Others - Completed - Tentacles Invasion [Final] [Koguma Project]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Played for about five minutes. The UI looks nice, the character controls nicely and I don't mind the randomly spawning ammo. Graphics are very iconic and definitely give an SNES feel to some of the older titles, but at the end of the day I wandered around a bit, shot at random tentacles and saw a game over screen. I don't need direction on where to go but the fact that there isn't a little bit of a longer stretch between tentacle bundles appearing and disappearing, or that there isn't an indicator except for them fading into existence or out of it is a bit underwhelming. I'd like to see a few things ironed out about it too since wandering through corridors feels mindless. I do wish I could control with mouse instead, a lack of stationary directional firing definitely hurts this game more than it helps.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Here's a review of Tentacles Invasion by Koguma Project. This is the final version.

    I ended up at 3 stars as I did play it for 1 hour or so where I did try my best to not lose. It was close at times and that part was decent. Unfortunately the porn part of the game is a let down, and there is no real progression or upgrade system to remove some of the monotony. Therefore 3 is the highest I can go.

    This review is split into the following sections:
    • The story
    • The gameplay
    • The story
    The game is set in space with the fairly standard "space freighter going / returning to somewhere". In this case some corporation decided that it would like to use the crew of ship as unwilling experiments for tentacle monsters. You're the last crewmember to not be captured, and you must now find and free the crew.

    To do so you're equipped with an armored space suit and some sort of laser rifle. The gameplay is straight forward: your space suit can take 5-6 hits after which the tentacles can get inside it. There they start groping and penetrating the MC.
    The controls are a bit convoluted - for instance I never learned how to make use of items.

    The game play also direly needs some sort of progression / upgrade system to prevent it from becoming a monotonous grind. And that is a let down; all enemies are essentially the same - sure some are a bit larger, some can "sprint" and so on, but they look quite similar.

    Anyways, it would've been nice with some form of progression.

    The Porn
    The porn is a let down. The only porn you see is when you liberate your fellow crew, and it isn't overly interesting. In the same vein, the tentacles that go inside your suit do the same thing all the time. Reaching climax will give you a game over which surprisingly and disappointingly isn't animated.

    Although the game features the pregnancy tag, I don't actually think that the MC can get pregnant.

    To sum it up:
    The Good
    • Decent shooter
    • The art is kinda cute for the MC
    The In-between
    • Convoluted controls
    • Samey enemies
    • No progression/upgrade systems
    The Bad
    • Uninspiring porn content
    • Losing means game over.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Short and fun game, the controls take a bit to get used to but they fit the "big clunky spacesuit" vibe. Scenes are really hot, big reccomend if you are a fan of seedbed tentacles. Art is good, sound design is decent. Gameplay gets a bit samey towards the end, also sometimes it feels you cannot avoid damage but that's fine, you can tank a lot and most of the time a syringe will spawn before you reach max arousal. 5 stars for me, probably 4 stars to 3 on a more objective scale.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Despite being short this game is pretty hard to beat, has great (tho not many) animations and great plot, wich I enjoyed A LOT! wish for part two or any other cool game from devs! yippy! would recommend to all my friends and relatives inclubing children of my sister!
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    A dull, irritating experience that could have been great with better execution.

    The idea of an h-game that's a top-down shooter is a clear winner in my books; Give us some big-ass guns, drop us in with some monsters, and let the carnage begin. Tentacles Invasion, though, somehow manages to fuck this formula up to degrees I didn't think was possible.

    First off, the gameplay loop gets repetitive really quick. You run around a map, play zone control to open locked doors or turn on the power (so you can in turn open the locked doors), blast a big pile of tentacles, then rescue some chick you know nothing about before returning to home base. Rinse and repeat this process eight more times, all while being attacked by enemies that spawn on top of you. The luster wears off fast since there's no new gameplay mechanics to keep things fun and exciting. Floor two introduces a few panels that you can't walk across without taking damage and this stupid-ass space pod section that controls like dookie. If you've ever played Earthworm Jim, it's like the tube races in the water level but ten times worse. Oh, and there's a unique game over you get for saving some scientist the game tells you not to save. Yippee.

