Flash - Abandoned - Teraurge [v2.13] [Meandraco]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The concept is great, but it could be a lot better.

    First of the monsters are have great art.

    The choices are also okay.

    The sex scenes have a very unique artstyle which I really love.

    But there are problems.

    The most obvious it is abandoned which is alway bad.

    The map navigation isn´t really good, I like the concept a lot but it needs to be more worked out.

    The fights are also meh.

    But if you want a game with real fuckable monsters try it.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game with weird creatures that i wish this wasn't abandoned. :c its got an interesting albeit confusing at first approach to it's exploration. i think my favourite Creature was the Niird. Made sure to encounter them lots after i found out how to mate them :PogChamp:
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game made a cult following and a legacy for a reason, it's well worth your time and a deeply interesting execution. I can't say it's the best though, it's no stranger to "early access" flaws.

    It's a halfling of development, built on a rickety engine with so many missing gaps and holes. Not to mention the art in the game is a little.. rustic.

    I really have hope that the unity port of this game works out.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    what can i say.. an absolute HIDDEN GEM!!! i downloaded this and had it on my back log with the inevitbility of it just sitting there for deletion.. oh wow, i am super glad i gave it a go. the writing is phenomenal, the art is superb, the kinks is amazing, and the art matching the scenes is truly rewarding..

    this game is a niche, offering you an indepth branching story, a diverse narrative, with an abundance of characters ranging from bug like creatures, to big mercenary dudes. and thankfully they arent humanoid looking creatures, as games always tend to over do certain details.. whereas this game basks in all its glory with its freaky, but concerningly arrousing options allowing you to ponder on your ever lasting "what if" curiosities when it comes to alien creatures.

    truly, its sad to see it being abandoned, and it sucks even more so, as its usually the best games i find that are left without much active development. i saw someone doing an animated version of this, and i mean ID LOVE ANIMATED SCENES. but from what i saw, it looked too cartoonish, and really stripped away that feral esk type look of the characters. but id invest in this if development was more active, and there were more communication between the developer and their audience.

    the art is great

    the writing is amazing, considering its not their native language

    the story is intruging

    the characters are unique and diverse

    the ferals are my favourite!! unlike any other characters ive ever seen before

    dont let its description or images from this page put you off. TRY IT!!!

    wishlist just encase the dev sees: Add Analingus and cunnilingus aka ass licking etc options to ferals, cause id fully divulge in that, add more sex options to the ferals and characters, youve got a truly niche unique game here, fully embrace it by allowing the user to eat that booty of any of the interactable characters in game if being a bottom is there thing, or if its an option, same with fingering etc.

    also offer different camera angles so we can see the deed, and dependant on the angle is dependant on what we can see. so often, id love to of been able to see the MC's dick in the actual hole. just having that option truly allows the player to fine tune their own experience, aka a more fappable experience xD

    be more communicative with your audience, i know you dont want to give ETA's, but the thing is, you're not really saying much of anything. dont leave us pondering whether folks wasted money helping, or whether the games abandoned or not, clear stuff up on a monthly basis so it maintains hope and communication.

    if animated sex scenes for ferals are a potential, then pleaseeee. but if not, what we already have so far is fkn amazing. so keep it up <3

    please dont abandon this game. top marks from me
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v2.13

    Teraurge is so delightfully bizarre that it's actually enchanting to me. We have been accidentally portalled to a shipwreck dimension by an alien witch. There is no sun, but rather a weird ambient light that still works in a cycle. The world has a literal defined up and down and exists on a plane. Strange creatures of all shapes and sizes litter the world, and due to some unknown phenomenon, sapient ones can all understand each others speech. The entire continent is actaully a giant corpse. Ruins, primitive relics, and advanced technology like robot arms can all be found. The dev did a great job of making this world feel truly alien, down to the weird minute details of things like random foods, cultures, alien diseases, etc. etc. The world feels so rich because of it. One thing I've always loved is the idea of never knowing what kind of strange things you'll run into when dealing with fantasy or sci-fi, and very few things deliver on that for me like Teraurge does.

    This game is also very niche. As the name suggests, Teraurge's main draw is the fetish of teratophilia. The attraction to things otherwise considered monstrous or even grotesque. I didn't even know that was a thing before this game. If you are not into having sex with things that look like alien bugs, this might not be a game for you. One of the "romanceable" creatures is a worm that's part of a larger collective of parasites. While some are also more humanoid, nothing is what you would consider normal.

