided to end it without any hint at resistance on MC's part.

So while I think that the Moon twins are beneath him, they will end up being the next roadblock, especially if they evolve. After all, there exist indications that they tend to grow much faster than other Superhumans. Of course MC also has an exceptional growth so we can't yet tell how they compare,

On the other hand, it doesn't feel like the Moon twins are supposed to be Antagonists, at least not by default.

These are my most anticipated scenarios:

1) A huge MC + Foxglove Twins vs Shen + Moon Twins fight.

I really like the Foxglove sisters and I want them to take a more active role. One of the problems however is that time doesn't wait for anyone and a brand new level 1 can't really compete without some form of timelapse. The idea that Twins somehow grow faster than usual however, could be the key to let them be relevant.

Such a fight that ends up in MC's favor will be huge. It will show that MC is superior as both a Superhuman and as a trainer, and set the Foxglove twins as useful allies rather than some newbies who still need to find their footing.

2) Foxglove Twins getting merged into a Superbeing, permanent or not.

The Fusion scenario was one of the first wild theories since we got confirmation that this is the "Twins Arc". It's also a cool way to avoid the time problem. It will be a new and exciting variable, with the potential to be formidable without going through the usual steps.

The Foxgove twins are shown as being the exact opposite. One is haphazard and extremely talented, the other is extremely dilligent but an underachiever in comparison. One is cold the other is hot etc.

And I think that this is why the fusion theory is so exciting. Because they have the potential to complete each other.

3) Solo MC vs multiple Ella kids.

This will require some setup, but MC should have started getting frustrated at this point. While his personal growth is well on it's tracks, he has very limited control over what is happening around him.

So at this point I think that a "Jean-Claude Van'Damme getting angry and owning shit" moment will work wonders to set the tone for the things to come. MC is supposed to become the best but his victories are always by the skin of his teeth and he didn't really have a chance to showcase "dominance" up to this point.
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