VN - Ren'Py - Superhuman [v0.991] [WeirdWorld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Once I started, I couldn't stop. The story is interesting. The fights are intense. The art is not that good for the sex images, but for everything else, it is very good. The game mixes well fights, porn and story.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I was skeptical at first but this game managed to blow all of my expectations out of the water. I like all of the themes here; supernatural, monsters (proper monsters, not that cheap, painted humans crap), gothic aesthetic, decent amount of sex, choices, etc.

    The story is very enticing and mysterious, I dare say maybe the best of the genre on this website. The characters are all unique in their own, each with their personalities, traits and flaws. I believe one of the traits of a well-written character is the ability to make the player have feelings for them, good or bad, sometimes both at once. Superhuman does that. And the music is not too shabby either, with custom-made tracks that fit the game to a tee. Definitely some bangers in there! (My favorite's called "fight5". Watching the fight go off with the soundtrack is just... absolutely amazing. If you're curious, check it out on "Superhuman Folder" > game > audio.)

    Superhuman was one the few games that made me want to binge it just to know what was going to happen next. I felt a little empty and disappointed when I reached the end of the current version... Know that feeling when you finish watching a really good series and have to wait for the next season? Yeah. I don't know how long I played this for but it felt like it was around 6-10 hours at my reading speed, which is a decent amount for a game that has been in developer for a little over a year. There are older games out there with less playtime than this. (Apparently the developer updates every two months... can't wait for the next batch!)

    One of the things may push people away is the art. Admittedly, I wasn't too sure about it either but... it grew on me the more I played. Be warned that there are a lot of hyper boobs on this game. I'm not a fan of gigantic watermelons but I'm not going to let that ruin what is an otherwise excellent title.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of those stories that didn't need to be as good as it is. The art is all custom and there is a huge amount of it - sprites, cut-ins, full CGs. The action scenes are snappy and as you get further into the story they legitimately rock. There are arcs that could hang with the best action visual novels. The writing is great and the characters are all well-defined, even if you will recognize a lot of the tropes.

    If you are here for the tentacles, weird shit, and goth chicks with huge tits then cool, but even if you aren't into those things I'd only drop one star. If you go light-side then this is just a banging dark superhero story.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyed this a lot! Honestly, I think I would have enjoyed it the same even without adult content. Played through it multiple times (Like a lot). Really good writing. Love the art, took a little while to get used to but once I did, loved it. Imaginative uses for a shapeshifter.
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    This is probably the only game I actively look for updates. Other games, yeah if I see it's been updated I play. But this, I'm checking, hoping there's more.

    My only and very superficial critique, is why so many huge tits, like maybe a few characters, yeah. But all of them? If there's one thing I would change: smaller boobs on a few characters
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Now this. This is what a good game looks like. An intriguing narrative, with consequential choices and believable protagonist. Choices are logical and clearly put out, with the effects being just fantastical enough to turn you on, but realistic enough to keep you immersed. Sex aplenty. Even the art is unique and the girls are hot as fuck.

