Unity - Teen Titans Lust [2024-04-05] [Locoto Studios]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It's ugly, it's boring and it's not well executed.
    For a rhythm game, good rhythm maps are really important. This game seems very disinterested in making you feel the music, as sections with beats are randomly empty and the decision of where to put "holds" or not also seeming somewhat random.

    I'll give props because it does appear some real effort was made, it just lacks basic competence.
  2. 2.00 star(s)

    Captain Crash

    The game can't maintain a good frame rate despite it not doing anything intensive and the animation is lackluster. The gameplay is simple, not that there's anything inherently wrong with that, but when the animations aren't worth playing for there isn't much reason to play the game. It's not offensively bad, but there are plenty of much better porn games out there.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Chibi raven seriusly? On top this is just click button in song tune. Like those game with music and such. Model is just meh.

    Also already content behind Patreon soooo hard pass.
    Lets add the fact that cameraman is making this video drunk. Someone probably will get sick from all this motion.