Ren'Py - Completed - Tentacular [Release 4] [Jackerman]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, finished it almost two hours in. I’ll go over the pros/cons
    +Lots of well-made content with splendid animations, and overall excellent (yet basic) visuals, models and sound.
    +The most unorthodox protagonist EVER. He’s as unique as he is hilarious.
    +Alien/bestiality/strapon/pregnancy kinks implemented greatly (quite sore at times, but overall well done)
    + A variety of endings, although visually they don’t differ much

    - Repetitive and dull (yet faster than usual) sandbox gameplay elements. I hate sandbox.

    If I rated this the way movies are rated, I’d call it «a very good one-time watch». If tags appeal to you, you should give it a go!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game . This was new and refreshing after all those same type of games with same story.
    The gameplay was repetitive but this is the case with all the Ren'Py / VN games.
    Overall a great experience.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    It is criminal that only a few games of such high quality like this exist. The premise is simple and easy to follow as are your objectives. If any of the kinks on the tag suit you, well you're going to enjoy the hell out of this game. This game is great without voice acting, but the voice acting takes this game to that next level. Despite how silly the plot may seem it's very easy to immerse yourself due to the voice acting and the simplicity of the game itself. This is a must play for beasties and or bimbo lovers.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Relatively short game involving a lot of bestiality and aliens. Basically the story is you play as an alien who wants to reproduce and you land on this woman's spaceship and try to seduce/control her to allow you to do so. The renders are excellent and the sex scenes are good. My only complaints are that the proportions of all the humanoid characters are ridiculous and a lot of the gameplay is grindy point and click jobs to farm the currency in the game called "slime".
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy Fuck was this Game Smoking Hot and Fucking Epic!

    GodDamn! These types of games are virtually impossible to find! Very Fapper Friendly!, Fetch quest with fucking rewards and payout! This another instant favorite of mine as of late Tentacular was hot hot sexy funny these sex was scenes were insane out of this world, admittedly yes a little out there on the extreme side but then again gotta spice it up and get out of the vanilla zone time and again added bonus Jackerman also makes some sweet ass Videos!

    Definitely a Diamond in the Rough!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall, a great game. Overall script and included voice acting is top notch. Some of the minigames could use a little refinement, but honestly even as-is they do a great job balancing the pacing of the game. 5/5
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this, the animations and Rebecca's voice were nice.

    I would to see a sequel. c
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Ero Luffy 722

    Bestiality at its best. Great story and sex scenes are top notch. I wish the protagonist was bit more subtle and discreet but still enjoyed it very much. Is there a sequel that is to be expected ?? Like GuuKrux fucking the family and the husband being a cuck ...
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    this shit bussin RESPECTFULLY. the best part about this game is all the voluptuous bodies. its a great game to satisfy your urges. downsides i dont see many. if i had to pick one bad thing it would be frame rate fluctuation, some parts have such low frames its a bit difficult to enjoy, but besides that amazing game. ps. the frame rate drop might just be on my end from the lacking power of my personal device
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I've followed this game since the start and I got hook to it because of the crazy idea. Having an horny octopus as the MC!

    I'll start with the bad.
    The story gets confusing at times and doesn't branch out properly so save when there are choices so you don't have to replay the whole thing.
    Some of the renders aren't as high quality as we're used to from other games.

    The good.
    Everything else!
    If the renders were remade I'd give this 5/5

    Rated: 4/5
    Based on: Release 4 (Completed)
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    It's a nicely rendered, partly-voiced, a grind to corrupt, monster-sex type of experience. One star for main girl, second star for voice acting. Other than that, it's just a bestiality adult game with boring gameplay and a story that is rushed and ends abruptly. Gameplay is weak and repetitive - you just walk from one scene to another (door opening simulator) and the whole progress (unlocking scenes) is made by playing the same, simple mini-game or repeating the same two actions. Reluctance and corruption is not really played out, you're not planning, using your wits or selecting the right dialogue options. You just finish that simple and boring mini-game to unlock a new scene. Visuals are very well done and it would be a really nice, short adult game if not for those annoying design decisions to artificially lengthen the playtime.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The Bad
    • Game is short and leaves you wanting more!
    • Traversing the map wasn't well thought out. Next section arrows are placed chaotically. You'll have to click 'Left' 3x, then a left click sends you back a room, you were supposed to click 'Down'. I was over and over again clicking to move in the direction opposite of my destination.
    The Good
    • LEWD SOUNDS -- ass clapping and moaning done right, you play a game like this and wonder, 'why the fuck can't other top tier games do this right??'
    • Voice acting -- same vein as the above, it's a simple addition, but adds so much
    • Renders & Animations -- on par or better, when compared to all other top rated games listed on this site
    If you think this game is your kink -- trust me it is. If you feel like this game isn't your scene, trust me there's nothing here for you. This game is well crafted girl-on-beast, girl-on-monster; exactly what you expect it to be.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is great - really. Nice graphics, not too grindy, good voice talent, getting frequent h-scenes.