    It's been a while since I gave such a review, but this is a 10/10 must try.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The first time I played this game was about 2 years ago or so, back when the mafia arc was about half-way there and it ended after the poker game. And since then WeirdWorld has managed to practically double the amount of content since I've played, which considering how many games just die off after even a year, is impressive. Yes, the art style is a little weird especially when you first see it, but after a while it becomes normal to the point where I'm even starting to like it. While it doesn't have much in terms of gameplay mechanics other then training to increase stats, the story itself is fucking amazing, surprising for something that's meant to be a porn game about monsters and supe's. Not only that, while it is a mainly straight game there is parts of futa and femboy stuff in it too, the latter being my favorite. My only hope is that the game actually does complete and WW doesn't get burned out, but seeing as this has been in progress for over 5 years and that it is one of the highest rated games on f95, I'm confident that this will be a masterpiece when it's finished. If we're lucky, then WW could get someone to animate the scenes and make it even better. All in all, fantastic game, highly recommend it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A very enjoyable story, with a very interesting and one of a kind setup. A shape changing MC that lives in a world of darkness. While it does have very minor spelling and grammar issues they don't really detract too much from the general story, and yes the art looks like something a high schooler made in pen, but it's still very enjoyable.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    My god where to start praising this game hahaha. The artwork is amazing, love the goth look and body architypes. Not only, the artwork for normal characters/main character (MC) and the scenes, but how the powers look in the artwork as well. Which, speaking of powers, the premise behind the MC's and the others' powers (mainly the MC) are amazing of a concept (Big Fan). Which, WeirdWorld/potential collaborators execute well in the making of the powers; with providing a fairly reasonable explanation of how the powers came to be with logical drawbacks to them. Along with, how each power can affect certain situations, relations, and how they deal with them personally in their head to make for some fun times. ;)
    Since, they give you a myriad of chances and almost full control of what you're comfortable with picking. Which, with providing the player abundant choices, like the game does, gives the game a good flow and provides potential replay-ability to pick different outcomes to see the different scenes. While, giving you enough warning to avoid the scenes you don't want to see.... yet.
    In essence, really good art with fun choices that let you branch to multiple topics while remaining moderately in control. Which, all gives a good flow and fun times with different outcomes; really fun and this is honestly my favorite game. Honestly, didn't expect to write so much, but oh well, love the game.

    - Much love to the Creator and everyone that helped and supported, wish everyone good health and hope for more; hope I didn't Impose too much :)

    P.S. Honestly considered getting a side job from college to save money to support, probably will in the future :FacePalm:ancestors don't judge too harshly.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite the first impressions I had regarding the art style, this VN has by far one of the best stories that I've read when it comes to the theme of the 'supernatural' and 'monsters' and what-not.

    The interesting characters, the numerous impactful choices, the overall fantastic world-building; all these various aspects helped really hook me in and I just couldn't stop myself from continually reading honestly. Not to mention, the abundant content packed into the VN, that kept me coming back for more. Hell, even the art style began to grow on me and I couldn't help but appreciate it a lot more after playing through the entire thing.

    So I gotta say, I'd definitely recommend giving it a try if you're looking for a solid supernatural-themed VN.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is great. Like many others have mentioned, I was also initially deterred by the art-style, but decided to give it a chance due to the praise given to the story. And I was quite pleasantly surprised.

    The game is presented in a pseudo-sandbox style where you choose what your daily activities will be and partake in sub-plot arcs that deepen your interactions with certain characters which also tie into the main narrative.

    This works well because the pacing of the main story takes into account the various side-arcs and between each major plot point there's enough freedom to explore and develop relationships with the characters of the game as you see fit. It's not perfect, and sometimes the incongruences show if you've delayed starting any of the subplots, but it's good enough that my immersion isn't completely destroyed.

    The story itself is intriguing and fun. The writing is a bit rough around the edges, both in style and in polish, but the overall effect is solid. The dev hasn't been afraid to pull away from the MC's perspective and give narrative space to the supporting cast and the antagonists to weave a comprehensive web focusing on the conflict driving this story: monsters and heroes.

    While the process of the MC gaining, exploring, and growing stronger with his powers has been deeply engrossing, for me the core appeal of the story lies in the way we as the players can choose to use these powers and how they change both the MC and the way the people around him view and interact with him. The secret identity trope is one that's been done for hundreds of years and still remains one of the most popular, for good reason.

    There's a rich lore that has been built up around the monsters, the characters, and the factions, and while some of the imaginings of the world and societal institutions are a bit overly simplistic, that stuff is largely peripheral and doesn't take away from the central appeal of the game. It should also be observed that while there's a wide array of characters and side-stories that we can engage in, ultimately the branching of the story path is fairly contained, and thus far, whether you sleep with everything that moves or maintain your celibacy, it does not seem to impact the main story in any meaningful way. That isn't necessarily good or bad, just a reflection of the main-narrative focused nature of this game.