    Side tangent: If we know this bitch is the person who let all these stupid tentacles run amok in the first place and she's by herself in some space pod, why can't I just pull up, put a cap in her ass, and continue on my way? She gets labeled as dead if you don't save her, so why not do the job yourself and guarantee she won't cause any more fuckery later on. I guess the MC is too much of a pussy to do that, even knowing that her sister is getting endlessly dicked down by a bunch of tentacle monster because of this fucknugget.

    Weapons, which should be a strong suit for this type of game, are also a big disappointment. You get a standard rifle by default, which has limited ammo. Yeah, your starter weapon has a limited amount of fucking shots before you can't even defend yourself. Ammunition drops randomly pop on the screen when you're not at max rounds, so why couldn't they just give the damn rifle unlimited ammo? It's even more of an shitshow in boss fights where, if your coffers go dry, you gotta run around the screen like an asshole while waiting for another magazine to magically pop up. I've got a high-tech plasma rifle as a starting weapon and you're telling me it runs on standard bullets? Fuck off.

    You can also find special weapons that come in the form of bullets dealing increased damage and a flamethrower. That's it. No shotguns, miniguns, spread guns, rocket launchers, lasers, nothing. The flamethrower is also just a more powerful version of the rifle, which is kind of understandable but still lame. The bigger issue is that special guns don't respawn when you venture back out into the breach; Once you pick it up, it's gone for the rest of the game. So if you're like me and grab the items when you first see them because why would you not, you're essentially handicapping yourself for when you return later on. I get this is a horror game and they're doing the whole "you need to make careful decisions" schtick, but that all goes out the window when you're continuously being assaulted by enemies that infinitely respawn.

    Oh, the fucking enemy spawns. As mentioned earlier, the tentacle piles that make up this game's entire bad-guy roster have a nasty tendency to spawn right within striking distance, leading to many bullshit moments where you get hit by something you can't even react to. The game tries to patch this over by having destructible armor before the tentacles start eating away at your health, but it feels more like putting a bandage on a bullet wound as opposed to designing good levels with set enemy spawns. Not that it matters much with how the health system works: Once you hit 100% damage, you have a set amount of time to grab a randomly spawning health drop before dying. Unless you accidentally/purposely don't pick up the item, you won't game over no matter how many times you get hit. Again, it feels like more shitty game design to account for the infinite enemy spawns than anything else. Hell, the final area of the game even acknowledges this since you need to run across rooms that deal unavoidable damage (Metal Gear, anyone?).

    H-scenes look nice on the surface, but they're all just two second animations on loop. There's only five or six scenes as well, as most get reused multiple times alongside they're accompanying dialogue. Although I'm not a tentacle guy myself, it's disappointing to see the utter lack of originality when the theming at hand gives a wild range of possibilities for lewd content.

    The one good thing I can say about Tentacles Invasion is that it's short. That said, I still feel as though I wasted an hour of my life that I'll never get back on this shitload of fuck. If you're in the mood for a top-down shooter, just go and play Shock Troopers instead. Your sanity will thank you.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Short and fun game, excellent visuals, excellent H-Scenes, interesting premise and decent gameplay. Takes 40-60 minutes to complete 100% the game and it doesn't get boring, it's a clear homage to Alien and other top-down shooter games from the 16-bit era.

    My only "complaint", is that the author could have spent more time adding extra depth to it, but let's hope that this first game goes well so that an even better second one can see the light of day. And if the biggest complaint people can give is that there should be more of it, you've done a good job.

