
Active Member
Jun 2, 2018
Well fuck, first time playing and my playthrough is high corruption but I didn't eat Danica and couldn't bring myself to eat Jake. Guess my MC won't achieve great heights in the future.
The eye scene asks what you are after. There is 2 options, power and love i think. Power is devour everyone, and love he said is the most complicated route. I bet in the end the "power of friendship" will win. lol

Edit: here is the exact scene and words
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Dec 11, 2017
The eye scene asks what you are after. There is 2 options, power and love i think. Power is devour everyone, and love he said is the most complicated route. I bet in the end the "power of friendship" will win. lol
No, Its just "and everyone live happy" with the "love" also will you love Kenny?(yea you force to eat him) Jake? I bet not, Im sad that I had to eat Danica In order to do that but It Is what It Is, she dont have that much role In the game anyway, and hey "power" dosent mean you cant still love and protect your friends and loved ones.


Jun 20, 2023
...goddamnit, I thought it was enough if I had over 100 power before the fight, missed only 1 skill point.
Urgh, now, should I save Laurie or not, decision decision.
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Dec 11, 2017
Okay I fk up my first game as Im fail to go full corruption and spend around 2 hours last evening to fix It by starting a new game.

I want to share that expect the corruption I also make sure to focus generaly on stats, as for stats I complety ignore them at first gameplay due to the lack of knowleg that they are even exist.

The diffrence Is huge to be honest Im not speak about the stats number Itself.

Many scenes are totaly difrent, for example where we walk In the room where Jake use his power on Amber and Liz I had 3 options before no one of them I like back then, but with power stats I had 4th "what the fuck did you say to me?" he shit his pants and run away :D

The scene with the thugs In the bar when we are new yet "noobs" 1lv superhuman, before I always had to run or I hit dead end, but now I was able to kill them all just like that.

The scene In the first S.I.N spy gameplay where we end up In the Jerrad dad office Is also diff (maybe It was long time) when the x3 S.I.N superhumans attack me, the mc be like "ok? I stand and wait until you done and then kill you"

The scene with the gaint slime monster in the middle of the city was complety diff, after a short trade I take her hand and after my questions she saw something inside me, dunno what 1/1 but so far I saw my monster mother and dad and she was devastated to that point where she surrender without fight, she just melt Into liquid and everyone be like "wtf? Its end already?"

The fight with Valaran also better, the fact that he respect us and even talk with us Is a really something else, I mean imagine earn a respect of creature as dark as void itself a creature that did not speak a single world to anyone and yet mc walk In and he speak with us like with someone equal, I learn from Valarn for example that the sex with the monstress he called her witch (Yea I never was able to remember her name :p) where we impregnat her, he say that "the fruit of this pact will come after us later on" and he seems really mad after he hear about her.

I was also able to save Lauriel.

Also the difference between my stats numbers Its huge, my first gameplay at the end of this update was 452 power and 32 skills with 45 corruption and 13335 money but on the second fix run I was 503 power, 46 skills, 48 corruption, 10000060 money +all the items from shopkeeper I could buy I get.

Cole...Im coming for you.
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Jan 21, 2024
The scene In the first S.I.N spy gameplay where we end up In the Jerrad dad office Is also diff (maybe It was long time) when the x3 S.I.N superhumans attack me, the mc be like "ok? I stand and wait until you done and then kill you"
Thats because there's two outcomes to the infiltration: if you're spotted or not.
If you're spotted, you get to fight those guys. However, if they don't spot you, MC simply massacres the three while he talks with Lang. Not being spotted also gives you +10 in Power.
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