    There's a lot of praise to be given to Superhuman, but I'm not without complaints, and there are aspects of the game that I feel could use more work.

    First and foremost, the character-writing has been uneven. The game has introduced a varied cast of characters, but many of them feel woefully underutilized. It's a tall task to give every character with plot significance an arc, but in a game where the story has decidedly progressed beyond the first act, we should be seeing the progression and development of both characterization and interaction of many more characters than we do see right now. As of the current update and off the top of my head, only the MC, Alice, Jake, Jess, and Liz have had notable character arcs. In a game where sex is abundant, emotional connection and genuine bond-forming has been all too scarce and far in between. Alice is by far my favourite romantic interest in the game because she has a significant plot involvement and her personality, her motivations, and her story were given a chance to be showcased and appreciated. Most others have not had that luxury and though not every character needs to have a dramatic change or development, I feel like there's a lot of untapped potential.

    Secondly, the presentation. There's something to be said about a game that's been in development for more than a year which art quality has remained the exact same from beginning to end. It's equally impressive and also unfortunate, and has been a common point harped by most reviews. And it's not just the art, things like the font choice (papyrus is controversial, to say the least), the backgrounds, use of stills vs. animations, etc. all go towards building an overall product. The music in the game has been enjoyable and really adds to the atmosphere, and I think the art style has a very distinct charm, but I also know that if dev could improve the quality of the graphics, the overall presentation of this game would increase exponentially.

    All in all Superhuman is a true diamond in the rough. The rough can be really rough, so much that at a glance people may not even want to give it a chance. But where it gets good, Superhuman pulls together an intrigue that takes from a smattering of genres and tropes to concoct a goofy, campy, sometimes disturbing, well-balanced edgy-but-not-(too)-cringey urban fantasy tale that's genuinely engrossing.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't believe there's much I can say about this game that hasn't been said already but I guess I'll try nonetheless.
    So for the longest time I've avoided this game because the artstyle just seemed really overdone and weird to me, I love tig ol bitties just as much as the next guy but cmon, there is such a thing as too much. Hell I think I've been here since this game started development but anyway I never even bothered trying it.
    That was until I saw that this game is kinda really highly rated and that made me curious, and boy am I glad that I did finally give it a try. The story is super linear, which I'm not usually a fan of but it just works with this one because somehow it's just that fun. It took me about 15 minutes of gameplay before I forgot that the art was weird and honestly started enjoying the uniqueness of it, I will say that some of the characters still seemed very overdone even by the time I was done with the game (yes Alice I mean you) but really that doesn't even matter in comparison to all the things the game gets right. I honestly can't wait for this one to finish and the only thing I'm sad about after experiencing this game is that I'm gonna have wait for the next version before I can get more of it.
    Tldr; If you are like me and were keeping away because of how weird it looks then I will say you should atleast put in 30 minutes of your time and try it out, trust me it is worth it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a great game and I'm currently loving it, I did not expect it but it is a great story, totally hooked me. The art is different from the usual and its a welcome change of pace, ill follow it closely.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Review version : 0.751

    I'll be honest. The first time I came across this game, the artstyle put me off. I actually saw it again on another website, but didn't remember it was this one, so I downloaded it and started playing.
    And ho boy am I glad I did.

    I took one point away more to be fair about my overall view of it, so including before playing it. And it's for the artstyle.
    It's not for everyone, and there's probably quite a few that will click away becuase of it.

    It's actually pretty damn easy to get used to it. I'd say it took me about maybe an hour to stop even thinking about little strange details of the art itself. Sure, it's peculiar and the characters proportions seem off at times, there's many games like that. But it really didn't take long for me to get used to it, and once I was, ho boy was I in for a treat.

    While the main concept might not be super original (unpopular dude gets shapeshifting powers and suddenly becomes and girl magnet), it's everything around it that makes it shine. The world built in there is slowly expanded to your character's view, so that you -the player- can get used to things before learning yet another part of it, instead of slapping you with info-dump every other event.
    The writing is also so well done that it'll most likely make you doubt your opinion on some characters. Multiple times.

