Teaser trailer & previews for new cyberpunk game "Edge of Anarchy"


Active Member
Game Developer
May 6, 2017
Hey everyone. I just wanted to show off a little teaser trailer for a cyberpunk themed game @neoXcity and I are about to release very soon. Hope you like it:)

The Story
Set in the year 2198, Hypnos City, an independent state operating outside the jurisdiction of any other government body, is on the brink of collapse. Erected less than a century ago with the intent of becoming a haven for the poor and destitute, it was doomed instead to become a corrupt, inequality filled city, where prostitution, drugs, and violence was woven into the very fabric of it's society.

When a national incident occurs, our protagonist Roland, a detective for the Hypnos City Police Department, must navigate the criminal underbelly of Hypnos, and prevent it from erupting to the surface in an outburst of chaos and bloodshed, all the while battling the grim reality of his own past and future.

At least that's the basic gist of it...

What is Edge of Anarchy?
Our goal for "Edge Of Anarchy" is to create an expansive, open world visual novel filled with a vast array of colorful characters and gripping storylines like no other adult game has created before. While these are lofty ambitions, we'd rather fail big, than succeed in doing what countless other developers have already done before.

Simply put, this isn't a porn game. It's an adult game. And the distinction is important. Yes, there will be sex, and plenty of it at that, but only because it fits into the world we've created, and the characters that would realistically engage in it. Story and believability come first.

Ultimately, what we want you to experience is an adventure. You'll constantly discover and explore new locations, and in turn, meet a lot of characters who each have their own personalities and motives. Some you'll love, and some you'll hate (hopefully love to hate). Some will betray you, and some you may even betray yourself. And some will die, too. All of this is the reality of life in Hypnos City. So be prepared for quite a ride. We hope you'll enjoy it.

And finally, here are a few in-game previews as well.

1.jpe 2.jpe 3.jpe 4.jpe

Papa Ernie

Dec 4, 2016
Hey everyone. I just wanted to show off a little teaser trailer for a cyberpunk themed game @neoXcity and I are about to release very soon. Hope you like it:)

The Story
Set in the year 2198, Hypnos City, an independent state operating outside the jurisdiction of any other government body, is on the brink of collapse. Erected less than a century ago with the intent of becoming a haven for the poor and destitute, it was doomed instead to become a corrupt, inequality filled city, where prostitution, drugs, and violence was woven into the very fabric of it's society.

When a national incident occurs, our protagonist Roland, a detective for the Hypnos City Police Department, must navigate the criminal underbelly of Hypnos, and prevent it from erupting to the surface in an outburst of chaos and bloodshed, all the while battling the grim reality of his own past and future.

At least that's the basic gist of it...

What is Edge of Anarchy?
Our goal for "Edge Of Anarchy" is to create an expansive, open world visual novel filled with a vast array of colorful characters and gripping storylines like no other adult game has created before. While these are lofty ambitions, we'd rather fail big, than succeed in doing what countless other developers have already done before.

Simply put, this isn't a porn game. It's an adult game. And the distinction is important. Yes, there will be sex, and plenty of it at that, but only because it fits into the world we've created, and the characters that would realistically engage in it. Story and believability come first.

Ultimately, what we want you to experience is an adventure. You'll constantly discover and explore new locations, and in turn, meet a lot of characters who each have their own personalities and motives. Some you'll love, and some you'll hate (hopefully love to hate). Some will betray you, and some you may even betray yourself. And some will die, too. All of this is the reality of life in Hypnos City. So be prepared for quite a ride. We hope you'll enjoy it.

And finally, here are a few in-game previews as well.

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U write reel gud! ;)

Good luck with your game!


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Staff member
Community Liaison
Jul 7, 2017
Been following you guys for a little while now. Glad to see you getting closer to a release. It looks great! Looking forward to trying it out.