Unity - Taffy Tales [S1 Redux] [UberPie]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Taffy Tales [v0.85.1a] review

    Taffy tales is a mostly linear VN with some really weird-ass adult content. Overall it's an epic troll by the dev who wants you to waste as much of your time with this game as possible. On the surface it may seem like this game borrows a lot from other open-world high school incest games, but dont be fooled. There's no likeness here. Taffy tales is in a class of its' own: the utter garbage class.

    Art: 4/5
    This is the game's strong suit. You can see the preview pictures for yourself. This game is 0/5 without the art.

    Writing: 0/5
    Super awful and extremely wordy. Spelling errors littered all over the place. No coherent story throughout. MC is an unlikeable piece of shit and has constant inner monologues and even dialogues with himself and his evil alter-ego. It gets old real fucking fast. The sex scenes are extremely maledom-skewed, but even if that's your thing you'll have a hard time enjoying them because of how wordy and poorly written the scenes are. The scenarios just aren't believable.

    Coding: 0/5
    Taffy Tales pretends to be an open-world-type game but it's really not. Everything is linear and on rails, and it seldom makes sense. There's this girl I'd like to pursue at school, so now I have to go make her mom my bitch. What!? This is actually a "template" the dev is using, for more than 1 character. Fucking lol.
    The quests are constructed to make you waste time.
    It contains "fun" mini games such as "spam click" and "guess where I've hid the next event trigger?". This kind of game design is just pure trash.
    A typical quest: "Character A is missing, where could she be?". And then you have to either come here to this thread to find the answer, or go through every single one of the 50+ locations looking for a trigger. Oh I was supposed to click the note on the fridge? Fuck off, dev! And fuck off again for locking every other event behind this stupid trigger. This dumb shit happens multiple times.
    I would actually offer to pay the dev 50 dollars just to play though his own game start-to-finish because I know he won't do it. He knows just as well as me how long it takes and how unrewarding it feels. The dev is a troll and seems to get off on making people waste their time.

    All in all, this was fucking horrible and I don't recommend anyone to subject themselves to playing this game, even if you're super into the tags. Maybe download it and get the gallery unlocker if you want to see the scenes if you're super into the art style, but definitely don't try playing.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    very enjoyable game, i love good corruptions based games and this one is quite good. the graphics are nice, the story well written and the gameplay is simple and cool. thank you. and please keep up the good work.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This game has just gotten more unplayable every update, the in game guide and walk-through are not even close to the actual game, if I hadn't played it before I'd think it was from a different game completely.

    Update, Tried again to see if it was a bad update. The "game" is less playable and more buggy that it was 2 years ago
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Ernatio D

    Review as of .82.4b:

    I initially wanted to play this a little bit just to see what the game was like. I spent several hours in and there was lots of content up the 19% gallery that I saw before I stoped and decided I'd wait until the games completion to continue.
    I mainly chose to stop because I wanted to wait but also on the negative that is the finding your way through quests... I don't want to have to do that again. I would advise playing with a walkthrough as its hints were really poor and sometimes I spent ages figuring out what to do next. This could be fixed by adding hints on where to go next. This was my major negative to the game but there are many positives that made it worth it.

    The art is really good and I love the style.

    There are some variations to the different female characters body types of those I saw. (most characters are variations of thickness for both chest and breasts but from what I saw there where no characters that werent thick (I did however like all of the characters even if some of them to me were too endowed.)

    Also liked the story so far and really interested in to what the mc finds out about his situation in the story ect,

    I would definately recommend this game, however I would advise to wait until its completion when the buggs are aired out and *fingers crossed* they have made the quest system hints better. (unless you want to use a walkthrough in which at that point it wouldn't really matter)

