RPGM - Swan Song of the White Angels [v0.15] [H.ERO]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Edit: I talked it out with the developer, and yes, the reasons for the points I made... They had a good point over.

    New review:
    This is an interesting narrative, set in a universe where a dark force has managed to overcome all the magical girls in the area, with the final group being the White Angels. Lolita or, as she calls herself, Alita, finds herself recruited by Elena to act as a renegade White Angel, unaware of how both sides aren't exactly working to the best interests of the people.

    For a one-person project, it's phenomenal. There's signs of corners being cut everywhere to get the story told, like Alita being a crippling loner to avoid having a rotating set of party members, and a lot of aspects are heavily simplified since complex systems would take longer to develop.

    I can definitely see what the creator wants to make, but can't, due to a minor language barrier and lack of manpower. The game will be a long time in development, and I look forward to when the creator is able to go back and tidy up the loose ends and rough edges.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    honestly drags alot, arts eh.
    Everything feels very vague and empty and honestly just lacks depth.

    Def suggest better art such as better shading to start.
    A quest tracker would be nice and for the game to just be more to the point.
    Will revist if this gets a facelift
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I have nothing but good things to say about this game. It's a pretty standard fare bad-end gallery with many other lewd scenes added on so far, but it's quite well executed with inspired use of some lovely kinks. Given a few updates, this could shape up to be something memorable.
    The downside or the common with rpg maker is gameplay are quite normal but not terrible or bad especiialy there are some lewd enemies arts.
  4. 1.00 star(s)



    this is close to one of the worst games I've ever played.

    the fact that this is rated so high is beyond me.

    there is 0 redeeming qualities in this game.

    -the english is atrocious and very simple.

    -sex scenes are nearly non-existent.

    -if "sex scenes" occur, it usually only happen in a way where you are shown a girl in fullbody latex and she describes how she keeps cumming in 10 sentences in a row, repeating the same "Omg im cumming" phrases. nothing erotic about it, just the same thing over and over again. sometimes saying "oh im penetrated by the suits vibrator oh im cumming"

    sometimes it's even just black screen and it says :"then she masturbated for 2hours" without visuals or elaboration.

    this game is absolute dumpster.

    there are some bugs, balance issues, continuity problems, grindy gameplay... i don't know what's the worst offender among all the problems.. maybe the writing still takes the cake in how bad it is. like it's made by a 10year old who just learned some english words.

    the graphics you can see are below average.

    oh dear god how can this game be rated so high when it doesn'T even deserve 1/5. it's like 0,5/5.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    First my favourite is the fetish in the game is many and fun to watch, first play the arts seem decent but going further it way better and good, the arts is improve alot and to the point of letting out cum more often, lmao.
    Fetish 5/5.

    The gameplay is decent and EASY!. I don't know how the person below me is saying the enemy is hard which is not true IF you not using the BUFF spells, can defeat enemy easy for most encounter and to level up is sometimes inconsistent some map can easily level up faster while other is slow still not a big problem for me.
    The map is mostly fine and run away from enemy is piece of cake.
    Gameplay 3/5.

    Story is not bad but not great either still interesting unlike the majority of other hentai games, most of them I skip the dialogue but not this game so far.
    Story 3/5.

    Conclusion: is still worth trying this game since it free, recommended for sadistic and masochist person, for a solo developer until now he doing a great works at releasing a good quality updates.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    This game deserves two different ratings: One for its theme/kinks and one for its acutal gameplay. To preface: I didnt manage to finish this game. After ten hours of grinding, I had enough.

    Lets start with the redeeming one: Theme and kinks.
    It is rare to see a game this passionate towards its niche of kinks. Its a rare niche to boot. (Sometimes) literal objectization with latex visuals. Eternal bondage featuring brain washing and orgasm denial. Body modification into forms equally grotesk and alluring.
    The art is decent. Sometimes flat but servicable. No animations or voice acting though.
    For those into these kinks it's an easy 4 out of 5.

    But then there is the acutal gameplay. RPGM games usually dont need to clear a high bar. Blocky enviroments. Basic turn based combat. Couple of dungeons featuring endlessly respawning mobs to grind through. Done.

    But this game tries its hardest to make even the most basic game play loop insufferable.
    Combat feels really bad. Most your attacks target random enemies. And worse: Enemies do not die immediately when their health reaches zero but at the end of the round. Your 4 hit attack may randomly hit that one enemy 4 times, technically killing it with the first, but keep on pounding the same. This system makes even critical hits feel like a waste! Add in the fact that your attacks have a decent chance to miss, you're usually fighting multiple enmies and the grind. You will soon no longer want to fight.

    Progression feels bad. What is the point of leveling up? Each level should have some significance. Every few level should give you something new to play with. Well, not in this game. Your stats go up slightly. So little that you dont even get that "now I need one less hit per enemy" feeling. You unlock some skills at the beginning. And then nothing.

    Loot feels excruciating bad. You have no recovery beyond items and have to keep chugging potions. In ten hours of play time I found one chest that contained something other than consumables or negligible of money to buy more potions. Armor and weapon upgrades technically exists. But in 10 hours I upgraded my gear twice. Note that loot is often the only reason you would want to explore.

