VN - Ren'Py - Superhuman [v0.996 Public] [WeirdWorld]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I was originally skeptical to play this since it was a VN which are usually boring, but i finally got to it and it was a great decision. Im gonna be like everyone else here saying its the best VN on this site, but thats not without a reason.

    This is an amazing and well written game. So well written that i kept forgetting its an NFSW game. Despite not being yet complete its VERY LONG, i have spent at least 30+ hours to reach the "ending" as of now. Theres always something going on, and even battle scenes are written amazingly. I'd say even if you too are not a fan of visual novels, do give this game a go. (the art also gets better later on)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    was looking for something to read and fond gold, man this is amazing, great job, and well done, very well written and everything, there's a lot of content to read and see here, not gonna spoiler, but give a go and see for yourself you won't regret it the tags say all, 5 star easy
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games on the site. It has amazing writing that complements an extremely interesting story full of characters that have actual personalities and relationships with other people outside MC. The art can be very hard to adjust to at first, but it doesn't detract from any of the sex scenes imo. I thought the game was going to be some corny 2000's superhero soap drama, but nah, this game is actually great. You can't go wrong spending a couple nights on it.

    I would say the game is pretty spread out early on, with even screentime for its characters. In early-mid game, it begins to hyperfixate on 4 characters. Then the mid game focuses on the MC's specific friends' circle and how some people they know are also superhumans or threatening them. Mid-late game focuses on 7 people specifically (all MC's friends, some Romance interests), as well as MC and his past in particular. There's a very good arc that has kind of boomerrang style storytelling, which is HIGH praise from me because it's extremely hard to pull that off without boring your audience (Jumping back and forth between characters going through events simultaneously). If any of the 5 characters on the banner appeal to you, congrats - you won't be let down and I HIGHLY recommend giving the game a shot just from that alone.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    If you're like me, you think you have a decent handle on guessing whether a VN on this site is worth your time or not based on various prejudices you have looking over reviews and previews. Oversized tits, fanatical reviews and a distaste for the MC's design were my personal marks for skipping this game until recently. But like all prejudices in the face of reality, they ended up being some bullshit.

    This game is absolutely fantastic. It's a game I'd love to explore in a 1000+ word essay about why I like every little detail about it, but I think there's enough of that in the other reviews, so I want to approach writing about this game from a purely entertainment perspective, which is the area this game ranks as my number 1 favorite among all the VN's I've played.

    This game is an Anime that plays in your head as you read it

    That's gonna be the main idea I want to convey to you. Let's begin with the backbone: the writing.

    Vivid and descriptive enough to quite literally play out in your head. An early fight scene, where half the images on screen were merely abstractions of a strike, would clearly guide your mind though each and every move made. Every impact and anticipation is described just enough to make your mind's eye see but not bore you with any kind of faux shakespearean floweriness that's so typical of amateur writing. It's writing with a clear purpose, from well defined perspectives (be that of a character or a narrator), and paced such that you have to have some kind of neurodivergence to consider it boring. Just being honest.

    Speaking of, the pacing follows discrete tension/release cycles. A battle is going overwhelmingly in the favor of one side, then abruptly switches. An issue is made apparent to the player and let to fester, then is confronted by the characters. This kind of thing is a tried and true, hallmark pattern when it comes to storytelling and the writer absolutely uses it to its fullest to both excite and subvert expectations in very, very entertaining ways.

    Even the transitions are part of this! Referring to literally the way the images change from one to another in the game. A woefully underappreciated and under-utilized aspect of VNs that are a unique part of the medium. Fade ins, fade outs, sound effects, shake effects.. all of these are used, honestly masterfully, to convey exactly what the writer wants to convey and give the game its distinct atmosphere.

    A game's atmosphere is what separates a good game from a great game. This is true for every game out there. Makes the experience feel as though it's a living, breathing thing. The main way this characteristic (or lack there of) is achieved is with its soundtrack. You remember dmc 4 because the time has come and so have I. You remember gwyn because that piano was fucking killer. You'll remember superhuman because it's a VN with its own distinct soundtrack. I'm not saying it's anything close to the level as those other games, I'm saying that the OST will imprint this story on you with the weight that it gives to the scenes and events in this game.

