VN - Ren'Py - Tales of Unity [v0.11] [Stronkboi]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The game has bugs (mostly minor), and the dev stated a year ago he would look into fixing it. Oh well. I lose faith in any developer who is happy to have bugs in his game. Renders are sub-par. I don't know about the story. At this point, it really does not matter. I hope you get it together, @Stronkboi. Good luck.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Tales of Unity 0.11

    This was quite frankly terrible.

    The part where MC and Vanessa meet Elise and Chume the first time is riddled with error screens.

    The story is all over the place and makes no sense. I guess its supposed to be mysterious or something, but the way the author did it was just bad.

    Renders are ugly as hell, usually i would be able to deal with bad renders if the story itself is interesting, but this game couldn't even deliver that.

    Cringe and forced romance. MC literally just met Elise and instantly on the same day he's heads over heels for her. Pathetic.

    I'm not sure if it classifies as NTR but before MC even get a single sex scene in the game, MCs sister or whatever shes supposed to be who is also a LI gets laid with the succubus girl.

    Again, not sure if this classifies as NTR, so ill leave that for you to decide.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    in, about the game, it should be a sandbox with more content, in some moments it just jumps from point A to C there should be something in between I think it's not just me who missed it, it was a scene related to school to inn to city, too fix fade the game is good, it would be better without so much breaking of the fourth wall, they actually irritate the characters, they are great but they lack the use of more as I wanted a foursome Chumee with her sistersin, about the game, it should be a sandbox with more content, in some moments it just jumps from point A to C there should be something in between I think it's not just me who missed it, it was a scene related to school to inn to city, too fix fade the game is good, it would be better without so much breaking of the fourth wall, they actually irritate the characters, they are great but they lack the use of more as I wanted a foursome Chumee with her sisters
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5144788

    Tales of Unity
    Version: 0.10.2
    Type: VN - Choices
    Content: Short
    Pacing: Fast
    Plot line: Main Charm of the Game - Uncovering Truth / Resisting Rule / Fighting Unfairness
    Setting: Multiple races - MC's forgotten origins - Memory Apocalypse

    Character Models: Really Good - bright/gloomy expressions expertly handled
    Personalities: varied, heartfelt and emotional

    Music: Really good in dramatic moments but SFX guru for sure
    Animation: Quite Good - Quality is improving
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is not good. It's not awful, but there's very little that is good. I've played worse games that at least had some high points.

    Like so many games, the dev has a somewhat interesting idea for their fantasy story, but fails to use it to deliver an engagimg story. The main culprit is poor writing, a story that throws us right into the plot without establishing the setting properly or the rules of the world or anything, and forgettable characters. There are also more typos and bad engrish as I've ever seen in any ANV, the character models are kinda whatever, and the lewd scenes are not very good. The humor often relies on breaking the fourth wall and to me it falls flat most of the time. That's not counting the times when the dev's avatar appears to apologize for his own plot holes and explain then. Stronk obviously is not happy with his own work here and it's easy to see why.

    One thing I liked is that the different dialogue choices offered seemed impactful.

    Some of the characters seem to be out of place in the story. Like the goblin girl in all the art and promo images for this game... she's an LI, but she doesn't have any discernible connection to the main plot events until chapter 2. She could be removed and the game would be the same. The same could be said for Mine, the neko girl that pals around with Ophelia. She's sort of Ophelias side kick but also is just sort of there and doesn't do anything except allow the dev to say "yup there's a neko girl and you can have sex with her."

    What I can say about this game, is that the dev is certainly trying a lot harder than the guy that makes Scarlett Law. But this game doesn't hold a candle to any of the other top rated koikatsu games I've tried.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Version reviewed 0.10 part 2

    Story, dialogue, and writing
    The story is engaging and the writing, aside from the references, fourth wall smashing, and odd typo, is good. As of 0.10 p2 the current content consists of three "arcs" the first two of these arcs have an introductory phase and a couple of "chapters" past that, then they end without a climax and move on to the next arc. Third arc is still in it's intro.

