VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Teaching hard or hardly teaching? [v1.01] [NephremKa]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Loved it. Story was quite simple. The girls were alright with each a different personality. Didn't like the main character at first just being a blue figurine. Wish there were animated movements. Others from that i quite enjoyed this and can't wait to try the sequel.
    Likes: mc247
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This was surprisingly good.
    It has a nice slow however not painfully slow buildup and can be played though in one session. Choices lead to a predictable outcome - or at least it did in my playthrough.
    I noticed that it's missing the incest tag. Wether it contains incest might depend on the players choices - for me it did.
    While the graphics are not exactly high end, they worked for me. It's good enough that I'll probably play it again sometime, so I think it's worth a 4.5* rating which I'll gladly round up (y)
    Likes: mc247
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    this is enjoyable the girls are a little fast but it is a porn game whish there was a walkthrough or a gallery to make sure i got all the scenes. There was couple times where the game said something happened but it did not in my play and once where something did that they said did not but that fixed in the very next scene if not for those over sights i would give this full marks
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game. It has a lot of back story depending on which ever route that you choose. I would even say this is maybe low-key incest, but im not too sure. If you could choose rubi route and maybe correct me on this.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    [Review for v0.8]

    I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game. It's not perfect, but it's better than it seems on the surface.

    writing: 3.8/5 - It starts off a little rough. The English is readable, but not great at first. But it gradualy improves the further you get into the game. I appreciate that an effort was made.

    Characters: 4/5 - they start off simplistically. But eventually you see that even the most shallow of characters have more depth to them. They're not among the best characters ever written or anything, but the dev does a good job of gradually making you care about them and their needs and insecurities. The main character is also not a douche (though there are instances where you can make him be one). He cares about the girls more than just getting his dick wet.

    story: 3.7/5 - It's a simplistic set up that has more or less been done before. You're a tutor. You're tutoring girls who are having problems in school. You also have the option to form relationships with their mothers. It's simple, but it gets the job done.

    Renders: 4*/5 - The renders are good if you don't mind Koikatsu (I used to not like it much, but it's grown on me). The sex scenes are nice. The asterix is there because the male character model is just a blue outline with a penis, rather than an actual person. I personally do not like this choice at all. I don't even like when devs go out of their way to hid the MC's face... and this is that taken to the extreme. Kind of annoying all things considered. But outside of this I generally enjoy the renders.

    (Note: there are some awkward scenes at the MC's desktop where a character sprite will be shown in a weird miniature position that doesn't really work. But these sections are few and far between. Overall the renders are good).

    Also worth noting, there are no animations. But the still shots are done well with enough variation to imply motion without showing it.

    Overall enjoyment: 4/5 - I did not expect to like this as much as I do. The character work really carries the game past the initial start where it feels like you've pretty much already seen this and done that. It's a solid game with a lot of content currently available.