    Still, there's stuff that could be implemented on a second game (additional weapons, more upgrades, more enemy variety...) and I really hope we see one.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is short, which means it doesn't overstay its welcome. Any longer would have gotten tedious.
    Combat is a little bit bullshit, but it'd be trivial otherwise. I'm not particularly good, but I never lost. This isn't like other twin-sticks shooters where you need to clear the arena and then proceed: here there are infinite enemies and you just need to escape.
    Erotic content is more for ambience than the point; if you want to skip the game and just look at 2-frame animations of tentacles groping and fucking women there's better choices.
    There's no permanent in-game map. You're expected to plan your route before you head out. Rooms are numbered for a reason.

    The whole thing is a genre homage and it's playing it to a T. So I found the true ending a little annoying.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very fun game, you can tell a lot of thought was put into it over just pure lewdness which is a nice touch.

    Combat very basic but fun.
    Lewd scenes are handled nicely.
    Story kind of lacking but still interesting enough for a Alien parody.
    Game length is really short only reason I'm tempted to not giving it 5 stars. lol

    Hopefully they have a sequel.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    The Slow Turtle

    I love this game, though I do understand it's not for everyone. The animations are very detailed and quality. Combat can be challenging. In this case, combat can become challenging not because of difficulty, but because the controls are a bit eh. The story and setting are interesting.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty fun game with fantastic pixel art. I didn't find the gameplay overly frustrating once I got used to the controls, but can understand why some other reviewers did. My only real complaint is that a lot of the sex scenes felt very similar to one another visually, with only the medbay scene feeling like it broke the mold from the others.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a fairly enjoyable game. I enjoyed the story to the point where i thought of myself as a soldier killing aliens. (wonder why...)

    Although being a short game story it is a respectable with simple mechanics, fun combat, and lewd scenes.

    enemy spawns are kinda stupid, enemies can sometimes spawn basically ontop of you, it gives them a free hit which is sometimes annoying. But after a while it kinda becomes expected and easier to dodge.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty good game overall. The art is nice and the concept of an alien fondling the heroine inside her suit while she tries to complete her mission hits all the right spots.

    The gameplay is a bit unfair but it's no real trouble. The controls do take some getting used to, she handles like a tank.

    The only reason why I'm scoring this a 4/5 and not a 5/5 is due to the endings not being my cup of tea.
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  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Can't recommend this one.

    THE GOOD. The art is really good, 10/10. Voice acting.

    THE BAD. All of the content is locked behind rescuing survivors to complete the gallery or getting hit (you are going to get hit a lot). Infinite spawning enemies with horrible controls is not a god combination, also the enemies are invulnerable the first second they spawn and can spawn literally in you face if you are moving too fast.

    TL;DR I recommend you use a full save.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Fanastic premise by this japanese dev. Tentacle theme'd sex with a space aesthetic, animated H scenes with solid gameplay mechanics that also involve H content. The gamer aspect is quite easy, it's hard to game over so you'll have time to apperciate the progression of the H content. The story is short and to the point.

    Unfortunately, this game is held back by the extremely poor quantity of H content. There's only a single animated H scene for the gameplay mechanics involved, the rest just involves event H scene collecting via rescuing crew members or visitng med bay, all of which are just gallery moments essentially. A very promising title held back by the artist, what a shame.

    I suggest aspiring devs use this as a study for ACT H Game designs as the concept here is great and ulitmately what carries this title. Just be sure to, you know, actually do the art as well. For anything else I wouldn't recommend this title, it's a waste of time.
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    cursed spark

    this game is a shooter, with pick ups, quite simple you move around and you can shoot in the last direction you looked/walked

    The game isnt difficult per-se
    but its full to the brim with bull-shit, tentacle swarms spawn out of thin air, with 0 way for you to predict their spawns to avoid damage, which for me lead to vessel popping frustration as i just tried to finish the game, and kept getting hit, and having next to no choice in the matter

    your objective is to rescue as many crew members as you can, while avoiding becoming a tentacle nursery your self... and theres not much reward for loosing either, as you are hit with a single still image the same one as the one you can see on the main page of F95 post... then you get a game over and are sent to the title screen... thats it... > sure the progressive squirming of tentacles into your suit as they over-whealm you is quite nice... but there could have been more when you actually end up loosing...

