VN - Ren'Py - Taboo University [Book One v1.03] [ViNovella Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)



    to my mind, a real VN is indeed just that. visual novel. not some thrown together words but structure. a read that includes imagery. you don't buy a story driven game and then expect no story, unless your a bit of a twat.
    Taboo university seems at first glance, and indeed with that name, to be yet another college fuckfest that will have fappers strengthening those wrists, but it is much better.

    the plot and writing are mature enough that all signs point to thought and rewrites being used to create a full story pre-production. the characters actually dialogue as young adults and not the early teens most write them as. this leads to an easy read that is interesting, if not outright intriguing for some, and very immersive.
    there are a few moments i thought MC would update with someone that didn't happen (avoiding spoilers) that had me scratching my head, but i already look forward to the completed tag and my consequent purchase on steam just on the writing's strength alone.

    the imagery is better than their previous game. not a strong one for the imagery side of things myself, i have little to say on the subject, but the imagery was pleasing on the eye. no weird stuff going on and didn't in any way detract from immersion with odd poses or hollywood movie angles with the intimate stuff. all solid.

    very surprised at how good this is. perfect design choice as nothing pulls me from the read, and with this being a very well structured and delivered story, a hat doff for the lack of design shenanigans others punt for.
    fair enough if the writing is lacking but when it is this well crafted, it doesn't need the distractions.

    my initial reservations/expectations were knocked into the stands for a six leaving me humbled.
    looking forward to seeing this on my steam library list :)
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I feel this game is pretty good. I was a huge fan of Fetish Locator. When I saw they were working on this game I followed closely each updates until 0.5-ish. Then I kind of got bored. I re-downloaded it and I have to give flowers where it's due; the story telling is very deep for an erotic adult game. It's certainly a game I feel may perform very well with some true visual novel enjoyer.

    Over 6 years of players VN games and my taste has truly changed. Fetish Locator was dipping in a bit of everything and hence, I thought it was super fun for that reason. When I saw a lot of the same tag for this game I was pretty excited.

    Here's the truth : I want more sex scenes, little less text. It's text heavy but it's good stuff! Well written, better than Fetish locator. But those games for me are more a stress relieve where I don't want to overthink what am I missing. I wouldn't be surprised if there's 16 different endings/path.

    What would make me change the rating to much higher rate would be if we had 1 playthrough option that allowed you to not miss any of the content. For me going through this large amount of stories to review all the other option ends up being a thing that makes me frustrated. If I was newly introduced to adult VN and this was my first, I feel I would be super excited! But yeah, it's a classic "It's not you, it's me" moment for me. :)
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game overall is good.
    The story is interesting.
    Took two stars off for not having any actual anal in the whole game that is called Taboo University. And it has the anal tag.
    It literally has everything you can have a trans person, but no anal with a non-trans person.
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    Shein Shelten

    The initial trailer was promising. But, gradually, this novel, trying to depict the depth of the plot, became overgrown with only empty, boring and stretched dialogues and the same characters. Lewd scenes are implemented average and with the same characters. Among other things, there is non-skippable futa/gay content here, which ultimately undermined my interest in it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Game has an interesting premise and starts off strong story-wise.

    However, it eventually becomes a mindless fuckfest as every female character throws themselves at the protagonist.

    Furthermore, there is no thinking or investigation despite what is advertised - the only choices you really make are whether you want to bang a character or not.

    In fact the protagonist makes some absurdly boneheaded decisions which you cannot influence/stop, and ultimately this is what drove me to drop the game. There is no player agency for anything that really matters story-wise - the decisions are already made for you, making you (the player) a mere spectator.

    Finally, the animations are nothing to write home about, and the models are decent.

    Cannot recommend.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Definately my top 2 game of maybe a thousand in this forum. Great renders but the most important a nice plot, well writen. This investigation story is very captivating. I liked the most the gang and the winners club paths. This game is way better than the last one Fetish Locator. I think the only thing which makes this game my top 2 and not 1 it is the sound track could have more songs which matches with the moment of the game. The actual one is not bad, but could be more diverse.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    i like games like this with investigation, beautiful girls, good story, nice characters, ngl i want more i m so curious about what happened to the missing girls :p and i hope not sandbox on future ... please just dont !
    one bad thing for me its the scenes not sexy enough only this !
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I give it +1 star, cause rounding, but it's more like 1.5/5, only thanks to above average technical execution.
    Interesting design of the way we progress story and nice unique interactions depending on the order of choices + lack of other technical issues is sadly the only thing I can commend.
    Renders and models are quite boring, nothing to remember really. They are fine, but there's nothing original.