    Wrapping up I'll write about the most unique thing this game has. It's art. In a vacuum, I'm not getting my rocks off on this art style. In the game, I absolutely am. Besides the fact that, because the characters are from a story you're invested in, the scenes are inherently more attractive than just a random piece done by your favorite H artist. There's something about the art in this game that is just abstract enough to imprint a little more of what's in your own head onto what you see, that adds just a little extra everywhere. I'm afraid I'm not that capable of a writer to describe it as well as that, but I know that if you play this game, you'll get it. Needless to say, you're only getting this experience here on this game and that's one of the things that make this game worth your while.

    With all that said, I hope you now realize that almost everything I covered can be applied to a great shonen anime. It’s abundantly clear that the dev is a real fan of anime and not just of any particular show, but of the medium itself, apparent from the way they use all the storytelling devices of writing and of the VN medium itself to maximise the entertainment value.

    TL;DR this game is the sasuke/deidara fight from shippuden

    5/5: Enjoyable experience from start to end, very little flaws, very many nuts busted
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Came here for the Big tiddies, got hooked by the fantastic story. :sneaky:
    The world building is something else alright, with tidbits sprinkled all over the place that leave you hungry for more.
    The characters? *Chef's Kiss! I couldn't help but get invested in them.
    The fight scenes are honest to god a thing of beauty for a VN, they are impactful as fuck and the way they unfold is absolute cinema.
    All in all I love this game to bits, enough that even these torturous cliffhangers the creator keep slinging our way aren't enough to chip at the 5 stars rating I'm giving it.
    Oh I suppose I should mention the sex scenes... They are great, with girls this hot I can't see how you could possibly fuck them up. They are the cherry on top of this delicious cake.
    Seriously, if you haven't tried the game yet just DO IT!!!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't really have much to say.

    Came for the art, stayed for the plot. Choices add some depth, though outcomes are limited. The art grows on you, OST is solid. A visual novel that’s definitely worth checking out
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It took a while for me to get around to this one, and that was due to not being hooked at the start, and being put off by being given a list with lots of options and hit with decision paralysis. But for anyone in the same boat, eventually you can pick all those options so don't fear missing out and the story really gets going and this story is very good, I don't mean good for a sex game, I mean actually good in its own right, evidenced by so many discussions in this thread going into details about the characters and world, I would go as far to say it's the best story of any game on this site I've played.

    It's also got some of the more interesting sex scenes made possible by a shapeshifting protagonist including gender bender and tentacle sex outside of Japan.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Nothing else has hooked me in more than this game. The worldbuilding is excellent. The music is one of the best things in this game as it always fits the situation. It has about 10 hours of content and a little bit more if you actually take care to focus on the details. Sometimes there seems to be a little bit of deus ex machina going on but it doesn't take away from the experience. Recommend!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredibly unique and beautiful art style, Awesome story that keeps you hooked and best of all Aussie made.

    Superhuman is a really well done Visual Novel with great world building and lore that keeps me thinking about what might happen in future releases for days and weeks after I finish an update. Looking forward to more.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The story, characters, power system and world building are beyond excellent. This is not just a 'porn game' it is a master piece. By far this is one of the greatest pieces of media I have consumed in a while.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely fantastic VN.

    Amazing world-building, a shit load of interesting characters that are very easy to get attached to, and a plot that gets its hooks in you and refuses to let go.

    I came for the weird porn, and even though the game barely focuses on that, it still fully one me over with its story alone (the weird porn is also really good). You could turn this story into a genuinely top tier seinen and I think you can really see that a lot of its influences lie in things like that (Berserk and especially Tokyo Ghoul).

    Cannot fucking wait to see where the story continues to go from here, and would highly recommend this to anyone even remotely interested.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Played this for a few hours before I realized it's a bait n switch game lol. People are so desperate for a story intense superpowered mc that they'll take *anything*.

    Story is irrational, not gonna spoil you but it's very animelike without the payoff of anything respectable.

    The main character is basically getting bitched no matter what you do (choices are fake and expect a lot of dead ends), by quite a lot of characters too. Even situations where the mc *should* win, he doesn't. This is a porn game and I'd imagine a lot of people will play it hoping for some sort of wish fulfillment power fantasy, at least if they play their cards right (aka some sort of dominant route). No.