    4/5 starts, would have given it a 5 if the hints/questing were better.
    Likes: m4sas
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Taffy Tales left me within a conundrum. As long as it lasted i was hooked. Helped me cope with my work. It kept me up till 1 am. My first playthrough, I think will remain a memorable run.
    Alas with each spent hour the blatant design flaws became more vivid.
    What do adult games consist of majorly for the end user?
    READING...Reading, reading and more reading. Oh boy...i brag about it being too much in the game, but here i go with my review...
    ☆Taffy Tales distinguishes itself thanks to its artwork. The UI consists of a beautiful "Somewhere over the rainbow" town. It's a compact and simple design. No problems here.
    ☆The drawings are also top notch. I instantly began wondering how much time was put into them. They are all very detailed. Especially the curves. I think the Stella body is the best within the game. The female faces unlike Daz3d look all different. Every girl is distinguishable. My favorite is Gerda and her nose. Reminds me so much of Kortney Kane. The intro screen itself welcomes us each time, with a pletora of characters we will meet within Taffy Tales. Unfortunately too many characters.
    ☆The beautiful artwork is not enough. Most likely the devs knew that and put the biggest emphasis on the main plot. The story keeps pushing us forward. In this case i hope they knew what is most important: the interactions betwen all the characters that makes the story progress and immerse us into it. I trully had the feeling of how the town trully kept noticing, all the shenanigans happening around our main protagonist. Got job on that.
    ☆ What I did not like was the constant jumping betwen the plotlines, assigned to each of the harem ladies. I understand the devs wanted to make the game less monotonous...I myself got annoyed by the constant flow interruptions...You can experience that with Sara' story. I was hooked on the dom/sub dynamic betwen her and the MC...but the dosage was too small and seperated betwen long delays made for other gurls/uodates.In the end Sara is still away from our reach despite the four year development time and many trysts of us with her...
    ☆On top of that i started to feel sorry for some girls for ignoring them. I was wondering is this the end for Becca? The devs have no more plans for her? As mentioned above from the multitude of girls, we concentrate our efforts on maybe two handfulls. We succed only with six so far. The constant back and fort will be annoying if you cling towards one girl. In my case Sara.
    ☆ The hunt leading to each conquest is a typical power fantasy. The MC awoke with an evil personality within him. It decided to end the boring life and unleash the sexual frustration of Taffy Town. Red decided to build a harem for himself. How? This consists of three parts.
    #1The forementioned shut in life.
    #2 His humongous shlong.
    #3 Him being a literall dick towards every girl.
    He dominates them all. He begins exploiting the weaknesses of each girl. First in his crosshair is Clara. We witness slowly how sad her life is. Just like MC she also lives shackled by herself and surroundings. Red is ruthless. No time for pleasantries. Some may think it's to rapey. I think it cuts right to the chase...but it's ugly.
    ☆There's to much of it. Worst of all we experience it not by the beautiful art, but through reading. Sentence after sentence of Red forcing himself upon each girl. The sex scenes are supposed to be a reward. Instead i had to read how he makes them into broken sex dolls. For me it was a big flaw. All the scenes blended in. It was all about Red forcing himself on them. Is that what they really wanted? I guess that's how the cookie crumbles. I ended up skiping some of the text sometimes...
    ☆I feel sorry for Mary. Definitivly too much was thrown at her too fast. At this stage all i see in her scenes is suffering.
    ☆Fortunately in some cases we get to look from their perspective. Clara, Gerda, Henry, Sara. We get a glimpse into their lives. We understand why they allow Red to do things to them. They are not different from him. Especially the relationship betwen Clara and Red is best fleshed out.
    ☆Another big flaw. The MC's big dick(no pun intended). Let's be honest. His monster dick is the last hit to bend the girls to his will. It's the typical troupe of a harem game. Red's devilish plans do not help in masking this. It's to easy and mindless for my taste. There was a counter balance to this.