    Despite this being a smut game, do not be fooled, it's also a very narrative driven game. There's quite the story in there, that could probably even work without the sex. But with it ? It only gets even better. And with the amount of body horror or straight up horror elements, well, like the expression goes, be ready for some confused boners.

    The story itself advances without asking you to do something specific. While it can mean you'll end up hitting a dead end because you didn't train enough, it also makes the world feel less "waiting for the protag". Appart from characters routes, shit will go down wether you're ready or not, adding to the atmosphere by making you feel you have to be ready, like some people keep telling your character.

    As for the surrounding stuff... It good. Great even.
    There's a lot of different characters to have fun with, a lot of fetishes explored, and some routes even have some replay value since some choices have quite the effect on the scenes (like with the cheerleader's route or Demi's route, to avoid spoilers).
    For the sickos out there, you can even choose to NTR yourself. Though I don't know why you would.

    Now for my very slight and few issues with the game.
    Like I said, the artstyle is peculiar. Not everyone will be on board with it, but if you're reading this because you're unsure, give it a go. Push yourself a bit. After an hour, I was drawn in and spent about 5 days spending all my time on this game, even deciding against playing something else to keep going. The story is that good.

    Then, there's a little nitpick, I guess. As you progress through the story, it feels like you get less and less free time to use to pursue routes you've yet to clear (or at least clear what's in so far). Though, in the end, it seems you end up having enough occasions to do everything before you're hit with the "end of update" (that is, unless you keep going for the repeatable scenes like the gloryhole).

    The last one is more two little things but I'll pack them together.
    I think the game lacks a little UI to keep you informed of your stats (since they are actually important) and potentially the day it is. More than once I forgot what my power-level was and which day it was to know if I had some time until the next planned story event.
    Adding those two little things could go a long way to help keep track of stuff.

    So overall, I'd say I'd give this game a 4.5 but the site doesn't let you give halves, so I'll have to make do with 4.
    It might look weird, but don't be fooled, it's most likely one of the shinest gems on this website. Weird World (the dev) gave us quite the world and story to play with, and I can't wait to get more of it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Review v0.751

    Hey this game is fantastic, in fact I would say that it’s super enjoyable.
    Superhuman immediately sucks you in, in a world that appears both normal and bizzarre, the art style sets the tone of the story, even when nothing supernatural happens it is still a shady world with mysteries.

    The Game lets you take different choices and routes, which actually have impact on the story in subtle or heavy ways.
    The plot is action packed, the story jumps to a plot twist to another, it reminds me of those super hero comics or mangas, with mundane and crazy moments in it.

    Other great fact, is that the plot never explains to you anything, it slowly feeds you bits of the lore and happenings, it lets you and craft your theories.

    Even if the MC is a mutant it doesn’t mean that he will overpower everybody, in fact he gets defeated even by humans.
    Instead you see grow him in strength, he builds his fighting style with original Ideas and battles and techniques have a logic behind.
    The game even explains the mutant contents scientifically and elaborates deeply others elements

    Characters are really well done, even if they won’t feel real and are sometimes tropey (Like in anime) but damn have their personality.
    From the male ones (Like Deryl, Michael, your father…) to the female ones (Ella, Liz, Alice…) they all have a role in the story and don’t feel like they just float there in the background, those are active actors.
    And when dramas or moral questions kick in, they are done very well

    There are various fetishes and are most of them are optional, they are fairly well done, I have no complaints, some are hardcore while others are more basic.

    It also succeeded at making a stats system that works, kudos to the dev.
    It can feel sometimes edgy, but never in a bad way, the game knows when to take itself seriously or just be totally crazy.
    Forgot to mention the music if it’s original, it’s a blast.

