Ren'Py - Takei's Journey [v0.28] [Ferrum]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    If you love Naruto then you just have to play this game. The writing is decent and the game is a bit grindy and it can take some time to find some events but like I said, If you love Naruto, you just have to play this game :)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    promising game with a lot of cute girls, not to mention not many games here having a barely legal characters as the main girls to target with, the creator have a great sense of depravity that combined with creativity to create this, hope to see more updates in the future!
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3482284

    I think this games really good. It's got a lot of interesting choices and mechanics that make it feel different from similar games on this site. I haven't played Naruto, I think I'd like this even more if I had, but it's got a really fun story and a lot of good characters in it. I'm excited to see where the game goes and what happens next!!!
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    NTR Angel

    Let me start by saying this is by far the best Naruto/Boruto lewd parody out there.

    Current version of the game appeals to many kinks. I'm personally into tags such as corruption, exhibitionism, teasing, wincest, etc. If you re into that as well I totally recommend trying this game. You don't even need to know or care about Boruto or Naruto. Scenes are quite hot, there is good build up and the story mostly makes sense.

    Progressing through the game is quite easy. I've never minded grinding a couple of points with the girls. To be fair, it's not fun to grind points, but it takes almost no time before you get to see the next scene.

    I must say kudos to the developer. He takes his time to give support and talk to everyone (patron or not) on discord and he has shown a lot of consistency on the amount of content released each month. This dev it is totally worth supporting .

    Note: Lady Takei and Hima are the queens of this game for sure! <3
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Story feels kind of interesting and its not literaly copy of Naruto serie. It takes place inside of Naruto world but its not literaly Naruto game and you are not playing as a Naruto or someone you know from Naruto universe. You are controling MC named by you which is from Tanzaku Quarters and aka ''Takei Clan'' created by our DEV.

    Bad Points
    - Its kind of grindy and sandbox which makes things pretty annoying espacily with ingame walkthrough IU and itself being hard to understand.
    - IU and menus looks kind of outdated, basic and cheap.
    - Renders/Drawings looks nothing more than decent and sex scene animations quality is poor... They are like 480p quality or someting and it looks pretty bad.
    - Characters based on Boruto Era and there is a lot of ugly looking character you gonna see which is pretty bad point for adult game... Our worse looking character is Anko and she looks terible. Secondly there is Chocho which looks pretty bad again. Thirdly Shizune which is basicaly looks plain ASF and have zero attaractiveness. And then there is Himawari which looks pretty bad again... Then we have Tsunade which is best looking one so far inside of bad looking cast, her face looks good her body looks disappointed, espacily her tits. Her tits shaggy and not big enough. Her most known feature by everybody is her 106cmters and we don't have them here. And lastly while Ino's body looks good her face looks kind of unattaractive so changing her facial features are needed aswell. Basicaly nearly half of cast looks pretty bad, other half part half of them looks ok and other half looks good like Hanabi.
    - Couple of characters personalites feels cringy. Espacily Sarada's character is pretty much about being annoy MC whenever she can... Even when you first meet with her she is calling you: ''Perv'' and ''You are just sick guy with dirty thoughts'' etc.
    - I gues English is not native languange of our DEV and translation is kind of weak. Its not like some of games you can't understand anyting (not that much bad) but still sometimes dialogues feels kind of confusing.
    - Its game with 1 year of development but amount of content is very little, espacily nearly most of girls dont even have penetration is pretty much shows how much content we have.

    For The End
    Well at first its gives feeling of good game but then everyting goes downhill. Its somewhere around terrible and poor so im gonna give 1.5 star. While its have potencial with reaching that potencial we need a lot of improve.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    ok gonna start out with what I think are negatives, first its KK, second the intro and beginning phase is boring, that being said once you get your foundation laid, it becomes a pretty good game. Not a big fan of naruto/boruto but as the game goes you really don't have to be to appreciate the flow of things. lots of different sizes and shapes of women to choose from several differing actions too. while it has grind its a simple grind to get girls stats up.. once you get there it flows nicely. if you have patience you will get good things. is it worth the download? if you can get past the foundation building part yes
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a great experience for playing an game based on naruto, the character design and the environment of game is so good and i had an great time till end of this version i hope for new updates, it really was awesome....
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Its good-ish

    -It has a decent C (76%) grade story.