    DARNELL. He is dating Tiffany and has Mary in his scope. He is the nemesis. Many agree that Darnell is a very well written antagonist. Why is this important? You see, the plotline is linear. The MC/Player has no say in what Red decides. Darnell could have been the device that gives some choice...you guessed it right...
    ☆NTR! Alas the dev had no balls to pull it through...the community is to toxic. Taffy Town has the premise to be the best NTR game.
    I also read how the dev claimed, incorporating Darnell's conquests into the storyline would be troublesome... I CALL THAT BULLSHIT. Nobody is forcing the dev to change the WHOLE storyline. Just add a bunch of optional ntr scenes for the fans of it. Little left and right. In the end we have to defeat the end boss anyway. Look at "A Family Venture". Harem/NTR route work perfectly.
    ☆There is this one scene, my favorite. Darnell makes Tiffany tease the MC with her ass.Darnell marks his territory by making us jealous. Loved it. Apparently this was just a humongous clickbait for the NTR fans. Just a honeypot to get more money at the very beginning when the game came out...What a surprise. There is only one real NTR encounter or premise. We have a choice if Mary gives Darnell a blowjob...there is neither a scene nor graphics for it...it happens off camera. They even didn't have the balls for that...wow...Now that made me to forever look at the dev team through negative light...
    ☆What you say? He needs to spend time to draw all the pictures? Bro trust me. Some scenes could have been cut and the game would not suffer. Let me tell you why.
    ☆As mentioned earlier lots of girls with lots of plotlines that intertwine. The devs try to make a bigger picture. You already read how it works in reality. The dev just throws gnawed bones at us. Maybe Clara's story is the most complete but it still fells unfinished. In my opinion this is Taffy Town's biggest flaw. Too many cut off branches. Unfinished storylines: Stella, Chantelle, Sara, Danny. You release unfinished content just to fill out the update. Concentrate only on one girl. Deliver a finished project.
    ☆There's to much time wasted on harem hardcore and not enough flavor.
    ☆Too many "Under construction" banners.
    ☆UnIronically, I found Jessica and Violet refreshing. There was so much going on with some girls like Clara. It took too long. Maybe the devs noticed it. Woing Jessica and Violet was faster and more enjoyable.
    Violet's alley scene is the best in the game.
    ☆For all the effort MC goes through it doesn't pay back. The game clearly lacks repeatable sex scenes. The ones with Mary. Gerda in our room(anal/vaginal). The sunday Jessica in her room. Gerda's anal scene. Devs, slowly it starts to ramp up...
    ☆Let's talk about the elephant in the room. The whole ReWorked update. Eight months wasted on what exactly? At the beginning we see a whole bunch of characters...that are instantly discarded. Then you fail to deliver one new scene, even a bit of storyline. You want to tell me that nobody during the development cycle thought about that? Seriously?
    The remaster feels unneeded. You could have put all that effort into new scenes...When i have time i'll play the old version if i find it, and see if what people are saying is actually true.
    ☆ Positive note, the artwork is interactive. Lots of face and hand expressions, like during sex scenes. Makes it more immersive. We dont spend 15 minutes of reading text under one picture.
    ☆ I kinda miss Taffy Tales. I really dug deep into it. And i noticed something. After the MC was "done" with his conquest...there was this disconnect betwen him and the girl. Only one time they decided to write Clara asking Red if he loved her. Even then nothing came out of it. It would be adviced to add some "lovey dovey" scenes. Dates. When they go to places and figure things out with one another. Something emotionaly engaging for the girls. Instead casual talk scenes, show us how they spend time together. Like just sitting together on grass in the park. Doing homework in library. It doesn't always have to be about the sex.
    ☆Time is running away. You smash the Under Construction banners everywhere. Pour buckets of gonzo text to chew through for us. Throw more girls at MC's dicks to fall over it. Pull the "Old version bad.Need new version" trick. Now you invent a silly poll with 25 choices, where it turns out to everyone's surprise, that people want the MC's sister...
    When the time runs out all your left with are the missed opportunities...in the future plan your updates better.
    It really starts to feel like the game is being dragged by force...
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    ur other dad

