VN - Ren'Py - Superhuman [v0.991] [WeirdWorld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    An engaging, diverse, and expansive VN.

    I was pleasantly surprised with how wide not only the story was, but also the choices, both storywise and porn wise. Started a little discouraged with the samey jumbo boobed characters and ended up enjoying the story much more than I expected. You initially navigate the personal challenges of balancing responsibility and desire as a superhero, into later managing personal relations while increasing your strength and influence on a world facing the discovery and eminence of monsters and supermutants, largely deciding which faction to favour. Personally enjoyed the trap/femboy and monster sex, and it has more fetishes which are optional by choices(for example, mc can shapeshift female). Also, because its been in development for so long, you see the art style(sexual and non-sexual) continually improve.​

    If you won't be discouraged by the art-style and lengthy narrative, can definitely recommend as an interesting readthrough that is more than just erotica.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    For the pros, This game is one of the few games that I have actually read through. And i'd recommend others doing the same. The story isn't anything mind-blowing or anything. It's actually pretty cliche at times. But it's just a fun read-through. Almost like when you first start watching a new anime. The characters are all unique enough and the jokes land surprisingly often. Even the fight scenes are fun to read.

    As for the porn, I downloaded the game initially looking at all the different genres the porn it touches on. And I (mostly) wasn't disappointed. Are you in it for the trap/futa/genderbending or the straight-up vanilla scenes? the game has plenty of it. And the quality is mostly good assuming you are into the art style.

    Now on to the cons, The corruption path seems useless. You will still end up being a hero outside of one or two lines of dialogue here and there. It never gave me the feeling that I may have done something wrong or even morally grey. If you want to be a bad guy, that won't happen.

    If you want to get into the game for the NTR content, don't. Don't want to spoil anything but it feels like it is building up to something and then just reverses everything that happened. The characters and the story move on as if the route never happened. Imagine if at the end of the Romance route, the girl wants to stay just friends. That's more or less what happens here.

    EDIT: any criticism i have had was addressed in this update, sure you still might not like the dialogue or the art or any of your own reasons. But at least for me, this game is pretty much a masterpiece and the best-written porn game i've ever had the pleasure of playing.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best stories on F95, catchy to the point that I joined the discord channel to seek discussion about little details. The art of this game especially the early stage needs some getting used to, but once you know the characters they are so adorable you can't stop playing to find out what happened to them.

    Did a pure playthrough with limited corruption and I really felt like a hero. I am pretty satisfied with myself that I was never curious about what will happen if I chose to kill everyone. Great game that you must try, if you are interested in VN.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Superhuman is one of the rare games in here that you can remove the porn and the game will still be very much worth playing.

    The main premise of the story reminds me of symbiotes from marvel and i fucking love them, the characters all feel like humans with unique personalities even among the supporting cast no one feels like a device to move the plot along.

    The art style can be hit or miss personally i like it because it is unique, some early support character sprites are rough around the edges but they go away quickly and its easy to get used to the more polished ones.

    The soundtrack is also exceptional some track are eargasm worthy they give each character and event they are used a unique feel.

    Porn is the cherry on top, the rest of the game is so good that i dont care about it a bunch of different stuff exist and give the game extra points simply for being there.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with an interesting and expansive story with lots of sexy scenes to break things up.

    I have picked it up and not been able to put it down and despite that am still not done with the content.

    I appreciate the author catering to many tastes but also allowing you to forgo many all the same. My only demerit would be that there have been the rare few dialogues where it is hinted my character participated in things despite actions otherwise. As I said though, they are rare with how much goes on in the game it is most understandable.

    A great game, definitely recommended.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4248142

    The story for the game is just perfect. The art near the beginning of the game may be a turn-off but it gets better the further you get into the game. If this game had 0 sexual themes I would still play it just for the story, but the H-scenes make the experience 10x better. The beginning hooks you with the mc's powers and the creative ways that he has chosen to improve them. As you continue through the game the story keeps getting more and more interesting, I won't spoil it here because I think it is better to experience it yourself. Even getting bad ends felt good as you could get information (or h-scenes, depending on the ending) that helps expand upon some things that you wouldn't be able to know otherwise. The H-scenes are top-notch as well, there is a little bit of everything for everyone. The game is also constantly improving in quality as the dev keeps updating it with the art and story quality increasing with each update. The game has some dark themes to it with gore and spooky imagery present pretty often, I personally thought that I wouldn't like these things but by the end of the current update, v0.94, they were some of my favorite moments. If every H-game had this level of quality put into them then I don't think I could go back to playing normal games.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Just fucking play it

    Not gonna lie, I came here because of the giant tits, but with each passing hour I was more invested into the story rather than sex stuff. And I guess this is important point to make, because fucking is maybe 5% of the whole content, which might be a bit misleading since we're on f95zone. But this game is fucking awesome anyway.