    -The renders aren't bad (the MC has some chubby cheeks but whatever)

    -The animated scenes are good, its a shame you can only access them in the free roam when you could just put them into the event itself, but again, whatever

    -It's nice to see almost all the next generation girls since they're almost nowhere else (Even the anime forgets about some of 'em)

    -Chakra grindings a pain in the ass.

    And for the love of god put the requirements for the story events in the walkthrough please.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Naruto is by far my favorite anime and as such, I've played every single porn parody of it and this by far is my favorite.

    This game's greatest strengths are at points where you expect the game to be subpar. For example, as an anime and Naruto lover I was sure I would hate the fact that this game uses 3d models, but I love it. The character models look exactly as their anime counterparts and almost feel 2d to boot.

    Next seeing the lack of popularity for this game opposed to other parody games like Jikage Rising I was sure this game had a series flaw like not resembling the anime in terms of personality, also not true all the main characters from Sakura to Hinata talk and act as their anime counterparts would act (within reason, this is a porn game after all), but it was believable and not some Naruto character look-a-likes that acted completely different.

    (At this point I should mention there is one scene in the beginning between Naruto and Sasuke which felt off, but since its such a small and brief scene with no real importance or focus of the game, it doesn't deduct a star)

    Finally, I love the lust-love route that this game is. As a lover of corruption games I've seen all to often when the corruption goes to far and all that's left of the original girl is a whore-pig that only lives to get fucked, however, this game goes more lust-love corruption, in which they in the end still want to fuck you (though not as intensely as a corruption-slut) but still retain their original personality, which I think is crucial to parody games, since the personality and looks is what ties any game to the original anime. Not to mention that the story is coherent and logical (as far as porn games go at least)

    For any person who enjoys lust-love corruption, your gonna enjoy this game, and for any naruto fan your gonna love this game, so definitely check it out.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    As a Naruto fan I enjoyed this game a little, the sex scenes were pretty hot and I got some nice fap material from the girls, the game is a bit more grindy than I would like and I've ended up getting lost a few times and had to look at a walkthrough, there was also the combat system which feels a bit like RNG, also not a judgement on the game itself but more of a personal thing but there were times when the game reminds me that I'm are essentially cucking some of my favorite characters which ended up giving me weird mixed feelings, also not sure if I care for the MC or not since sometimes he seems nice and other times he comes across as an unlikeable pervert (I know that this is a hentai game), I should probably play the game more to form a real opinion but overall so far I give the game a 3/5 "it was ok" review.
    Update: After playing further I am finding myself liking the main character less and less.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Played:0.70
    Time Played: 4 hours (some spent clicking around not knowing what the next trigger was)
    Completed version: Yes

    Full disclosure: I know next to nothing about either Naruto or Boruto, but discovered this while looking for more Koikatsu games to change my opinion of it. A quick look at the manga/anime shows how Koikatsu really shines since the characters are spot on. The story is also sensical and easy to follow, though I cannot comment on how plausible it would be within the Naruto universe.

    + Characters are (mostly) accurate to their manga/anime looks and I would assume/hope their personalities
    + Progression, while on the slows-side makes sense and is fairly spicy
    + Story actually has stakes and progression

    - A bit one note/grindy (you will be doing the same thing a lot just to raise relationship values. On that note, if you get stuck, it is 100% cuz you haven't raised someone's relationship value)
    - English is clearly not the creator's native language, but I was never left scratching my head trying to figure out what was being said
    - No bush :(

    Overall, I don't think this game is going to change anyone's mind about anything in regards to Koikatsu or Naruto, but as someone who watched a lot of animu growing up and dreamed of railing a lot of the ladies, this is probably a straight down the middle strike for fans of the IP.

    2.5 for me, rounded to a three, but you can probably add a star if you like Naruto.

    Note to Devs: Thanks for the game!
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd say 3.5 stars. Really the only bad thing is that it's a bit grindy for no good reason. Thankfully you can just enable "skip after choices" in dialog to make the grind fast, but at that point you are just clicking a, b, c, repeat to grind some numbers.

    The story is okay, although it could get through the intro a bit faster imo.

    What the game does good to me is H content, when you get it. The girls are just koikatsu models, but koikatsu looks good. Animations are video captures from the game. It's good. Not great, but good. Dialog within is good, things look like they're heating up though so I expect even better.