    Anyways, maybe there's a point where the dev realizes what could have been and adds something more fulfilling and the premise/setting is pretty interesting so maaaaybe it'll be less frustrating. Doubt it tho.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    So, how do i even begin...I ignored this game for a while and i have a few years in the forum, the thing is, i always thought this game was a mess all about gore and terror due to it's dark atmosphere, color me suprised when a begin to play this game and find that is everything a have been looking for (minus the 2dcg), is has "superheroes", a cool MC and lots of action (*wink* *wink*), So to summarize, i was suprised (for good), do i regret not giving a chance earlier? Probably, but been fair i probrably only liked this much because of the massive amount of content that have been building up since it's earlier days of development, in my humble opnion if are reading this and thinking of giving it a chance, do it, it has a good world-build, and the story keeps getting better.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Alright, where do I begin with this one. I really wasn't trying to write a review
    but this one bothered me enough and thanks to someone else(more on that at the end of the post) I said fuck it.

    The story has an interesting premise that can pull you in fast but sadly the beginning is the peak. It's like a freefall the more you take in. It's a shame really; the art style is different, there's superpowers, mc looks like some kind of hybrid between darkness & prototype, and the music that plays when a fight is about to happen is great but that's where the praises end.

    I stop at the part after the kenny fight and the students are now
    in 'therapy'. Mc is a joke. How is Kenny who's been a mutant for a few minutes better than you who's been training for weeks. All the animals mc absorbed and it takes him in the heat of the moment to finally use one of them; the crocodile skin. They sure were absent during the fight with Ella. When the shapeshifting/mimic powers was introduced Im thinking alright just from the arms and tenticles alone mc should be trying to make them fast, dense, plentyful, complex(swords,needles,spears,etc) but nope. When mc started absorbing animals thats when I thought Oh things about to really go crazy now with the limitless possibilities of powers and fusions. Just to give some ppl some ideas of what Im talking about and to keep it simple I'll use the animals that Weirdworld gave Mc. Imagine the strength of an Ant(Look up how strong ants are for those who don't know)/Gorilla/Lion/Tiger fusion, the sonar/intelligence of a dolphin(only the half awake thing was taken and poorly at that), the vision/flight/claws of an Eagle, the sense of smell of an Ant/Fly/Polar Bear, the slippery coating/electricity of an Eel, the teeth/skin/underwatereyelids(look it up for those who dont know)/bite force of a Crocodile, the poison/body structure of a mantis/jellyfish(Only poison was taken from the jellyfish not its structure or once again electricity), the dense toughness of a rhino horn(mc uses it but it's done poorly here. The horn is both a spear and a shield), and Weirdworld even puts the bullet shrimp in here(One of the world's deadliest) with its insane speed but did nothing with it. (Side note: I actually didnt know they have them at zoos now. Weirdworld put this one in but not spiders, snakes, turtles,etc . What am saying lol like it would have mattered.) This creature alone should make mc one of the strongest in this whole story.

    Nope. These thoughts never enter Mc mind. All his thoughts are basic and generic and it's not even his fault; it's the author. I can't stand semi-kinetic/kinetic storys. This one is semi-kinetic because it gives you choices that will change the story by just a bit. Most choices will lead to countless dead ends. It dont matter if you trained from the beginning. Ella will own you. The fight with Kenny will be a slugfest with him(Kenny) on the winning side and mc not using most of his ablities. M(Im forgetting that fighting class guy name) will show u up and beat u. Alice will almost make you tapout for mercy. Tiffany will give you the slip twice and leave you the mc looking like a fool. In dog form and perhaps in human form mc is shadow's beta. Funny enough I learned some things as a viewer from these dead ends. Mc is the only one who can perfectly shapeshift/mimic and even though he was turned by high ranking top tier aliens; he can not absorb other monsters or the turned mutants because their will is just so strong. Even though these monsters fear the ones that turned him. Ella can only imitate the sonar/slipperyness of a worm/snake and she's been a mutant for years. You can give her a pass for strength because maybe you can say that's years of just having her powers and getting acquainted with them but her speed comes from plot. Other mutants appear to go the route of maximizing the unique ability they gain from the alien that turned them.

