TLDR: Great SRPG gameplay with a lot of depth but a bit too easy, totally bug free afaik, and skip-worthy dialogue.
Gameplay is... almost perfect. It has all the ingredients a good SRPG is made of: different terrain, different enemy army compositions, different scenarios that forces different responses, and vastly different classes you can promote your units to.
In fact, it has a lot of other design decisions that makes me think the author does know what they're doing, like doing away with enemy crit altogether, and giving different buffs to different enemies on higher difficulties rather than just a % stat increase across the board. Even the ambushes usually gives you a turn to respond before hitting your army, instead of the stupid gotcha moments that fire emblem games like so much.
The only thing it got wrong is the difficulty (my impression as of chapter 21, I haven't finished the game yet). Even on the highest difficulty, once you get a few missions in, you can start steamrolling fights, and even your mages/archers can facetank quite a few attacks safely. That's with all stat increasing items rotting in my inventory, and a grand total of 0 runs on any of the optional grind missions.
However, if you're not as anal about challenging yourself in a SRPG as I am, this game has everything right, definitely give it a try.
On the flip side, the writing is garbage. The plot feels like an excuse for fights/sex to happen, characters are each a walking trope (not tropes. Trope, singular), gameplay events have no story consequences whatsoever, plot twists happen with exactly 0 buildup, and the dialogue feels like it's written by 12 year olds.
Funnily enough, the grammar is better than 90% of the games on this site. Kudos to the translator for translating this pile of garbage.