Unity - Taffy Tales [S1 Redux] [UberPie]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    story: well done

    draws: really good

    characters: well done

    scenes (erotic ones): really hot

    gameplay: is ok

    music: is not anoying...and thats good.

    conclussion: this game is hot as hell. the draws are really lewd, the anoying main character goes really well with his alter ego.
    the gameplay isnt too intrusive and flows well with the rest of the story.
    and of curse there is like a lot of HARD PUNDING sex scenes.

    this game TOTTALLY deserve your time and money.

    psdt: dear dev, if you are reading this, please dont kill or harm the dog, in order to make a heart-crushing dramatic moment.

  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is very good, it is nice to see some love to bigger girls, and the story is improving with every update. Looking forward to more content, if you like corruption games I really recommend it, not for vanilla tastes.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    * Not enough choices to my liking.
    * Sundays feel dead, often went to bed in morning.
    * No reply of scenes, you do the same thing, and you get "Leave". Would give you something to do on quiet times.
    * Not enough choices.
    * I quite LIKE woman, so this game probably not for me, most interactions either rapy and bullying.
    * MC wimp, being bullied by his evil persona - calls (himself?) kid all the time. Found it irritating and grating.
    * Art is good. Some people might dislike the style, but I liked it.
    * Music - terrible, terrible inflating tyre with hand pump + drums during sexual scenes.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    As of the last version (v0.92a) this game has really come far. The art is amazing, the facial expressions are very well done.

    The content is great if you like indulging in darker sexual fantasies (Incest, blackmail, degradation). It does what it does very well, with good writing and dialogue. The pace at which things unfold is perfect so far imo.

    My only gripe is the exaggerated cock on the MC. Takes you out of the immersion (it's like the size of a fire hydrant in some scenes).
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Well where to start. The art is incredibly good a bit on the side of larger proportions when it comes to characters but lots of very popular games have that, of course a good number are on the more normal or petite side. Second story, not sure on this one as we are not too far in but the evil side tends to be psychotic apparently that changes somewhat later in the story. Bully Darnell is your rival, has a chunk of presence and harasses/gropes a number female characters take in mind devs are working on Main Character route so no ntr until main route is finished there will be multiple routes. Darnell is a steroetype but take in mind summertime does similar when it comes to their bully. Overall the devs seem ambitious with their game its complimented with good art, story need further development but not bad. Ive enjoyed what ive played so far and looking forward to future updates.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Now that the game has more content, I can easily say that it's one of the best. The art is amazing and the story is really good too plus there is a lot of different characters. Gameplay is really intuitive, no need to have a walkthrough. Can't wait to see more of Mary and Tiffany.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    fantastic game so far there is finally a decent amount of content i will be keeping an eye out for this games updates i cant wait! ps i like the ntr portions don't let some people detour you from making those hot af aha
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Initially I was kinda hemming and hawing about this game, so I skipped this for a while after the few initial versions. I can't say I am thrilled about the slow pace, but I did start supporting the developer. I think 1 dollar per month is fine for what he is releasing (that's like 12 per year, which is pitiful amount of money).

    Anyway, my point was that initially I wasn't so hot on this game. But since I played version 0.8.something I was actually quite happy with the content, and how well it worked in actual gameplay. That is to say, unlike 90% of porn games, it actually didn't require me to read an walkthrough and still have to grind for days and hours for some small tease.

    But by far the biggest draw for this game is the art. It has personality (whether you like it or not is of course a personal opinion) and is very distinctive. This is a big plus from the generic Daz3d models most games have (or HS models), and I am supporting the developer both to get this game done and to see what he (I assume) will do in future with their excellent art style.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is based in a school / home setting with a wide range of characters, from MILF to teacher, classmates to sisters and some of their parents.

    The gameplay is nicely paced and the cartoon style graphics are quite nice, there is a nice quest log / helper so you don't get stuck while progressing in the storyline. The cheat code works, and removes the grinding in the game, so you can focus on the story line. Also, the number of locations is not too big so it doesn't become a click-fest just to move around.

    I especially like the dark side conversations with your subconscious that is corrupting the MC to perform lewd acts his normal personality would not do, getting the MC in trouble once in a while.

    The breast on some of the characters are little to big for my taste, but there are some characters around with a more petite looks. There is also a wide range of different personalities (pervert/bully/submissive/shy/snob/etc) and i'm looking forward to see how they develop further.

    All in all, one of there better games i've seen in this genre.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    It's basically Summertime Saga. Both have cartoony aesthetics, both feature an MC who is considered "a dork" despite not looking like one, said "dork" has a huge cock, women have giant tits, both have a "pseudo" mom and sister... with that in mind, Taffy Tales is definitely better than SS. It's visually more appealing, has a unique aesthetic and doesn't rely so much on mini-games and pointless click spamming.


    Interesting story
    Likeable characters
    The amount of content available


    Exaggerated anatomy
    Some tasks are unlocked in completely arbitrary ways, while others have a natural flow, i.e. logical progression or through conversations
    Too many grammatical errors (the biggest offender is not knowing the difference between "its" and "it's"... one is possessive, the other's a contraction. It's not that hard.
    Currently there aren't any choices in the game, you just do what the game tells you to do. Go here, talk to this person, find this thing, etc. It's a Visual Novel with busywork, basically.
    It's clear that this was meant to be incest game and even now Tiffany is referred to as "sis" in one instance but "your lifelong friend" in another, which should be cleaned up. Mary is also referred to as mom at some point.