    Overall great game, it may have some flaws but for now I am blinded by the fun I had, I surely recommend it
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I was originally turned off by the art but once I gave the game a try I found that I loved the story. Easily one of my favorite kinetic novels on this site. I highly recommend Superhuman to anyone who enjoys gothic horror and gritty superheroes.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna be honest, the first half of this game was painful to get through. The only reason I continued was morbid curiosity as to where this trainwreck was headed next. As I clicked through page after page of edgy, poorly written dialogue, I wondered if the reviewers and I had even downloaded the same game. As I witnessed dozens of poorly drawn pictures shaded in black with a questionable grasp on anatomy and a worse grasp on shading, I'd wondered when the game was going to get good. I kept coming back, though, and the reason is simple.
    It's clear that the game was made with great care. The options go far beyond the average visual novel. Most actions actually affect the story. There's tons of scenes with characters you could totally skip if you're a fan of gloryholes and shops and absolutely nothing else. While the "dead ends" come swiftly, many choices will result in a different playthrough entirely.
    After getting through the torturous first few weeks, the plot finally kicks off. Colliding interests, characters, side plots, and an evolving main story, the writing is far better than I'd expected when I'd downloaded a horror VN with subpar visuals. While the characters aren't interesting enough to pursue a relationship with by any means, they're far from two-dimensional. Each one has their own life outside of the main character, their own goals, their own ideals. Sometimes they clash in B-plots you never saw coming.
    A lot of the jokes don't land. In fact, the majority make me cringe. Almost as much as the repeated anime references that occasionally remind you the author's seen a tough too much anime, and even worse, the occasional "bloody" thrown in sentences reminding you the author's British.
    Regardless, the story's unexpectedly fun and rarely feels overbearingly edgy. From the humor that punctuates a lot of the story, to the casual relationships, it never feels like the game's trying to be what it isn't or take itself more seriously than it deserves. When it does put down the jester hat and get serious though, it's a fun, sometimes campy, power fantasy. It's a story about a guy who gains tremendous power and uses it to overpower his enemies and get what he wants out of social situations. The repercussions of this are explored more realistically than the shows the author likely took the source material from, and the power scaling can reach ridiculous, world-ending heights, yet it never feels cheap.
    This isn't Dragon Ball Z, where the MC sneezes and gains a new hair color and 15 superpowers with little repercussion. This isn't MHA, where the superpower's downsides get swept under the rug for continued spectacle and power creep. This is Superhuman, where everything has consequence, and every use comes with some drawbacks.
    I'd say easily the worst part of this game is the sex scenes, the thing that brings the game down a star further than the art. After playing out a power fantasy against colossal foes with fun, campy dialogue, you will eventually be met with some poorly illustrated, lacklusterly written lewd or sex scenes, wherein you witness an impossibly wide ass pound against what's described as the world's most incredible cock to ever grace the earth. Though many are skippable, not all are avoidable, and in a game all about sex, it's unfortunate that rather than being a reward for your decision making, those scenes end up being a begrudging eventuality you hope ends as quickly as it came.
    All in all, this game is alright. Great writing that, if made into a web comic or a webtoon, could make for an incredible experience, but alas falls just short. If you can wade through the below average sex scenes and the difficult on the eyes art, as well as the boring, edgy, unlikable initial month of the game, then what's waiting for you is the unapologetic passion of someone who clearly has an incredible vision and wants to share it with the world.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Took me a while to really get into it. Thought this game was gonna be meh...Glad I was wrong It's actually a little interesting once you sit through it. The Tiddies are just frosting on top. I'll be looking forward to it completion for sure.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Has a well written plot. The art is a little weird at the beginning but it grows on you. Honestly, I'm not even in this for the porn anymore, the writing is just that good. Could do with some smaller boobs though lol.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolute love this game! The story, the art and the soundtrack make this game one of the best on this site. I look forward to the next update. The characters are interesting and I love Ella in particular, I am looking forward to what the relationship with her can become.

    This review is made on the version v0.751
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of the best games on this site. It has great art, a lot of content and a great story. At the same time the updates are also relatively fast as compared to most of the other games on this site. An easy 10/10.