A great VN hobbled by the stiffest, most awkward translation possible while still technically being correct English most of the time. Would easily be 4 or 5 stars if not for that.
As is, it's a well illustrated and voice acted moege with just enough plot to keep things moving as you're served a big dose of cute and sexy fox girls. If you're a sucker for fox girls like me, it might be worthwhile to push through. Otherwise, it will likely be too hard to get over just how awkward the translation is. Really, I should be rating this 2 stars since the translation hurts it that much, but I can't bring myself to do that to Shiro and Kon.
As is, it's a well illustrated and voice acted moege with just enough plot to keep things moving as you're served a big dose of cute and sexy fox girls. If you're a sucker for fox girls like me, it might be worthwhile to push through. Otherwise, it will likely be too hard to get over just how awkward the translation is. Really, I should be rating this 2 stars since the translation hurts it that much, but I can't bring myself to do that to Shiro and Kon.