    alright, i'll try to keep this as objective as possible in regards to the pure function of the game.

    basically, you play as a guy who develops a sociopathic alternate personality which slowly develops a harem for him. mc meets girl, red (the alt personality) degrades them in increasingly brutal ways, they fall in lust with him somehow, rinse and repeat. of course there are some exceptions to this formula, but in general, that's what you can expect.

    in regards to the plot, there seems to be some supernatural conspiracy that the mc, red, and his father are somehow related to (which i'll admit, at least broke up the typical process of "degrade/fuck women"), but it's not particularly interesting. there's not really enough breadcrumbs for you to get engaged, so it kind of seems like the creator had a plot just to check a box.

    the art is pretty hit or miss. women have giant boobs and asses (generally), but the quality of the faces varies by a LOT. the eyes especially can be something out of a horror movie, given their uncanny blend of realism and animation. sometimes it feels like the artist just cut and pasted eyes onto faces and called it a day lmao.

    in terms of gameplay, it's just simple point and click stuff. clicking on doors to move to certain areas, choosing dialogue options, etc., etc. the problems is the quest/ """hint""" menu. i put hint in quotes because the hints it gives out are adequate at best and absolutely nonsensical at worst. on many occasions, the quote won't tell you when, where, or even WHAT exactly an event is. they're often not particularly intuitive either. this by far is the worst part of the game, and what drags it down for me. i could ignore the characterization and the behavior of the mc/others. as distasteful as i found it, it was perfectly competent and even sexy (if you're into that). but if the way to progress storylines/quests isn't clear, there's no damn point.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Updated Review for v1.07.3a

    Edit: With the switch to AI CGs, I've moved this down a star. I personally do not like AI art period, but I am vehemently against switching over to it mid development. This game has been lazy about certain aspects for awhile now, but this takes the cake. With a game with as much backing as this, there's no reason for it. Not to mention how sloppy the new "art" is from the few previews I seen. Gross.

    Kind of conflicted with this game. Some of the stuff in it I found pretty good, other parts of it kinda blowed.

    You play as a typical school loser who gets picked on and doesn't have a backbone. However, the twist is that you have a split personality called "Red." Red takes over your body and makes the MC confident/cocky (more or less). He's the one getting you laid.

    Admittedly a good chunk of the game just isn't really my style. I'm not into the hard degradation of most of the girls and the crude dialogue from Red. Hardcore male domination isn't really my thing either. But that isn't the games fault. If you're into that stuff, you'll enjoy this more.

    My bigger problem is that there's no way to avoid most scenes in the game. Besides trap and heavy ntr content, everything is kind of forced at you. I don't want to see watersports. I'm not into the hardcore BDSM stuff. I don't want to see trap content stop asking. I don't want want to set up a livestream so our weird friend can jerk off to (unknowingly) his mom. It sucks because if you don't like a certain character or the way their plot progresses, you're basically screwed.

    There's also a lot of unnecessary stuff with the bully character imo. I get it, he's an asshole. I don't need to hear him talk about "fucking your girls" 5 times and literally getting shown his dick.

    It's also pretty buggy. I ran into problems all over the place. Dialogue not showing properly, people using the default MC name, choice boxes being blank, getting menus stuck on screen and having to restart, the list goes on. I feel like some of these problems have been in the game since older versions too. Just feels sloppy.

    It's not all bad. I actually think the "main story" is interesting with the sort of mysterious paranormal elements going on. It was an unexpected twist that I liked. The MC and Red have a good dynamic going on sometimes. It's got solid art and a good variety of girls. It also has a lot of content, but it's packed into only a few characters while others have relatively little content. Solved with time, but still is what it is right now. I ended up skipping a lot of scenes because it was with a character I stopped caring for, and they just happen to be the character with the most content. I guess I just don't like every character being twisted into "you're a slut now take my cock" but that's also more personal preference than anything.

    In my original review I mentioned this still might be a game worth playing provided it sorted the mess out and you liked maledom, but now with the switch to AI, I no longer feel that way. If that doesn't bother you then great, but I'd personally no longer recommend this to anyone.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    So, played the new update hoping for some more Priscilla content because fuck want to have her. The problem is that the new update is not good. The new hint system is just the same as the last one just with saying when. Never really needed it in the past but yeah this did not add anything. The whole re-write is not great but eh not like the first version was better but the main problem is that the story is all over the place. The quest goes all over the place and some feel like you need to do them in a different order. Some scenes have like 5 chars you can talk to about 10 quests and it is a mess. The new Indian best friend had 4 events at the same time in the same location. They are great only the background art and most buildings are really bad. Just look at the school...

    Look in the end it is not bad and in the past would give this a 4/5 but now two is the most I can give because the story is a mess and there is no flow. Just click a char and hope the story connects if it does not then get fucked. Hope they can fix this...
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The new version on Mac does not work at all. even with all this wait we will wait for a new fixed update ....:sneaky:. The ubdate is so poor the caractères are not carrelante. Danny and Clara are the best but steel waiting for new storylines
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    saw game 2021, hm maybe give a try... so now on Priscilla camera placement game still bug MC cannot go out so... ya bug

    story; good wish MC get more pussy but is blueball game after spendin 23day mc get too see npc have sex... a lot of teasing.

    graphic; i like it look well made by professional, goes well with story

    music; enjoy it feel engaging
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Reviewing v0.82.4b

    Premise: i was unable to even see the 30% of the scenes in the game because some of the issue that i'll be going to mention(i ragequit at 26.5% of the scenes)

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    The Good (Aka “Keep it <3")

    — The art: Despite being disproportioned for most of the female characters, it's good to see, and it's nicely detailed.