    The characters are very well written in the beginning, their personalities shine like a bunch of cute lighthouses. Then the cast snowballs and character interaction falls in favor of sharing screen time. I also think that of all the characters the one with the most screen time is the dev.
    Not related to the review, but a message to my fellow long hair lovers: Haircuts have been used multiple times to signify character development. Brace yourselves.

    Looks great, no complaints here. (y)

    Short, sweet, and filled with heart pupils. Can also come out of the blue sometimes, one of my favorite character's first penetration scene came with no build up and amounted to "Wham, dirty talk, bam, dirty talk, thank you Ma'am."

    In conclusion I think the game has a lot of potential. Said potential is being strangled by the VN's linear nature, bloated cast, and the dev's anxiety with ensuring there is plot advancement with every update. It feels that with these combined character interaction has fallen to the wayside.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Shit's fire yo. Shortstacks, cat girls, thicc elf girls, humans, demons, sprinkle in some succubus. Fourth wall breaking is decent and still fun. Long enough to kill a few hours which is dope. I will continue to look forward to new updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story telling. The Dev popping up in the middle is pretty funny too. The script is good and i like the characters very much. I Recommend this game to all who likes some vanilla romance. Eagerly waiting for the future updates:love:
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    A VN with writing that's above average for a porn game. It has potential but seems a bit caught between trying to be a fapfest and trying to be a slower story so relationships develop weirdly quickly but there's still not a lot of sex scenes. But that's all stuff that can be overlooked for the sake of a porn game having porn.
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    All in all, this could easily be a 4 star game with a good editor but has made a few too many questionable decisions at the moment.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this game, hated every second of it.
    I never thought I could hate something more than I hate myself. Good job, thanks!
    This game actually cured my crippling depression because, if something like this can exist, then something like me can exist too!
    The only redeeming quality of it is the redhead shortstack gobbo.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Do you like fantasy settings? Like deep-dicking every race that exists in fantasy settings? Enjoy magic, adventure, and stories with emotional depth? If so, this game is for you. Its a tale as old as time; a hero rising to the challenge, then bludgeoning it to death with his girthy sledgecock. Am I telling the truth? Guess you have to play it to find out.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Tales of Unity is quite the intriguing tale. It features a lot of visually appealing girls, a fantasy world bigoted against humans, and compelling mysteries that unravel as you continue along. The plot is perhaps one of the most notable parts, Strokboi has created a very intriguing world. You get a lot of choices and player agency. Overall this is a VN I can imagine many enjoying.

    Sadly, there are quite a few flaws that prevent me from praising the game more. While I don't expect perfect English, this is a game that has been going for over a year and has had time to have its grammar fixed up. Sentence structure is frequently confusing, hitting many of the aforementioned choices often led to me asking myself what the choices even meant. A curse of creating a game that is extremely text heavy is that it is an important aspect of the game; someone with broken English just will not be as enjoyable as someone who can write more fluently. YMMV here.

    Another major issue of the game is pacing. While it could perhaps be praised for constantly moving forward, a big problem I find is that everything feels horribly rushed. Scenes often were a few text lines at best, often feeling like a brief summary. Context was always there, so I never felt disoriented, but it lacked a certain professionalism seen in higher end visual novels.

    Choices were frequent, but the confusing thing about ToU is that it usually came down to "have romantic interactions or skip the scene". Note the latter choice would punish you later by giving you less information; the game is based around your closeness to those around you and thus essentially achieving the harem route. Polygamy is promoted and there is a succubus, so pretty much romance everyone, as the only real alternative is getting less information and thus plot. Now there are true choices in this such as dating the goblin or the wood elf, but far too often is there a "don't do anything" or "improve rating" as your two choices with each giving obvious results. There is a good/evil system as well, though I am not sure it has been developed to the point it really matters much.

