0.01 is playable, but extremely barebones. Most areas are blocked off, and it overall feels very much like the tech demo it is. The gameplay loop thus far seems to be managing your stamina and hunger in order to survive at a slave mining camp, while trying to please several different people enough that they're willing, in some way, to help you by giving you things. It... works? I guess?
Regarding the fetish material, it leans heavily on the sadistic, with a focus on feet, odors and bodily waste, as one might expect. It wasn't exactly my thing, but if you prefer your dominant to treat you like actual dirt while in scene, hey, this one's for you.
Regarding gameplay concerns: Mining is extremely punishing, and picking a direction without ore may lead to you starving in the current version. To what extent that's intended is rather up to you, just noting that the balance at present is 'you mine three rocks per day, plus any stamina boosts you can afford after food'. Most of the buildings don't have interiors yet, and typos are fairly frequent, but some effort went into the writing, assuming it wasn't also mostly an AI there too.
And speaking of AI... let's talk about the elephant in the room. AI art. I understand that art and animation are the typical stumbling blocks of a would-be game developer, and hold a lot of such people back for the simple virtue of not having much artistic talent, and not enough money to pay someone. So I do understand the urge that's driving people to use AI art in games now. And these... honestly, in the world of 2dCG RPG Maker games, I don't feel these are bad CGs. What I would have a problem with would be being inundated with these games to the extent we are with Daz games, because honestly, I'm already sick of this 2010s waifu aesthetic and we've barely gotten started on AI art. I dread to think what is to come next, regardless of my misgivings :/
Bugs: You can get softlocked if you go upstairs in the inn, because the down stairs don't have an event attached to them yet. Talking to the guard at the north gate causes their image to stay superimposed on the screen after the dialogue is complete. Both have since apparently been fixed.
Overall: game design and writing seems competent enough that I can picture someone enjoying this game were it given time to add more content. Some typos and bugs. Playable, but very much not my thing as a person who prefers to read about softer domination and tease/denial. If I were playing as Lucretia, managing a mining camp and making dudes lick my feet, I might've been more into this haha