    The art is also top tier. Not just for the sex scenes, but for literally everything. The world comes to life because of it. I also like the design choice of using, in a way, more simplistic art for some encounters and the sex scenes. It's hard to put into words, but it almost comes across as more raw and conveys emotion really well.

    With everything else being such high quality, I am so glad to say that the writing matches as well. Characters are interesting to talk to, they have their own feelings or motivations, backgrounds, and will react in many different ways to what is essentially just another alien to them. Except our hands have 5 fingers, which is really weird by their standards.

    Teraurge is also an RPG, but one more focused on exploration than anything else I'd argue. There's some combat and RPG stats, but it's rather simplistic and not a large focus of the game. Instead, most of your time is going to be spent exploring the map and talking to the more sapient characters.

    Something to note is that an update has been in the works for years now and we are indeed still waiting for it with no real idea of when it could drop. It is suppose to overhaul a lot of things, such as the combat and RPG elements, as well as add a lot of new content in general. Essentially, a lot can and probably will change should it indeed come out.

    TLDR - The sense of a mysterious and downright strange alien atmosphere Teraurge manages to create is amazing to me. If you want to explore a strange shipwreck dimension and have sex with weird creatures, this is certainly the game for it.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of v2.13

    A very unique game with a very pleasant artstyle. It's nice to finally see a adult game dev here that actually tried to deliver something different to distance themselves from the crowd, and in my opinion it paid off. Of course, this game belonging in a niche within a niche (teratophilia) makes it very difficult for him to offer his game the popularity it devserves, but this game still has a long way to go before I can call it decent:

    • First off, this game is an RPG that was first made with Flash, and then migrated to Unity to ensure it can still be completed and accessible in the future. To this day the switch process is not over, and years have passed without a single meaningful news on the process. The dev sometimes posts stuff on his Twitter or Discord, but that's about it.

    • As an RPG, many of the basic features you'd expect to see in an halfway decent game are missing here : For instance, there are character stats, but no way to increase them when doing missions or killing enemies. You can buy items at the different shops, but no way to gain money except from selling the very rare items you can find. The combat system works, but is very simplistic, with almost no depth whatsoever, which makes it very boring after the first two fights. As of v2.13, the navigation system is very clunky and unpleasant to use. Fortunately, the dev has been working on a much more strealined and faster way of traveling across the map, so we'll in the next version if that's the case. For now, the game is very barebones.

    • Lastly is a communication issue from the developer, Meandraco. He has stated multiple times that he's bad at communicating with his audience, and it shows. There is very little transparence in regards to what is actually being worked on in the game. The updates he posts on his blogpost page often see years between each posting, with the most recent being from December 2021. He had also stated that this game is his hobby and not his main passion, and prefers streaming his drawing sessions to interact with his audience. While I have no issue with that, the lack of discipline on Teraurge and the lack of transparency is the main reason that I won't even consider to support this gamen the last real update dating back to... 2018-2019, if I remeber correctly ? Not the best track record to build trust, if you ask me.
    I know most of the fans of this genre might be desperate enough for content to support his work, but now you have my review, I advise you to hold back on your money until he actively resumes progress on this game. As it is now, it feels his Patreon for Teraurge only serves to fuel his other hobby, and I fear most Teraurge fans are just going to end up dissapointed and burned for good.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    finally a good alien fucker game, will definitely follow this game like a fucking cult. although i wished there were more variants of sex scenes for all the creatures, but i'd rather have the development be at a steady rate with minimal content, than more content but a janky game
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 349121

    Best thing about this game is the writing, it's absolutely amazing, I also was surprised how much I liked the xeno theme.
    There is enough game for plenty hours and the combat is nice I guess, there aren't upgrades apart from buying weapons so once you have one you can venture out everywhere.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Pornography and art are complete opposites. This game, despite being centered around its pornographic content, leans much closer to art; something unseen in almost any other so-called "porn game."

