Reviewed version: 0.68.2a
A Jekyl and Hyde tale of a MC plowing his way through all the girls (and then some) in town.
This 5-star rating is inflated like the MC's horse cock due to the game's potential. Honestly, it's 4- or maybe even 3-star worthy at the moment with all the bugs the game has, but I'm assuming the 'a' in the version indicates that it's alpha and therefore forgiving those issues--for now.
The art style is unique, beautiful and somehow feels distinctly British. I prefer slender characters and generally dislike exaggerated T&A, but everything else is so gorgeous that I can overlook it. Faces, expressions, gestures--gaping anuses (anii? anii-chan???)--all are lovely. The styling is top notch and some of the best I've seen. However, animation is minimal; it's present and exquisitely subtle in characters at times, but the lewd scenes consist mainly of stills or a series two-image transitions.
The tale this game tells is entertaining enough, and the two-faced nature of the MC and plotting by other individuals and groups can leave you questioning who is playing who. The MC himself can alternate between tender (simpy/wimpy/pussy/cucky/fuckboi) and harsh to the point of cruelty, but his egos also seem to influence each other throughout the course of the game. I expect the MC's house of cards to mostly remain standing in the end--it is a porn game after all--but there's enough doubt to keep things interesting.
Characters are unique! Each person has a very distinct personality which adds a ton of flavor to the story, and the characters' personalities occasionally change or become revealed over time. Authors of other games could learn a lot about characterizations from Taffy Tales.
This story seems like it's written by a Brit and an American. Some obviously British words, but later on some American-based history references and quizzes. A bit weird but no biggie.
There are a few relatively trivial problems:
* Text doesn't always match the artwork (ex: "She stroked her hair" while both girls' hair is under head gear)
* Spelling is atrocious. I'm probably the only one who cares about this.

* Some of the wording is repetitive. This game badly needs a proofreader or editor.
* 'Peter' is hard coded as a name in several areas, which is obvious if you rename the MC.
* Names are switched in several dialogues.
Some directions and locations are non-obvious and unintuitive. The first few days ('Raise immorality to n') can be confusing and may drive away new players. This *really* needs to be made more descriptive.
Quest directions in general need to be tightened up along with some descriptions. (A 'school closet' makes you think of an indoor location, right? Tip: It's not.)
Also, occasionally exiting and reentering a room is necessary to trigger an event.
There are a few minigames that are mostly done well; however, some of them appear to be designed to thwart autoclickers and require some serious keyboard mashing if you don't use autohotkey.
A bright spot is the multiple choice questions that force you into eventually selecting the correct answer before continuing the dialogue. This prevents save scumming and branching inadvertently into an unwanted path.
Completion flags are wildly inconsistent, with some events being repeatable (Violet has a long one) or conversations happen out of order ("My first BJ!" ehhh, nope.) This and quest descriptions are mostly what needs to be cleaned up.
No text rollback (I think?)
The dialogue skip button is only selectable while a conversation is active. Combine that + no rollback and conversations can be accidentally and permanently missed, unless you roll back to an earlier save. The Options screen has a skip read/unread toggle but it appears to work independently of the skip button in the conversation UI.
Characters are duplicated. Becca can show up twice in the classroom in one instance. Occasionally a character is not visible ('Talk to Priscilla about her grades').
Unity putting saved games in the Windows registry. It's not really the author's fault but I hate it. This could be encoded inside the PNG images that are generated for each save slot.
Great corruption game. Give it a whirl. I think most of the NTR is skippable but you'll have to cuck a dude a few times to build a complete harem. Worth.