    The potential is there, but there's also plenty of work to be done and, as it stands, the lack of choice makes it hard to rate any higher than "meh".
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is good I love the art style in this. I love how the camera focuses on the characters “assets” while you are plowing them. And also the mcs notebook is great because I tend to skip dialogue and get straight to action, notebook tells us what to do. Things I didn’t care for were the story meh pretty boring. Also I feel bad for doing naughty things to our family members. They did a good job of making the Family feel like an actual family cause it does. Also I really dislike the characters other voice. I get it because I can relate but it’s just fucking annoying and unnecessary he doesn’t need a devil voice. Also it isn’t very grindy money making is easy in my opinion.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Slow updates plagued by filler and constant introduction of new characters with the dept of a puddle and poorly curated IA art have taken over what was once a great game. As bad as things are now, the game still features a fair amount of content of varying quality.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a excellent game, with very good writing, renders and it is beautifully done. It can be clearly seen that the developer has great vision for what kind of a game he wants to create and has a feel for what people what to see and experience.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This is the kind of game that makes me really mad.

    The reason is because the art is good, but everything else sucks.

    The MC is just annoying, he's a wimp and the kind of character you can't ever immerse yourself in; you just can't. For instance: Becca easily became my favorite girl in the game, because of her personality, being a nice girl and clearly MC's intended love interest. But the MC is such an asshole, that you can't help but hate his guts for how incredibly stupid he is. She's throwing herself at him, but you can't do anything about it. There's no choice at all. He literally refuses to accept that she likes him.

    That's not how you make main characters. You want to at least give us the option to be an oblivious dumbass, or just allow us to choose how our MC will act or answer to things in dialog as he gets more confidence.

    The writing (both story and characters) is terrible, so silly and gives you no freedom of choice whatsoever. It is meant to make you feel bad and hate yourself. So if you like forced NTR tease and also hate yourself, you'll probably like this game in the future, because of the hints we already have in 0.7.1A.

    I hated that bully character and not in the way I should. Bullies are fine, but this one makes no sense. He's just there to cuck you. He's like this untouchable deity, that no one dares to stand up to. Not even adults. Bloody hell man!
    If I ever see that bully fucking Becca or Mary without any way of avoiding it, I'll never give this game a chance ever again. I say that, because that's what it seems it'll happen with such a pussy MC. Things like that should be optional, not forced.

    But you know what's worse? There no content at all! No sex scenes worth a damn and the ones that are there, unavoidably make the MC a rapist. Yep! That's your main character.

    The only thing that made me play this new update was Becca. But man, I knew I would get mad at this game, and I sure did.

    There's so much potential with this art style. You could make a complete overhaul of the story and get rid of that annoying devil character and just allow us to choose how our MC will react to things. It's an useless trait in this game anyway, since we get no choice whatsoever. Also rewrite that bully since he's supposed to be the villain. Turn the game into a dating sim. Give us choices in dialog, sex options with different fetishes in all characters.

    These are suggestions that would make this game so much better, because this is just a chore to play right now and I hate both the MC and Bully as a whole.

    I gave two it stars, because the art is good, although the bodies are pretty exaggerated in their sizes and the girls all have pretty much the same body type. There's no diversity, but it's still pretty good. But everything else just makes me incredibly frustrated, because I want this to be a good game. But right now it just isn't.

    If the game gets better, I'll come back, praise it and make a newer review. This one stands for v0.7.1A.

    Edit for v0.17
    The game is a piece of crap. Made to support only 2 fetishes. If you like being a spineless beta male cuckhold, or a rapist, you're going to love this game. Otherwise, you're going to hate it more than anything. I'm sorry, that's how polarized it is.

    Do not dare to compare this to Summertime Saga, that game is a masterpiece compared to this shit. This game is an atrocity. And the fact that it still has all the bugs from before made me lower the rating. I'll never play this overhyped piece of crap ever again.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is alright, but the writing is horrendous. There was no pacing, just 0 to 100 immediately. And the worst part about this is that it doesn't even lead to any sex scenes, it's all just a constant tease with minimal action. And it's very obvious how the game is borrowing from Summertime Saga, yet failing horribly at making a good version of their own. All around just a waste of time, i regret finishing it.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Great art, but it goes nowhere for so long. There is little good reward that comes from all the senseless waiting. The evil voice seems rather pointless as well and only belongs there to take up more text space.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent art and concept, needs much more updating and development of the story, if the developer invests in the game (forming a serious team, literally an office) I know this game can follow the steps of S.TimeSaga in terms of quality and revenue, opening the gate to future projects, or to continue building the Taffy Tales universe into something huge.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Arius Zauber

    Initially, the game was too raw and crooked, exactly as there was almost no content.
    But now the game is starting to become interesting and content appeared in it, the game is far from completion but it definitely has potential.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    The MC has no redeeming qualities and the writing is too bad to support that. He's not funny, nor clever, nor handsome, nor strong, nor smart, nor charming, nor anything useful in any way ever.

    Our MC is also a rapist and just a general piece of shit. While also not managing to get with the girl who is throwing herself at him.

    Add on top of that all of the other characters who are insane stereotypes. The pretty rich girl is a cunt, as is the rich neighbor. The black bully is just there to cuck you. The principal abuses his power in every way he can. The 'mom' is timid and sexually repressed. Etc, etc, etc.

    It's just trite, not well written, and not sexy.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really good in the early game explain when you need to go, when you have to explore and to find the items for progress is not dificult so i really like this game 10/10 the art, the story and the the game indeed too.