Tamas Awakening is a handmade visual novel in renpy developed by Whiteleaf Studio. You play as a young adult with no aspirations and no future that lives with your not mother leeching off your family while being berated daily by your not sister who says things that are actually true. Suddenly the protagonist discovers his powers of command given by external factors, and immediately starts abusing those around him. There is no other way to put it, the story is unbelievable cringe. The protagonist is a cry baby with a nonsensical hypnotic power and an ego the size of a planet that is led by others around him and makes few decisions himself. The relationship with the girls is almost non-existent, going from zero to one hundred in a couple of panels and almost no development. The writing feels like a teenager's wet dream of self insert and fast powergrab mixed with abuse for no decent reason. Not only that, the developer thinks himself a comedian, creating embarrassing monologues with obnoxious and out of date memes, sounds and other developer’s original characters. The result is a boring story, with almost nothing interesting happening as literally days go by while the protag just sleeps and wakes up. Prolonging this torture, the writing moves at a snail pace, padded with useless repetition that goes nowhere. Generally, the hypnosis angle doesn't work, it always devoids into ridiculous situations that are worse than other forced moments in fiction, quickly becoming underused or overused and normally killing the mood or pacing. Unless the entire focus is this niche audience, with a very well devised story, avoid it. The game has no bugs and the handmade art is pretty, but that is not even properly used since you will stare at the same static image for long periods of time. The bad characteristics of Tamas Awakening overwhelmingly surpasses the good ones, in a manner few games could achieve. Checking other Whtieleaf’s products, the ones not abandoned, they don’t seem to be very different. I see no reason to recommend this game and strongly advise against wasting your time.