    The beginning of the game was the hardest for me to go through. Not saying it's bad, I just wasn't a big fan of the art from the very start, everything looked kinda creppy, girls had weird eyes, the MC was fucking ugly, all the guys looked like bunch of heroin addicted hobos, you know, stuff like that. But it grows on you and at the same time it gets better and throught the game, some of the later fight scenes look completely badass, same as characters who get introduced later down the road.
    Anyway, what I'm trying to say, if you won't like it instantly, don't give up, give it a few hours, it will reward you.
    And the game is really long too, I was playing it on the evenings for 2 or 3 weeks and I just made it to the end of version 0.92.
    And I still don't know what the fuck is going on in the story.

    And I love this aspect of the game. The story, narration and pacing are great, you just constanly find yourself in a situation when you want to play for another hour or two, just to find out what's going to happen next. There's no meaningless scenes or bullshit dialogues, pretty much for the entire duration of the game something interesting is happening. And jokes are actually funny, there were some moments when I was genuinely laughing and I don't get that a lot from these games.

    So anyway, just give it a shot. It's a really nice experience. ;)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Triple A of hentai games really amazing one here with lot of sex and fight plus good story.

    Story actually really good and really long one here with amazing twists and plot really good one.Especially with not that high budget btw this is original art so unlike other games this one gets updated every 2 month or less thats even more amazing with art plus story.

    This one shows that you can do 2-3 months updates with original art-story games unlike other who claims to thats really hard to do that or impossible.

    For a cons i can say that this is big really big so its gonna take even more time to complete but still theres like 20+ hour content here with lot of sex scenes fights so thats good if you wanna support or play.

    This is easly 60 dolar game with min 20+ hour playtime with diffirent choice outcomes plus to that in the future theres even more that so I wanna say thank to Author this is really good one and good luck.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Superhuman is a game with an art style that I'm sure is an acquired taste for many; if this isn't a deal breaker you can look forward to good writing, an interesting setting, a dynamic range of characters, and tons of sex/fetishes.

    Personally one of my favorites off this site.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Art starts a bit lackluster but gets stronger as the game goes. Has a competent story (well above the averge for an erotic game), very little bullshit/fluff/grind and has a generally good pace. A large number of tags might put you off, but the core ones are large breasts, harem, goth, shapeshifting and (light) horror with nearly everything else being optional.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Richard Jordan

    This has surprised me. It's honestly as fun as reading a Matthew Reilly novel.
    Eternum, Pale Carnations and this. All different, but all good reads!

    We mostly all come here to read VNs and masturbate. This is the first VN that I just want to read.

    The art is unique, the storyline is unique. Honestly i wouldn't be surprised if they steal the idea and turn it into a Netflix series.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Superhuman Review

    Superhuman (VER) is a game about mutated Superhumans with a suprisingly thrilling story and has a unique gothy art style. Oh and big boobs. Very big boobs. And lots of them. Seriously, you WILL be suprised how many women with ginormous boobas can possibly live in this world and get to a point, where you are sure they can't possibly get any bigger. And then they do.

    If any of that interests you, you should probably check it out. It is my favourite game currently developed.

    Read along if you want more details about the plot (SPOILERS) and my thoughts on it.

    Many porn games have stories so atrocious, that I skip through the dialog at least partly, if not entirely. Even the ones where I don't do that, the story usually just gives a framework to make the porn parts more enjoyable, and don't get me wrong, Superhuman does that as well, but it also tells a larger story about superhumans, monsters and how gaining superhuman powers inadvertly distances you from humanity. I think it does it so well, that those parts could stand on it's own. What aides in that is the unique setting and art style, the former being a short term scifi world that mostly looks like our world. One of the key differences is the occurance of monster attacks, that at least in the beginning are kept hidden from the public.
    After an outing with some friends the MC gets fed something weird by the goth girlfriend of a buddy and gets attacked by a monster. He wakes up with superpowers, which he must discover and train bit by bit. He can be broadly classified as a shapeshifter, but what makes it stand out are the intricacies, limits and specialties of this power, that you discover with the MC together. In large parts this happens in the many fight sequences which are really well done for a porn VN, with unique enemies and both emotional and technical narratives. You have several options in most of these and will probably have to use a bit of trial and error, since a mistake can end in your death and game over, but save scumming, especially at choices, and rollback make that pretty trivial.
    The main story follows the MC to his college, where he encounters a ton of potential partners, more monsters and also a few superhumans. I think there is not a single sexual encounter that you are forced into, so you are entirely free to choose who you sleep with, although I'd guess that a full harem route is probably the most common choice. There is NTR in a single route, but it is entirely avoidable and very much telegraphed to you. At a later point there is some reverse NTR, but again, you very much know what you are getting into and can avoid it.

    The flow of the game consist of several phases:
    Daily life
    Social Events

    In the daily life sections you are mostly at university, although there are some sections where you stay at other locations, with free choice which subroute you want to follow. You Generally have two choices for subroutes per day, with some main plot events and dicking around options sprinkeled within and an evening choice between watching TV for world lore, or masturbate/sleep.
    The subroutes follow each a specific girl that you eventually will sleep with, but give a wide variety of scenarios and levels of sluttiness, with some throwing themselves at you in their very first scene, while others require you to spend some time with them before the action, but most want some level of relationship out of this.

