Sweetlllusion - EroFights Game Creator


New Member
Dec 3, 2018
Hi everyone! I've been lurkin' this place for a while and played many games, got a lot of inspirations, and now I'm joining as a game creator at last! =D

Hell yeah, I develop an online game who already has thousands of visits a week, and I'm pretty proud of the place it became :) Reviews are really good, we have an awesome community, who is a lot into sex roleplay, and our Discord is very active ;)

I hope I got you hooked :) I will post it as soon as I have three posts around here, cause yeah, I've seen the header telling me I'm a bad guy if I don't do so ;)


New Member
Dec 3, 2018
Hi again (yeah, very soon...) As I browsed the conditions for posting the game here, I found this rule, which seems quite adamant:

*Any Online only or Multiplayer requests will be denied and deleted.

Well, I actually chose to develop the game as a website so that it could be played easily on desktop and mobile, and be multiplayer... This rule seems a bit hard... Could a wandering mod tell me if the rule is final and total, (if you have some time, the game is on www . erofights . com , but I would understand that anyway, if it's online, it's not for you, by rule :/)

Thanks for your time :/


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2016
This is good, but not all. Why did you call yourself the same name as well-known developers? The author must have his name in order to achieve it, and not because of the fame of another author.
This is a game developer called "Illusion"
A simple user can be called as you like, but the author making his games should not take someone else's name. This is incorrect in relation to the original author and this misleads users...


New Member
Dec 3, 2018
Damn, I didn't know that. I actually chose the "lllusion" name years before even thinking about creating a game, as a very common name for porn browsing, so I haven't checked this anytime after. Illusion is a pretty common word, so yeah, I suppose it would be used by other creators. Anyway, my game has nothing to do with his art, and thrust me or not, I didn't and do not want to steal any fame. I'll change my name to "Sweetlllusion" for now, my reddit name, to avoid any confusion. Hope it helps ;)
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