[R>Artist 2D] [R>Artist 3D] Paid Share Team EternalIT is looking for you!


New Member
Feb 17, 2018

Hello F95 =) ,
I am looking for for talented individuals to build a team for our first adult gaming project. The Game is set in a in a new universe which was fully developed by experienced story authors.

So lets give you some informations shall we?

Story Summary:

Codename is a adult visual novel - story driven game that thrusts the player into the role of our main character "Name". An ordinary student who has already been punished by fate. After losing his mother, he lives with his aunt in a new city that is absolutely new to him . Through mysterious circumstances, "Name" has now access to a world of power and mystery that he has never thought possible. Such things that only exist in fairy tails. Even the existence of such a world which he would never even been convinced to is hard for him at first . He now has the opportunity to change the course of fate. Will he be able to do justice to this power, justice to this great responsibility? Or will he succumb to corruption? The world builds on an upper and lower world system. The upper world resembles our real world, whereas the lower world runs in parallel with its own laws and regulations.


  • Characters in the Visual Novel Part will be fully animated (Live2D alike - or 3d animated)
  • Five planned main supporting Characters (and a lot of lovely side characters)
  • Full RPG like combat system / Party Combat (80% done)
  • Full decision-, feeling- and loyalty system (50% done) - timed decisions included (Decisions with high consequence factor. Nobody is safe within the story. You fell into shock while watching the red wedding in Game of ? Hopefully you are ready for a new hell ride)
  • Part- to full Voice Acting (Depending on the success)
  • Interactive development, our supporters can actively become part of the story (The story will have a high replayability factor - )
  • Adult Scenes fully animated!
  • 15 hrs of main Story Content (50% Story Board done. We release in episodes which we call arcs, full release planned to be 2022!)
"Codename" is a story driven game where the player's choices are vital. Unlike in traditional visual novels, the main character isn't always the hero or villain of the story. Instead, you as a player have full control over the world arround our mc. Each non player character has a deep story, with personal backgrounds and motivations which we will explore in the course of the story. Every decision the player makes should have a consequence - leading you through a fantasy world full of possibilities.


Our team was formed 11/2019 as a part time project , like all great stories start right? We made good progress of the core systems in the first months and then COVID-19 came and that is hitting us hart. All our team members suddenly in a temporary main work situation or even without a main income made sure that we had to say goodbye to some of our team members (We lost one of our main writers and the main artist) The goal of the team was to add more members 2020/21 and give people with social and or mental limitations a chance to work with us. We believe that restrictions do not reduce creativity and your willingness to perform in the long term. The founder of our team has a lot of personal experience working with people with disabilities . He has a long personal background in working together with handicapped persons. The Team would like to give people with such restrictions the opportunity to participate in game development worldwide! Our Devs will be part of a family to cope better with their restrictions and to offer creative opportunities to be proud of . That they can improve in every way of life with the game! Thats the passion we are aiming for! Corona destroyed this plan , actually it was planned to get support through a kickstarter / indiego campaign but that is now on hold.

Looking for:

We are looking for a 2D and or 3D artist. Since we don't know yet how we want to continue the projects artside

Employment Type:

We are going to host a Patreon campaign (And maybe an additional indiegogo campaign) and I will share the income with everyone involved in the project. In addition, I want to employ you! 3-4 core members by mid-next year at least part-time (20 hours a week, Health insurance, paid vacation included)

Work commitment:
Per request. We will hold online meetings and set out different goals weekly/monthly. You can currently see this as a hobby project with possible future security

Preferred method of contact:
E-Mail me at : kerchner@eternal-it.de

Additional stuff:
We are currently not sharing any images, story details or names from our project. We are a strict opponent of Patreon usage and the "paying" even though you have little or nothing to show except maybe some artwork. We will have Patreon up with the first playable demo version and no it is not just 10 minutes to play :p . During development, our supporters will know exactly where we are, where we want to go and what to expect from us now and in the future.


New Member
Feb 17, 2018
Me again =) ,

One of my team members suggested to put out a little FAQ , so here it is :D

Q: The Game core systems are working?
A: Yes, the combat system, decision making, romance and all other story important systems are almost complete and work in our testing environment (Filler Art, Filler Backgrounds and so on)

Q: What is missing?
A: The complete artistic part is not yet available. We have worked with artists before and have a lot of concept art and even 3 finished characters. So for the new artist it is adapting to that art style or we create something new.

Q: Are you going to introduce yourself?
A: Yes we will do that! As soon as our team is full , we will "reveal" who we are, what we did before and what we have in mind with our project

Q: Why is Patreon the way for us?
A: Patreon allows us to develop closer to our players, so we get precise impressions of the wishes from the players. The Patreon Reward Tiers are build to support that. All Players who support us, can show us what they want to see in our game and we give them the chance to influence a world they like.

Q: The job description states that you want to offer permanent employment, why?
A: We live in uncertain times and financial security is something I would like to offer to others as soon as I can. Too many freelancers or temporary workers live from one insecurity to the next. I was caught like this myself for a long time. Not knowing whether you can pay the next bill because you are still waiting for open payments from your client. Then what if you get sick or want to go on vacation with the family?

Q: Can other artists / talents contact you?
A: Ofc they can! No matter if coder, 3d animator, 3d artist or other people that wants to join us. Just write an email and we can sit down together in the Discord. There are already a lot of things and we have a clear idea, but that doesn't mean that we cannot adjust the direction we want to go =)

Crazy Penguin

Game Developer
Jul 17, 2019
how big is your team, I saw your group on Reddit about 5-6 months ago recruiting, and still you are in that phase, which some work has been done from what I saw earlier it doesn't look like you selected many from the 50 people (I think)...
Also on which platform are you making this game

found it ( )


New Member
Feb 17, 2018
Hello wise2face

I am happy to answer your questions. We were on the right track five months ago as described in the opening text above and the original plan was to go through the project with a single core artist. Back then we had a background designer, two people who did 2d animation, 1 main coder, one that supported us (freelance) and 2 story writers. Adding another colleague who takes care of music / sounds was also on paper. The whole thing before Covid.

The project started as a Renpy version (story development) but then we switched to Godot because our main developer had the most experience there. As you can understand, we had to adapt a lot for this and we came up with some ideas that we want more than a pure visual novel. At the moment there are only three of us left from the previous seven who are working on this project right now as part-time thing and still on a hobby basis. So far, we have financed it out of our own pockets if needed.

Crazy Penguin

Game Developer
Jul 17, 2019
(y) you are you going for 2d version now or have moved to 3d, and is this game continue to develop in godot?