    As for the content - actually lemme drop that +0.5 star, it goes back to 1/5 with it's awful approach. Beside how it is borderline transphobic in both design and writing, and it has walls of text with zero interactions, it's almost maliciously twisting every single femdom path into maledom scenes.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Disappointed after the previous trilogy that I enjoyed a lot.

    - There is no fetish here. No urination, no female domination which I enjoy
    - There is very little choice in what you can do. You can go with a girl or skip her. In the first chapter you could dominate the girl silently or choose to badmouth her. In the later chapter you don't even choose anymore, you call every girl you fuck a slut
    - Overall feels like a generic fuckfest with girls hungry for your dick. Fully maledom all the way. get sucked and fuck (or "ravage" like the mc likes to say). There is some pussy licking at least)

    On the plus side the story is interesting for a porn game, and the renders are super high quality. If you're into slapping asses and showing that you're the boss then you might be in for a treat. I was looking for a wild fest of fetishes and strange stuff and did not find it.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    + The story is interesting and engaging.

    Dialogs are pretty good.

    + The female models are cute, some look very sexy.

    The renders' compositions and quality are good.

    - Sex scenes are not sexy.

    What is the main advantage of erotic VNs over erotic pictures or video? In good VNs, there is a compelling story, development of relationships, emotional buildup and attractive imagery.

    Regarding the sex scenes, this game doesn't provide any of that. At least during the initial stages of the game, sex scenes are sudden and seem totally random. No back story, no relationships, no buildup... Just some random girl gives you a BJ in a classroom or in a shower... Even the imagery is not sexy, at least for me a distorted face sucking a dick moving back and forth, and the like, has very little eroticism.

    The game is good, but for unsexiness of sex scenes I give it one star less.

    And it's not cool to gather "analytics" and send it somewhere without player's consent, and without even player's knowledge or an option to refuse.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm rating this game 3 stars for the obvious quality it shows in all respects, but I couldn't get too far as the plot got me bored quite soon. Maybe things get more interesting later but by the point I was applying the pig blood to Delphia I was falling asleep in boredom, sorry.

    BTW in which world does a kid get a career as a policeman (and a detective at that, too!) and then goes to Uni pretending to be another student? I mean, it would be more believable if he was an alien posing as a human... :confused:

    I was expecting much more from a game from ViNovella. While Fetish Locator is possibly one of the top 5 AVNs in a school setting, Taboo University is pretty much the opposite.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed Fetish Locater for what it was, a fun and funny one. I wanted to prolong the pleasure with this VN and... no, it doesn't work, despite the technical quality, nothing to reproach and artistically, it's clean and neat. The problem is that the MC (Mary Sue Alpha) plus this investigation are compulsory, and it's boring, stupid and uninteresting. You'll have the opportunity to fuck everything in your path at least once, with lots of passing girls, but no more, too many people to satisfy. Interesting and serious romances, like with Josie and Lara (the only one I'm interested in), are drowned in all this mess and don't progress beyond the first kiss... frustrating and depressing.
    It's bad, poorly written, lacking coherence, trying to satisfy the largest audience... I doubt this VN will go beyond season 1.

    J'ai aprécier Fetish Locater pour ce que c'etait, un sympa et amusant. J'ai voulu prolonger le plaisir avec ce VN et... non, cela ne fonctionne pas, malgré la qualité technique, rien à reprocher et artistiquement, c'est propre et soigné. Le problème c'est que le MC (mary sue Alpha) plus cette enquète sont obligatoires et, c'est chiant, débile et sans interet. Vous aurez l'occasion de baiser tout sur votre chemin au moins une fois avec plein de filles de passages, mais pas plus, trop de monde à satisfaire. Les romances intéressantes et serieuses, comme, avec Josie et Lara (la seule qui m'intéresse) sont noyées dans tout ce bordel et, n'ont pas progressés au delà du premier baiser... frustrant et déprimant.
    C'est mauvais quoi, mal écrit, sans cohérence, cherchant a satisfaire le plus le large public... je doute que ce VN aille au delà de la saison 1.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This game started out amazingly. I was totally on board but now, as of 5.21, it has devolved into a pile of garbage and there is no way to bring it back.

    First of all, there are like 6000 LIs. Then there are the different groups... I mean what is up with this sex cult? How seriously stupid has that turned out to be? What a joke. Then there is the underground fight club and those folks have the WASPS as bad guys. FFS... shoot me now. Don't even get me started on the whole "Rich and Popular" volleyball. I mean, they let him on the team but not in the mansion because he is not rich enough? Not sure how he can even be on the team when he is dividing his time with the fight club and then sex cult. I mean, do these people actually go to classes?

