Unity - SuperPowered 2 [v0.03.00] [Night City Productions]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    How did this great skeleton end up so awful!?

    The game has the bones to make something good - mind control using multiple abilities and a lot of hot girls

    Unfortunately it has absolutely atrocious UI and a really crappily designed RNG mechanic that means you will fail at everything you try every single time

    When you do reach sex scenes they are from ridiculous angles, covered by the atrocious UI and overshadowed by the lame mc making it clear how much he hates women

    What a waste

    Edit: Forgot to mention the most braindead key bindings you could imagine. I'm a unity dev - trust me it doesn't have to be awful like that.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Grindy, unintuitive, boring. Dev managed to create something amazing - amazingly bad at pretty much every aspect aside from maybe the graphics, from . The game is a literal time waste - everything you do is meant to stretch the playtime. EVERYTHING. Half of the button clicks are accompanied by the fading screen. Don't waste time on this. I'm struggling to not swear in earnest because of the massive amount of regret I feel for sinking an evening into it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good proof of concept. Much like Baal's other game, Loser, SP2 puts the game into H-game. This isn't shaping up to be a quick and mindless fap like many VN on this site are, there are mechanics to play with that have quite a bit of depth (especially for such an early build). I look forward to seeing how Baal takes this very strong foundation into the coming months and years.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    First game was good. A bit to volatile and not really a sandbox game.

    This? Is terrible and it sucks. Like his attemp for its other games he's trying to create this game is without any structure or story or love. Really.

    Its a tech demo but i dont know how this excuse of a demo comes to his mind to said: Yeah. Better second part. Nope. Shit. Dont play it.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    an objective downgrade to the original game in every metric possible except for graphics/model quality. the gameplay loop has gotten somehow even more tedious than the original, and the limited power system just kneecaps you and increases the grind. the setting so far is limited compared to the original school location since you don't have believable access to the original cast and as a "sequel" you really should have full access to your powers. we will have to wait and see as of writing this review, but with Baal's VERY slow update cycles it will take literal years before this game gets any decent amount of content.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    To the creator I hope you read this: I thank you for your time on the superpowereds - but the 2 is not fun/enjoyable to me. The first the great and you finally got to a jumping off point and you stopped to work on a revamp that is a pain to play. Good luck on your next step, but I am done with SP2
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Lots of bugs and the grind is just atrocious. 8 strength exp per day if you spend your noon to train which means forget working at the cafe or recruiting for that day and it takes 200xp just to get to lvl 2, half the time I reload I end up in a black screen I can't leave, the game constantly unmutes itself, there's no option to leave the screen if you try to use a suppression on Maggie, the workout programming scene doesn't work, farming reputation is a slow grind, almost no content available atm and for most characters the models were a downgrade. There's some interesting ideas like the traits characters can obtain and the system for the areas you're protecting that show potential to make the gameplay more interesting than just endless repetition which plagued the previous game so I won't claim there's no redeeming features but the obsession with locking everything behind hours of grind with no respect for the time of the people who are interested in the game is a huge drawback that limits this, after all even if an interesting system is made if it's locked behind 20 hours of gameplay 99.9% of the people will never get there.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    0 points, except for the graphics, especially the gameplay and lots of training
    People who have a lot of time to waste can try
    There are many games on this site that are better than this
    And I don't think he can finish this game in 3 years
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    SP2 was also unplayable without cheating, but the developer managed to make it even worse. This "game" is bloody boring and annoying. The dice rolling is just ridiculous. It doesn't even deserve one star. I regret the time I wasted downloading it.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    [ v0.00.50]

    I liked SP1. SP2 renders are alot better and unfortunately, its the only thing better in this game compared to SP1.

    All Dev had to do to SP1 is tweak balance a bit, so game will be accessible for people, who dont have 10 hours of free time every day to grind stats.

    But SP2 gameplay compared to SP1 is just horrible:
    - Every day I have to select which powers to use in the morning. Do I have to predict future? What if some random quest starts, and I didnt select appropriate power beforehand?
    - Dice rolls animation is a lazy way to make progress in game even slower than before. At least in SP1 it shows success\failure immediately.
    - UI is made of HUGE buttons and text boxes. Maybe its good for mobile phones, but on PC I have 15 buttons covering all the 27" monitor. Its also hard to read when every letter is a size of my thumb. While SP1 UI was simplistic, it was perfectly usable! Why change that?
    - Controls in Unity dont match with controls in RenPy. Adult game should be playable with mouse only, its common sense! While this demo was made for people with previous experience in SP1... Why make game menu on Esc and toggle UI on Space?

    I hope this game will be better in the future.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    at the moment the game is still just a Demo so I will not say much about the story or the quantity of things to do.

    let´s start with a satement I love SP1! yeah the models were old and the UI was bad but after getting used to it the game was great MC was special because he could have all the powers so at the end you felt like a god among men you could do anything and I personally loved the mind control power

    ok so now let´s look at SP2 every day you have to select the powers you want to use, even if you have all the powers, you can´t use them all. you have to plan each day, what you want to do and pick the powers you need and if you chose to get the higher stages of the power, most of the time you can only have like 3 powers, with one at max power and the other 2 at first stage so bye bye god among men.
    also there are now dice roles deciding if your action is successful or not, wich is annoying and last but not least that could just be my imagination but the grind feels worse I needed with max mind control multiple days to get a blowjob in SP1 with max mind control I needed like two usages and they were my complete sex slaves

    so summing up I don´t like the new mechanics of the game and strongly believe that getting a graphic and UI update isn´t worth the bad new mecanics of the game so sady i give this game 1 star
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is still in its demo phase, but I already have high hopes for the game. While the demo doesn't have much content at the moment, you can still have some fun with the mom and figure out which powers and personal options are best for getting in her pants.

    First off, the new models are a vast improvement over the old models. The old Maggie in the last game looked nice but this new Maggie is absolute M.I.L.F. material. Even Sandra and Danni's new models look amazing. The UI in this game also improved. Its more colorful compared to the old gray UI in the last game.

    The gameplay is different compared to SP1. In SP1 all powers you have bought are active as well as the flaws that come with them. In SP2, you pick the powers you want active for the day making Willpower loss more manageable (buy 2 ranks of Focus to have more powers active for the day). Some powers that I onced considered useless in the last game are more powerful in SP2. Super Senses Rank 3 paired up with a Polymorphism Rank 3 with the Enhanced Sexuality (Monster Cock) makes most Sexual Action challenges with Maggie a piece of cake with an even greater chance of scoring a Critical Success.

    While some people might not like the direction SP2 is going in terms of gameplay, I am excited to see where this game goes and how depraved the women around Billy can get.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    Right now term Tech Demo does'nt do it justice. This is not even a demo.

    As someone who loved SP1 i cannot recommend this with clear consience.
    And i REALLY hope i come up to change this review.
    Every Action is based on player stats and is REALLY hard to actually do anything with base player. However as it is now there is no option to actually train your stats so everything comes to a hold...hard save hacking required to actually do ANYTHING. With that said there is nothing to actually do. Just some really basic actions with mother and some cameo's from SP1 on early play.
    Renders are bit upped compared to SP1 but that does'nt say much.. SP1 is quite outdated at this point.
    There seems to be a bit of a downfall storywise i think. Everything so far seems so unimpressing. Made without love that was put in SP1.