Unity - Flash - Tentacles Thrive [v0.1 Beta] [Nonoplayer]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Character design and animation are awesome and that's all advantages of this game... Game design is dreadful. If there is no gui than you should give the intuitive gameplay. But I have to click all screen in the hope to find anything instead. Turned out there was a bug, there supposed to be the choice "explore", ok, not a problem i'll just restart the game and... YOU HAVE NO MENU AT ALL??? Have even tried to make your game like a GAME?
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Strange Girl

    The diversity in the creatures you can fuck in this game is simply amazing. It has everything I love, breeding, bridging the gap between humanity and a strange species. It sucks big time that it will likely never be finished due to the death of Flash.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    I am giving 3 stars due to how incomplete it was.

    It is a shame, that this was abandoned. The game mechanics looks good, what is implemented gives for enought content. The lewd part is a bit lacking, you only have enconters where you get a 5 seg gif. Nevertheless, considering the vast quantity of monster is not bad.

    Againg is a shame, since looking at what future updates would include. It seems like it could have been a really good game, in the strategy genre
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    the art and style and gameplay are great. but really i dig the artwork.

    i wish there was more to the animations but its still good.

    i find it hard to navigate often. im on pc running 3840x1600

    sometimes when navigating with a mouse, the system gets into a 'stuck-click' mode, which feels like an android thing.

    overall. one of the better games i have ever played.

    thanks and kudos
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Tentacles Thrive [v5.02]

    The game has a lot of content in terms of monsters to interact with, the graphics are acceptable and the gameplay is quite normal. Basically what you end up doing is trying to find new types of tentacle monsters by bonding, the combat system seems to me that it can improve a lot, since from my point of view it doesn't have much to do. Regarding the H content, it is very good, it has a wide variety of scenes, of very good quality, in addition to having many animations and without censorship, in this section there are honestly no complaints. I would focus on improving the game's story, the combat system, a bit of the interface and certain functions that are currently not working well or are not very useful, such as looting objects and being able to skip certain scenes directly without having to make hundreds of clicks. .

    I give this game a 7,4 out of 10.
    Likes: mc247
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my favorite game on this website.

    It has a ton of content and fetishes, the art is excellent and there is a gameplay loop that actually makes sense.

    +++ Awesome art.
    +++ Frequent updates.
    +++ Varied scenes and monsters. Lots of different fetishes.
    +++ Well written settings and descriptions
    ++ Well done progression
    + Battles are meh.

    +- No use for bonding levels except unlocking scenes and Queen Nest. This seems a wasted opportunity.

    - No real tutorial on how to progress and why.
    - The UI could be better. Lots of unneeded clicks and interactions.
    -- Unfinished features (crafting, resources are not useful yet, no endings etc...)
    -- Limit to the number of tentacles owned at a same time. I don't understand why.
    --- Flash player.

