Flash - Abandoned - Teraurge [v2.13] [Meandraco]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game shouldn't be a 5/5, but the originality carries it that far. After so many games and stories using the same races and tropes, it's so nice to see a project that has actually alien-looking creatures and characters.

    The game is still very raw (v2.13), and what's there promises a lot, maybe even way too much, but it looks like the dev can actually pull this off and make it into something great.

    The gameplay itself is currently closer to point-and-click adventure than to an RPG. All the mechanics are clearly there, like stats and inventory, but there's pretty much no content here. You can't level up yet, there are barely any items that you can actually equip. But, again, what's there looks promising, and what little pieces are implemented work well. Everything feels like a demo of a finished game and not like a pre-1.0 mess that needs lots of polish.

    At the same time the artstyle and creature designs are amazing, and they are supported by good writing. I usually get bored of writing in games, but here I was more or less interested in the characters and their stories, and xenobiology. This feels like a world that is not centered around the protagonist, you both learn about it as you talk to other characters. It's very down to earth and there are a lot of slice-of-life scenes where you just hang out with an NPC. It's nice.

    I don't even have anything negative to say about the game. I guess the sex scenes are too simple and linear, but that's about it, and honestly, I would've been interested in this game even without NSFW content. Adding porn on top of what already is going to be there feels like a gift.

    I seriously hope that some new content will come out soon, because this is definitely a game that I'm going to check up on way too often.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The highlights:
    • xenos (yay, some actually "weird" girls);
    • actually interesting characters (in addition to being xenos);
    • a very intriguing setting;
    • decent combat (I could still live without it, but at least it doesn't make me want to jump out the window);
    • nice soundtrack and an unconventionally beautiful art style.
    There's not much more to say since the gameplay is fairly simple (which is fine) and I don't really have anything to complain about besides the fact that the currently playable area is very clearly only a small taste of things to come (hopefully).
    Beyond that: Adobe Air is kind of a pain in the ass (on Linux at the very least).
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a really great game when viewed as a visual novel. Excellent stylization, art design, the quality of the dialogues. The elaboration of the characters is generally beyond praise. Literally every NPC is live and have a personality. Separate admiration is caused by how superbly worked out aspects of physiology of alien life forms.

    But if from the point of view of role-playing mechanics, there are many complaints.
    1. There is no character progression mechanics, in fact, the hero does not change at all (experience, karma, reputation, alignment etc.possible ways to show player a progression of his character).
    2. Garbage stats. Will looks completely useless, Charisma is questionable.
    3. There are not enough sex options, such as using toys, changing positions (even if purely descriptive, without an accompanying picture), group sex, masturbation. Has no way to repeat a aquired sex scene, peplay it or change a maked choises,
    4. Purely technical flaws. It is inconvenient even to save-load the game. No sound settings. No autosave. no save and inventory in town. No remapping of control buttons (much better to bind controls as WASD, not arrows). No quest log and no bestiary.
    5.Well, at least the lack of content, very slow development and rare updates. I revealed everything that is present in this build in about 5 hours of gameplay.

    As a result, it is a very pleasant and atmospheric project, which I really want to see in its completed and supplemented form. 10/10 for storytelling, 5/10 for gameplay. 7.5 average.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Though similar in mechanics to other games on the market, Teraurge is a singularly unique experience. From the excellent art and sound design, to the fascinating lore, to the absolutely exotic and well realized characters. There's just enough challenge to keep things interesting, and so many encounters that leave you panting for more.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    great story, and gameplay but don't get discharged if you don't make it the first time restart and try again
    make sure to spend your stats you can not do it later
    my only complaint is that it is to short for my liking
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I have no complaints to this game.

    At first it looked weird but then I got into the storry it wasa actually good. I don't know if they forgot about this game or not though. Well in whatever may happen here for the game it is I liked it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I just want to point out that this game which features nothing that could even generously be described as human manages to create characters and stories which are more human than 99.99% of games out there - and this is no exaggeration.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice monster fucking in a developed and alien feeling world, controls nicely, both character art and scenes are done very well, and even the art for the world map is gorgeous and detailed. Looking forward to more updates from the maker.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    version 2.13
    Love the climate and music. Graphics is good aswell, but I would prefer H scenes to show more. For now, it looks like it's early-alpha placeholder, despite being original art.

    Not much content to be discovered yet. You can have fun for like one hour.

    I really wish this will be filled with content eventually. Potential is great. Looking forward to final version.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far one of the mostly uniquely interesting games I've seen.

    You as a male OR female character are thrown into some kind of alternate dimension filled with monsters. Some are vaguely humanoid, mostly in the sense that they stand up right, many more are.... not.

    Never in my life have I thought a game would let me fuck a sentient colony of worms wearing coral. Not a worm themed monster girl/guy. A literal hive of intelligent worms. I actually don't know how to feel about this, but the fact it's an option and is interesting aside from the smut is a testament to this games potential. I want to know more about this colony of worms. Where did it come from? Where is the rest of it's colony? Interest is in no short supply, even with the information already provided.