    — A few scenes like calling out Priscilla

    The Annoying (Aka “You better fix it”)

    — The Hint system: Even before the “remaster”(although we should call it the “reworse-ner”) was a mess…well, part of it got “fixed”; Apparently the dev decided to give us an extra hint and some people may think “Nice! So now we'll know exactly where and in what time-period go to trigger new events?” and the answer is No, you'll know WHEN but not WHERE, and rarely you'll get to know WHO will be involved(depending on if the hint mention them or not) and even then…after a while the time-period…won't matter, so you'll have several hints under the “anytime”-section of the NON-Interactive menu

    — Some routes after YEARS are STILL unavailable…okay it's a NTR-route and i personally loathe it but still, it's a lack of content; The same can be told about locations such as MC's house's basement or some spots that they're "still in the making"

    — The new intro: It's placed 6 months in the future with MC about to be arrested while he is writing a letter, the world is at war(for some reason) while he is busy with his harem all of it stuffed into his room with him…makes no sense…what if i would later go for a NTR-route? Would make that intro absolutely pointless and wrong because in that intro MC has a dominating personality like a calm sociopath…

    The Bad (Aka “This is what killed the game”)

    — The introduction of new characters: That backstabbing Indian guy and his mom…i already stated in my premise that i ragequit on this game(sad because i like Becca and Priscilla), still their presence doesn't add anything to the game itself…it's just an annoying extra

    — The Hint System, PART 2: It doesn't tell you where to go so that you can trigger new events or character-events. For example, i stated to be fond of Becca and Priscilla and i played until MC and the girls…do some stuff in Priscilla's barn…but after that? They disappear completely, i kept playing for a while but…at some point the hints became so dry, you really don't know where to go nor when or to whom those hints are related to. Just confusing and infuriating.

    Conclusion: A long time ago, this game had potential…but this remaster is just…mediocre, several months spent working on the game…and this is the result? I don't believe it, because i know the dev has some decent ideas and i can't believe that him and his group created something so bad…
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Yea this update was just a disappointment I don't understand the point of reworking scenes after such a long wait period and add borderline nonexistent new content. Like others have said guess we will just have to wait till 2023 to get maybe 2 or 3 new scenes. Really dropping the ball on this shit. :)
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has alright art, not bad stories and buggy gameplay. This is basically a VN with classic point and click puzzles and day / night cycles. Everything is easy and does not get in your way too much. The reason for playing this game is that if you like art, But stories that lead to art are often boring and not convincing at all. They change from the general state (rich girl until you are damn stupid) to bad management, especially with a neighbor whose relationship is going very fast, and in 3 scenes of high school love He becomes a masochistic slut. We're not saying this's necessarily bad for a porn game, but it does not work in terms of having a character with a cohesive character. At least for me.
    This does not mean that stories do not serve their purpose, because they do, they are there to put some pornography on your face, but then it is very memorable.
    the new update (v0.82.4a) which I think took about 6 months has been quite mediocre! it's pretty much nothing but adding some not interesting NPCs and it forces you too start the whole damn thing over which is real annoying. after 4 years there are still talks about the release of an "NTR Route" which I don't personally think is gonna happen under 2 years from now (April 2022) if ever!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is pretty good if u can stomach its unique story progression. Kinda repetetive, and hard to progress in, but once u get the hang of it, it bocomes less of an issue. Story telling is excelent, art is also great. One of the best games out here, but development is slow. Maybe will be finished in 3 years.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is absolute garbage, few years ago I posted my critcism of this game being buggy and interface being sufferable, someone chased me out of this thread. 3 years later it only got worser, you can clearly tell that this game isn't taken seriously.

    The plot is a stitch of every generic low cost movie you can think of. Slasher characters, greedy loser protagonist, big huge ass mistery that doesn't make the game interesting in the slightest, non-sense sci-fi. You can't tell if this game is based on US territory or somewhere in the UK because of lango vs the settings.