    All in all it's an awesome game with TONS of content. I will be playing it a lot more.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    A beautifully animated game with more content than there first appears. It's a little tricky to install due to using flash, but there is a guide in the Wiki on how to do so using flash projector, and the game is completely worth it. One of my favorite games!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    normally, i'm not into these types of games. i don't really care much about the strategy and the combat aspect. however, the art is really fucking good and it's enough to make me nut several times over the past years
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    actually amazing, the game has a shit ton of CGs despite not even being halfway done. There's basically no tutorial which really sucks, since there are a ton of systems to make sense of, but it makes up for with a nice deep combat system and the sheer variety of monsters you can collect. It's basically r34 pokemon
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    great potential in the game had a lot of fun playing it, some stuff need to be fixed like the fact when you want to move in the map you need to click and drag and when you "unclick" it actually select for you where you clicked since you wanted to move from a point to another instead it will take the first one that you didn't want, regardless gameplay wise it's amazing, story too, i really like the concept of having a lot of pets and conquering the enemy
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Don't get me wrong, is a great game with lot of potential but some experience with the game is just so painful. Firstly there's no 'skip' button after into... if you want to tame other same type tentacle then you pretty have to read the whole thing again. Secondly's map sensitivity... when you press 'bonding' you might easily press the habitat that you didn't want. Thirdly save system, properly save system might come in later but for now is just suck... you can only save 1 slot and there's no in game load apart from close out the exe and run exe again. This is the big one, combat strategy... there's no point having high tier monster just to have them so useless... enemy can summon 3 high tier monster at powerful or more while you can only someone 1 with these high spawn time... low tier monster just weak. I spend 3 hour using difference tactic and non of them work simply enemy tentacle just more powerful... i found a lot of allies tentacle skill really useless or just not seem to be effective enough. like 90% reduce agility... enemy still walk like normal and attack like normal. Combat just really turn me off after spend so much time leveling and collecting just for them to still easily get beat... what's the point of lvl of they not gonna get stronger?
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Tentacles Thrive became a promising, tentacle filled (*wink*) strategic 2d adventure. The additions added throughout the development process seem necessary, but also well placed.

    To some degree, this game operates with a "catch-them-all"-mentality to discover all tentacle-species... while rewarding the player not only with a new tool in their army, but some pretty awesome tentacles-scenes, too.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is great but flash is just a nuisance, saves don't work some pictures seem to be missing the full screen is a mess. Can't recommend it even though i like the art and the idea of the game.

    Without the technical problems i'd rate it 5/5 it looks great the tentacles are fun. The Breeding system is interesting.

    Great Game , Horrible Technology.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    While the main character is insanely hot in the the pictures , the game tends to get more and more complicated per update and my guess is that it will get to the point were it will be somewhat irritating.

    Also the main reason i do not give 5 stars , is the update time and content quantity. With the current montly patreon payment the dev should be able to update more frequenlty with more quantity or better quality animation.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    An actual strategy game?! On my vm overflowing, unity shovelware, low effort html, porn game site? UNHEARD OF!!
    What we have here is a very rare breed indeed. There is an actual game where you have to go around and collect various tentacle monsters that will make up your army that. you then use to conquer more territories that can contain other breeds of tentacle monsters.
    The game-play consists of Lilith (that's you, the MC) exploring looking for tentacle monsters; finding and getting boned by said tentacle monsters; having the heroine give birth to the tentacle monster species that just boned her and arranging the various tentacle monsters into an army that is then used to conquer other regions defended by non-tentacle monsters.
    The units are split into ranged and melee and have varied stats for combat and non-combat checks as well as a single combat ability that can be activated by...winking at them or blowing kisses at them or something(insert your own interpretation of what adding hearts to the creature can mean). Only the first monster fights unless there are ranged ones behind him and once he dies the next one is up. There are 2 lanes where the fighting happens and a max of 8/10 units in your army so the mix actually requires...gasp, tactics and planning. After you win, the region is yours and any new tentacle monsters that it might contain.
    On the porny side, there is a short flash scene when screwing the tentacle monsters and I really appreciate that no tentacle monster is added to the game without the accompanying boning animation. Lilith can also bond with her beasts to increase their stats and gain a bit of insight into what makes each tick. This is presented as standard or non-standard sex encounters with narration - the stories have so far been pretty good and an excellent companion to the huuuuge array of tentacle monsters on display. The imagination on display here is astounding and there is probably something for every fetish.
    TL;DR: Great game, sorry that it's not more known and that it's made in flash
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I have played the game since the bonding feature is available through a click of a button and I feel that the game could thrive and go big. With numerous tentacle monsters that already implemented and some of which are still in the works (I think), this might be a hentai game that people can enjoy, although it is quite repetitive.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    the unfinished game with great potential.
    good graphic, with a certain amount of content. started to balance with logic
    need to increase the tentacles related CG!!!
    maybe some more description on different tentacle would attract more player