    The art is crusty and intentionally so. You get the gist of most interactions, but fine detail is often no present. Presented like a sketch on scroll, likely to creatively and artistically sweep under the rug the fact most drawing are incomplete for one reason or another. This is not a negative, because the art presentation does enough and fits the setting very well.

    If there's any sound I have no idea what it sounds like. I mute all games most of the time.

    If there's a deeper plot beyond, "maybe found out how to get back home at some point, when you stop fucking the stupid creatures on the beach" I don't remember what it is. Most of your time in this game at it's current stage is just wondering around discovering what you can about the area. Going to the town and talking with "people" stuff like that. It's very engaging and I look forward to see what more comes.

    At this time the game is extremely short. You can likely see most of it's content in a few hours tops. The dev, while active on his blog, is generally not willing to release updates until he's completely happy with it. It could update tomorrow, it could be next year. This is my one qualm about this game, and I can overlook it since he does seem to be working alone and just as a hobby project.

    I look forward to seeing a new release and you should to. If you like proper strange alien worlds to explore and fuck your way through Teraurge is the game for you.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    After having played through both male and female sides and seeing all the scenes, some twice or more, I have to say this is a gem. A diamond in the rough if you will. I am very, very excited to see where it goes from here in v2.13. I loved it. 5 stars. Five out of five. Ten outta ten. Best game.

    In response to some of the criticisms i've seen here, the "sketch" art of the lewd scenes is intentional by the developer and they will likely not change that, as it suits what they have created very well. The sketch-like art combined with very small splashes of highlights and colors to pronounce the scent or heat of an object end up leaving a lot to the imagination while at the same time being very informative. It's a wonderful way to portray passion and lust that frankly, I've never seen before but wish I did.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1295801

    First of all the game has a lot of planned stuff that sounds really interesting but this review will focus only on the stuff that's already in.

    The setting could not be better, it really does feel like an alien world or dimension, filled with different species and places.

    The art is good, but theres a lot of sketches and place holder images, much more than what i would consider acceptable, if i had to guess the dev is doing this to pump content faster but this only hurts the game and makes it look unfinished (it actually is, but what i meant is that it makes the content thats already implemented look unfinished)

    What i really liked was the dialogue (specially Nkaan's) every character has it's own quirky speech in a way that's not tiresome or annoying, besides that their appearence also contribute to making you feel like they're unique.

    The character design was something that honestly impressed me, every species feels like their own thing, my only complaint is that sometimes it feels like a certain creature doesn't belong in the enviroment, i really can't explain better, it just feels odd.

    So to end my rambling all i have to say is: this is a really fuckin weird game but also a good one.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I dont think there is another porn game where you can bang xenos in both genders, so this game almost certainly is unique.

    And when I say game I mean it. This has everything: graphics, music, combat and even world map! Currently in 2.13 there is enough material for an evening or two, plus there is wiki which you can use to access every route of game.

    Characters are well made and each of them is unique, there are romance options for both genders and plenty of sex scenes.

    This game is definitely 5/5 and cant wait more, but there are few downsides.

    - as male character you can bang everything that moves, but not as female. females roughly have 70% when males have 100%. so far only one character is open for female only.
    - finding event sites on map is pain in ass because you have to randomly walk on them. i heavily recommend looking map from wiki to access everything in game.
    - out of few exceptional situations you cant really die in this game which is a bit weird
    - no autosave and you cant save in city. honestly you can play this for hours and suddenly die and remember you didnt save!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game, one of very, very few on here that can cater to a female demographic as it isn't afraid to give male NPCs focus and makes sure player characters are subtle to allow you to imagine yourself in the action. Very high quality illustrations. I cannot wait until 3.0 comes out.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This will be a review of the game in it's current state (v2.13)
    As such, things may change in the future, in which case, I will update this review.

    Editing this both for inserting a little more information I found playing the game and to make it easier to read on phones. Changes will be underlined and eventually integrated in the next versions changes.

    Tags (I will leave out tags that are simply there and don't need expanding upon. So if it's not in this review, it's part of the game and you don't have anything to worry about.):

    Adventure- In its current state, more of an exploration game than adventure. There is a map in his writers resources that shows the entire map. It's roughly 30x the size of the current map. Not to get you excited though as it will likely take multiple years before half the map is released.
    Bestiality- Certainly there. You can turn it off in the character creator so the options to screw the less intelligent species of this world don't show up.
    Character Creation- yes. It's a simple creation menu but honestly, it's perfect for this game.
    Combat- Best weapon(s) can be bought right after receiving money from the NPC that brought you to the world, making combat trivial for practically all encounters aside from one (As long as you have good combat stats). The Kwumui Queen can still kill you if you're unlucky/not paying attention (A plus in my book).
    Furry- A few furry moments. Only one type of creature could be considered furry and a couple characters.
    Graphic Violence- It's currently a very forgiving game; you can escape from most instances where your character would die if you spec in a way that you don't have a 4 for any of your stats. You can turn it off in the character creator but from the few pictures I've seen of various forms of death aren't detailed to the point that it'd make anyone queasy. Just enough to get the point across.
    Lesbian- Only with NPC's and they're not re-playable unless you saved ahead of time. One female NPC's scene is re-playable. I've repeated it as a male character but I don't see any reason why it'd be different for a female character.
    Turn Based Combat- Yes, but it's a little broken. When you end your turn, you immediately get your combat points back and can use your moves while the enemy is going through their turn. This has saved me from death a few times where I got in that final slap before the creature could get its full turn in and kill me.

