VN - Unity - Tenants of the Dead [v1.05] [NTRMAN]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent NTR game. NTR lovers should surely add this to their collection. Curvy main FL is great. MC has a chance to be a man and not just a cuck.

    Overall great scenes and animation as well. Audio good too. Gameplay not too complicated either.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Great art with a very entertaining story and setting. The women are drawn beautifully with large breasts and big asses. Only downside is disappointing camera choices and strange static effect during gameplay.

    Would highly recommend.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Hugely disappointed with this. Definitely one of NTRmans weaker works.

    I honestly have a hard time figuring out who this game is for. For an ntr game, there is a surprising large amount of 1on1 vanilla sex with the MC and all the side-characters. I think overall there is almost more scenes of the MC screwing girls than of him getting NTR’ed, which I do not understand why this is the case for a proclaimed NTR-focused game by an author who named himself NTRman.

    Vanilla scenes in NTR games is done to highlight and express the love between the MC and the LI to make the NTR hit harder but non of side characters got ntr scenes(and there are many). So what the heck is the point of having so many side-characters the MC can fuck in an NTR game???

    So I ask again, who was this game was made for? Vanilla players will surely not touch it because the SO have many unavoidable NTR scenes and people looking for NTR will be disappointed so many scenes in the game is the MC fucking around like a chad. Why is this game so highly praised? I don’t get it…
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    The interactivity of this game is why it is my favorite among the NTRMAN games :3 Also doing everything you can to survive only to end up getting cheated on is a slap to the face that I can't stop coming back to.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Gave it a 5 star but it should be around 4.5 realistically. Giving that this was basically the last update in terms of actual content besides VA implementation I think I can give an actual opinion on the content now.

    The stories themselves were good all around but some were clearly better than others, however the biggest downside in my opinion were the actual storyline conclusions for most if not all of them. I feel like every route ended rather abruptly leaving out a lot of unexplored potential, specially for Nelson's and the newest Liam route. They pretty much dwarf Jiwoo's and Yongsun's scenes in terms of the NTR aspect as well as art and animations imo and it's unfortunate that good routes had to be/felt cut short for the sake of simply adding in more routes for more ''variety'' I guess. I would rather have three 5/5 routes then five 3/5 routes.

    As for the sex scenes themselves, pretty good, I actually liked the far-out sex scene shots a lot and I wish more games would implement those types of povs but I feel like it overstayed its welcome here and could've been handled better. For example we could've gotten far-out sex scenes shots whenever Deasin is peaking or looking through cameras and then actually get close-ups of the scenes from Minjee's own pov as well as a better understanding of her inner thoughts, which was something that I feel like this game desperately needed. Don't misunderstand I'm not one of those people that wants a super well written and in depth story of her getting corrupted but I just felt like we were really detached from her inner thoughts for most of the game and like I said some close ups during sex scenes and more intimate inner dialogues would've have helped with that imo.

    Thats pretty much my only complains of the game, imo this game still has a lot of untapped potential and NTRMAN could easily put another 2-3 updates worth of content(for the existing and rather unfinished- ish routes instead of simply adding more routes for the sake of variety) into it if he wanted to or if his fans expressed their desire for it, which I do. But for now, it honestly feels unfinished which is a shame.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Another solid NTRMAN game.

    Im not a huge fan of NTR when it comes to your significant other. I just think that its kinda tackey and overplayed. Tenants of the Dead has like every single type of NTR when it comes to this subgenre. Brainwashing, Old dude, Sharing, Ex boyfriend, and Rape. So if you really like significant other NTR then you will adore this game. Outside of the Rape and the weird cult stuff i did very much enjoy most of the things in this game.

    NTRMAN still has some of the best visuals and animations in the medium. He has the most characters in this game out of any game he has done and they all look great. Definitly worth a play just for the visuals and animations alone.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good! I wish I could rate it 4.5, there's a lot of stuff in the 4-4.5 range that is pure garbage compared to this.

    Quite well polished. Above average writing. I felt a little baited by the English voicework in the intro, it'd be nice if more voiceover is planned, because what is there is quite good.

    -1 star for some game breaking bugs, grammar/English syntax mistakes, and some slight tedium in the form of pseudo-gameplay choices (eating and bathing every day)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Another game with the NTRMAN magic. great graphics, great atmosphere and somehow he always manages to create ingenious settings, only the often too small male actors and some animations have room for improvement, some others are absolutely brilliant. Anyone who liked one of his games will love this one = 5 stars = Patreon+1
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Best game since Adelaide Inn. I have not been a fan of ntrman's recent works at all but this game really harkens back to the glory days of late 2019, the story is solid fleshed out well rounded, stetting is novel, pacing is good, and every route has it's surprises/rewards. My one complaint is how repetitive the apartment sections are, it could use something to make it less monotonous. Very good work on this.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    Cookie Monster83

    I love NTRMAN games!
    Somehow I really like the style of women and bodies.
    Adelaide Inn is my all time favorite, but this game is promising to be a good runner up.
    Hopefully there will be soon some major updates with good content.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Heavily underrated art style 100% recommend , Story with multiple paths and endings. If you have liked his previous games and dont mind the ntr this game is for you. You can probably get all the scenes in an hour or 2 so its a short game but worth it
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    If you are familiar with NTRMAN's work, then you'll probably love this game too, simple.
    The art and animation are top notch as always, the gameplay is a little bit more involved than previous games but still nothing too crazy, and man, oh man, the main girl is insanely cute. On top of that, there's a lot of different costumes to unlock which i LOVE in any game.