    To improve, maybe some better, more upbeat music in some locations. Also, drop the grind down by reducing the number of times needed to repeat an action, and making the times you do have to repeat it have something different about them (different dialog, images, etc). Also, obviously more content.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    How bad the story is, not to mention the personality of the characters in the series and the main character has the charisma of a rock: v but hey, there is something that is more or less well and it is the renders that have quality: v
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Story: The game has generic a history about being the only man left but the way it's played makes it good. The characters don't feel like they are there just to be fuck toys and their actions make sense with their "original" persona. The original characters are not bad either, they look interesting, especially the villain.

    Renders: This may be the best part of the game, every single character looks beautiful and the ones that didn't look before in Launch, look good now (I'm looking at you Wasabi), also, even the main character looks good which is something rare to Koikatsu games...

    Other things I like are the animations and the combat system. The animations are good and the girls look really hot at them!
    The fighting system is interesting and it's a plus for a porn game in my opinion.

    What could improve: The game has some grinding, nothing too serious but I feel we do more griding in the beginning when there are only 4 characters to interact with, which can lead to new players getting bored, but after some minutes with new characters to interact, this don't feel like a problem.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    yamanaka flower shop get a dialogue with ino mind check up get relationship point

    tenten's shop spend time with tenten get a dialogue with tenten
    get relationship point

    If you think repeating this to get relationship is bad
    But wait there's more
    you do the same with your landlandy hang out get relationship points

    Then you have training with namida train ninjutsu get another dialogue and relationship points and 1 ninjutsu point wich just seems having no real use

    Renders: not bad
    Story : what story ? :confused:
    no bugs
    there are better naruto parody games like this
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I found the game very fun, it has a lot of anticipation, but it increases the horniness. I think the only serious defect is not having an ''end'' warning, I spent 30 minutes ''upgrading'' the character thinking I would unlock a password and they could add a gallery
    graphic: 9:10
    10/10 characters (very cool to bring parody of boruto)
    gameplay 8/10
    general: 9/10
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Huge fan of the series. Animation quality is good. Only cons (as of right now v0.4) are the game is short and quite tedious at some points. Getting the love points for each character can be a grind at some time.
  18. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3589835

    Loved playing this the design and artwork are top notch and some of the attention to detail and humor is superb! I'm a big fan of Naruto and have grown up watching the Anime so I truly appreciate projects like this with a passion. However there were several major issues that greatly impacted the gaming experience. The largest issue being no tracking of the MC's stats, when 80% of the game is spent grinding out training with Hinata or others at the academy to raise Jutsu control etc.

    Why grind out training and everything if no way to track strength of character especially against certain people in missions you will need to be a certain level for. There was zero guidance for triggering an event and i had to go through 30 different days before something happened. Lots of characters were introduced with zero content and also there was a bug with Sakura where her relationship points wouldn't go above 4 out of 6 points no matter how many times i spent time with her.

    Another thing I believe would help is removing the options to spend time with someone after you have maxed out all available relationship points. Perhaps you could go back to redo a scene but all in all this was alot of just grinding for no reason.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I waiting on next upgrade... It is fun to game but it is really short now... And meaby autor can use more charakters like himawari... or some other girls... I was stack in one moment, some evets are repetetive but over all this game have potencional I wanna more of it
  20. 3.00 star(s)

    Doom Marine

    New game review, in the beginning this game seemed to be interesting but now it's totally scary, it was one of the worst naruto porn parodies in terms of story development.

    It takes place within the world of Naruto, but it's not literally a Naruto game and you're not playing as Naruto or anyone you know from the Naruto universe. You are controlling the MC indicated by the DEV, which is from Tanzaku Quarters and also known as ''Takei Clan'', where the game starts to sin because the mc is ridiculous, weak, depraved with horrible appearance, I hate the model for the MC .

    There are many games that chose some innit, but there is a split choice whether he will be a good or bad protagonist, but this guy is just a badass villain... what's the point of the villain that lives inside your head then?

    The "gameplay" sucks, the walkthrough is confusing and not very intuitive, and the fighting minigame is boring. I don't even mind when the games are dirty, usually. But this game is next level grindy. You have to replay training events literally dozens of times just to get to the next cutscene.

    Some of the characters only have "trash Talk" Sarada is one of them, with tsundere temper outburst.
    I couldn't tank your comments or event, I just skipped them all, Temari with that phrase "Put it in the right place!" like I was some kind of dog or whatever.

    Apart from these annoyances, the models seem to be interesting and faithful but the appearance of the mc was one of the worst.