    Sex scenes are trash and seem to be an afterthought. Art although different could have been better. There needed to be more music. The writing isn't trash but it's not amazing like some of these rates will have you believing. This whole story would have been better as a webtoon but weirdworld knew that wasn't going to pay. The overall game needs a rework but why would weirdworld put in work when ppl are paying and handing out 4-5 star rates left and right just because its different from the usual they played. 'You guys really love my poor-average game'.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I played this game and it's just fantastic everything makes sense and has a deep stories about it like monsters and superpower thing and one thing is good mc is powerful and but not the most powerful ,there are some on same level are powerful than him it is not like other games where mc is choosen one or some kind of shit who has an enormous amount of power,here he is like sufficient powerful guy and some other are more powerful on his same level
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I've seen this game so many times but i always had been a bit hesitant to play maybe bc looks to bizarre and creepy by the images. But i give a try and this one is surely in my top 5 of hundreds of games played. The plot and the characters are the best part of it, and make me think that even if this game wasnt a porn one surely i would like the same way. The huge amount of content is a great positive point too. I've played for a good amount of hours in 10 days. I didn't expect the game to be so long, I always thought it was already ending, but when it actually ended I didn't expect it xD. The soundtrack of the game is wounderful, it really matches with the moment of the game and the feelings of the characters.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I was originally hesitant to play this game, but when I started, I quickly got into it. The story and characters got me hooked as I desperately wanted to see how they would navigate through this complex world. I'm also happy with the updated art style and I hope they apply it to previous sex scenes.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Plot Summary: You are a seemingly normal dude, until you have an encounter with supernatural forces beyond your comprehension. Now you have to learn what to do in a world where there are dangerous beings lurking in the shadows ...

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    + Very interesting world setting, in an alternate timeline world. The human history part isn't as fleshed out, but that might change with coming updates.
    + Early art is not the best, but it enough to convey what the artist intends, especially in the horror side of things. After a certain point however, both landscapes and characters get noticeably improved.
    + The game has a wide playlist of royalty free music, which at worst provides a fitting tone for any scene that plays and at best it conveys feelings that leave you shaken (You will understand what I say once you hear Grotesque Fantasia, it's what inspired me to write a review in a way).
    + There are no railroads in what decisions you take, you are to blame for whatever decision you take in order to help you survive (and what cost you will pay). Right now there is no specific ending in sight, so enjoy not knowing what is around the corner.
    + The characters are all rather well written. You will see some aspects that are familiar in other media for some of them, but everyone is interesting in their own way, with distinct personalites and agendas compared to one another. Their interactions with the MC range from very nice to amazing, from heart wrenching to exciting.

    * Most female characters are top heavy. It was a huge plus for me, but some people might want more focus on other places.
    * The gameplay loop is essentially set (for now, a new arc has started and god knows what will happen there). Not a bad thing per se, just something that you may notice. For update 0.99, there are enough unused as of yet variables with obvious importance that leave me concerned.

    - Some characters are underutilized. The plot is great even without them, most of them are secondary at best anyway, and there aren't that many of them, but I did have to ask myself what was their purpose in the plot at some point.
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    Review might be updated in the future, probably, I ain't an oracle, but this covers the most essential stuff. The game is made by a solo dev so don't expect weekly updates, but they are big enough to keep you entertained and asking for more.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a really good story, and while the art may seem clunky at first it only gets better over time. The lore is rich and plentiful; there is much discussion to be had about it, and you need to exhaust every path the game offers, including the dead ends, for a complete understanding. I cannot understate how interesting the game's story is. It's like the typical saying: came for the boobs, stayed for the plot.

    Seriously, play it!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Firstly, I would like to apologize for not reviewing this masterpiece sooner.
    If you're wondering if this is a good game...
    It's not good, it's the best, the goat. If you are looking for a story with action, interesting lore, good MC, good characters and... spicy content, this game is for you.
    If you can get used to the game's art style early in the game, it will grow on you over time.
    As the game progresses the art gets better. And if you're wondering if you should play, just do it, you won't regret it.