Seeking Surviving-building-shelter Games with the "safety feeling"


Apr 17, 2018
There are a few games that, acidentally or not, created this atmosphere of protection and confort related to an place/shelter, as the non-adult-ones "Don't Starve" , "Minecraft, " and many others in a diferente way, such as Age of Empires. But when comes to adult content ... I can only remember of A Zombie's life, and 1 bad game of nutakus site.

*2* Legends of queen opala origins - Create that safety atmosphere a bit undirectly, and very poorly, since its obviously not they're focus, by the INN's (as in all rpg maker games...) and the tents. You cant even, for example, buy and update an house( there is an option like that in the second game of the saga, but even there its not related to any feeling of safety)

*7* Renryuu: Ascension - The safety atmosphere is more directly here, since the game allows you to own and protect a kingdom, choosing what buildings you want to made, city's laws , castle aspects ( not visually, but functional), what type of soldiers to train, and there is even a turn blattle with your troops during some conflicts.

*3* Overwhored - in this game you have a castle that can be very visually updated ( such as the garden and furniture), but you dont spend to much time there, or have it under atack anyhow, so in the end you dont explore the safety atmosphere often.

*10* A zombie's Life - This is the most similar to "Don't Starve" and "Minecraft" ( as the preview others are more looked like age of empires) . You can update an house with both visually and functinal furniture, in order to provide safety against the zombies. Explore the city and gather suplies, both food/water and others to be combined in the "craft table". You cannot choose and change your "shelter" (house) of place, tho. Its a fixed area that can be only updated.

*6* FallOut Vault 69 - The hole story of the game alredy puts you in a shelter. There are some kind of apocalipse and you, as other "soldiers" guarantee to make the place safe. But its an very early game, and still dont have the safey atmosphere well explored.

So, leave your suggestion, if you know some H-game like that. I cant be the only one who likes that shit.