    Overall this is a pretty decent VN and definitely one that offers a little more than just porn. It is curious to see where the plot goes. It just feels like the execution itself could be better. Essentially, this is a porn VN with an above average plot; it isn't going to be a VN that plays with your emotions nor will it change your worldview in a groundbreaking fashion.

    There is definitely some good humor in here. Strokboi has a nice style and knows how to not take things seriously, the end of chapter discussions are some of the better parts.

    The choices feel confusing and almost worthless, the pacing is too quick for my liking, and so this feels like a game with a good plot that I am reading a summary of on Sparknotes. Tales of Unity is good for what it tries to do and it certainly has its merits for playing, the plot especially is worth checking out, but the execution just feels lackluster after being spoiled by better works.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Love this game. Each chatacter has their own unique attributes. Each girls brings the game together. The story line is amazing and I can see it going a million ways. Keep up the good work man. Can't wait for more updates!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    going into this game i didn't know what to expect, i went in blind thinking this would be more simple and nowhere near as fleshed out as it is.
    the story is pretty good and the choices are great, there were quite a few times where i paused at the choices trying to figure out what the best option was for what i was trying to do.

    pros: pretty good world building. the girls have personality, they arent just paper cut-outs. choices allow you to play how you are wanting to an extent rather than just forcing you down one route. story is great, kept me on edge and waiting for the next update! and memes, lord there are some good and old memes in here.

    cons: quite a few grammar mistakes but its nowhere near the worst ive seen, pretty passable as far as im concerned.
    the pacing of the girls is probably the biggest con to me though, they are very forward when you dont expect them to be with little to no build up in some cases it seems. however i also get there is a succubus thrown into the mix so at the same time it makes a little since that way.

    tl;dr: its a great game and should really give it a try, i think you will be surprised. i know i was.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's my first review and I'm not native English speaker so I'm sorry if it's sound weird. The story telling is great I'll give it 8.5/10, Though there's quite a few spelling mistake. And the scene is hot and the quality is nice too, I'll give it 9/10. Overall it's very well made and also it's one of my favorite renpy visual novel using koikatsu other than corrupted kingdom.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1322027

    man oh man where to begin lets start with the comedy and frankly the easter eggs and not just the easter eggs are hilarious it mixes comedy with a great catching story and later in the game i wouldnt be suprised if we see a delorean keep up the good work and well done :)
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Generally speaking, I hate 3D character games like this. The reason is that most times, the characters all look too similar to not only each other, but basically every other 3D character game out there.

    That said, these characters are not absolutely unique in their nature but they are more so than most 3D games. The story is halfway decent, though I would not say the best I have ever seen. It was good enough for me to read through however.

    The thing I dont know If I really like though was how easy it was to sleep with the girls. I generally all for an easy lay in most games but when its a game with a story like this... it feels off. It feels like just after talking with characters twice I was having sex with them. My penis approved but my mind did not.

    Its not a bad game as more story can be put in to make it not just seem like every girl will willingly jump your bone in a heartbeat so I guess there is hope for that.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    What a great game !
    At this time, ToU has the best and deeper lore/background that I ever see in visual novels. Really interesting, Stronkboi opens for us the doors of his own world. After war between races, humanity pushed to slavery, it may be time for humans to proove something.
    Different paths, your actions and choices really change the game...
    Characters and girls are SO CUTE and interesting too !
    New release will arrive soon, I'm really hoping now to have more contents oftenly !
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing story. Really drags you in. The girls are rendered pretty darn well and high quality. Your choices ACTUALLY lead to differemt paths. The game is yet to be finished but there is still about 2 hours of story and game. Definitely looking forward to future updates.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    this is the first game in this graphic style that I have played. I have to say, it totally convinced me. I especially like games that have a harem route! And I love the look of the Girl Mine! ;)
    You definitely should play it !!! Keep it up. Thx