Looks really promising. Could definitely use some improvement, but its in the really early stages so I can overlook the faults. A lot of people have complained about the lack of content but personally I'm fine with the creator having focused on the gameplay first. A lot of porn games prioritize content so much that they end up just being glorified porn repositories with little to no actual game to speak of.
Now for some criticism, most of which could become outdated in later versions for all I know:
- Better tutorial that goes more in-depth about the functions and mechanics of the game. There's a lot the tutorial doesn't really tell you, and even once you finish it there's a lot about the game you still don't know.
- One handed control schemes. A lot of functions could be UI buttons you click on with a mouse, and the ones that couldn't could either be mapped to a mouse button, or be achieved by clicking a UI button to make the mouse target with that setting. As for why you'd want this in the game, well, it is a porn game.
- Art-style change. Since the game is still new I feel like throwing this out there is still an option, but what I mean is changing the appearance of structures to be more sexual in nature. Not only would this help with the porn aspect of this porn game, but it would be more in line with the artstyle of HR Giger, the original designer of the Xenomorphs. If you need inspiration for what I mean, try playing a game called "Alien Quest". Pretty much all of the monsters have some sort of sexual nature to their designs, even the ones that lack sex scenes.
- Production readouts for structures, especially the Heart. It says its making vitae and biomass, but how much? And for another matter, why does plugging a vitae producer and an activae producer into eachother seem to shut down? More insight into what the various structures are doing could give me an easier time of figuring out what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong.
Other than these 4 points, I can't think of any issues beyond lack of content. Which I'm sure will be fixed as this game is developed more and more.