    The game is great but i'm giving 4 stars because of a few bugs i found, and one made me reload a save which was a little bit of time loss, but overall really good quality considering all the shit i've played in this site lol.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good and has some HUGE potential! I really hope to see this one developed and expanded a lot. Artwiork is usual NTRman style and enjoyable, the game plays nicely and has LOADS that can be expanded on to make this one of the jewels in F95's crown!
  14. 4.00 star(s)



    Welcome to Tenants of the Dead! A Visual Novel meets (lite) Zombie Survival game where one wrong move could mean the difference between life and death...and getting cucked into oblivion harder than Adam22. You play as Daeshim, a twitch streamer who was happily living together with his hot as hell girlfriend Minjee until a Zombie Apocalypse takes their city by storm. With the undead now prowling the streets and any chance at a rescue being slim to none, Daeshim must scavange whatever resources he can find while dealing with other surivors with potentially dubious intentions for both him and his significant other.

    - Both the artwork and animations are phenomenal. NTRMAN just doesn't miss when it comes to visuals.
    - Minjee is one of the sexiest heroines the dev has created so far and has a well-written dynamic with Daeshim that can get genuinely wholesome in certain scenes.
    - On the flipside, its an NTRMAN work through and through, so if you enjoyed that particular flavor of adulterous degeneracy they're known for, you won't be disapointed here. Hell, even Daeshim can get laid by some of the other female tenants he comes across in his escapades.
    - For an Early Access Build, there is a surprising level of divergence between each route, somewhat akin to The Adelaide Inn in terms of how your decisions and items on hand can lead to distinctive outcomes.

    - By virtue of being a WIP, there's a ton of glitches ranging from bugged visuals like a spinning door knob to certain routes not being made available in spite of already posessing the items neccessary to unlock them.
    - The "survival" part of the gameplay loop, while ambitious compaired to NTRMAN's previous titles, is very barebones in execution and becomes a slog to grind through on multiple playthroughs. Especially since exploration is limited to only two areas.
    - Limited save slots that can only be accessed via the MC's appartment instead of the menu.

    TL;DR: If you're a fan of NTRMAN's work or just looking for a good fap while enjoying a decent narrative, give it a shot. But if you're also looking for this to be something like Project Zomboid but with H-Scenes, you're gonna end up being disappointed.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    to be honest when i saw main page of this game on F95z (in my head) oh this Big boob lady where later some supporter ask for incest stuff, and with incest patch, she do look older.. story is a typical Korean zombie survival drama that start with doom, than bit HOPE.. than crush! despair... but eh is not! game manage to surprise me!! i don't like play game NO option avoid NTR.. but this some how have option(thank you game DEV) and thank you for HyuNa!! got to love local Whore... because MC GF is blueball Cow(well unless i missed the sex option)

    Model it looks well design! and for game i download and play for FREE is GOOD! oh got voiced and the game is still in Progress.. i said WELL DONE! keep up game DEV!

    Recommendation(my opinion) MORE SEX! shoot may option fuck zombies... and Support the Game DEV! is game is GUUD!
    :KEK: (y) (y)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect mix of degeneracy, thicc anime women, and the best: cuckoldry.

    Also not your typical NTRMAN - it's not just an VN, but has UI and decisions that feel more like a game.

    Interaction with NTRMAN writing and art.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I think its an excellent game for an early release, it does have its flaws like for example, the sanity system and the need to shower really dont offer nothing to the game, its something you do because you either do it or you die but the gameplay is just 1 click between you and the actual game every in game day, but overall I enjoyed my time playing it a lot, the sex scenes were pretty hot, the art style is as always so high quality, the setting is something that is not explored much but whenever an H game set in a post apocalyptic world it is very welcome. The game feels fresh and when waging the pros and cons I am pleasantly surprised to say that im happy with this game. Just keep in mind that because this game is meant to be a quick, kind of short game, the pacing can feel a bit rushed for people that enjoy the SLOW-BURN corruption and very slow build up that feels "natural" that some other games have.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this is extremely well polished and I see some well planned out paths. Even the interactions between mc and fmc make the game even more based.

    Overall, I think the design is focused nicely with a fair balance between survival, combat, trading and delicious content :coffee:

    Plenty of trust in this dev too :D
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down one if not the best of the NTR Zombie games out here. I'll write more about the game once its completed for now you can play and fap, fap and play with the current progress.
    Idk why we need 200 characters to write a review on this site but im up for it since its the rules

    Gameplay-wise is a semi VN but with daily tasks system consists of taking care of basic needs and going out for supply run.
    Choices u make will have an impact on what kind of erotic scenes you will experience in this game
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Good one and has great potential! Seems more developed than the previous ones, a bit tedious with the rinse and repeat of starting a new game each time for different route... looking forward to next update.