    Rape- Might be a bit misleading. Can also be turned off in the character creator to disable rape options with NPC's (Does not affect animal sex).
    >For people that like rape in the context that whatever you're raping is struggling and trying to get away from you:
    >>You can't rape too many NPC's. Take this with a grain of salt as I stopped trying to romance some NPC's; instead choosing to look in the games files and finding pictures that are named rape or something close. You can rape a small handful (currently 3 that I'm aware of)
    >>As a male character, only one female creature will do this if you rape it vaginally, the others enjoy it or are uncaring about it. However, most of the creatures will try to run and struggle if you stick a dick in it's butt.
    >>>You also can not be raped if you fail combat; failure results in either the enemy walking away, or trying to kill you.
    >>As a female character, the males enjoy sex with you and none will try to run away. You also can't fool around with female creatures.
    >>>Similar to the male character, you will not be raped if you fail combat against a male creature.

    -For people that like rape in the context that you've won a fight and will take your prize, then this tag will be for you. With male characters more so than the female ones. Female characters can only have sex with male creatures (Non-NPC's).

    Not that I'm personally complaining, I'm enjoying the "Female accepts what's happening and enjoys it" route.

    Edited Information- One sex scene with an NPC can be replayed, other NPC's will leave into another area of the game and only 2 stop and don't currently show code of continuing. (The NPC I love does show a flag code for possible continuation so now I'm really excited for versions past V3).


    -The music is fantastic. It's well made and doesn't distract you from the game.
    -I thought the art was well made. I normally don't care for picture games like this but I enjoyed it. More detail- The art is unique and the sex description is descriptive without being overly long.
    -Creatures are creative and well thought out and the NPC's are engaging.
    -Some NPC relations are done very well. I actually felt touched with the Male characters relationship with Naigad (The blue serpent shown on the games download page, the same serpent on the banner) as well as a little disheartened that I might not see her again (flag put on her if you go down a specific route with her, hope is renewed). No game before this has made me care about an NPC as much as I do this one, and she's currently only in a very small part of it.

    -Romance with NPC's is limited and eventually hits a wall. For the NPC's that I romanced, ended after sex. Sex can't be repeated and you can't really talk to them if you've already exhausted their questions tab
    -Can't currently go to the menu to save/load or start a new game unless you're on the map.
    -Sound can't be lowered in game so it will have to be increased or decreased through computer's sound setting.
    -No leveling up anything of your stats in game so hope you're happy with what you've got.

    Things I personally loved:
    1. The boss fight with Caenemung. I loved the fact that she can be a hard fight on your first play-through. Defeating her leading to a rematch and, if you have the right stats, capturing her. I loved the whole "Alpha predator willingly submitting to you to be bred" route. I really hope more of these kind of encounters are planned in the future. It has become my new favorite kind of encounter.
    2. Interactions with the animal intelligence species evolves so that knowing information about them can bypass having to fight them to screw. Also opens new things to do with a certain animal if you have this information on hand, which I applaud.

    I am looking forward to more and the linked blogspot is getting me a bit excited to play this game in the future.

    TL;DR: Give it a try, you'll more than likely enjoy it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my (if not MY) favorite game of all time !
    I love the style and the lore as well !!

    An unsusual type of game with a lot of unusual creature !
    the drawings are really detailled and you can feel all of the passion during the scenes. (congrats to Meandraco !)

    great stuff !!
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    360 Danny DeVitos Later

    Well turns out I'm more perverted than I thought. See some of the things in this would have me run a mile but the game is written and presented well enough you kinda go.... well fuck it why not; dicking time.

    It's well written, well presented and while I'm not a fan of the art as it's a bit too basic and hope it gets redone especially considering the quality of some of the art on the blogspot it gets the point across. There's also quite a decent amount of choices. The scenes are also really well written without been overly long. It's really good overall.

    Literally my only complaint is the art could be improved. Even if you're not usually into this sort of stuff it might be worth giving an hour or 2 to see what ya think. I was surprised.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I was surprised with how engaging this games world and characters are. The designs of the creatures and characters is also very creative. You have to have very particular tastes to enjoy the sex scenes though, luckily I have said particular tastes.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    smartly written characters, gameplay that doesn't feel repetitive or boring, a useful wiki, and a good sense of humor without being ridiculous

    game first lewds second isn't always the best formula but this dev pulls it off
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    probably the best nsfw game i have played to date. aside from the perpetually unfinished state that's endemic to all patreon games and a few places with spotty writing, teraurge is by and large an extremely polished game with excellent art, believable characters, and some incredibly hot scenes. an absolute classic for the kind of people who want to fuck questionably-sentient giger paintings.