    Exploration is pointless. Luckily, the dialogue in the first dungeon tells you that: Every single device/point of interest/colourful thing is "too dangerous" to touch. Which means nothing happens if you touch that. In the later dungeons you dont even get that prompt anymore. Couple it with bland loot and awful fights and you will be rushing through the levels, hoping that you dont need to grind too much to beat the boss.

    A "generous" 0 of 5 for gameplay.

    Usually, one should end on a positive note. Not here. Lets end on a "meh" note, like the entire game currently is: The story.
    It's one of the stories ever written. Some sprinkles of inspiration, followed by a lot of inconsistencies. A lot of suspension of disbelieve has to occur until one can take this as more than a vehicle to the next h-scene.
    Unless you're as dense as the main character who both acts like "Ive read that hentai before, I know my stuff" and "why should I doubt anything told me? Becoming a magical girl is my biggest dream", I guess.

    A "meh" 2 out of 5 from me.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game very much. Its plot is very in line with my fantasy plot. I hope the author can make more games in the future. I want to be your eternal supporter <3
    from google translate
    I hope the author can take care of his body more when making games and not get tired
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm gonna preface this by saying that the stuff in this game isn't entirely my cup of tea, so I won't give my opinions on the sexual content.

    However, I gotta say that this game was really nasty to play through. At the start of the game, there's little to no direction on where you should actually go, I just ended up bumbling my way into the things that I needed to do, because it wouldn't progress until I did them. Still, at the time, the map sizes were small, so I could figure it out.

    At the time.

    However, the map sizes started increasing, and getting around became increasingly difficult. This came to a head in the mission to fight Gaymax, where you were instantly killed upon coming into contact with anything. The traps on the floor were invisible 2/3rds of the time, but also, you would get chased around by the minions, who would also instakill you. Which meant that the only way to get through this section was to constantly save scum, because going slow meant that the minions would get you and going fast meant the traps would get you, so I was just absolutely stuck. Also, there's no indicator of 'where to go', so I ended up running like 8 laps around the entire ship trying to find Gaymax.

    After that, it was 'technically' better, but there was still a lot of needing to walk around. I think in the most recent chapter, I ended up acquiring some superspeed glitch, and that was the best the game played.

    Please add a faster speed option, and please do something about the instakill section, because that was arduous.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Marquis Forneus

    Some pretty bizzare fetishes and what not in here, but the latex content is great and there aren't enough games with latex anyhow. Great amount of bad endings, and the english, while passable at the start, does certainly get better as the game goes on
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Furious Ball

    Probably the best underrated games. It have a good and many Hscenes, interested story, music is good, the map is nice most of it not a generic standard rpg maker mv, the enemy is nice to look. The little bad is it too good I want more games like this.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Now here's one little game that surprised me a lot.

    I'm a huge fan of transformations (specially the ones where the girls end up limbless), so I downloaded this as soon as I saw it. And I fell in love with the game immediately.

    Not only the game deals with transformations in very creative ways, the transformations themselves are very creative and fun to watch. The art style is simplistic but it does a decent enough job in being sexy and cute at the same time.

    The gameplay is typical RPG Maker for the most part, but the game avoids some of the common issues in the genre. There isn't a lot of grinding and while the game can be quite challenging, getting healing items is easy, so the game isn't frustrating.

    The game is still kinda buggy and incomplete. There are places you can go that serve no purpose and I've noticed a few instances where I could do stuff too soon (like seeing the bunny uniform before even getting it).

    All in all, a great game that I'll certainly follow closely.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A must play for all bondage and mummification fans! Looks a lot like 3072AD, etc. The formatting/language is not that great, but it's quite understandable and gets the message across more than enough.
    Likes: H.ERO
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this feel like Mira co Rescue and 3072AD, the story is better than most other bondage games, gameplay is just normal typical rpg maker mv but hopefully the dev can expand it combat a little bit more, it music is good, the CG Arts is for me good too, the ENGLISH is NOT bad i don't know how few people keep saying it bad maybe i am not native english but for me i still can understand it. So for people who like heavy bondage, latex, restraint, and magical girls your should try this game.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.2c

    Promising, but really needs an editor, or someone who speaks English fluently.

    I like the story, it's a deliberately cheesy Sentai setup with some attempts at backstory and world-building, but is hampered by poor grammar and the author's bad grasp of English. The art is servicable, and the fetishes are great. I love the idea of playing a latent masochist trying to take down an invading latex bondage army. So many possibilities for humor and sexy times. There's not too many erotic scenes as of yet, with most of the non-bad-end stuff being mentions and teases in dialogue discussing the invading forces equipment and methods. This would be fine, if not for the aforementioned Bad English.

    The English is bad, really bad. It's the one thing holding this game's potential back. If the creator sees this (and is able to read it): Please get an editor, or someone to proofread and help your writing. It's not so bad that I wasn't able to follow what was happening, but the experience was heavily impacted by the MTL-like errors all throughout the work.

    I can see writer trying to set up a lot with the backstory, dialogue, and pace of this intro, but that's not going to work if the player can't read and make sense of it.

    I really hope the English improves, and I'll be following this game.
    Likes: H.ERO
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    For a game demo is still kinda decent what i don't like is some/few english dialogue is hilarious bad, the story is generic but decent, gameplay is generic too not easy but not hard. I like most arts scenes but 1 scenes the dialogue can ruin in for me, and music is good i like it.
    If they can fix those issues above it can be more good.
    UPDATE 0.2D: many of the English dialogue are better now