    The writing and character building is absolutely phenomenal, the artstyle is incredible, and the gameplay is honestly not that bad. (something also unseen in every other porn game) This will be a complete masterpiece once (or if) it is finished.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Obviously rahter niche game, but the only one of it's kind so what are you gonna do. Good story, intriguing characters, wonderful, unique illustrations. Obviously hits several of my fetishes. Very Poggers
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of v2.13

    Good if simple art, diverse cast of characters, interesting world and fun mechanics. however, it is lacking in depth of content for each character. There's enough story to get a lewd scene at the minimum for most of the characters, but not a lot beyond that for most.

    The writing to my unskilled eye is good and the crafting system + the stats of your character enabling you to do specific content reflective of what you specced into is very satisfying. For example, a strong and uncharismatic character might not be able to convince a guy to go gay, but they can definitely wrestle a Leviathan. The Monstergirls also have an emphasis on monster which I find very intriguing.

    Music and sound is serviceable if a little bit on the generic side. Also didn't encounter any bugs which was good to see. All in all I'd say its 5 Stars already and more content is the only thing that could make it better.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is unique there is simply nothing else like it. I wish more games would let a male char fuck x female creature. That isnt just a girls with animal ears/tail/. I really wish we had more games like this. Sadly games like this just doest exist besides teraurge. Witch is a shame
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful game! All of the aliens are truly "alien" in design, and feel more like characters than fuck-objects, if that makes sense. Even has the rare female on feral, which on top of female options is just nice. The art is nice, the music is wonderful, and the world has me wanting more.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Before scoring and criticizing, I must say that this was my personal opinion and experience of this "game".
    This game is so ridiculous. The designs and artistic characters are very ordinary and are not of a different design type than other games. Sexual interactions are also written in the worst possible way and it is already felt that there is little depth to build the world.
    It will feel empty after the game.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    You get portalnapped to a very pretty alien world full of odd creatures for you to "enjoy".

    The overall art style is very pretty, the backgrounds are beautiful, the alien creatures and people look like actual aliens and not just like odd colored humans,
    some art I believe is still wip but still works well enough not to break immersion.

    There are hidden places of interest on the map which lead you to strange/mysterious structures and landmarks.

    The music is well chosen and changes its tone as time shifts (although some of the music pieces are a bit too short so looping becomes a bit obvious).

    Overall great game, exited for the unity port and snake woman is best.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The Game is slappin!
    [v2.13] it is flash (Meandraco is in the process of changing to unity)

    Combat mechanics are a little rusty:
    • Deck Building: The deck building doesn't work and the items you get don't give you enough cards to make a solid deck out of, but this would only matter if it does anything. The rusty cleaver item give you 2x rusty cleave cards to add to you deck but its possible to end up with 3 or more in your hand when in combat.
    • Combat bug: The sequence of combat goes like this (1. draw hand 2. play cards 3. end turn your turn and regain energy 4. enemy attacks 5. new round) the only problem is step 2 never ends, you can play your left over cards in your hand after step 3 in the enemy's. I think it might be fun to keep this in as it give a new depth to combat, do you use your energy on the left hook still in your hand or do you save it for the next round in case you draw 4 rusty cleaves.

    The Writing:
    The writing is not amazing but it makes up for it by feeling very genuine. The writing is natural and cohesive despite some of the input coming from the community, this is due to a handy writing guide that has been devised. The guide instructs writers that the aim is to make it feel more like an actual world then a sex crazed fuck frenzy, this makes it feel fresh. The writing style helps make the game into a world that feels as though it can be lived in, also so know as immersion.​
    Foot Note:
    This isn't a big deal but some have made fair critiques and then given advice without looking at the FAQ. Mainly looking at the people who don't like the lack of ability to change stats, this is barely outrages and is most certainly not new (I would point out other games but that violates rule 3 of reviewing) for those who cant be bother clicking the link, below in the quote is what I'm talking about. I 100% agree with this, nobody can be the best at everything even if the game is supposed to be an escape, being good at everything demeans effort and character.

    Is there going to be a way to increase our attributes and stats?
    No. The character attributes act the same way as the player character's sex, they create a character with definition that reacts with the world in a believable way. A player tweaking their character's attributes actually means they lose definition as a character. You can improve your ability to fight by learning new combat cards and acquiring new equipment, but the base attributes will remain unchanged.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    found this game out on 4chan and fell in love. game opened my third eye. spent hours on it, excited for v3 and even joined their discord server (which is usually a red flag.) i 100% support everything that goes on with this game and cannot wait for the next update. truly a god tier game, we need more like it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    A really well made game that has a very rare concept. The artstyle is unique and even without any sex it's very fun to play. An entirely original world with it's own lore and ideas is always a sight to behold. While updates are slow I am eager to see where it all goes.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    bruv hella beauttifull game
    beautiful story, beautiful plot, beautiful relationships, -v- and beautiful choices and kinks for every type of person
    hope the game becomes god like in the future, definitly looking forward to the updates
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Promising, but there are some serious problems with the game currently that could be fixed quickly. But considering a lot of these criticisms were made years ago, we may not see them.