    The cheap ass setting a side, you have bugs: this garbage has random anime character spirtes at every corner, and has other bugs for example: If you speak to Gerda at the mall you skip the whole period, and if you have sex with her at her house you skip the whole day.

    You also skip morning and day if you talk to Becca in class, despite refusing her offer to have sex in the stalls.

    There is an inconsistent time skip on how you talk to characters, you need to be careful before engaging in a conversation with the characters.

    The game hints are to cheesy and uninformative most of the time, for instance, it's almost like a riddle when you want to read your notepad to see what you gotta do, more specifically:

    for a given task you need to go to school, you'd read something like:
    'Time to scratch the pen on the paper'

    If you don't buy mint and go to Jessica's house, it'll let you enter, but you will get stuck and will probably lose your progress if you didn't save before, because this is a bug and there isn't an auto-save feature or a rollback or something.

    It will let you replay Violet's quest as much as you want for no progress at all, as long as you continue to break into her computer, yet it won't let you go inside Mary's room because of a key. It has like 8 pages of 2 lines and 10 rows of items, yet it manages to find a way to replace the key for a wrong one in the same inventory index.

    If quests stack, you'll get cloned sprites everywhere you go. At times you'll have different options to go to sleep like "Go to bed", "Go to sleep", "Go to sleep" where each option gives different dialog, for different quests.

    There are momments, you need to go to Gerda's house looking for Harry and you need to explicitly click Harry after you go inside. Later on the game the dialog is auto-triggered which shows that the developer isn't really fixing broken stuff. Out of these 7 months for a new update, he must be using 3.5 months or less to work on the updates.

    In this version, the patch is called mega update but there is nothing that justifies the 'mega' word in it, it's just an edit with 2 scenes and extra CGI of the original content. When you hear it'll be a rework, one could expect they would fix the weak story where the character gets car rammed outside the school and develops two personalities, but no. It's the same story with some text added to the game. It feels to me that the writter had more work in this update than the developer itself. Feels good to be the boss, right? ffs.

    He made people replay the game from the beginning, but forgot that there is an ocean sized dialog for people to go through and nobody will re-read it, given they were expecting new stuff, given that he didnt deliver anything new, congrats on tossing money and time away.

    this update is so bad, that it makes Rebbeca Black's song 'it's friday' taste better.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    By every metric I use, this game is a 5/5, but I have to vote 3/5 for the save incompatibility, do you realize how long this fucking game is and to have replay it every couple updates, that's crazy.

    I know the ctrl trick, but even then it takes too long and that doesn't guarantee that the new update doesn't break the new game.

    Out of respect I'm giving a 3/5, honestly should give it less considering I hate LONG games that don't have compatible saves.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    the game has no recurring updates, the story has been reset for no apparent reason and I don't see any prospects for the game's future in the current development model, and even after years of development it is full of bugs, some that were never dealt with from version to version
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    i feel like the game is based on NTR the fact that you have multiple antagonists try to NTR the women and there is no way to get rid of them at least not yet and the text doesn't change if you chose NTR rout or if you use vanilla which felt kind of sloppy could have reassured the player that NTR didn't happen but they made it vague I guess to save money. The development is alright but all the females seem to follow everything darnel says the principle is fucking school girls guessing he will aim at your girls soon I'm not a fan of cuck I rather be the cucker but as the game is not fully out things might change and just be better for my tastes but it aint it for me yet
    so for the art ill give it a 2 star
    and for the development ill give it 1
    total rating 3 will play the game once fully out to see if I like it or not but as of now this is my honest opinion

    New update 0.082.4a the game has been completely ruined they ramped up the ntr and now the antagonists are fucking all the girls and you watch the and the plot of the story has been fucked as well so i guess my rating is changing to a 0 star.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the best game in this genre.M.C is a sociopath who loves to dominate Women around him and gets laid . However , there should more characters for M.C to play and as well as more frequent updates . Also some new locations like brothels and swimming pool will do nicely .
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Rating : 9.9/10, the best porn game in my opinion.

    • Excellent artwork
    • Storyline is great and also has great potential
    • The MC's dark personality
    • Great character gallery
    • Pretty good sandbox
    • Slooooowww updates, I keep checking in on this game a lot for updates :\
    • Animations appear halfway-ish through the game