    So why only 3 stars?

    Because the majority of scenes is with the androids, and they are extremely willing.

    For a game about reluctance and corruption, the point kind of gets lost after R1, and then only picked up again about during R4.

    I would love a game more focused on progressing Rebecca from refusing your advances to carrying your babies:
    - not just one single path to success
    - multiple approaches would work (maybe at different speed)
    - possibility for set-backs (her regretting her behavior and refusing lewd actions she previously did, maybe only for stages she's done only once)
    - no easy out (where her husband ditches her so she has a green light to cheat herself). In fact, more calls back to earth where she needs to be encouraged to cover up or lie (or you'd have a bad ending where husband informs Space Authories who take remote control of the ship to save Rebecca)
    - game continues after she gives birth to Guukruux triplets if he steers off course. She remains hesitant to have more babies, and when the new squids mature, he really has to work for her to accept fucking them.
    - After a while there's lots of squids, and lots of fucking, and constant pregnancies. She pleads with Guukruux to abort their journey, and if you don't agree with this, you must find a suitable planet soon (skippable minigame) or the spaceship fills up and runs out of resources (bad ending)

    Good endings include dropping her off at Earth or populating an entire planet together.
    Likes: lvlup
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely recommended
    Story:- 3/5 there is not much story in the game but the concept is undoubtedly new
    Animation:-4.9999999/5 man the animations are the soul of the game but not give 5 bcz i want more better in future
    Art:-4.999999999999 again the best
    Time taken:- not more than 3 to 4 hrs if u read all dialogues
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Seeing game previews send me in delusion about game themes and style. If you as I was worried about MC design, don't bother, you'll see it quite rarely.
    So what this game is about then? LOTS of bestial and monster sex with extra-thick girls, and nothing more to spoil it. Renders are simply gorgeous, and there are some great animation pieces.
    There is more than one girl, but the main one is beautifully fully-voiced, which is highly immersive.
    The only weak point for me, preventing me to give it full 5 stars, even I'm a hard fan of included fetishes, is weak gameplay. You just walk from one scene to another, sometimes play some simple mini-game, occasionally read some docs, so it's not really engaging. Plus side is that you have 4 chapters, and gameplay differs slightly from one to another, but it doesn't prevent the feel of fillers between sex scenes.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameability:Not bad (This game:4/Full score:5)
    Animation:~(This game:5/Full score:5)
    Quality:Very good (this game:5 points/perfect:5)
    Accessibility: Easy for beginners. (This game: 4.5 points/Perfect score:5)
    I happened to see "jackerman" on Rule34 and I fell in love with him. "jackerman." You're the best 3D artist ever! :love::LUL:
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    My first review. It's fucking BEST game ever. Interesting dialogues, voices, animations...So perfect...Want to see new updates for this game or new game from this author. I have not seen anything like this before. This is my favorite game for now C:
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    best developer ever! seriously the quality of his animations are incredible! I can't wait for your incest project to be launched! Jackerman is really going to have a great future ahead of me, I'm sure. I also hope that soon he can develop games again, I particularly enjoy this style of short games because it leaves the game with a faster pace and prevents you from being disappointed with updates without content
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing. its 7am for me. its a long game with so much dialogue and scenes. 1st game i ever had downloaded. and I landed on something S+. thank you jackerman! once i get my bread up ill be one of your patreons. And again what an amazing game. The whole world should play this.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Story: 7/10
    Animation: 7/10
    Gameplay: 6/10
    Kinks: 7/10
    Overall: 7/10

    Been a fan since the initial release but now the game is said and done.

    So let's take it from the top. The story is right up my alley, this little dude sporting a giant wang is great. He's funny and devious, knows what he wants, and is willing do do whatever is needed to get it. Meaning Reb-uh-kah's ass of course. However I will say I thought the final release felt a bit rushed, parts just kind of flew by, scenes could have played out a little more, and of course I really wanted to see more of our green fellow corrupting Red-uh-kah's family. She had two hot daughters, ripe for the plucking. But no? What a shame.

    As for the animation, well, I though it was quite fine. The only "downside" I would point out would be the over-bimbofication of the girls. Their bodies where hugely disproportionate, they had the dick sucking faces on all the time, and it just kind of killed my belief they would be hard to break into craving some hot alien jizz for breakfast. I mean, they all look like blowup dolls. All tits and ass but lacking any brains.

    The only reason I don't rate this higher is because I sought so much more from this final product, more corruption, more girls, fun times on Earth, cucking the husband while he was oblivious to his wife's sexual deviancy, all that and more! I just hope we see more of this squid shaped fellow in another game.