    The STAT problem:
    - You are made to permanently assign these at the start of the game will no indication as to what they do.
    - They're completely arbitrary on whether they're useful, and you will frequently lock yourself out of content depending on the choices you made before you even started the game.
    - Again, you can't change these. You can't increase them. This can lead bad builds to randomly miss a lot of the content. Some skill checks are so absurdly high that 99% of players wouldn't find them without the wiki.
    - You don't know when you're doing a skill check, so you never have the satisfaction of knowing 'your character did this'. You can never gauge your strength and feel that power because the checks and options are all invisible.
    - I think some battles are just impossible with low stats, maybe even decent stats in this current build.
    - Some stats are clearly much worse.

    Stat Solution:
    - Give the player less starting stats and allow them to assign more over the course of the game.
    - Remove stats altogether. Seriously, what do you really miss with them being gone? If anything, the game just gets better because now all players have more options and no longer have content locked away.

    Confusing Game Direction
    This is a big issue that plagues a lot of amateur games on F95Zone. You can also call it 'check the wiki every 5 seconds syndrome'.

    - There's never an obvious way to progress. You're never told 'Rope might help me here' when you're next to the well, you're never suggested to get a Pickaxe to mine the ore. You're never told to sleep with one character multiple times. You just have to intuit this yourself. It feels lazy.
    - This is especially a problem with NPC relations. If I hadn't checked the wiki to see that I had to sleep with a certain character two times, I would have never have progressed half her route.
    - Stat checks are problematic too, because you never see an invisible stat check you fail, nor do you know the consequences of a visible stat check you fail. How was I supposed to know that I need 10 Strength, 6 Intelligence and 6 Agility to pass the rope lasso check on Caenemung? Great, that's money down the drain for something I couldn't have foreseen or done anything about without reading the Wiki. And it's more content I'll never see.

    Confusion Solution:
    - A quest journal is a pretty quick and easy solution.
    - Alternatively clear hints in writing on what to do next, such as 'A rope might help me here'.
    - I'm quite fond of blatant progress inhibitors, simply having an option like "Explore the Well (Rope or 8 Agility Required)". This is extremely user friendly and great quality of life.

    1,000 Cuts:
    - Money is finite, and while there are a few instances where you can find caches of money, you may literally spend more money trying to get these if you don't have the right stats.
    - You can't see sexual encounters again after you've done it once. Not through a gallery or talking to that NPC again... This leads a finished game state to become an utter zombie where otherwise beloved NPCs have nothing to say or do.
    - Minor engine jank and technical issues. This has been mentioned a lot of times in the reviews already, so I don't repeat them.
    - There's barely any content despite 3.5 years of development. The progress has been glacial. I don't actually mind that, but I do mind that criticisms raised years ago haven't been addressed yet.
    - The map relies on random chance.to find locations. I actually missed some places in areas I'd travelled very often!

    Some solutions:
    - A simple way to earn money beyond something as ambiguous as picking up spearheads. (Just let us work in the tavern, it's that easy).
    - A gallery OR let us revisit sexual encounters. For real, you're killing the world and its immersion but not letting us.
    - Show unknown locations on the map as a question mark while you're one space away,

    I think there are some inherently flaws to the developer's methodologies that's not only slowing them down, but creating an experience that isn't as fun. It feels like you had a lot of cool ideas but struggled with the execution which has lead to a sloppier experience than it could have otherwise been.
    And while it may be brave that it's a game that lets you pick your gender, and also experience straight/gay content, you've essentially given yourself four times more work than any other game that picks one of these categories and plays it safe. Scope is often the biggest downfall of indie developers, so don't be afraid to cut your losses in the pursuit of a better end product.

    Hopefully some of the advice in this review can help you turn your game into the 5/5 it has the potential to be.