    And wtf has the MC learned, besides the fact he can bang every chick he runs into whether you want him to or not. It's silly, The whole story has become a silly, nonsensical mess. If you are only looking for a fuckfest, well then you might be happy with this, but if you like a story with your fapping, then move along. Just avoid this train wreck.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Well start is ok untill i found out a LI and a relationship is forced on you within the first few mins of the game, i just hate forced kills the hole game for me since i like to play the good guy so it forces me to stay faithfull which makes for one hell of a boring game, even though they kinda break up it dosent really feel right or like a breakup at all so yeah idiotic choice from dev side to force MC in a relationship from the start....

    It dosent help to see flash backs of MC and the forced girlfriend fucking its idiotic and proberly the most brainless idea to force a relationship in a NONE harem game, and its unbelivable how games like this get such high ratings....maybe people just skip story for sex scenes? i dunno just seems weird, in any case seeing MC fuck someone that you as the player hate also ruins the fun and it should be a choice to see them or not which is the most simple thing to put in the game a skip dream option.....dont know why dev wants to force it since it dosent do fuck all for story.

    Also when they meet up later it sure as fuck feel like they are still in a relationship with MC contantly coming on to her and again this is a freaking none harem meaning its a game with one set girl nothing else, since this is a long way into the story already, they even kiss right out in the open...what kind of a fucking break up is that? its like devs has no freaking clue wtf they are doing and what the story is even about.

    Then theres the choices and its a pure kinetic novel, yes you can deside who to fuck or not which is great but as for main story you can change absolutly nothing its all out kinetic and should really be tagged as such.

    Renders are of good quality atleast but that alone cant save a story.

    As for each of the group stories its bland and very vanilla, why they changed the name to Taboo university i have no clue theres no taboo what so ever and the old name constantly shows up doing the makes 0 sense.

    And to ruin the game 100% it will force more girls on you and let me remind you its NOT a freaking harem game so why the fuck force even more girls, now faithfull route is killed as well...and theres just no choice its just all out kinetic shit just like everything else for the main story it truely is just awfull.
    Its only some of the most ugly ass old hags with big saggy tits that is forced on you, it just dosent get any more shitty then that.

    Girls 2/5
    Hard to rate this one since its really a one girl only game, but the girls you meet there are some nice looking ones and an ok diversity in builds but it just means very little due to the one LI setup which is fucks up as well by forcing MC to cheat just due to hes idiotic investergation....

    Animations 3/5
    They are about average.

    Choices 2/5
    Forced Li and forced relationship without any choice so it fails in a huge way stright from the start, you can turn down i guess we can all them side-girls since theres really only a single main LI.

    And again i dont see how this got so high ratings its an absolutly idiotic setup stright from the start and it never gets any better.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    It's sad that they changed the name from vinovella University to taboo university. They should have changed it to kinteic novel university instead. The story premise is interesting but there's literally nothing you can do in it. You can't make any choices that matter (I'm not exaggerating) and the only choice you have is whether to have sex with someone or not. That's it. Nothing else.

    The h scenes themselves are vanilla (ironic that it's called taboo) and you can't make any choice within them either. It really is a kinetic novel I'm not kidding.

    Some of the girls actually look good in my opinion but otherwise it's meh. The story is dogshit really. Like I said, you can't make any consequential choices and the mc makes the most hare brained decisions himself to the point where you'll want to drive a fist through the wall. The writing is also disconnected. All the investigations are isolated basically and even when your character gathers some information on one investigation, when you do the other investigation he acts like he didn't know anything. I don't know what to call this if not lazy. It's obvious that the writers don't care. I find it hard to care about the investigation as well as a result.

    Basically if you came in from Fetish Locator expecting something similar, turn around now and save yourself the time.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Queen Carmel

    Vinovella University is a decent game, but then the dumb name change happened, taboo university is a really bad name, especially when you consider there is actually nothing taboo in this game.
    the renders are average, around same as the devs other games, which are nothing special, many other games of this genre have far better renders than this garbage.
    the story is bland, i have seen better writing on a toilet cubicle door, fetish locator writing was also bad, so I didn't expect a game by the same dev to suddenly get good, but I sure as hell didn't expect it to get worse. story just lik ethe previous game by this dev, contains far too much pandering.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I see people here giving this game bad reviews, but I think that this game even tho it has a lot of flaws it has a very specific niche that I think is well made, it has 3 different paths which based on what kind of action you want, you can choose to progress each path or not, and especially with one of the paths the story starts to get really bizarre and I think that kind of uniqueness deserves it's respect, the most positive aspects are the niche of the game, the renders are really good, the flaws are the lack of meaningful choices for now which ruins the story a bit, and some characters have a little lack of personality, overall i would give the game a try and see if you enjoy any of the paths available if you don't mind just reading the story and not having much impact in the choices.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Taboo University [v0.5.21] [ViNovellaGames]

    I begrudgingly play this game. The decent renders and overall positive reviews for this game create a false illusion. A false illusion that this game would be enjoyable to play. The MC is incredibly boring and design to be this flawless character. The support cast of female characters are not that interesting either. I've read tax accounting textbooks that were more interesting than the game's dialog; therefore, I conclude people must be spamming the keyboard to get to the sex renders to fap.