    the art and atmosphere are quite good

    over-all i cannot recomend this game, as its not really for a wank...
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Tentacle Invasion is certainly a game with a chunk of faux-pas and problems, but they are minor issues. Be aware of two things before you get into it.
    This is a game first and an H-game second. The game requires two hands to play, and the pace is non-stop, so you wouldn't have much time to enjoy it, regardless.
    This game is also pretty darn difficult. It doesn't play nice and it doesn't play fair. I beat it in two hours with only a single game-over (Aside from the story-based bad-end) and I got through by the skin of my teeth.

    As a quick introduction to what's what in this game; You're a cute girl in an armored space suit. You can run and shoot in any of the 8 cardinal directions. If you're shooting in one direction, you can move independently of it, which is important, since you have to backpedal from enemies almost constantly.
    There are two buttons - "Shoot," and "Look inside your armor."
    The first one is self-explanatory. The second shows how tentacles are getting into the suit. The second is also the main way that you can see any tentacle action aside from after you have defeated a boss. However, if tentacles are inside the main character's suit, you're in serious trouble.
    The maps are randomly generated, aside from the final area. Some doors are locked, some door systems need reactors started up, but you can tackle most of the game in any order you want, though the differences are minor, if anything.

    Again, the game is hard. That's because it doesn't play fair, and you will find yourself taking unavoidable damage routinely. This can come from many ways, whether it's enemies spawning in front of you, enemies being at an angle you cannot shoot safely, enemies simply getting to you faster than you can pump enough bullets into them, or running out of ammo during a tense section.
    You do have enough health to survive the unfair bits, but it can be very frustrating knowing you're just going to have to take damage you can't do anything about. If you keep moving, you can kill the boss, restore your health, and take a breather before your suit and your character both fail.

    As for the smut, it's mostly looped gif images. It looks nice, but there's barely any of it, so if you're here for tentacle love rape, then you're going to feel this comes up short.

    Overall, Tentacle Invasion is a competent game that is fairly difficult. It's not perfect, nor is it always fair, but it's a very solid challenge if you're looking for one in the vein of a top-down pixel shooter. The struggle does get very real by the end.
    The sexual part of the game is an afterthought, admittedly, but the artwork looks nice, even if there's cripplingly little of it.

    Oh, and pressing the "H" button on the main screen opens the gallery. You might need to fill it with girls you save during gameplay, but you can have the main character get her suit full to busting with tentacles, at least.

    Don't save the girl in the escape pod if you haven't saved recently.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't think I've seen a better example of a game shooting itself in the foot than this.

    Art style and ambience? Fantastic.
    Attractive protagonist? Wonderful.
    Gameplay? Bland and frustrating.

    Who in their right mind thought infinitely spawning enemies that literally appear on screen from nowhere was a good idea for a video game? You basically need to sit still every 4 - 5 seconds so you don't accidentally run into invisible enemies.

    It boggles my mind to go through so much effort in terms of stage design, NPC and PC design, animation and coding work, only to shit all over it by quarter-assing the gameplay.

    This is certainly one of the H-games of all time. If you're thinking about playing it, it's not worth it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty good game! Decent combat, great animations, and I love the setting. My main critique is that it's quite short, and I wish there more unique player animations. Currently you basically just have 3, which are all excellent, but more variety would be nice. The same could be said for enemy variety, which would also add to the player animations if it was expanded.

    Overall though I recommend it
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    way too difficult to progress and the enemys dont seem to ever stop or give you a moment to orient yourself in this shitty tank style movement its kinda pointless to even fight back in the first place cause theres no way to really get rid of the parasites as far as i knew no real tutorial system or anything its just crap
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Short game but it's really neat. Koguma Project have always produced solid pixel animations and with Tentacles Invasion they've done it again. A tip: if you're having trouble fighting the aliens you can shoot on the move!