    Cutscenes are what I call the main story progression and include the battles. You generally only make minor decisions in these that can have larger implications down the line, but I don't think there are any atm.

    Social events are most often some kind of party, where you can interact with a bunch of characters in an unusual situation and get some sex scenes, if you progressed the right subroute far enough.

    Lastly there is a corruption system for the MC, which suprisingly isn't sex, but violence related. You get numerous chances of murdering more or less reprehensible humans and when you do, your corruption goes up. At this point it has only very subtle differences in later events, but the last few updates seem to build to larger splits in the ending, depending how much humanity is left in you.

    TLDR: Play this game, it's pretty good.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best visual novel Experiences Iv ever had.

    Unique on my end art style, fun charaters who become deeper as the story progresses. Lateronbasically a singular scene or set of scenes completely justify why your character likes someone who was previously completely flat in my eyes and turned it into one of my favorite relationships of that type from media. The Art also gets much better as the game goes on, the flawed characters models adds charm to them, though at 1 or 2 points they just seemingly sketch over an existing photo and put a character head that clashes massively over it, taking me out of the game at those points, though later on they get much better as I said.

    Overall while Im not certain Id play this game without the sex scenes, it certainly isnt just those sex scenes and building towards those while devoid of everything else. This is what I wish more porn games was like.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game, I love the drawings/graphics also.

    How could i have missed this for so long. Good thing is I have had so much content to play and catch up.

    Gives me some "Legend of the Overfiend" vibes.

    One thing that bothered me is the "Whatever I am sure it was just a dream/not important" trope, it's being overused but it might be a sign of something story related.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    No thonk

    recommended. The ideal power fantasy for any horny man, woman, or nonbinary individual. Great story. not bad sex scenes, but the hype moments in battle cover it all. If you are here just for the hot sex scenes this game isn't for you
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: Game good, art is a turn-off for much of the early game but gets better, writing is great, mood is great, and you can be a fucking monster in the guise of a man, if you really want to be.

    So, I've been playing this one for like a year now. Every time there's an update, I wait a little until I have time to appreciate it properly.

    First off, if you start playing, you will quickly notice that the art at the start is ... kind of ass. But hey, dev drawing their own stuff (I think), and it has a lot of character. Don't worry, things will evolve further into the game. But you're not here for the art.

    Superhuman is one of those few games on the site you're (probably) not going to play for the fucking. It has some fun and freaky stuff, but you'll like it for the dark setting, the plot, the stories of all the individual characters. Just like in real life, people are rarely who they seem to be on the surface. And it's nice to break through the tough shells of some and get to know the real person. That's a depth of character you don't see often enough on this website.

    Writing is great and has a dark and dry sense of humor in a lot of places. Worldbuilding may be a little weird, but the author is called WeirdWorld, so that's the least I should expect. Personally not a fan of the way the story turned shortly after the mall incident,
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    Definitely play it with the music on. A few songs may get on your nerves, but especially the fight scenes really aren't the same without the music hyping you up. Speaking of, battles are visceral and brutal, giving a real sense of life-or-death fights. Make a save before any big fights, since you can screw yourself with some choices within those battles that will only come to fruition a lot later.

    I'm not a big comic book fan, but it sure looks like there are some influences here, subverted tropes included. That may make a handful of things odd every once in a while, but not to the degree that it's a headscratcher.

    All in all, I'd say it's one of the best games on the website, something that remembers a visual novel should be a novel, not just wordy porn.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Come for the porn, feel weird about the artstyle at first, grow on me quickly, and stay for the story...
    best game on this site, you got story, choices, romances, harem, you can be an asshole, a clown, a hero, a don't give a fuck man...Music is well done, not some genric renpy shit you see on others games. And the author create a great athmosphere on his game...the bad point ? none, ah ! ! i fucking hate waiting for the next update...but for each one you know you will get a amount of time in the game not like 3 scenes and 15 minutes gameplay.
    So to resume i like it...
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The best game, best story, best characters. I really enjoy WeirdWorld artwork too, and really liked when he told me he would emphasize the genderbending skill. Hoping for more in the future!! Good job m8
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for a quickie of big tits, stayed for the awesome plot. The art could use some improvement, but the plot is definitely top-notch in all the supernatural-theme games I've played on this website so far. Awesome Dev! keep up the good work!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply amazing! Can't get enough of the content, it has the right kind of pace in plot but it doesn't make you bored because of the detailed story telling and obviously the great scenes (especially in the newer scenes)

    And unlike some games that remakes the shit out of there content, this game just keeps the old stuff and make new content! You can really see the Improvement.

    A lot of variety of fetishes also, and not only that this game is so flexible! You can make different choices that will end in completely new direction (Just kidding ,It's either you do it correctly or you die) I mean it's linear but hahaha its kind of funny :)
    Great humor and its a bit sad that i caught up