    You're not immersed into a world of interesting characters. Most of the decisions don't impact the storyline. You're set in this highly predictable storyline, which is weird for a game that plots is about an investigation. Lastly, why? Why give the MC that awful hair? I've seen this MC used in other games with this exact same hair. WHY?! The MC looks like he has roadkill on his head while seducing a harem of ladies.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    Version: 0.5.21
    I'll give it a 2.49/5 because I'm not rounding up.

    I enjoyed it at the beginning, but find myself losing interest as the story goes on.

    First of all, the branches. I played using the mod, otherwise the game makes you pick just 2 of the 3 groups to investigate. This time constraint feels artificial as the case was cold at the start of the game, and was only reopened because of a pushy teacher. Why do we not have enough time to investigate all 3? And within each branch is a sub-branch between two specific people to investigate. Again - why would we only investigate one of these people?
    The choices don't really matter. It's either; Do you want to sleep with this person? or, How would you like the next lines of dialogue to go? Before it continues on with no lasting changes in the MC or others' personalities. Not only that, the MC just makes dumb decisions in general. Everything is moved forward 'for the case' which takes the human element completely out of it. Even if you decide the MC is mad about a situation, he's over it after a couple lines of dialogue.
    Also, the choices don't seem to track. Characters often make vague comments about a scene that never happened because I rejected them. The script just assumes you're fucking everyone all the time.

    Each of the three branches comes with one forced LI, and various other characters. Some avoidable, some not (talking about lewd scenes). Also, in each of these groups, there is 1 antagonist that doesn't like/trust the MC, but everyone else either instantly or quickly grows to love the MC. I've grown to dislike most of the LI's at this point for one reason or another, including all of the mandatory ones. But in defense of some of them, it's often because of how they reacted to some dumb shit the MC does. The only characters I even care about at this point are Josie, Iona, and Oleysa.

    Quality-wise, the renders are good. The animations are robotic, though. There are also a lot of continuity errors between renders due to reusing previous renders from the scene (characters go from standing, to kneeling, back to standing, just based on which character is in focus while talking).
    Honestly, the best way to describe it is... the writers came up with a scene, and described what was happening in the scene. They then played a couple rounds of 'telephone' before it got to the artists and we're left with narration of actions that just don't happen. In the lewd scene with Monika, they go from cowgirl to missionary ONLY for the moneyshot render, but the narration is still as if she's in cowgirl.
    The Asami lewd scene was just very poorly done. Pretty sure the MC's dick is missing texture in one render, and its such a big difference between narration and what is shown on the renders at the end.

    Now, the detective mechanics are pretty cool. There is a conspiracy board to keep track of all characters and their connections to the victims and groups that updates whenever the MC learns something interesting. There are clues you can click on during the game, and "flashbacks" to bring up, but these are mostly in the beginning of the game. Would be cool if this was more involved with more hidden clues to find.
    I expected more, and the game started off a lot better than the last couple of updates have delivered. We've gone through 3 'parts' of investigation which each group, and now they're marked finished. Don't know if it means finished for the update, or if we're moving onto another step. I hope it turns around - I really do - but I also hope that at the end of the story we can throw most of the people in jail or get them expelled or something.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    this is one of the best games on the site first it uses mostly unique beautiful models with good amount of animations instead of same models that you see in every game! it lacks in fetishes compared to dev previous work but the story is much more interesting than fetish locator actually in term of story i think it's one of the best if not the best each character has actually depth and personality instead of mostly mindless bimbos who fuck mc on first sight and mc is not the only male in the universe and story itself all 3 different ones are really interesting it's probably one of the game that i actually played for story rather than porn but i hope we see more fetishes in future !
    it probably can use more choices but i guess it will complicate it's development because you are investigating 3 different branches and each branch has few key branch inside it makes sense that there aren't many choices as dev has to do a lot of work already and further branching will makes it development really long. i didn't like the fact that you can only investigate 2/3 in 3rd round of investigations i don't know why they did it this way and you have to replay the game it should've stayed like part 1 and 2 that you can investigate all nevertheless still 5/5 top 3 games on this site .